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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Coalminerswife23

  1. Hey MalindaM....Welcome back to your Journey...i too have started the Journey two other times before this one. I don't regret backing out the other two times. Obviously, i wasn't ready at the time, and neither were you. I finally re-did my seminar in May 2011, being my 6 month pre-op supervision in Junme 2011, finished all my testings, and got my final insurance approval in early January...In 15 days, i will be banded. I am so excited. I am also excited for you as well. Good Luck and congrats!!! Stick with it! Remember we are doing this for a healthier us... <3

  2. Good Morning Mari....In reading your post, I noticed one major thing that stuck out. You are trying to give yourself incentives to get the surgery...U named on incentive that stopped me in my tracks. Your child! I myself have two children and made my decision for the mere fact that I love my husband and children more than anything in this world. I want to be here for them for as long as God sees fit. Like you said...Don't worry about what people are going to say or do. They don't have to know what you are doing to an extent (with the exception of your immediate family)...U chosing to do this to prolong you health and life is exceptional. I applaud you for that.

    Have you contacted a surgeon? Alot of the times they have seminars that they require you to attend before having surgery...I would start with contacting a high recommended surgeon and go from there. My surgeon's office took care of all of my insurance requests and requirements. I did no leg work. Let the surgeon's office do all the work for you. Then you know everything is done right.

    I look forward to hearing about your WLS journey and success!!! Good Luck...It took me a long time to decide as well and I am finally scheduled for surgery on Feb 7th. Best of Luck to you sweetie!

  3. Welcome!!! I myself have tried everything you have listed and then some. Aggravation set in when I realize my health was beginning to decline. I myself obviously had to go with the "third time is a charm" motto. I considered lapband on two other occassions and backed out. I finally decided that I needed to proactively get my health back in order for myself, my hubby and my two sons. In May, I ran into a friend who I hadn't seen in a year or so. She was so slim compared to the last time we saw each other. She had Bypass. We talked for over an hour in Walmart parking lot. She is the one who told me about lapband considering I exspressed my concern with re-routing and everything. She directed me to Youtube to watch a few videos. I was sold. That same day I contacted Magee's Bariatric Center, did the online seminar, filled out the questionaire and faxed it over. A week later they called me to let me know I indeed was a candidate for weight loss surgery. From then on I have been flying high. I am scheduled for surgery on Feb 7th. I had to complete my six month supervised diet and multiple testing.

    But to make a long story short....Recovery time, time off of work, the fact that I have a 9 year old and a 2 year old ( I didn't want to be laid up too long), non invasive, no re-routing, no lifetime supplements, etc....That was an easy decision to make for me...

    My surgeon advised me that the lapband will permit me to lose 60% of my excess weight within 18 months. Or 75% with bypass over a year. the 15% different was only a matter of 15 pounds for me. I would rather have the "safer" surgery and forfeit those extra 15 pounds. To me they aren't worth the length of healing and recooperating...(just my opninion)

    In your instance...If you are 110lbs over weight, lapband will permit you to lose 66+ pounds....Bypass will permit you to lose 82.5 pounds. (If the doctor is right on his calculations) That is a difference of 16.5 pounds. To me I would rather do lapband instead of losing an additional 16 pounds with bypass.

    Ultimately it is your decision and what you feel comfortable in doing. That is just how I decided on my lapband...I figured losing the weight a little slower will permit me to tone up what was lost before more comes off. This way I can try to limit my "sag" LOL

  4. a little more than 4 Months later, completed my supervised physician weight loss requirement, paperwork and appeal letter sent. I GET BANDED JANUARY 17TH !!! excited, nervous and grateful all rolled up into 1 big ball of emotion!

    Thanks everyone for your support.

    Congrats sweetie!!! It has been a long time coming. fruitsex.gif

  5. Wow that is insane. When I went to my very first seminar, they gave me a huge packet to take home. In that packet was an Insurance Info packet. It gave me complete directions on calling my company (Highmark BCBS) and asking them if certain codes (medical codes) were covered. I verified that Gastric Banding as well as gastric bypass were all covered. Even though my plan never changed, I was paranoid and called almost every month asking if the same medical codes were covered. Now if they would just hurry the hell up and approve me. I am so sorry that u had to go thru all this. It is a shame. I can't believe how un-educated people are in their own jobs. Almost every insurance comapny has multiple types of plan. She should have known that not all insurance plans within a certain company are the same. Shame on her...nonod.gif

  6. Awesome!!! Congrats! I have been fully completed with everything for two weeks now. I am only waiting for them to submit me. Apparently the Psych took an extreme amount of time completing my evaulation paperwork...Ugghhh...Surgery date was 2/14 but they moved me up to 2/7...Let's just hope my approval comes thru on the first try :(...But everything looks like it is working in your favor. Congrats my dear!

  7. You know....my six months went by so fast it scared me...But I was not asked to lose a specific amount but I was asked to show effort and keep a detailed food log. Www. Fatsecret.com has an excellent tracking tool for diet n exercise. Plus they have an Android and Iphone app. AWESOME! In regards to the sweets, I fell partial to the Dole peaches fruit cups in light Syrup. 70 calories and very satisfying to my sweet tooth. ALSO Kellogg Protein Meal Bar in double chocolate... Protein n chocolaten.. Fiber ....very yummy... Sorry I am posting from my phone. Hope u can read the full message...

  8. Welcome...New Banders!!! I am a few days old myself to the site. You will find it very informative. As of Dec 5th I finished my 6 months. I have my Psych and Nutritionist appt on Thursday and then I am officially ready to be submitted for my final approval. Tentative surgery date is Valentine's Day...I look forward to seeing everyones progress. If any of you have questions about the journey...i will try to help as much as I can...

    Congrats on making the decision to have a complete Lifestyle change!!! Kudos to all of us!

  9. @B-52....Thank you!!! That made me feel so much better. Before I started my journey, I called my Insurance to see if it was covered. I called in and they confirmed that the medical codes that i gave them were covered 100%. I have remained within my guidelines. The only thing that concerns me is that during my 6 months supervised, in my third month, I gained 3 pounds. I was dealing with the tragic murder of my brother and food became my comfort once again...But in turn, I regrouped and got back on track and lost my weight. So I don't know if that lil fluctuation in weight will cause them to decline me. I have heard horror stories...

    I must admit, you are right, this is the best insurance out there...(In my opinion...) My husband is a coal-miner (hence my user name) and they seem to always carry great insurance. Again, THANK YOU for comforting my concern and congrats on your progress....I look forward to seeing great numbers for myself as well.

  10. Thanks for the info...I am praying for a quick approval and a sooner surgery date. I guess I am so impatient because my Psych and Nutritionist appointment was supposed to be completed on October 31st, but I had to cancel it and reschedule. The soonest they could schedule me for was Dec 22nd (almost 2 months later)...I was hoping to be submitted early December now I am not going to be submitted til late this month or the first week of January... :( Thanks again for the info! Are you loving yotu band thus far?

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