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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    It wasn't visually twice the size and oddly it didn't hurt. Sore right now though!
  2. CowgirlJane

    Another year alone

    I have a different situation - I have been "coupled" my whole life until the last few years! I feel good, look good... seems like I should have a permanent man by now. I don't for alot of reasons - and one of em is I just won't settle. Until the right lady comes along, i really suggest defocusing on that and instead focusing on building the kind of life that women want to be a part of! Get out, do fun stuff, meet people, cultivate hobbies and interests, volunteer, become expert at something - I don't know, whatever floats your boat but live a great life and great people will want to be a part of it! I am currently dating a man who does not match my physical ideal at all, but he makes me feel wonderful, he has such an interesting life, he is so musically talented and people respect and adore him for it - people are drawn to people who are content, and living a happy, genuine life.
  3. i had a primary care doc for over 10 years that i thought was awesome too. I was wrong. The last straw when i left her was her complete ignorance over the sleeve (she had never heard of it and wouldn't even listen to me describing it). My last appointment with her, she sent me home with a list of cookbooks to try. Clearly, the reason I was obese was because I didnt have access to the right cookbooks... right. Mistie has a great point - my doc had her own "agenda" that really didn't support me. Now, as to you... how old are you? How overweight are you? Have you seriously tried losing weight other ways? You don't need to answer me - but answer yourself. I failed with the lapband so am sadly very familiar with the failure stories. It is devastating beyond belief. Maybe you should try that new drug or whatever, I can't really say. What I can say is that when you have an advanced state of obesity, diets just don't work anymore. You need a tool to get the weight off and maintain it. I also think you need to really really really have tried everything else first - but I know not everyone shares that opnion. I was sleeved in Dec 2011 after pretty much a lifetime of overweight and obesity. I am so glad I did it.
  4. CowgirlJane

    Stop it!

    I am a sleever, I have popcorn. however, I haven't understood ANYTHING else about this entire thread...
  5. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    They extracted 250cc of Fluid from my right no on. Wow - that's alot! My implants are 240cc for a point of reference. I feel good today though. The radiologist was very caring and expressed regret at how long this has taken to get a diagnosis (not his fault at all) and told me he will call me personally Friday afternoon. 3 tests at 2 different labs. #1 for lymphoma. #2 for infections #3 other cancers. Results for infections should be ready Thursday but the important one is for the very rare lymphoma. I decided to not do more research because I have a feeling that this very rare condition isnt good...so why cycle up over it until I have the results. Good news is my boobs match again...Haha. I kinda liked it bigger though.
  6. CowgirlJane

    Sleeve with switch

    Yes, but it got better! I would say the first 12 weeks post sleeve i didn't feel great. Alot of this is caused by mild dehydration in those early weeks. By 3-4 months out I felt GREAT!
  7. CowgirlJane

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    But @@Chuckster, I am an adult woman and I CAN'T maintain a weight of 140 on 2000 calories a day. i don't know why, but it is my reality. What is your purpose coming here anyway? Do you think we are all so stupid as to not realize and try diet and exercise? I am one of the strongest advocates you will find for telling people to try everything before WLS - but your post is very judgemental and assumes that the "reality" of a tall male is the same as the reality of a middle aged, not so tall female (nothing personal guys, but seriously, some of us don't get to eat much and maintain a healthy weight!!!). Educating people is fine, but your post just stinks of essentially the old stereotypes that overweight and obese people are lazy, stupid, unmotivated people. while I guess we could all find examples of that stereotype, the truth is that many of us are highly motivated, successful in many avenues of our lives but could not control weight without the help of an effective tool. Speaking for myself, presleeve I was physically HUNGRY 24/7. At nearly 4 years out, much of my hunger has returned, but it is nothing like the all consuming drive to eat that i used to fight every minute of every day. No diet or program in the world ever changed the fact that the hunger was just overwhelming Medically as health as me? How would you know that? BTW, I am a research scientist. I have been weight stable for 4 years. There is no going back to my selfish, shameful and gluttonous ways. I have a higher purpose and responsibility. As to you calling me Chuckie, I used to have the name Chunkster because I was big chunk of lazy couch blubber. Now I have dropped the N and the people who called me Chunkster call me Chuckster. Why are you being so nasty and condescending? It sounds like you want me to fail. Carnie Wilson has had 2 weight loss surgeries and she has managed to circumvent both of them. Marie Osmond has remained lean by eating less. Perhaps Marie Osmond has a better moral center that Carnie who comes off as a real self-centered jerk so it is not surprising that she is also very self-indulgent and food-centric. Marie is a class act. I shared this story with others who are struggling with their eating behaviors to let them know that it is possible to lose weight the old fashioned way i.e. moving more and eating less. Your defense of MDs is without facts. The leading cause of death and injury in the US is the medical industry. The US medical industry is also the biggest thief and according to Blue Cross Blue Shield at least 1/3 of what Americans pay for health care is waste and fraud. I can post all sorts of links and graphics show how American MD have become a menace and actually do more harm than good. I can show you that the largest criminal fines are against the medical industry, I can show you that America pay over $9000 per capita for health care and is ranked 37th for quality which put it lowest in the industrialized world. Cuba spends less than 200 dollars per capita and they are ranked 38th. Answer this question. The most weight a moderately active woman can maintain on 2000 calories per day is just shy of 140 pounds. And BTW the human body cannot defy the 2nd law of thermodynamics or any other physical laws. Tell me all the reason for why you could not eat 2000 calories or lesseveryday. Tell me why you could not select healthy wholesome foods and eat them in the proper amounts? Do you even know basic nutrition? Does your surgeon even know basic nutrition? I freely admit that I was a glutton.
  8. CowgirlJane

    My Pre Op Diet Was All I Needed

    Shall I join the chorus of people who have lost significant amounts of weight only to regain it plus finding a few friends? I am really thrilled for you, but don't assume the rest of us are so ignorant we haven't tried everything under the sun already.
  9. CowgirlJane

    What am I missing ?

    Back in the good ole days (like 3 years ago) we as a group tended to post alot of photos to our profiles - there for everyone to see. If you still use a laptop, you can click on mine and see my before and afters and even some progress pix. Now that everyone uses the mobile app and apparently the profile is no longer relevant on this website. I think it is really too bad because I personally got lots and lots of inspiration from the progress photos! There are also a couple of very long running threads called "post your progress photos" where many of us have posted. That thread is so long I have probably posted to it twice - haha. The important thing about the collage I am attaching is me in the green top is post weight loss, pre plastics with NO spanx. I normally did wear spanx and looked pretty okay before plastics but without them, you can the "melted snowman" look. for me, getting my arms done made me look so much smaller, it was incredible. Funny thing was that was the plastic surgery i was most scared of due to scarring. Now, nearly 2 years post plastics my scars are only noticed when I point them out (or to busy bodies who look for stuff like that - but who cares, right?)
  10. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Dan has a brother that lives in Scotland. They are of scottish origin - big tall dudes with big beards - that family seriously look like they jumped out of the cast of Braveheart...haha. Anyway, it would be a very awesome place to visit!
  11. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    The plot thickens... PCP says that there are blood vessels feeding the alien invasion in my right boob. Biopsy is tomorrow. .. it is actually getting scarier
  12. CowgirlJane

    360 body lift

    My profile has photos of my plastics results, including the lower body lift. My surgeon provided the phase 1 garments. I purchased stage 2 garments because they made me feel more "secure". I think that choosing a surgeon is important, very important. I also think actually following their advice is critical! I am on a Facebook group with my surgeon's patients and it is shocking to me how many people push the limit and wind up creating problems for themselves by "overdoing it". Lower body lift and probably thigh lift are just much bigger deal then some people realize in terms of time for true and full recovery. I am thrilled with my results, but the first time I heard of a lower body lift, i about passed out...lol. It took me quite awhile to "get over" the idea of a 360 incision but I am so glad I did it!
  13. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Just got a call regarding my MRI. No evidence that implant is leaking... but filled with Fluid in the "encapsulation" that needs to be drained and sent to a lab for analysis. Good news, unlikely I need a new implant, bad news... still no freaking idea of what is wrong.
  14. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    The intake people lied and said it would only be 12 minutes. Then it was 20 minutes... in reality it was 40 minutes of . Even though the valium was super strong, i still had some anxiety. I wouldn't have made it without the valium though! Glad it is behind me. I don't believe in Prince Charming. Best i can tell, the males in the world are terribly flawed individuals just muddling their way through the world... same as us.I would argue maybe not as well as we are muddling through... This sounds really really bad but i am just hoping for a guy who doesn't drag me down. If he bolsters me up, makes like better - awesome! but my expectations are low. Actually, at the moment I am just staying away from expections. I have been seeing Dan exclusively, not because I feel like I am in an exclusive relationship but rather I don't have time or even desire to meet others. It is going good, but I doubt it will be permanent. My friend Mary keeps pushing me - why aren't I more enthusiastic etc etc. I finally had to tell her to back off - don't need this "pressure" to find Mr Right. There is no Mr Right, just deciding what works in my life...
  15. CowgirlJane

    The end of a relationship

    Well, I have done this is well only I won't claim that it only took a year..ha. I have cautiously entered two true relationships since being single last few years only to find that what was under the surface, wasn't what it seemed. Relationship #1 the guy was just negative. I didn't realize until then that I don't like how I feel being with a judgmental person. I am glad I had that experience because it has become one of my litmus tests. Many months after that relationship ended, I was on a date with a guy who seemed fun until we went to a concert in the park when he couldn't resist commenting on other people. "she looks like a barely functional alcoholic" "can't believe she thinks she looks good in that" "people shouldnt bring children to loud music, that is what babysitters are for" sort of remarks about random people that i didn't even notice. I was just having fun, enjoying the music and crowd! It really hit me that I don't want to spend time with someone who looks at a crowd or situation... and just instinctually judges the details. It makes me feel bad. It was liberating to clarify this point in my mind. My real cautionary tale from someone I started seeing late this winter. Super fella, unusual character (like me!) - not everyone's cup of tea but his big negatives on the dating marketplace (avid fisher, hunter, into taxidermy which in my part of the country is seen as horrible) was no problem for me as I am a country girl at heart. I really enjoyed being with him and we did so many fun, diverse activities together... i also shared many values with him. I loved what a hard worker, ambitious and yet family oriented person he is. My friends thought he was da bomb too, he easily folded into my extended crew of pals. However, our relationship did not become intimate, which was my first sign of trouble...haha Here was what was under the hood - under all that eagerness to find a woman like me was a deep seated fear of relationships. Not just a romantic one, but i came to understand that there was baggage way way beyond carry on size that was well masked, at first anyway. When we ended it, he felt terrible, he felt like he had lied (well he had - but mostly to himself). I viewed it as dodging a bullet actually even though i was disappointed that a person who seemed so compatible might as well have been married or something for his lack of emotional availability. My point is this - by middle age alot of people know what they want and can say it. Some of them (wondering if I fall in this category actually) have gotten so dang picky there chances of having a real relationship diminishes since NOBODY meets the criteria. I am becoming okay with the idea of flying solo for the rest of my life - if it comes to that, so be it. then you have people who think they understand themselves and what they want and so carefully cultivate that image, but in truth have deep pain, history, baggage whatever you wanna call it and simply cannot go deeper then a superficial relationship. The key here is to escape early before you get sucked into it. And then, there are the clueless, who have no idea who they are, what they seek in life, who is compatible with them etc . I realize that not everyone is a self reflective as I am, but I do think there needs to be a minimum amount of assessing what the next phase of life holds. Then of course there are people who know what they want. Mr negative guy (that I had an actual relationship #1 with) had a very clear idea of what he was seeking and the primary reason we ended it is we didn't fall in love and he wanted someone to marry and spend the rest of his life with. Just hope she doesn't mind be subtly criticised every day...because i sure did!
  16. CowgirlJane

    The end of a relationship

    I love this. My own personal motto... at least try to make DIFFERENT mistakes next time - ha!
  17. CowgirlJane

    The end of a relationship

    I think a cheater will cheat and being a controlling ass doesn't help. Controlling asses just destroy good relationships. Some people are cheats plain and simple. Having said all that I know two married women who cheat and I am quite sure it is because they are deeply unhappy in their marriages. They feel unloved and ignored by their spouses. In one case, she has felt so "controlled " by her spouse that an affair was her path to liberation. She left him and he has never discovered the affair. So my take on it is that if you wanna fix it you have to get to the heart of the reason. Some people will always cheat while others are (inappropriately ) crying for something that is profoundly missing. Did you know that most marriages are ended by the woman? I don't think we are that complicated but speaking for myself, unable to live in a soul crushing lonely relationship. Ok, I don't know about those personality types. Not really understanding how they are drawn to each other.
  18. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I survived... could have used more Valium though.
  19. As someone who has had a "failed" WLS, I can really see how a person construes their own experience as facts. Clearly, the OP did not actually have her "facts" right but did share her personal experience. This thread has a lot of passionate responses since so many of us found a "chance" at controlling obesity with the sleeve and are somewhat zealous in our ferver. I still call "unnecessary roughness" on this thread. WE can all see that mistakes were made and things said in a way that wasn't an accurate representation of our experiences or even of controlled studies.... but sheesh. I am a freaking idiot for believing my band surgeon who told me i would be happy eating "petite portions" of high quality food and it would solve my weight issues. It could not have been further from the truth because during most of the banded life I was starving/drive for food and then would experience pain when I ate (unless it was sliders - so guess what happened to my eating habits!!). Anyway, if I were to write a story about my band experience in 2005 ( I was banded in 2001) it probably would have sounded as mixed up as this post did. Probably wouldn't have helped me much to be bashed about the head for my ignorance. Just something to think about in terms of how we treat each other.
  20. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Having breast mri today. I am wound up and terrified of the claustrophobia. They promise me drugs to calm me but I having a pre anxiety attack over it! What I keep telling myself is that I need this to know next steps... so it will reduce stress. I just hate medical tests and especially claustrophobic ones!
  21. So, one reason my NUT was so good was because she did more than spew facts. She intuitively guided and pointed out times when I repeated old patterns. She answered questions honestly but also gave me much hope and encouragement. Now let's contrast that to the psych clearance requirement. Completely useless for me. Best I could tell they were screening for mental illness that could interfere with ability to understand and comply with program. Ok, check, addressed the small portion of truely mentally ill, what about the most of us that could have used more"advice" on living post surgery, the ups and downs of body image, maintenance struggles. Oh wait, I got that from the NUT since the psych person was pretty clueless and was actually against WLS
  22. CowgirlJane

    Bruising very easy?

    Sounds like a smart plan. My blood work was perfect and I was bruising like mad...
  23. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    People can love you. ..regardless of your weight. I think loving others is a good way to invite this into your life. Dan is a loving person, for example, he exudes acceptance and love without even needing to be " in love". Not much of a chatter Denise, but I am happy to look at your profile and critique. Have any guy pals who would look at it for you?
  24. CowgirlJane

    Bruising very easy?

    A year ago I had that problem really bad. I had huge bruises between my knees just from sleeping on my side! Part of the problem was I got too thin. even though the nutrient analysis showed no problems, i do believe it was related to nutrition. I was put on a natural remedy called "veinoblend" that provides additonal micronutrient support beyond the multi Vitamin. I started eating more (I was well into maintance when this happened to me) and it solved the problem. Try looking into a tempory iinfusion of a vein support remedy from a health food store.
  25. While I have made it clear that I think many of the "facts" presented aren't really facts but opinion. Another example - calorie math that 1pound = 3500 cals for example has a lot of flaws. I should weight about zero by now if it were true. I also think that many of the responses were unkind, unnecarily harsh and missed the main point. The original poster regrets the sleeve, hasn't had long term success and is suggesting another way especially for younger/less obese people. You may not agree with that opinion, may not like the way it was expressed, but I think people do a dis service by "poo pooing" negative experiences. I know of longer term sleevers who no longer actively post who struggle with weight regain and are disappointed too. Why don't you hear from them - they don't need the judgement and crap thrown back at them by people who are currently experiencing success. I would not want a newbie to be turned off to considering WLS based on one persons experience, however, I do think the heartfelt message shared should give ANYBODY a bit of "food for thought" about the long term consequences of the sleeve or any other WLS. You know, our attitude is often shaped by our results. I sometimes have minor digestive problems post sleeve - I don't even think about it, consider it a negative or complication because my overall quality of life has moved up the scale about a million points. If I didn't feel so positively about my results - i might view those "side effects" very negatively too. I also think that we have different experiences. I don't gurlge, burb, whistel or anything like that although when I am hungry my tummy is prone to rumble. Most new friends don't even know I have WLS surgery. I am just a light eater who goes easy on the carbs to maintain my "figure". Anyway, the OP is gonna do what she is gonna do and I think deep down we all want the very best for her. Don't be so defensive about the rest. We all have to find our own path and the process ain't always pretty is it?

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