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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    Some times I feel like a failure

    What was your start weight? I currently weigh about 162 and i sure as heck don't feel like a failure... guess it is all relative. I lose weight best when I limit carbs, exercise regularly, drink lots of Water and basically follow the bariatric rules.
  2. CowgirlJane

    Dehydration & Strictures

    @@VanessaVSGforme I didn't need IV fluids after I left the clinic, but I worked hard to make that happen. No guzzling, sip sip sip all day long. At first, I used a shot glass with a goal to finish it every 15 minutes and worked up from there. Actually, even long term, guzzling (and wolfing down food!) is really not a good idea with the sleeve, but you will be able to drink normally down the road. We were all nervous and a little hyper paranoid in those early weeks - perfectly normal! I have faith you will be just fine.
  3. CowgirlJane


    I stalled at exactly the same timeframe, around 8-9 months post op. I had to address 3 issues: too many carbs, largely in the form of things like Protein bars but also other little Snacks and treats had snuck into my diet exercise routine needed changing - I went from long duration on eliptical etc to high intensity interval training and it kick started the calorie burning wrapping my head around recommitting to following the rules; recommitting to what was important, losing the weight or eating the foods that were slowing my progress. I had to face if i actually WANTED to be trim vs where I was stalling (I had lost around `110-120# when I stalled the question was my committment to get to a normal BMI) Once I did all 3, my loses resumed and I lost a total of 150# in 14 months.
  4. CowgirlJane

    Dehydration & Strictures

    Most people DON'T wind up in the hospital due to dehydration. Sip sip sip.... constantly If you do get dehydrated, you can get IV fluids without being hospitalized. Strictures are a fairly rare complication... does happen, but not something most of us dealt with. Those early weeks are really tough... hang in there - it gets better!
  5. CowgirlJane

    Having 2nd thoughts

    I don't mean to be a "Debbie Downer" but at your age and degree of obesity, you are very unlikely to get it under control without WLS. It is still a tough decision... but I went down the route of "100% chance of early death with a side trip through disability" if I remained 150# overweight or that "1-5% chance of serious complications with the sleeve". Of course, there is a much higher probability of having other "issues" like temporary hair loss, reflux etc but the math still made sense to me to get sleeved. I was sleeved in my late 40s and had essentially lost the ability to lose much weight any other way.
  6. CowgirlJane

    What are “net” carbs?

    I was advised to look at total carbs - simple and seems to work well.
  7. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I ate alot this weekend, but held on to the losses from last week. Down 2# from Monday (my official weigh in day). I am 163.1... just 5# to goal. The best part is I am fitting into some jeans i haven't worn since spring.. amazing what difference a few pounds make but i need to lose more to get truly comfortable in those jeans.
  8. CowgirlJane

    Losing Weight In Chunks

    Very normal. The scale weight varies alot by how much Water you happen to be holding at that moment... so as far as weight loss it is really the long term trend to monitor.
  9. I think what your real question is ... will I eat "normally again". There is a utube video by a dr Weiner called something like "How to keep sleeve from stretching" - where he talks alot about food capacity. I can assure you that years later (I am nearly 4 years post sleeve) I can eat enough at a sitting that I look like a normal, petite eater. So I don't eat a full restaurant meal, but i can certainly eat a "weight watchers" sized meal. You are very unlikely to get too thin, but why not try doing this via diet and exercise alone? I tried that over and over and over and always regained more than I lost. It made it very clear to me that I needed a tool to lose/maintain to a normal size.
  10. Breakfast: no Cereal and milk or poptarts or pancakes...they are like a whole days worth of carbs! Instead have a Protein based Breakfast. For example, egg beaters, veggies and turkey sausage omelet but no carby side dishes. Lunch: no sandwich and chips Instead: salad greens with sliced turkey, tomato, cukes etc. Olive oil and white balsamic vinegar dressing. Or maybe a"lettuce wrap" sandwich. Dinner: protein and veggies and salad. Snacks: carrots, pickles, Protein drinks.
  11. CowgirlJane

    Cold & flu

    As far as I know the only med to avoid is ibubrofun due to ulcer risk. Tylonol is ok.
  12. CowgirlJane

    So it turns out my wife is gay...

    I think that is a really nice letter and full disclosure. . You are a good man! I think that if we all step back we would reach the same conclusion you did...way too soon! My ex is a wonderful man in any ways but we didn't have a physical relationship the last 5-6 years of our relationship. I surely missed it so I understand the desire to seek that intimacy. I think it is crazy talk to go from your situation (love of your life turns out to be gay!) to seeking a life partner. How about a bit of time....then dating...then maybe life partner? FWIW I think you are awesome. ..I just think we all need time to get over this type of thing....
  13. CowgirlJane

    So it turns out my wife is gay...

    I too am surprised your therapist is having you date right now. I "fell victim" to seeing someone who was "out there " at his therapist's urging. It was an epic waste of about 3-4 months of my time and that guy was in no way ready for a relationship but he also didn't want to casually date. I think it is not quite right to date when you are still entangled in a previous relationship. ..I think if nothing else should fully disclose to women on okcupid.
  14. CowgirlJane

    1mth post body lift question

    You ARE so right! I had very very low activity for the first 6 weeks. I started exercising again at 8 weeks. By 12 weeks I was back in the saddle. Compression garments from surgeon for 6 weeks; stage 2 garments on lower body unti several months post op.
  15. CowgirlJane

    Egg and 'Sausage' Casserole Recipe

    Sounds delish! Meets my calorie/protein /carb requirements too - I will try and report back.
  16. I inhaled several seasons of In Treatment ... I really liked it too!
  17. CowgirlJane

    Quest Bars - Soluble Corn Fiber

    @Indieflickers I seldom eat Protein bars, and when I do they are the horrible Premier Protein... so many of the rest trigger snickers bars memories and cravings... ha! You would think after all these YEARS that would go away... no.
  18. CowgirlJane

    Quest Bars - Soluble Corn Fiber

    You are at goal and obviously maintaining well so not directed at you at all... but Quest were some of my fave Protein bars that I never eat anymore. I found them... seductive in a candy bar kind of way. I question what is in them that makes me "want them" - ha. I am suspicious of their ingredients and nutrition info. and i still love them.. in a distant kind of way.. (my snickers bars are way more distant, but I think you maintainers know what I am talking about!)
  19. CowgirlJane

    strange fish question

    I LOVE fish and seafood - always have! It is also an awesome bariatric food! I recommend starting with Tilapia, Cod, and Halibut. To me halibut is as good as steak - very firm and delish. Tilapia is very mild and a great place to start and I still enjoy it! I also adore salmon, but, it pays to be a salmon snob. I only eat wild caught, pacific salmon. Everything else will make you wonder why anyone likes salmon. It is not a "starter fish" because it is strong and rich and oily but oh so good if quality meat well prepared! As far as recipes... I love allrecipes.com for inspiration. Tilapia has such a mild flavor, the key is how you prepare it. And don't cook the heck out of it, fish should be flakey, soft, and delightful - never tough and dry. My ex hated "seafood" until I cooked it for him and then he grew to love it. His mom was scared of it and cooked it so long it was awful. I ate several of her meals... and they were all overcooked and awful...haha Lemme know when you are ready to talk scallops, clams, mussels, shrimp etc. I am here for you!
  20. CowgirlJane

    Having 2nd thoughts

    @ @@VSGAnn2014 - I also agree with both of you. Here are my two sides to the story. I FAILED with my first WLS (lapband 2001). I really really thought I was ready, but in hindsight, i had no freaking idea what I was getting into. There were reasons I was underinformed, not all of them my own self denial..ha!, but I don't want others to suffer my same fate. I have to say that losing ***some*** weight and suffering terribly in the process, only to regain it all plus was one of the most self esteem damaging experiences of my life. I felt like the biggest fail on the planet. I don't want anyone else to experience that. i think the sleeve is a much better procedure, but we see people all the time that don't do that great, have completely unrealistic expectations and poor understanding of what is required so we know there are failures with the sleeve too. I just know that being "all in" makes such a difference especially if you have alot of weight to lose like I did. Flip side, oooh booy do the health problems show up. Someone on here said something like "you are healthy fat until you are not"... and that is just the truth! In my case, my cardio health seems good, no diabetes etc, but damn I am paying a bit price in the osteoarthritis camp. Regrets are useless - but truth is if I could have maintained significant weight loss a decade or two ago, it might have made a big difference. Instead, I am entering my "50s" with significant muscular skeletal damage and although I am rocking the skinny jeans these days... doesn't matter... the damage is done. I also don't wish THAT on anyone else. WLS is a permanent, life altering and a really tough decision and I genuinely want everyone to find the kind of success that Ann and I and many many others have found.
  21. CowgirlJane

    Having 2nd thoughts

    I stand by my previous comment. I think it pays to be sure. I spent about a year in anguish over the decision to revise to the sleeve. I was in emotional pain but I think i worked through some food issues during that time. I mean I actually faced the question if food or life & good health was more important to me. I picked a healthy life and needed the sleeve to help me achieve it.
  22. CowgirlJane

    Weight Loss

    Yeah, but think about all the others that read the thread and get something new to consider
  23. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Is anybody doing 5:2? I had 2 really light days this last week without feeling like shit. I might seriously try again. I am 5# from my official goal and really want to see that number again soon!
  24. CowgirlJane

    December Sleeve?

    My sleeve surgery was December 11 2011. Christmas was a sad meal but I was so ready to get the weight loss going....it was worth it.
  25. CowgirlJane

    obsessing about weight loss?

    I am 2.5 years out. I see too many post from vets, 3-5 years out who struggle with regain. I weigh daily and log my food hoping that this level of vigilance will stave off regain. One of the reasons I still hang out here - and i will be 4 years in December - is to keep the focus and diligence. I did get to 10# over goal due to some health issues this year, but am whittling it off now and almost back to my goal weight!. Not bad considering I lost over 150#. I just didn't want 10# to become 100#... if you know what I mean. It takes forever diligence and it gets harder, not easier. However, i think that maintaining a healthy weight is hard for nearly ALL women, especially post menopausal. Just look around when you go to the store or something - lots of people carry a bit extra. That is not an excuse I am just saying that we have lots of company in really needing to stay focused.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
