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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    Goal weight

    Did I see this posted twice? If you follow the guidelines, you will get there. You will likely have a period of time of little/ no hunger, use that window of time to create new habits. Good luck!
  2. CowgirlJane

    having difficulty

    I am 4 years out, had a 10# regain in 2015, which I have eliminated. I am a broken record, but go back to basics. If you follow the dense Protein FIRST, followed by healthy veggies plenty of Water and daily activity, it works. I recommend starting tracking and I bet you are not hitting protein or hydration targets. I had started snacking, because I was emotionally unhappy about a couple of physical problems. At some point, I got my head out of my a$$, dealt with problems head on and went back to basics..and voila, 10# gone. I replaced Snacks with protein, guess what, I have very little desire to overeat Protein drinks and meat! (Caution about Protein Bars because they can become a candy substitute) Don't be ashamed to seek counseling or other support to figure out why you are going down the path to he'll (cookie aisle at grocery store). There are sections of the store I simply don't browse, as I don't consider that crap to be real food. When my sons bring junk home, we put it out of sight because it calls my name and I am ever mindful of its powerful seduction ...
  3. Happy birthday my sleeve sister, you rock!!!
  4. They are both good procedures. I weighed 308 when I revised from band to sleeve 4 years ago and am maintaining in the 150s now. Here is what I think, if a person thinks any WLS is going to keep them from making"bad" choices over the long haul, they are likely to be disappointed. I have read that not all bypass patients "dump" and that extra help offen goes away over time. You must be committed to a lifestyle overhaul with either procedure or you risk regain. The sleeve helped me change my relationship with food for several reasons, but I think the key was the elimination of the 24/7 drive to eat, constant hunger. Years later, My hunger is now what a normal person experiences and that period of time of no hunger helped me figure out how to keep it in check and how my choices dictate my hunger drive. They each have risks, and benefits. The bypass has a much longer proven track record. I had my , probably somewhat irrational reasons for avoiding the bypass, but I guess in the end I came to "believe" that the sleeve would help me and i proceeded to make sure it did. Research, and decide which seems to fit your life better and go for it!
  5. CowgirlJane

    Sleeve or Bypass?

    They are both good procedures. I weighed 308 to start.. currently maintaining in the "150s". My sleeve was 4 years ago. I think that someone with GERD should definately go bypass, other than that, research and decide which fits your needs the closest!
  6. Pros...half my former size and maintaining! I am a normal, fairly fit woman! No longer ruled by hunger and drive to eat. Cons...still have work to maintain. Comprmised stomach means I need to watch for ulcers, reflux ( which I don't have) so no NSAIDS, must take Vitamins. Can't bury my feelings and hide in the fatsuit.
  7. CowgirlJane

    Excess Skin: And the Emotional, Thick Skinned Woman

    There are so many misconceptions about all of this. First, most of us do not have "hideous scars" - people don't even notice mine unless I point them out. They are more noticable at first, but within 6 months they were quite faded and now at 2 years - a non issue. My very worst scar is the very back of my lower body lift. The front of it (tummy tuck part) you can't even see - my stretch marks from obesity and pregnancy are more noticable! I go sleeveless all the time and I think I have only had ONCE somebody notice them. I am dating now, so i use the sleeveless shirts as a way to intro the topic - and 100% of the time it has been a non issue with men I have dated - and I always have to tell them, they don't notice even though i am waving those arms in front of their faces (well, I am exagerating, but just saying i am not in hiding) Pain is quite variable, I don't understand why some people report alot of pain, but I had little pain. i have heard this from others too. What I had was exhaustion and general boredom and discontent from being a weakling that had to rest alot for like SIX WEEKS! For an active person like me, that was torture. My pain was very well managed my first 3 days in the clinic and then after that, I really didn't have pain (drain removal hurt, but that is over very fast). I don't know why people say that exercising eliminates excess skin. I was fit fit fit as I exercised alot that while losing weight and moving into maintenance and I still had excess skin. Actually, considering I lost more than half my body weight, my excess skin wasn't too bad! Exercise is awesome for so many reasons, but it doesnt shrink or remove skin. I would say that it was the last 30-40 lost when the skin became more noticable, so if you stay a little fluffier you may not be as bothered by it. However, plastics are expensive. I don't know that they are THAT risky, but any surgery is a risk so maybe isn't worth it. And like i said, recovery is no picnic - disrupts your life, take time off from work, no heavy housework etc for many weeks! It isn't for everyone, and I was one of those that said /i would never do it but am SO GLAD I DID! And as Jamie said, you don't die of loose skin, but morbid obesity can not only shorten your life, but it can cause disability.
  8. CowgirlJane

    Protein Failure

    another vote for premier Protein. Even 4 years out, i have a hard time hitting the targets without it. You can also do Protein Bars - but warning - the high carb content and candy like nature of many of them can give you problems over the long run. For now, might be a good way to get you to your protein targets though. My target is now 80-100 g which is WORK even with a "mature" sleeve.
  9. CowgirlJane

    Surgeons Stats...

    I had the band for 10 years. I had SOME success but never really found the right spot either. About 2-3 years post band, I had to have all Fluid removed due to uncontrollable reflux. So, by the time I got the courage to "deal" with it, it had slipped, I had a dialated pouch and massive scar tissue. I am still surprised your surgeon has done so few revisions because it does seem like over time the bands sometimes have issues. I knew quite a few people banded around the time I was and EVERY SINGLE ONE has revised or just had it removed. This forum has some great band success stories, but I wasn't one of them. I appreciated the experience my surgeon had with revisions because they do sometimes have a hard time getting a "proper" sleeve due to scar tissue. I remember when he visited me after I woke up and he said "I think I got you a good sleeve" - and 4 years later, I still concur!
  10. CowgirlJane

    Excess Skin: And the Emotional, Thick Skinned Woman

    Excess skin made me feel like I wasn't completely "there". I looked pretty dang good in spanx, but when I didn't have supportive garments, i had a bit of the melted snowman look... I never thought I looked better fat - not at all. Trim, with excess skin was WAY better than obesity. There were those, including my lover, who tried to talk me out of plastics but I persevered. I likened it to getting rid of the ole 3X sweat pants, just didn't serve me well anymore. Having plastics was tranforming - not just in looks, but confidence and feeling "normal". It is a big deal too, not to be taken lightly, but I am so glad I did it!
  11. CowgirlJane


    I had lots of twinges as the nerves were healing. Can't remember details, but I think I felt something on a hand or wrist even! It was not severe or sharp and went away. How about not scrubbing the incision? I don't think I did. I love the end result of this procedure and 2 years later scars hardly noticed. Hopefully you will too!
  12. CowgirlJane

    Surgeons Stats...

    So when your band has slipped, for example, they don't condone revisions? Personally I felt confident going to a surgeon who had performed many band to sleeve revisions.
  13. Results look great - how are you recovering? I am going back to fix an issue and am going to talk about a little lipo while I am there. I have never had it, and before he didn't think I needed it, but I at least want to discuss it. I will be there for 5 days so curious how you feel a few days post lipo!
  14. CowgirlJane

    What’s Your Attitude Towards Carbs?

    @@teaqueen when I cook a full meal it is protein, veggie, salad and potatoes or rice. Nobody notices that I skip the carb side dish, and everyone eats healthier with the focus on lower carb veggies prepared in yummy ways while they still get their taters!
  15. Regain is always a possibility. However, not doing something is about 100percent chance of remaining obese and all the consequences. I revised from band to sleeve 4 years ago, lost half my body weight, and remain at goal. It isn't easy, but it's possible.
  16. CowgirlJane

    Weight Redistribution: Hormones or Sleeve settlement

    Oh, I was one of the unlucky ones who went through menopause young..so been there for 5 plus years.
  17. CowgirlJane

    Weight Redistribution: Hormones or Sleeve settlement

    I blame it on my fitness level. I am 51, was sleeved 4years ago. I am at goal but bigger than I was 3 years ago. I Think it is muscle mass vs bodyfat. I have a surgery in a week but starting in march I am going to hit the fitness regime much harder. I do work out now, but, I plan to amp it up. Interesting to compare notes later...
  18. I don't want to talk about my worst...my best was everybody at Puget Sound surgical center. I was over 300, emotionally a hot mess, slipped band, feeling pretty hopeless....and they gave me reason to believe it might be different this time. They educated me, treated me like I was worthy and of course delivered high quality medical care.
  19. CowgirlJane

    What’s Your Attitude Towards Carbs?

    It isn't about the calories..when my diet tilts to far in the carb direction..I GET HUNGRY. At maintenance I certainly do include healthy carbs but in way way way smaller quantities. Example, I luv Dave's Killer Bread, but I might have 1-2 slices per week. I just don't eat rice and noodles. My primary sources of carbs are veggies...Well, and some wine too, because I am far from perfect.
  20. CowgirlJane

    Awful smelling stool and gas

    Most of the replies are from peeps like me, who did NOT have DS. My understanding this is an issue with DS related to what you are eating. Talk to your NUT, veteran DSers to get ideas. If you don't know any veteran DS patients, message me because I do. Poo pourri really helps mask odor from #2 but doesn't address gas. Still suggest it!
  21. CowgirlJane

    Need a Healthy Snack

    I realize that we all have different experiences and beliefs, me Too, does not mean I am right....but... I believe you that calories remain steady yet weight goes up. I am suspicious of 3 root causes : 1) carbs (ie sugary cereal etc habit ) 2) overall activity level...I am not talking about gym time but just how much you "go go" 3) intensity of exercise / activity and your body's adaptation to it. I used to believe in long duration, low to med intensity workouts for weight. My experience is that shorter duration high intensity is way more effective. I don't know why. Calorie math, while interesting, is suspect.
  22. CowgirlJane

    763 day streak.....I guess that is enough

    Great post! My NUT had me break free from tracking around 4 months post op. It was scary,I Do NOT recommend it for everyone, but she knew I had been tracking calories since I was in 3rd grade and was closely tied to my "cycle of failure". I still track for a few days at a time and what I usually learn is that I am not hitting my (rather high) Protein targets....arggghhh. everytime I start hitting that 80-100g protein....hmmmm...hunger decreases, weight returns to goal. Coincidence? Anyway, you are awesome!!!
  23. I add premier protein to my morning coffee..chocolate or vanilla. Doesn't circle.
  24. CowgirlJane

    Just had a crappy experience !

    Dunno why...but the mention of a football player named CLOWNY was my favorite part of this entertaining post!
  25. CowgirlJane

    Did anybody notice...

    I don't watch shows of this ilk... but I have gotten the "good for you" type comments from doctors, surgeons etc when they know how much I have lost and maintained WITH WLS. I wouldn't read too much into it... but, I get your point. alot of people think you are a better human being if you don't need help. Crap, if a person with glaucoma (or fill in the blank illness) managed to cure themselves with no medical intervention - I guess i would think and say "good job" too!

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