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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Glorii

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    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 08/22/1984

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    New York
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  1. Glorii

    Banded On March 23Rd!!!!!

    I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better and sorry you even went through that. As far as knowing you've lost weight and not actually seeing it when you look in the mirror, I know the feeling. I go through that every day. I've had to buy new clothes and mentally I couldn't even find a way to buy a smaller size because I didn't think it would fit. Luckily, I have my sister and mom for support in that area. They are my new eyes since I can't see for myself. They tell me if something is too big and make me get it in a smaller size. I read about this before and didn't think I would go through it but I guess it's true. lol They say that your brain doesn't process the weight loss as quickly as it happens so it takes a while for you to see your slimmer self. Try google'in it.. You aren't alone =D Good luck ladies! Keep it up! <3
  2. Glorii

    Banded On March 23Rd!!!!!

    You're doing great!! Don't feel so bad about the slack during the summer, I went to Puerto Rico for 3 weeks after my last post and I gained (AHHHH!!) I was pretty upset with myself but I couldn't help the FOOD (SMH @ myself).. I'm back to hard work and getting rid of the extra weight which seems to be twice as hard to take off =[ Almost back to the weight I was before vacation.. 2 lbs to go.. Then I'm back on the road to real weightloss again. Before leaving my doctor and I discussed doing a little fill because he said that since everything is shrinking inside I might actually have some extra room between my band and stomach that I didn't have before. At this point, I think I might need that extra little bit. I think once I get to 250 or under, I'll start the real gym workouts. My doctor suggested for me not to start sooner because I have arthritis and said the extra pressure on my bones and joints were not worth it since walking was doing the trick. Figure I start of slow and once I get under 200 (which is a ways away) I will work much harder at the gym. My arms definitely need the toning and if my belly would just continue to go down I'd be one happy person. I want to see a nice little hourglass figure going on over here lol Hope you all continue to do as well as you have and better! Much love from me XoXoX
  3. Happy 28th Birthday LaLocaGlori!

  4. Glorii

    Banded On March 23Rd!!!!!

    Hi Ladies!! Sorry I haven't been on much if at all.. Been super busy with everything and life.. I see you ladies are doing great (even if they're a few lapses here and there.. I have had them too lol) I'm glad to see you still come on occassionally. I will try harder. I have lost 71 lbs to date and have luckily only had 1 fill. My doctor is super glad with my progress. Until that first fill my weight loss wasn't much but my body got the message with that fill and is magically cooperating with me for once in my life. I am his most successful Lap Band patient to date and he continuously asks me what it is I'm doing. I do keep track of what I eat and what I do throughout the day aka keep it moving! I started dating someone after about 2 months from surgery and although it felt good, I felt I was kind of putting myself in the back burner again and I have a new motto.. "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!" lol Soo after that and him just being a complete ass.. I broke it off after about 2 months lol I'm dating someone new now but definitely taking it much slower and he's much sweeter! My brother under went Gastric Bypass in May. He's doing awesome too.. Down about 80 lbs. It's kind of awesome because we do motivate each other and keep each other in check. We also share a doctor so he definitely sees the life style changes we have undergone. Other members in my family have also lost weight by making minor changes in their diets my doctor suggested. It's kind of great we made it a family thing. Continue pushing forward ladies! You can do it and just remember that at the end of the day you're fabulous either way Hugs to all!!
  5. Glorii

    Banded On March 23Rd!!!!!

    Girl, I know how you feel!!!! I accepted a job this morning because I was feeling good (I'm a substitute co-teacher).. After accepting.. I realized I got my monthly dreaded buddy.. Mind you I just got it on the 8th.. It's damn early!!! I felt worst and worst as the day progressed and unfortunately the only liquid meds I have is the oxicodone the doc gave me for the surgery but it puts me to sleep so I didn't even want to take it.. I'm glad I got home at 3 because I ran and took some.. Hope you feel better!! =D
  6. Glorii

    Banded On March 23Rd!!!!!

    Yea.. I sacrificied alot to be here.. As I'm sure you have and everyone else. I don't plan on really screwing it up over some cravings. As far as pasta goes though, my nutritional plan has pasta in the soft to solid stage.. Just has to be "overcooked". Lol.. I guess I'll be asking my doc more about everything when I see him Monday. =D I'll let you all know what he says.. =D
  7. Glorii

    Banded On March 23Rd!!!!!

    Well thanks for that info.. Makes sense.. To be honest nobody really explained that.. Luckily besides the little piece of scrumptious goodness, I haven't cheated.. Been on liquids and plan to until my doc says otherwise. How far along are you in the process??
  8. Glorii

    Banded On March 23Rd!!!!!

    LOL at having sneaked in a pastelito.. I had a little tiny piece of a desert pastelillo with guayaba.. I couldn't help it either.. SOOO BAD but it tasted so good.. I think they all know we might cheat, it's human nature. But I felt bad after eating it and made sure to stay on track after it.. I live at home with 3 siblings and my parents and even though they have vowed (at least 3 of them) to stick it out with me, they really haven't. They eat all kinds of junk in front of me and I'm glad to say that the only cheat I had was that little piece of pastelillo with guayaba.. It could be much worst. Guess we just have to be stronger.. I don't think I'll be cheating anymore. I swear I was just as worried it would get stuck or I'd get the mean runs or something. I don't know if I'm more scared now that nothing happened. Oh and I heard you shouldn't eat rice, Pasta or bread but I'm gonna have to change that because I'm Puerto Rican and umm yea that's like one major food group.. Small quantities well chewed should work.. I can't live forever without some rice! lol
  9. Glorii

    Banded On March 23Rd!!!!!

    Hi guys.. I had my lap band surgery on 3/21/12. It went well! I was actually a little worried but really excited. I still feel a bit soar but I do walk around a lot and I have begun laying on my belly. I think I'll be going back to one of my jobs tomorrow. I luckily have not had an issue with gas which I heard is HORRIBLE! So I'm kinda glad about that. I have about 28 oz of Protein shakes a day (50 grams of protein). I drink GNC's pre-made chocolate shake. Taste the best so far. I also eat sugar free Jello, no sugar added all natural fruit juice and popsicles, broth and as much Water as I can. So far I've taken everything pretty good and I have started taking in some pureed foods. I have my follow up with my doctor next Monday. I'm glad I found a few other people who have gotten banded around the same time. Hope you all continue to do great! Good luck!

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