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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. I will be 3 years out in December and I have definately gone up and down on my "compliance" with taking nutritional supplements, mostly because I hate pills. At times, if I eat Vitamin pills I don't feel like I can eat anything else and feel kinda icky. This spring, when I had unexplained weight loss I had a super detailed nutritional analysis done and got A+ results even though i had been slacking... It did get me motivated to get back on track so this is what I am doing now: -Daily eco-drink which is a packet you mix with Water. Has alot of Vitamins and electrolites - it is 20 bucks at costco for a 30 day supply. I judge as better quality than gummies and more importantly, something i will actually consume daily -A few times a week sublingual drops of a B complex liquid -Vitamin D pills - not as often as I should, but probably 4X a week -Calcium, my arch nemisis. On days when I feel i can choke down the pills I take calcium citrate. On days I cant, I do the Kirkland brand chews. I know they aren't absorbed as well, but, at least it is something. And they both also have the vitamin D -Probiotics are something I know I should take, but notice zero difference in anything with or without so am a skeptic. curious if anyone else notices actual results with probiotics? In the first year post op my NUT knew that there was a strong link between gut flora and weight loss so was a big advocate of pre and probiotics and the like. I haven't used them regularly and have been at goal for awhile so not sure if this applies to everyone. I am also supposed to take fish oil to reduce joint pain but that falls in the catagory of pills i never take so it sits staring at me on the counter. So, let;s motivate each other as to what works, is worth doing and your results. I know that some people stop getting blood work done a few years post op but i don't want to be one of those with compromised health down the road. I also try to eat very healthy food MOST of the time.
  2. This is tough. I had always been overweight or obese so being under 200# was like a dream. My goal was to hit that and maintain. However, when I got there I felt I could do more. I reset my goal to 158... which meant losing a nice round 150#! I am awesome at this weight (which happens to be my current weight) but I got down to 140 (and felt like hell) but a part of me wants that skinny look again. I have never felt so anxious and unhealthy as I did at that weight yet I still want it again.... It is totally a headtrip and my friends have helped me. My good friend is 2" taller, weighs less than me but wears bigger sizes and looks more overweight. She gave me a big reality check... she has a tiny bone structure, don't use the scale as the guide (I do use it for accountability) but use your look and health as a guide. So the real question is - are you healthy? Do you look good (based on pix. I would say yes!). The scale is just one of many measures.
  3. CowgirlJane

    Scared with a lot to think about

    Another benefit to the wait...omg, I was so hungry during those 3 months post band removal. By the time I was sleeved I knew I needed bariatric surgery. I had no doubts....it was my ONLY way out.
  4. CowgirlJane

    Any lapbands turned sleeve?

    Yes I did and found much success post revision. There is a whole forum on band to sleeve revisions with lots of stories.
  5. CowgirlJane

    Scared with a lot to think about

    4 years ago risk of leaks or other serious complications was thought to be about 1-2% for virgin sleever and about twice that for revision. My surgeon said these were estimated but certainly in the single digit risk. Have you checked medline or any other sources of data on complication rates? I don't believe these 20% plus figures....if that were the case this forum would be flooded with the stories.
  6. CowgirlJane


    I had the band for 10 years and didn't do too well. Sleeved for 4 years and maintaining 150# weight loss! No regrets, I am thankful I finally found the courage to try WLS again after my epic fail with the band.
  7. CowgirlJane

    Newbie-- question(s)

    Those of us with no complications and great results will sing the praises of WLS (me included!) I am so much better off maintaining 150# weight loss and staying a consistent, healthy weight! I feel the sleeve helped me save myself. However, risks are real. Statistically low chance but if YOU have a complication the stats don't really matter. I think it is wise to be informed of the good and bad before diving in. Personally I would do this again in a heartbeat.
  8. CowgirlJane

    Hospital Stay Day or Days?

    Mine was at a surgical center, most go home same day. I stayed one night as I had severe sleep apnea.
  9. CowgirlJane

    Losing trust in my husband

    Intentions aren't always bad.
  10. I have a wound that is separating a.little as it heals. I am using bandaids but what are the little strips that keep scars from widening?
  11. Pharmacy had butterfly but not steri strips.... I think they will do just fine.
  12. CowgirlJane

    Losing trust in my husband

    When I was banded in 2001 only two people knew. My (now ex) life partner- he never betrayed my trust. And my sister who was like a twin and very bonded/close. I came across her/accidentally talking about it to a group of like 8 people in a very disparaging way. Broke my heart. My lesson is that telling anyone exposes you to telling people you didn't necessarily want to tell. By the time I was sleeved...I just didn't care anymore and didn't try to keep it private. Sorry this happened but I am guessing he feels stress and wants to share with people. Notice he quite literally picked parental figures to share with?
  13. CowgirlJane

    Sleeve failure?

    I actually don't understand this topic. Granted it has been four years so maybe my memory fades, but I pretty much knew what to expect and it pretty much worked that way. I dont understand how people can declare failure when they have only just begun.
  14. I have inspired others by example but have never convinced or even initiated a conversation with another person on the topic.
  15. I am so sorry to hear of all this and hope you find help and improvements soon! I have never heard of this situation related to WLS, but you lost alot of weight really fast. I lost 150# in 14 months which for a woman, was considered fast by my surgeon. You lost even more/faster. I don't know what to believe, but my previous primary care doc didn't think standard blood tests show deficiencies accurately. I did this"extra" special nutrient analysis via Spectracell which came back very very good in my case. Given your history of B Vitamin issues and the B Vitamins relationship to neurological issues...perhaps this should be pursued further? I am hoping you get some answers, please update us.
  16. CowgirlJane

    Seeing a psychologist

    I have mixed feelings about talk therapy. Sometimes it just seems like a waste of time and money. I did start seeing someone after I got to goal and we never talk about food/disordered eating because through some miracle I am maintaining my weight loss even for a few years now. My reason for going was because I want to live my life to the fullest and I think there are some things that I want to improve on my inner life. I still go on and off, but occasionally I get an insight that is very valuable. Specifically having to do with some thought and behavior patterns and what is actually underneath them. I am an introspective person so that one hint/feedback has been on my mind for the last couple of months. I occasionally journal and the context is feeling real feelings instead of burying or rationalizing them away. It has given me a perspective I don't think I would have reached on my own.
  17. CowgirlJane

    At Goal Weight! Now what?

    Congratulations! And now....the real work begins.
  18. I guess none of us really have a good answer. I would say that losing alot of weight fast triggers alot of strong emotions. Ending a marriage is forever so I'd want to be really sure...not that it is weight loss related euphoria making you reevaluate your whole life!
  19. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    My appetite has gone through the roof. I am still at 158, but would sure like to see 150 again!
  20. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    @@Oregondaisy I think it is pretty normal for people to wait awhile before becoming exclusive. I wonder if he was feeling like he needed to clarify- perhaps sensing that you want that exclusive right off the bat? I might be the exception but I am quite wary of the overly enthusiastic. In my experience they are either men with issues (Scott) or just those charmer types. I met someone about a month ago, it's pretty low key and I don't know if it will progress or not. He is a nice man, my age (I usually seem to attract the way older!) but he has half custody of two teenage kids and doesn't like to dance. He is a sweet, smart and interesting person otherwise I would rule him out due to the above. I am not actively seeking but will go out if asked by an interesting man. Guy I met dancing last summer wants to go out but was sick this last weekend...we shall see. I don't really like to date multiple men but it seems to be the common wisdom. I am happily NOT dealing with the dating websites..ugggg. Will try again next year if I really want to look.
  21. I don't know anything about the condition you mention or the treatments, but I applaud you for seeking to improve your physical health too! I think you should consult with surgeons and have frank discussions about your situation. I have observed, both in myself and over the years of reading this forum that WLS/rapid weight loss of massive weight is a HUGE blessing and can bring some challenges. Some people use food as a crutch. In my case, I was quite surprised to find that obesity itself had been a crutch/ a way of dulling feelings. While perhaps not a diagnosable condition, this whole process has forced me to look at my inner life and find new ways of coping, of interacting of living actually. I mention this as more of a forewarning - the thrills and excitement of tackling obesity is beyond your wildest dreams, but, it comes with some unsettling things at times too.
  22. CowgirlJane

    Wasting food mental issue

    I was raised with this mindset too - not specifically about food, about everything. Waste not want not. My parents were depression era children and my dad was from rural deep south and grew up genuinely hungry much of the time. We were a big family and also very poor. They were not hoarders and took very good care of their possessions but everything was treated as though it was a precious commodity... clean mayo jars had an esteemed spot on the shelf in the shed...cuz you never know when you need a jar! For food, I"reframed" the thoughts. Eating more than I need for health is also waste. Eating too much vs Throwing out - tossing is preferred. I continue to work on not saving things just in case " I need it someday". Example, we removed crappy sliding hollow core doors from closets and hung curtains so I can see my clothes! I have been storing those stupid doors for 2 years. My son and I figured that when it is time to sell I will want to put up BETTER doors, so why are we keeping these? They go to the dump this weekend. It is a relief to not be burdened by so much " stuff" I think you are seeing what a relief it would be if you didn't worry about leftover food as though it were irreplaceable treasure. It's not, it's food.

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