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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Swizz posted a month or two ago if I recall. It would be nice to hear from everyone actually! Florinda - I hope that the new diet makes you feel better both in terms of weight AND in terms of MS. I don't know much about MS, is the goal of the diet to reduce symptoms? I have been on wellbutrin for just long enough that i am feeling some side effects. They are tough to deal with but I am told that they will pass. I skipped today's dose because I feel very odd and my doctor told me that during the ramp up, to skip a day or two if I need to. The main physical side effect is a bad headache. I also feel quite different emotionally but I am not sure how to describe it. I may need to ramp up slower than some people do. It does seem to be working as an appetite suppressant - but today I made myself eat Breakfast anyway because I felt really crappy and I figured a healthy meal would be good.
  2. CowgirlJane

    obsessing about weight loss?

    On the one hand, people make stupid comments and really just need to shut up. My weight is not up for debate or discussion! People get to thinking that just because you aren't fat anymore, you are too thin. Others are all hung up with the BMI charts and think you are too fat if you are 25 for example - and you are not. What worries me about some of the comments is they DO sound obsessive. Like really - will life be that much better at 130 vs 140? Why not 115? It is the wrong way to think... and it can lead to bad places in my opinion. I unintentionally got 20# under goal at one point. I got so many compliments from men (everyone seems to like a white girl skinny) but I felt terrible. It was kinda cool to be wearing size 2s and 4s but it wasn't worth not feeling good. I lost weight because I was having problems. So, I have regained from there.. and when I look back at those pictures I love how I looked and want to look that way again.... but I took a few pix of the bones protruding from my back and chest and those are ugly. So, I actually like how I look now but I am having issues with my hip and knee joints. I want to lose back down SOME because I think that will help with that. I spent much of my life miserable over my weight (obesity) and i simply refuse to do that to myself just because I am too thick or too thin for other people's tastes. I am not going to judge myself like that. And I ask the question again - will life be that much better at some magical number on the scale?
  3. CowgirlJane

    Question about protein drinks

    My go to option is premier Protein... sold at costco etc Low carb, low sugar, quality protein, tastes decent and actually filling,
  4. CowgirlJane

    How NUMB are you post plastics?

    @@proudgrammy there are two kinds of body lift. Most people are referring to the lower body lift (LBL).., which is a tummy tuck PLUS a lift on the backside! What you wind up with is a scar around your whole lower torso. I about passed out when that was recommended for me at my consults. I am however.. ever so glad I did it. The back of the body lift is my worst scar (most of my plastics scars are near invisible 2 years post plastics) but I still think it was worth it! I didnt have any "butt work" but the LBL seemed to have put my ass back where it belongs. Upper body lift is much less common. That is for people who have excess skin on their upper torso (think side and back boobs!) that they need skin removal up high. I am not doing that procedure. Whilst I have side boobs with the wrong undergarment, I feel very grateful that most of the time, it really isn't a problem.
  5. CowgirlJane

    Puget Sound Bariatric Center

    I stayed overnight for the sleeve due to my sleep apnea (studies show that people with sleep apnea have higher risk of stopping breathing in the hours after surgery). I came home same day after band removal as they didn't have that policy. I was scared too, but i liked much better not being admitted to a hospital and did fine coming home quickly.
  6. CowgirlJane

    Negative people.....

    Wow. Just wow. So - I really didn't tell people before I had the surgery. Since I was going to a family party just 4 days post op, i felt like I needed to tell them something, so I sent an email POST OP asking for their support or silence since the deed was done I didn't need any Monday morning quarterbacking. They respected that, I got alot of support from most people, and silence from a few. About 1-2 years post op, one of the silent brothers told me that I really changed HIS mind about WLS as he thought it was horrible, everybody failed, couldn't eat normally and always regained all their weight. He has told me more than once he is SO HAPPY FOR ME for finally being able to control my weight post sleeve and he can see very well that I eat all types of food, enjoy BBQs and other food based events like a normal person - I just eat small. If someone had betrayed me like this woman did - essentially public humuliation over a very personal situation/decision, she would not be welcome in my life anymore. I hope you are a better person than i am because I just would have to cut the toxic people out along with that 80% of my stomach - ha!
  7. CowgirlJane

    Puget Sound Bariatric Center

    I credit Dr Billing with saving my life. I was so emotional over my failed band, my out of control obesity and and just so discouraged that anything would ever work for me.. I had tried so many times and I just got heavier and heavier as the years past. Dr Billing was compassionate, helped me understand the obesity disease process, removed my slipped / failed lapband and his words gave me the courage to try again... to get the sleeve. Dr Landerholm did my actual sleeve surgery due to scheduling issues - I think the world of him too. I luckily had insurance to cover the costs, but I felt very supported by that group including the office staff, nutritionalist etc- this was all 2011 and I only swing by once a year now, so don't know if they are still so friendly and supportive as they have grown ALOT - but i go there for other procedures now as I trust them so much. I have had a colonoscopy there and if I ever need a surgery that fits their expertise, i would go again as I just trust them and feel like they are very concerned with patients... and are very educated on OBESITY not just surgery.
  8. I consider total, not net carbs. I think it is very low to stay under 30 total carbs a day. The brain needs em to think clearly. I felt staying 30-50 total carbs while losing was good. Really good.
  9. CowgirlJane

    obsessing about weight loss?

    Some of it is normal...it takes awhile to adjust. Be careful you don't turn one eating dysfunction (over eating) in to a different one though.
  10. I was never instructed to count carbs but the meal plan was definitely"moderate" not low carb....much like that article recommends. Since I had so much weight to lose i went low carb about 8-9 months post op. It helped me get go my goal.
  11. CowgirlJane

    VIP Member Check In

    You'd get more replies starting a separate thread in the post op forum, but all that vomiting is NOT normal so please contact your surgeon. The feeling of no/low hunger IS normal at the phase you are at. I ate like food was a prescription at that time.
  12. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Bought my appliances for the upcoming remodel. I really shopped hard and found a place that deeply discounted their floor models. Paid less for better quality than I had been looking at! Went to a Mem Day BBQ at my brothers, did a dance lesson and stayed to dance Sunday night etc... good time. I think, i think I think I may have turned the tide weight wise. I stopped the gaining about a month ago and now i seem to be ever so slowly inching back down to goal. I am now only 9# over goal instead of 10, and it is after a long weekend... I usually weigh the heaviest on the morning after a weekend of going out but I have been working hard to change/break some small bad habits and it seems to be helping. I think the wellbutrin is helping even though I am not to a thereupeutic dose yet (slow ramp up) because i seem to notice that eating less doesn't cause "mood issues". If this continues to go well, i might even try 5:2 again in the future. I am going to Hawaii for the first time in my life (woo hoo!!) in February. I dream of being back to goal by then which really means I only need to lose (and maintain) a couple of pounds a month. "only" - ha - as you all know it feels like its impossible at times.
  13. CowgirlJane

    Husband rant!

    I love Mr McButterpants.
  14. My Bmi was 52 I believe (308 at 5'5"; lifetime recorded high at weight watchers. .. 332.... I believe I may have hit 350 at some point I lost about half my body weight post sleeve and lost 150 in 14 months to hit goal of 158 in Feb 2013. I am now maintaining 10# over goal which I don't feel bad about- will hit 4 years post sleeve in December . I feel estatic with my results but I think you should switch surgeons to someone who believes in the surgery you want. I am a billion percent satisfied with the sleeve but look at new studies. ... there is a reason the gastric bypass is the gold standard. Over the long haul statistically the rny shows better results. I never seriously researched bypass but I think the key is to understand maintenance.
  15. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Good weekend so far! Went to a movie screening. . A kid that Tim used to coach has made it big time! It was fun. We had a nice compromise. ... I went horseback riding with the girls Saturday then Tim took me for a Harley ride before we listened to music with some of his friends. I hit it off with them. We are doing our own thing Sunday and Monday so it felt like a comfortable balance. This morning a pack of "kids" - friends of my older son are planning games drinking coffee and having a big brunch. Fun to have that energy in my house!
  16. CowgirlJane

    Gastric Balloon Procedure Booked!

    I hope it works well for you! Keep us posted! I got the lapband in 2001 partly because it was less scary/less permanent. In the end, I revised to the sleeve and have found that I NEED a permanent tool because I just regain sadly.
  17. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Denise HE already suggested dance lessons together, spending a weekend at a music festival, going shooting...riding my horses, riding his Harley. We have date ideas to keep us going for awhile. ..I just don't know if it is wise to enjoy the ride or slow it down a little. I am enjoying. .don't get me wrong. I am a pleasure seeker and we have fun together so far. Eat healthy. ..guess you have a year of healing. Focus on that like I focused on recovery from plastics...it's like a job!
  18. CowgirlJane

    People's expectations of you...

    I lost my weight awhile ago but still see myself as "transforming". I wondered if these people have a general pattern of being rude/mean to you? I have little tolerance for being ignored or belittled these days although I endured much of both in my obese past.
  19. CowgirlJane

    Losing the fight, Help !

    I have two bad knees and a bum hip. Injections help alot until it is time to replace em! I encourage you to find ways to be active even with this problem. For me, it is more about enjoying life more than anything. Since losing weight I have so enjoyed dancing, hiking, heck even working out! Also, might be choice of words - but I don't believe in "diet" foods. I think focus on eating clean - unprocessed (or minimal) proteins, vegetables is really the key. I am struggling too. I am 10# over goal and nearly 4 years out from surgery so I feel your pain!
  20. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Am I repeating an old bad pattern or am I just enjoying and taking advantage of an opportunity? The last date I went on before shutting down my profile was with a nice guy who offended me on the first date (otherwise it was awesome!), but talked me into giving him another shot. We have had 3 dates and they have all been awesome. He is considerate, easy going, just a nice guy that is not "too nice of a guy" if you know what I mean. He strikes me as mentally healthy, has been quite forthcoming with his "issues" which so far are not a problem for me. He also strikes me as just a less complex man than I usually find myself with. It is amazingly refreshing. He is really into his Harley and tattoos but has a normal job at a big company, responsible parent of adult children, he used to ride horses and relates well to my "animal focused" life... and drumroll please... HE LIKES TO DANCE... with me even. The only real red flag is that he is only 5'7" and I am 5'5" so he is uncomfortable with that - especially since I like my heels! It doesn't bug me in the least, i have had my share of dates with tall dark and handsome... and height is way down on my list of "needs" in a relationship. Okay, here is the issue... I feel a real spark with him and it is mutual. He is trying to curb his enthusiasm... but really wants alot of my time. It is so tempting because I love being part of a couple, I love having someone who wants to be with me just because... and who wants to get out and do fun stuff too. I get sucked into this easily... Scott did this to me too, we did so much great stuff together but then he went off the rails mentally... and that was that! but here is the risk. I spend more time with him, and the rest of my busy life gets neglected. friendships, dance lessons, exercise, horse back riding, home and farm work... etc etc. I am admittedly jaded, I no longer expect any of these "relationships" to last more than about 3-4 months....but a little part of me still hopes. What my head tells me it would be better to spend less time with him until our relationship is further along and then he can spend time at my house, with me and my boys and whole critter gang and then time with him wouldn't take away so much from my day to day responsibilities. But, my heart and body say - where the hell is the fun in that??? Part of the reason I am questioning my own judgement is because I just started this Wellbutrin XL. One of the risks as you are "ramping" up on the drug is mania/euphoria. I think I am acting fairly normally, but today I did something really impulsive (no bad consequences) and it made me kinda wonder... am I thinking straight? BTW, my impulsive action was to take time off in the middle of the day and choose granite countertops. In the middle of my workday. My reason was because i didn't want to fight traffic at the end of the day, but it was like I had this thought... and just DID IT. that is what I mean by impulsive so i don't think I need to be hospitalized yet.
  21. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I think I have pinpointed 3 reasons why I am 10# over goal and holding... not losing. 1. my boys live with me so the house always has bread, potatos, noodles etc. In general, I avoid them, but a few times a week i have a slice a bread or half a sandwich or something like that that I never used to eat 2. I have lost alot of muscle. I am exercising an hour a day now, but it will be months before I get back even a portion of the fairly incredible muscle mass I had before. As we all know, fat just sits there inviting more fat to join it... muscle burns calories just to maintain itself. 3. I have been drinking more calories. I have alot of fun - whether it is the dance lessons with girlpals, the day at the horse races, going on dates... just alot more alcohol than I had before. I don't mean getting drunk, just having that margarita, wine or beer or whatever when others do - adds up fast. You know what the honest truth is? I don't want to drink less because I am currently loving this social life. I do want to regain muscle mass and not sure how to do it with all my physical problems... but I am working toward it.An Oh the carb temptation... the boys are great about not buying ice cream and keeping stuff like chips and candy in their bedrooms but I can hardly ask them to not have bread and pasta! I just need to stop, but it is hard. And it is not that a piece of bread will kill me, it is just that eating that way makes me hungrier! I really think those are the 3 key things - so it is a balancing act of enjoying a social life, having a somewhat normal homelife... and trying to be thinner againer!
  22. CowgirlJane

    I have a gift for many of you...

    I am forgiving of typos, spelling errors etc but I too skip posts that are huge unpuntuated blocks because my brain can't easily read them. When I first started using this forum (it's predecessor actually) most of us posted from a computer. Now most of us post from a phone or tablet and it has changed the nature of the dialog.
  23. CowgirlJane

    Losing the fight, Help !

    I had my sleeve Dec 2011 also - and I promise you it is harder for me now than it was a year or two ago as well. I am 10# over my goal, and taking steps to reverse that and get back under goal. I think you know what to do, it is just hard to get on track. For me, I find that focusing on reducing cravings helps alot. So, step one is I would plan 5 "mini meals" a day. Notice I didn't say 3 meals and a snack or two... The mini meals should each have 12-15 grams of Protein and some veggies. I personally limit fruit, but do eat berries because i find that the sugar in fruit makes me hungry. Eat enough to no longer be hungry, but not necessarily "full" or "stuffed". You may sometimes chose to incorporate whole grain bread, high carb veggies (your choice) but I strongly recommend avoiding sugary things as they tend to be triggers. I also think avoiding highly processed/junky kind of food as they contain so much bad stuff and not very much nutrition (pizzas, fried foods, all that) I am guessing that your brain has forgotten that sensation of "I have had enough" so it is almost like retraining... heck... you get to eat again in just a few hours so no need to try to prevent hunger, right? Between these mini meals, you need to work out getting in lots of Water. So, it is like going back to those early weeks and months post op when you had to plan everything out. I also found that getting basic health stuff in order helps. Take those Vitamins, do something active everyday, get enough sleep, have a satisfying social life... the basic "hygiene" kind of stuff really help. I have noticed that my eating is much more likely to go a bit out of control when i am overly tired or stressed or whatever. I also think it is wise to see your doctor NOW. There is no shame, it is a tough struggle and we all got WLS in the first place because we needed help.
  24. CowgirlJane

    Self Sabotage

    What is so special about the Tervis tumbler (other than the cool patterns on them!)?
  25. Well, Stats are important, but not as important as your own results! I have shared repeatedly that I am finding maintenance MUCH harder this year than previous....HOWEVER - I AM MAINTAINING!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
