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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?

    That one is on my watch list, I will check it out!
  2. CowgirlJane

    Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?

    SPOILER ALERT I watched it several weeks ago and went through many scenarios. What I do know is the evidence does not match the confession they coerced out of that boy (Brendon?). It is possible that Steven Avery did murder her, but so much evidence was"suspect" that it is hard to really know. What I think is more likely that happened is that the cops believed he did it so planted evidence to ensure a conviction. I think the real murderers took advantage of the police bias against SA and the mentally slow kid and essentially helped with the "framing" by providing each other with an alibi. Remember Brendons older brother (can't remember his name!) and some other relative named Scott, gave each other an alibi by "driving past each other" both of them going hunting? I think they were involved. I think they did it. The only person I thought was believable regarding the timeline was that school bus driver who saw the victim there at a very specific timeframe, but it didn't match the police timeline. None of Brendan s story made sense..like he helped torture and rape this poor woman, came home for awhile and played video games (several witnesses knew he was home) and then just wandered back to finish the murder? You could tell he was just trying to figure out what they wanted him to say so he could get back to 6th period. There are lots of crazy ideas floating around, and I am not one that would sign a petition to release SA, because he MIGHT have been involved, but it didn't happen the way the case laid it out. How could they have stabbed her in the stomach and cut her throat in that mobile home and there not be a drop of blood evidence? That was NOT a clean bedroom. The part that made my blood boil was the way that kid Brendon (and his mother who was also poorly educated and didn't strike me as super bright) were completely railroaded and taken advantage of and his attorney was in kahoots with it all!! That portion of the story made me lose some faith in our justice system. Essentially if you are poor, uneducated and have a lousy attorney, you are up shit creek without a paddle.
  3. CowgirlJane

    gender bender..

    Damn Kindle...more on next post.
  4. CowgirlJane

    Breast implants- considering them

    I have the gummy bear implants too. I can't compare to the alternatives but they look natural. I was at first disappointed that they didn't feel more natural, but my lover at the time told me I had just forgotten how young breasts felt, but he hasn't, and reported they felt great, natural and not hard. I always laugh when I think about that remark. My scars are invisible I did have to have a revision on one, but that was caused by trauma and unrelated to the type - breast implant revisions are way more common than I realized (for a variety of reasons). They have been great in terms of making my body feel normal again, but do your research. My implants are quite small, but what it gives me is the upper fullness that I lost with age, weight loss etc.
  5. CowgirlJane

    Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?

    I've watched Jessica Jones....I havent scarfed up all the episodes yet! I have also been watching the Following on Netflix. It's hard to recommend because you must really suspend disbelief that a serial killer organizes a very highly skilled team of...serial killers (who are typically loners)...into basically a cult. They all like killing people, but the leader convinces them that dying is good too. He basically destroys everyone around him, so you would think his followers would realize how disposable they all are. The hero is an ex FBI agent played by Kevin Bacon that I cant help but like....but it seems strange that he NEVER gets in trouble for assassinating all these bad guys, given that he isn't even a cop anymore. But, if you can "jump the shark"about 20 times an episode ,it is action packed and full of twists.
  6. CowgirlJane

    The Ex's

    @@WLSResources/ClothingExch well, at first I wasn't too thrilled with the statement th a that all women are at least a 4 on the crazy scale but truth of the matter is people are just boring (or more likely really repressed and the crazy comes out later) if they aren't just a little zany, silly and nuts at times. My best lover ever is probably an 8 on the crazy scale and at least that on the hot scale(at least to me!). At first it unsettled me to not know what his mood would be..but once I felt safe with him I actually found his wild ass antics be energizing and fun. He would not see me when his moods were really low. One of my girlfriends loves it when I hear from him now and again because he always has some incredulous, complex, self inflicted crisis going on that is quite entertaining from afar. I would never live with, have a joint bank account or count on him for anything.... and dont see him anymore but he was a great person to have in my life at the time. Anyway, it was pretty hard for me to be too offended when I put it in the context of my own experiences. And it is supposed to be funny, right?
  7. CowgirlJane

    The Ex's

    @@OKCPirate I didn't watch the rebuttal but the irony for me is that the dude drawing all that out was only about a 3 on the looks scale . Not enough data points to assess the crazy.
  8. What percentage is the "large number " requiring revision. To bypass? Frankly, although it is much safer now, ANY WLS should scare the crap out of you. It's just that the alternative (over 300 and gaining, lifetime of trying to control my weight) was like 100 percent chance of early death with a side trip through disability. Post sleeve, maintaining a 150# plus weight loss for 3 years now I have a chance at a much better life. I was in turmoil for a solid year over revising from the failed band because of all these concerns. Bypass is a good procedure too, but has its own set of risks and issues. I think the soul searching I did during that time had contributed to my success with the sleeve. Lots to say about that, but it boils down to - do I choose living to eat, or eating to live. I choose living a full life, for as long as I am blessed with that chance.
  9. CowgirlJane

    The Ex's

    Oh, he'd do most of the travel. His adult kids are across the country. The issue is that my home is shared with my sons and due to their schedules, tend to be around all weekend. I just wouldn't be comfortable until I felt more assured things would work out. Anyway, I have another several weeks of recovery so nothing is happening in the near term. Just speculation for now.
  10. Pre sleeve I went to a Dr who specialized in weight loss. Goal was for me to not gain 100 during the 3 months after band was removed. Anyway, she educated me on carbs and Protein. I never forget her saying "cows milk is designed to turn a little calf into a half ton steer in a very short period of time. Unfortunately, it has a similar impact on people " I think excessive milk and a generally high carb diet I was raised on is what set me up for a lifetime of always being hungry. Just an insatiable drive to eat. I put myself on my first diet - my mom did not do it to me. I was in 3rd grade and lost 30 pounds.
  11. CowgirlJane

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    @@Sharon1964 it just gets weirder when you meet -ha! Although I wised up over time and screen much better now so I haven't met "a doozy" since those early days. The only true nutcase I actually dated for several months before he couldn't hide his true nature anymore. I learned something VERY important from that experience. If someone tells you all these stories about how crazy his ex is, just assume that he is the craziest of the pair.
  12. CowgirlJane

    Wouldn't it be nice

    @ VSGAnn2014 you made me laugh!
  13. @@iamshazza check the current researh but I think something like 20percent (I am unsure of actual percent, but sizeable minority) of sleeves have some degree of reflux as a longterm issues. Doesn't mean it is severe. I had terrible reflux with band, and 4 years post sleeve none at all. Educate thyselves on long term implications, risks and possible complications of both sugeries before choosing. Asking on a forum is fine, but looking at actual studies is better. Forums are heavily weighted toward the very happy/ honeymoon phase shouting their surgery as perfect, people having issues the early weeks (the number of regrets posts) or complications and a few of us that stay around forever because we want the ongoing support to maintain. I am not convinced it truly reflects the larger population. In other words, you hear more the exetreme good and bad on the forums.
  14. Ok thanks, I find the marena compression garments help and my swelling is now way down.
  15. CowgirlJane

    Sex after the sleeve

    I don't recall how long it was before I felt up to it, but it was a few years before I experienced it (i assure you, I felt up to it well before 2 years!)
  16. Easy is not the word I would use. I think changing my relationship with food and not having a protective fatsuit forced me to deal with alot of things that had been previously, quite literally, swallowed. Good news is life on the other side is so much better! I was sleeved 4 years ago and maintaining. ..
  17. CowgirlJane

    Water and Obesity Connection

    @@MIMISAN one of my water tricks is to aim to get to at least 50% of daily goal in before lunch. Once it becomes a habit, I drink more...kinda like it primes the pump for the day.
  18. I am up 3 pounds since pre lipo/surgery. My swelling has come down alot and I think the compression garments help immensely. I have been drinking tons of Water and upped Protein and told to basically be on bed rest. I formed a hemotoma / clot on the right essentially the same night as the procedure. That legs swelled huge and they treated it aggressively while I was there. I flew.home yesterday and expected an uptick in swelling but so far so good. I am disappointed with how much time I have been asked to take off work so curious @@MichiganChic what your care routine is...comparing notes.
  19. I did all those things except the daily sauna, and I had excess skin. I have a hard time imagining that a sauna would shrink skin vmbut who knows. On the other hand, I had at least a triple of not quadruple chin and my face skin bounced back very well. I don't have a turkey neck yet!
  20. Not trying to influence you because I am glad I pushed to get down to the 150s, but it was the last 30-40 pounds where the excess skin really showed up. I was laying in bed nekkid and was shocked to discover skin, laying next to me on the bed! Seriously like a fold on each side of my body just laying there, draped. Lower body lift took care of that sucker!
  21. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am home, gotta say United airlines really took care of me! Feels good to be home and I am emotionally fine and healing physically. My lil dog missed me so much and having her to cuddle is wonderful.
  22. CowgirlJane

    What to do?!

    Fyi - the terrible GERD that SOME sleevers get seems to peak 3 plus years down the road. I think you should think hard on this one and review any current studies. I am a big sleeve fan but this is a known issue. I am 4 years out - knock on wood, no GERd
  23. When I was early 20s, I lost about 60# and got to goal. I had NO extra skin, could wear a bikini. Late 40s, had a pregnancy in the past, had lost and regained a few times, lost over 150# to get to goal, and had excess skin. Individual results may vary but I tell you I feel and look alot better trim an healthy even with excess skin.
  24. I too had a huge appetite. I used to walk home from elementary / middle school the whole time promising myself not to eat. By the time I got home, I devoured anything that wasn't moving and then ready for a huge dinner in a few hour. I think that appetite came from a high carb diet. My parents were in the dairy business and I could drink a quart a day of cow's milk, for example. We also had a lot of pastries, cookies etc around. I think WHAT i ate contributed to the hunger monster.

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