My personal observations since my journey began.... maybe TMI
When I was larger, 54 pds ago, I didn't mind walking nude in front of my bf. Now I have became completely embarassed by all the extra skin forming and want all the lights off. How did I ever allow myself to began this large? Please understand he doesn't have the problem, I do with myself.
However, I on a brighter note, sex has become incredible. It was pretty great before I had the surgery but now...WOW... I can move more, better flexibility, etc., etc.
It is quite amazing how each of us fare on our journey. For example, I have read several posts on this discussion board were people are eating chips, ice cream, etc. at three months post-op. I went to Busch Gardens and was determined I wanted ice cream. My boyfriend is telling me NO it will make you ill, remember what the NUT said to us about your diet. We got into an argument how I have seen others not have any problems eating sugary food and neither should I. My outcome.. vomiting and 'I told you so.' Lesson learned...
Actually, I have had several lessons that I have learned the hard way. Seriously, all the book knowledge and information doesn't prepare you for such things as slimming, or knowing that exact moment you will experience that full feeling before you overeat that one small bite and vomit.
My daily life is now consumed with taking Vitamins, Fluid intake, counting Protein grams, etc. However, I refuse to count claories, fat intake or carbs. Seriously, I dont eat enough to worry about fat content, I know I am not eating enough calories and yes I do need carbs because I become a witch. My personal view is this is suppose to be a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, NOT A DIET. I willnt go through life counting numbers, however I will focus on protein first and then my vegetables. I have learned along the way that protein does fill me up and allows me to go several hrs without eating.
Which leads to my current battle of constipation. Seriously, I hate Water, flavored water and Protein drinks. So, I try taking a Fiber supplement mixed in my milk. This hasnt helped much though, so I have included cranberry juice and vegetable juice in my diet. Recently I had a battle with the nurse over the phone about not being allowed any juices in our diet. She got upset because I am drinking diet Cranberry juice. She said it had to much sugar. I tried explaining it was made with Splenda and had only two grams of sugar , milk has twelve grams. The doctor even recommended I drink nine glasses of milk a day to fulfill my fluid intake and protein dietary needs.
I still do get jealous when I see people eating and not having limits such as ours. However, with a 54 pd loss, I am thankfully for my sleeve. I am asked if I have any regrets due to complications. It is to late to regret anything and I am thrilled with my weight loss and how amazing I feel. My regret is that I didn't do this sooner.
My last observation ends with a recent outing to a buffet. Yes, I did go with my boys and throughly was pleased with my limitations of food. While there I got the chance to sit back and observe people eating. Truly, I am astonished how we eat... how I use to eat. But my biggest concern was when I saw some of the larger people and how their weight has affected them. That could or would have been me. I am glad I took this step and I am going to encourage others to do the same. It may mean being told it is none of my business, but our weight seriously can cause lifelong health problems.
Good luck to each of you...