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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. Get professional help. I went through a phase where I couldn't eat and was becoming too thin. My doc explained to me the trajectory I was on and in truth I felt crappy. That was years ago, I am now Maintaining a weight that is healthy for my body type and frame and living a great I've that isn't centered around the scale or the lies that the dismorphia tells you. Life is so much better if you can just live it, enjoy your good health, be strong and active. Just trust me on this one and seek help before you compromise your health and happiness. Hang in there, we did not go through all this, just to trade one set of food issues for another!!!!
  2. CowgirlJane

    Seattle Sleevers?

    Another PSSC veteran. Billing removed my band, Landerholm did my sleeve 4 years ago and I have seen Dr Harris for other issues. I have had laser hair removal done there, colonoscopy - basically they are my first choice for all!
  3. CowgirlJane

    Psych Evaluation Was I Too Friendly?

    Omg....a friendly kind human being! No surgery for you!!! You did just fine...
  4. CowgirlJane

    Inspirational Quotes

    Is there a name for these quotes on a picture? I saw o e a while ago I want to find again but I don't know what they are called. When I Googled the quote I didn't get the picture with it.
  5. CowgirlJane

    I have a secret - I really do have a blog

    Can't wait to read it!!!
  6. It was really hard at first, but 4 years out, most of the "worries" are just meaningless. Delay if you need to, talk to those of us further down the road and I will give you the straight skinny. In the meantime, look at some before and after pix. If you are on a computer you can just click my profile to see them. Forget about my body, just look at the pain in my eyes in my before and the smile afterwards. It saved my life.
  7. Mine was all inner thigh but the shades of black, blue, purple and yellow are quite shocking really. When i get home I shall share the crazy tale of how I went to Mexico for a boob and wound up getting the deflated balloons that hung between my upper thighs reduced. Truly, when he did the photo consult he thought they weren't work addressing (we seek meaningful improvement not perfection )but when he saw them in person...it was like, doesn't that get in the way? Yup especially in summer skirts with no hosiery. One fat lump has to fit behind the other... that is the beginning of a very wild ride this week.
  8. CowgirlJane

    Back in the Game Again

    I want a boyfriend too, someone who knows my friends, I know his, we have each others backs we love each other. I married my high school sweetheart and was divorced less than 2 years before I partnered with my long term love ( I still consider him my best friend and a terrific man) so I have spent my whole life as part of a couple. It is what I was raised to be but I am having to come to grips that it may not happen. So I've been enjoying my single time and somewhat sadly starting to realize that my life plan is a solo one. I am not saying that has to be your story, I am just saying it is better to be solo then with the wrong one. I am tired of wasting time on the 3-4 month relationships that never turn to deep love. I gotta lot I want to do in life still and I am not going g to waste it pining for some elusive life partner. No insult to the many fine men on these forums, but alot of guys over 50, single, don't actually seem to know what a loving relationship is. I have loving relationships with my sons, my friends, even my ex...so while I may suck at finding a life partner I DO know what love is. The only really sad thing is that my.mid 20s sons seem to have adopted a similar. ..shall we say lack of faith that it is even possible.
  9. CowgirlJane

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    Ok, when I retire somewhere sunny I am gonna write the book on post bariatric dating - I think a special hell for the over 50 crowd. There are several of you that damn well be keeping notes for this book of mine. Whilst I have enough stories of my own for an actual mini series, I think our unique collection of crazy stories would make for some good belly laughs. Did I tell you about the guy, first date and I was so enchanted with him I let him drive me back to my car because it was so cold...as we kissed goodnight he actually stuck his hand into my pants and yes, made contact. I think that was technically sexual assault but my reaction seemed to startle him more than it did me. Needless to say, that ass hat never saw me again.
  10. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Denise, Does she manage meds? I got depressed when my mom died, primary doc put me on Prozac and I became out of control hysterical in about 2 weeks. Couple years ago I tried lexapro for anxiety which worked great until I developed flu like symptoms. So, wellbutrin was hard to ramp up, I had impulsive thoughts and said a few crazy things but after adjusting it's great. I am still on half of what is considered a normal therapeutic dose, but I am sensitive so here I remain. (The world should feel safe!) My point is it took a real pro to figure out that not all of can take full dose and we have to ramp up carefully. It doesn't make me happy, hell I was already pretty happy. .it just keeps the anxiety monkey off my back. I get so much more done, less spinning in circles. It has helped clear my.mind so I can focus on important things. However, it tends to make me impulsive. I generally have a good rein on it, but I suspect I would not have had an unplanned thigh lift without it. Even so, I think i am going to love not having partially deflated balloons rub together when I walk anymore so maybe it was ok
  11. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am safe in sunny Monterrey mexico! Weather in seattle is mild and rainy as hell (skiers loving it because the mountains are very snowy ). I fly home via Houston which is likely also snow free. Big issue. ..all the planes buried in the snow in Boston /new York / Philly etc. My trip really has been filled with challenges.
  12. CowgirlJane

    Wouldn't it be nice

    Good news...passport found! I am an idiot. Well, might have been my pain induced, near state of collapse brain condition. What a relief. I will always keep posting but ya know, my real contribution here isn't encouraging people to sip their Water...its talking about things that contribute to the long view. I had no idea that one of my key regain reasons all those decades was anxiety. Somehow obesity numbed me and when it was gone..holy carp! I have had to face alot of things about myself I don't particularly like. Things that years of counseling didn't even scratch. In talking through it, some of you have related, shared your "carp" and speaking for myself, I am getting better! Not sure I could do it without you. However, I am now looking at how to live this next phase of life and this place at times isn't a very safe place to do that. I am not talking about this single incident...the stuff happens all the time. I plan to maintain my weight loss for the rest of my days and am committed to continual self understanding and living the best life I can. You are all right, negative people will always find an insult, this is why I thought....wouldn't it be nice if people who are ready for the hard stuff could have discussions?
  13. CowgirlJane

    Back in the Game Again

    Maybe when you realized you deserve alot better than the drunk who kept falling on you and hurting you? That moment might have been a certain... crossing point because I recall you thinking that was somehow acceptable. Now you meet people that may not be drunks but still aren't what you seek. I want a relationship too, but they don't solve loneliness. I think dating is cool and all but work on the galpals, the meetup groups, taking a class... I dunno, something to start to fill that hole in the heart. I think you are doing great.
  14. CowgirlJane

    Excess Skin: And the Emotional, Thick Skinned Woman

    @ MichiganChic, I remember the day preplastics laying in bed and realizing there was a drape of skin, laying in bed, next to me! Then the day I was doing planks and making the.mistake of looking down and seeing the strangest looking thing ...realizing it was torso skin. I know this isn't for everyone but I genuinely believe it has helped me transition from the forever obese who always regained to someone who BELONGS this size. My scars don't make me feel hideous at all, they are a part of this new me just like you said!
  15. CowgirlJane


    You are just beginning the discovery of coping with emotions without literally stuffing them. ..put all that thought of divorce and stuff out of your mind and give yourself a chance to heal, and frankly rebuild some life skills. On another note, I watched that damn show 3 weeks ago and I think i have decided what really happened. .. but I have been thinking about it that long - especially about the kid who was convicted due to coerced confession. Like I said, it was addictive.
  16. CowgirlJane

    Wouldn't it be nice

    I know I didn't say anything wrong but to be told I don't have a right to post here because it wasn't supportive to weight loss (duh, in one of the singles type forums) is just a bit much. Don't you ever get tired of it? I don't mean tired of answering the same questions repeatedly. .. I mean tired of the general level of "get offended as the first option"? It happen on the gofundme thread - person asked question, many replied it wasn't likely to work, suggested other options. OP found other options and the thread helped her look into those - yeah! She has a realistic way to afford surgery! Then the thread degenerates into totally different people being all upset that we dared to tell her the freaking honest truth. Most of the time I just stop reading the ridiculous, but don't you ever get tired of people taking offense where none was intended and the dang thing wasn't even about them anyway? That is just one example, but it happens over and over. Like, what is wrong with people that they look for insult that just isn't there? So, I am recovering from breast revision, mole removal and cheek. Injection but decided to do a teeny bit more whilst I was under that turned into alot more than planned (for very valid reason but related to thighs). It's been a tough week. I am fine, doc thinks I will have good results but sometimes things don't go as planned and I am here 2x as long as planned, on bedrest and my passport got lost during the bad day... guess how long it takes to get an appointment for a replacement? Do you suppose being on bed rest is a reason you are exempt from printing out forms from the internet (damn forgot to pack a printer), getting passport photos taken etc? Awesome, my new passport photo will have visible stitches where I had moles removed and small bruises from the fat injection. Good news my new full cheeks look youthful! I have a photo copy of my passport and other ID to corroborate but they can't just print up the one from before.... So, BP has been a good distraction and a place to write out my thoughts and I appreciate my friends here ALOT. I appreciate the excited newbies thrilled with their future possibilities. I appreciate the different points of view and ideas. I like the fun banter about life, the support, the real life tribulations . Not thrilled with the anger and I frankly don't even understand it. So that is a bit more context of why I wish there was a place to talk about real life stuff without all that negative people who don't even know me from the last 5 years I have been posting here.. And in the meantime Breakfast is 20 minutes late and I am hungry! Surgery recovery makes me starve even though I am laying in bed all day. I am pals with the chef and he takes good care of me. Back to my original point, I sure like the people here in Monterrey! !
  17. Wait for the real post..Kindle issues
  18. CowgirlJane

    update on my breast fixing

    BP won't let me edit post with kindle and throws in random numbers symbols etc, so ignore what doesn't make sense. Anyway much more painful than original implant/lift.
  19. CowgirlJane

    update on my breast fixing

    @@liannatx 25"a it's fixed, initial results are promising but revisions are always less certain in terms of out one. There is more to the whole story, but I happy to be "even" again.
  20. CowgirlJane


    In his defense, that making a murderer is addictive and sucks you in.... But do get counseling. WLS is hard on our families too.
  21. I never even heard of reflux until the band lowered my quality of life due to it. I gambled and went sleeve, no reflux. With your long history I'd seriously discuss bypass option with surgeon. Having to sleep with my head elevated for a decade was hell.
  22. When were you told to expect final results? I am all shaped of purple and swelling is way down but still looks like hell. Doc says "I think we will get good results" and I am wondering how to visualize that yet!!! He liposuction ed agressively, all inner thighs.
  23. CowgirlJane

    Excess Skin: And the Emotional, Thick Skinned Woman

    I have had a strange experience with pain, my original plastics I had LBL, arm lift, breast implanr/lift all at once and had less.pain then what I am going through right now (much more minor) I have developed a series of theories as to why that I may write up later. Bottom line, arm lift was not painful and turned out beautifully. Dr Sauceda told me he would.not use.my photos on website as it would give unrealistic expectations because not everyone gets scars that are scarcely noticeable in 2 years. I is worth it especially if you are top heavy (inverted triangle ) shape as it just makes you look so much thinner.
  24. CowgirlJane

    update on my breast fixing

    Yeah. Well, I am even again! I was going to write more but my give a damn is currently in for repair.
  25. CowgirlJane

    Back in the Game Again

    I love my girlfriends and we have hoot of a good time. We all keep saying we need to find 1-2 more to add to our posse, but guess what, they are hard to find too. It has taken me years to get this group solid, it isn't that easy!

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