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Lady S.

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lady S.

  1. Lady S.


    Keep up your spirits sweetie. Your diet has changed so maybe your body is reacting to it. You may be losing inches and not pounds per se. I understand that it can be frustrating when the scale is not moving, but there maybe other places you are losing. Just stay positive and strong!!! (and stay on your path... )
  2. Lady S.

    Xbox And Exercise - Kickboxing

    I am glad this post is helpful. Congrats on your XBOX purchase Cazzy. I love it and it gives you the freedom to exercise at your leisure and have fun doing it. **Plus it gets you ready for that 'live' Zumba class...lol
  3. Good Afternoon everyone. Thank you all for reading my XBOX Exercise blog. I am hoping to add videos soon. If there are any games that you may have a question about please let me know. I am a 'hardcore' gamer, so I have played just about anything and everything. Today I am posting about 'Uncaged', this is one of the first games for Kinect that was targeted for 'hardcore' gamers. I really enjoyed this game because it was a simulation game that offered the player a chance to work through challenges and gain skill levels. This game is not for the skirmish, there is some blood that is displayed when you are playing, the game is based on fighting, UFC, kickboxing styles. The reason that this game is a successful exercise game is because you are utilizing all of your body muscles with the game. While you are in training, the game teaches you the proper way to kick, punch and dodge. In one match you will have worked every muscle in your body. The game is challenging because since you are using so many muscles, you must become mentally tough to continue and get the workout that you desire. There is no tracking method with this game, but you don't need one, you will feel the burn after your first match. I believe that Kinect has done a wonderful job incorporating full body control with their games. I had a WII and attempted their weight loss games, but did not feel as if I was getting the full effect. The entire workout session, I was pulling up the controller you put on your leg. With Kinect, you do not have to worry about any controllers and you get the full benefit of the workout. The next game I will be reviewing will be Zumba. I have played, but am getting my skill level up to really be able to talk about it. It is very fun, but a little different than I expected. So stayed tuned for the next review!!! AND KEEP MOVING!!! @lonnilon33
  4. Lady S.

    The Truth About Medicaid And Weight Loss Surgery

    Thank you all for your responses and posts. All these comments will help others that are in our situation. I know that requirements vary from state to state, so it is so great that you have posted your experiences. When I started my Journey, I was confused and unsure where to start and was told that medicaid does not cover WLS. Congrats to all that are beginning their journey, and same to those that have had the WLS.
  5. There are many myths about Medicaid and Medicare when it comes to weight loss surgery. For more than 10 years I put off surgery because I had Medicaid and then Kaiser. When asking the insurance company if weight loss surgery is covered, they will always tell you no. The best place to start is reviewing your 'what's covered' excerpt in your manual. Many health insurance companies will cover your surgery as long as it is medically necessary. A medical necessity is these three things: 1) BMI over 40 2) Two Morbidity (i.e. diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, heart condition, etc.) 3) Pre-op weight loss. These are the guidelines for most insurance companies, but I really wanted to discuss Medicaid/Medicare. Medicaid in most states will cover your surgery as long as you meet their guidelines for medical necessity. The first place to start is with your PCP. If you make your PCP aware that you are considering weight loss surgery, they will be able to refer to you to a surgeon that accepts your insurance. The surgeons are familiar with the procedure and will get the surgery approved as long as you qualify. Depending on your state, Medicaid will allow certain procedures. In Ohio the Gastric Sleeve is not accepted for the weight loss surgery, but Lapband and Bypass are. This is the step that you stay in constant contact with your surgeon and they will have a specialist that handles all insurance questions that knows these companies in and out. The surgery will not happen quickly, the normal wait time for Medicaid/Medicare is nine (9) months. You report to your surgeons office once per month for weigh ins and follow-up with dietitian and the surgeon. There are also several tests are required. I would suggest doing them as soon as possible, this way if there are any additional tests that need to be conducted, you have time to get them done. Because most states have opted to provide their Medicaid/Medicare in *** form, it actually works a lot better than if it were strictly run by the State. My insurance is Molina of Ohio (Ohio Medicaid), I was approved for surgery after the 1st request. My surgery was paid for 100% without complication. The nine month waiting period gives you time to make sure that this is the right choice for you , and also begin changing you lifestyle. So if someone tells you that weight loss surgery is out of the question because you receive Medicaid/Medicare, this is not at all true. Check your manual and with your PCP, if you have any questions I may be able to assist. I hope that this blog helps people understand that there is hope for those that struggle with their weight and receive public health benefits.
  6. Many people have been wondering whether or not these 'fun' games on the Kinect really help with exercising. I can contest that using these outlets to exercise on those days you cannot make it to the gym is essential. For those that are just starting their journey and may be a little 'gym shy', can use a video game forum to get their activity in. Dance Central has a 'workout' option that tracks your time and calories burned. The great thing about it is that if you pause, the calories stop tracking so it seems very accurate. Not only is it fun, but it really is a great exercise tool. Dancing hits all points of your body, arm, legs and abs. You don't even realize how much you are working out until you start sweating. I would suggest that anyone that is looking to increase their activity level or may miss that day at the gym, pop in a video game and get your dance on.
  7. Lady S.

    Lady S.

  8. Lady S.

    2012 01 27 11.57.05

    From the album: Lady S.

  9. Lady S.

    2012 01 29 15.50.08

    From the album: Lady S.

  10. Lady S.

    2012 01 30 14.38.08

    From the album: Lady S.

  11. Lady S.

    2012 01 30 14.39.40

    From the album: Lady S.

  12. Lady S.


    you look amazing. what is your secret?
  13. Lady S.

    Protein Shakes

    I really enjoy the Unjury shakes. They can be ordered online or through your doctor. My doctor has them on hand in their office so it makes it convenient and the chocolate and vanilla are really good, especially if you mix them. I also did buy one from Sam's, but be careful about the ingredients. My dietitian suggested only using shakes that first ingredient is Whey or Soy Isolate not concentrate or blend, Hope this helps...good luck!!!
  14. Lady S.

    Me 2012 01 23

    From the album: Lady S.

    This is me 01/23/2012 - 1 month and 2 weeks post-op
  15. Looking forward to today

  16. Lady S.

    30 Day Shred Challenge

    I am in, please send me details!!!! (54 lbs down) @lonnilon33
  17. Lady S.

    Me 2011-09.jpg

    From the album: Lady S.

    This is me 01/23/2012 - 1 month and 2 weeks post-op
  18. I was just banded Dec. 14, 2011, and looking forward to seeing my weight loss continue. The hardest thing for me being 2 days into my new life, is not being able to eat "real" food. lol Liquid diet and tomorrow I can start blended food (yeah) lol. I lost over 30 lbs pre-op so I just keep thinking positive. I understand your situation, but at least you have a source of income. I am unemployed and have been for over a year. It can be stressful and hard, but use exercise as a stress release rather then food. Comfort food was in our past lives, post-op we are new people with new goals and new habits.
  19. Lady S.

    When Is Your Lap Band Surgery Date?!

    December 14...two days since procedure.
  20. Lady S.


    From the album: Lady S.

    Surgery day
  21. Lady S.

    2011 12 14 10.56.44

    From the album: Lady S.

    Surgery day
  22. Lady S.

    2011 12 14 09.29.49

    From the album: Lady S.

    morning of surgery

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
