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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?

    @@goblue9280 I am familiar with the WM 3 and as i recall the evidence was very sketchy. I think there are two really important things here. A woman was murdered and her assailants should be punished. And presumably other lives are saved in the future with the bad guys locked up. Steven Avery MIGHT very well be guilty and his nephew Brandon was just gullible enough he might have been manipulated into helping. The problem is, when the investigation is conducted the way it was you really don't know. SA struck me as someone capable of doing this,, but fans, why didn't he crush her car - he had plenty of time. . I don't believe Brendon is guilty, much of my belief is because of the phone calls with his mother that neither knew was recorded. She punched holes in his story that he couldn't explain except by saying stuff like "I dunno, you know I am dumb" because he couldn't make sense of his own story/timeline either. I fear that actual murderers are still free. The second issue is all of us have a right to a fair trial. Even if the investigators were right, the fact that Brendon s council didn't mount an effective defense but was essentially conspiring with the prosecution makes me feel he didn't get a fair trial.I think the prosecution did many inappropriate things, and essentially convicted them both via the media before their trials so the jury pool was quite tainted. It frightens me that this could happen in modeen America and we should all be upset even if we think SA is guilty.
  2. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Feeling really low today. Considering I have been feeling so good, I am hoping this is a one day thing. I feel the extrovert in me has reached maximum capacity of home confinement. Seriously, I have had weirdly negative thoughts but am using my rational mind to say... this isn't real, it is just for the moment.
  3. CowgirlJane

    OK Ladies, kinda embarrasing question for you all

    I had no catheter either...mean people made me get up and pee!
  4. CowgirlJane

    OK Ladies, kinda embarrasing question for you all

    Nope. They weren't doing surgery "down there"
  5. CowgirlJane

    Sick of being sick

    Remember thin Protein drinks...sip sip sip. My program. Let me count Protein Drinks toward my hydration goal in the early days. If you can manage two thin servings of syntax nectar for example, you will have about 1/4th of your daily hydration and more like 2/3 of your protein. In my opinion, beef stew is too bulky for the amount of protein you get given how restricted you are. Avoid the things that feel the heaviest, I don't know what works best for you but things like Greek yogurt seemed to be easy on me. For me personally, the most difficult time was when I was transitioning to solid food. In my case it was about 6 weeks post op...everything felt like lead and I was a bit naseous all the time. I didn't vomit, but felt icky. Vitamins felt awful, like they were a full meal themselves. Chew alot, eat slow, small meals every 2-3 hours and use thin Protein Drink to get you to your protein and hydration goals. This phase will pass and you will feel better.
  6. CowgirlJane

    Not So Supportive Support Group

    Oh, the support group I went to was very motivating. The moderator was a no show so a couple of women, sleevers, who were still obese after losing around 50#, and scarcely losing anymore spent the meeting talking about donuts and fair food. I never went back, but it solidified in my mind what I DIDN'T want to be. You can't keep food as your" lover" and expect to become normal size/weight.
  7. CowgirlJane

    Not So Supportive Support Group

    Wow, this isn't about bashing one procedure over the other. I am 4 years post sleeve and maintaining 150# weight loss and there are plenty of others with similar stories to tell. Click on m my profile to see my before and after. Here is the truth, the early days (after you are healed) which normally last 6-18 months you get the most hunger reduction. The successful people use that time to change their relationship with food. They learn technique, strategies that work best for THEM and create a new lifestyle. Then, they keep doing it, year after year.. You can regain with ANY WLS procedure if you don't make those inside / lifestyle/ habit changes. I promise this to be the absolute truth. I had the lapband for 10 years and while there are many success stories, not a single person that was banded in the early 2000s, that I knew still has their band. Not a one. I hope that the more modern approach is better and I wish everyone lasting success.
  8. CowgirlJane

    Living Donor

    I tried to donate blood and was turned away because I lived in Germany from 2000-2002. I don't understand why they take blood from anybody off the street (think the plasma centers that pay people) but living in a middle class life in Europe ruled me out do to the mad cow thing in Britain at the time.
  9. I am in maintenance, currently at goal. I prefer to be UNDER goal to give myself a little bounce range, but considering we just came out of the "eating season" I am feeling okay with where I am at. My plan for 2016 is about decreasing body fat % and otherwise improving my fitness while losing 10-15#... slowly. I did the bodpod to get my body fat%, but also did the metabolic test. I don't really count calories in general, but now that I know this number, I am trying to figure out how to use it! I googled it, but didn't really gt a clear idea so hoping someone here is educated on the topic! thanks
  10. My lack of tracking is very individual to me and I don't recommend it for others. I have been tracking calories on and off since I was 8 years old. A wise advisor recognized that it was part of my failure pattern so I switched to counting only Protein and carbs in my head. It worked and continues to work for me, but I don't recommend for others.
  11. You know I don't consider it luck , I think it is years of physical activity even when I was obese. My RMR is 1600 which doesn't seem crazy high to me considering my muscle mass. I was eh.hem...blessed with stout German /Irish heritage and alot of farm work as a kid. Anyway, I don't track except for a day or two at a time to check Protein grams. When I went in I was only interested in the body fat thing and was convinced to do the RMR and VO2. I plan to be re tested body fat in about 6 months to check progress against goals. My goals don't relate to calories so it actually is just a theoretical curiosity.
  12. When I look at the photos I see a big difference, I am still not sure this was worth it.... maybe when I am no longer all shades of purple and. Yellow I will be more objective.
  13. @@MichiganChic it is still low carb and low calories. It is not logical to me that you can put on weight without increasing intake of carbs/ calories. When I am done healing I want to increase muscle mass, so in a sense " gain" while reducing body fat. Anyway, so far no negative impact and I have been having it once a day.
  14. I have made this several times, with varying results but what I have determined is it works best withe the matrix vs other syhtrax types. I just have the chocolate. The sugar free coffee creamer helps alot. I have french vanilla because local store was out of the Italian cream. I used a small amount if da Vinci French vanilla flavoring. I need to use at least 1/4 tsp of baking powder to get any "rise" I got to a balance that I found the taste ok, but not quite happy with the texture so I added just a little bit of egg beaters to replace some of the coffee creamer. That one was by far the best. What I like the most is it fills me up more than just the drink, and it doesn't make me cold like a blended with ice Protein drink does. Thanks everyone, and try the smidge of egg whites and tell me what you think.
  15. CowgirlJane

    Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?

    @@Oregondaisy I know you are sometimes looking for netflix recommendationa. An unfinished life -Amazon. This is a Robert Redford movie about an old man who suddenly has his DIL reappear - the woman he blamed for his sons death. It's a good movie. The man in the High castle - Amazon - imagine what our country would be like if the allies had list WWII and the USA was occupied.
  16. CowgirlJane

    sugar scrubs..or whatever you call em

    Did you find sweet almond oil I. The grocery or is it a specialty item? The recipe I followed was 1:1 oil and brown sugar, same with the almond?
  17. CowgirlJane

    The Ex's

    @@OKCPirate I have to mention that during my hour long call with K last night, he mentioned that he seems to keep picking crazies and most recently a big liar. - and that I had been the exception to that " bad picker". You have no idea how tempted I was to ask "am I looking more like a unicorn these days?" Ha. I didn't because I am a gracious person and there is really no reason. For a long time I have suspected that my lack of something other women do is failing to trigger men to actually fall in love with me. Like my pragmatic, straight forward and relatively self sufficient ways, I don't play the damsel in distress games. Actually I don't play any stupid head trip games. I am still not sure but it has been interesting to be appreciated more, even if it is after the fact.
  18. I need to go back next week, so that will be two weeks. My lipo wasn't as extensive but I had more than that done too. Anyway, I am doing better and really resting is making a difference.
  19. CowgirlJane

    The Ex's

    So I couldn't dodge K anymore. Yep, over the last year he has dated some real winners and decided maybe I was sounding pretty good. He brought up something I actually forgot I said... that it seemed like "there was alot of sitting around drinking". It was true, not to point of drunkenness more too frequent. Anyway, he told me he quit drinking entirely. I actually thought about things since getting his emails, and even though there are alot of good things about him, I don't want to be with him 6 months or 6 years from now so I don't want to see him. We talked for an hour catching up on everything and it was really good but I remembered that he had this was of making me feel vaguely...criticized or not quite good enough. It isn't personal towards me, it's how he talks about his kids, his job etc. - it's his world view. Anyway I told him no but without a reason - I mean what us the value of telling someone that I know is looking for a wife (he actually said that today) that he is just too negative and hiding it behind a joke doesn't change it. So, that's done.
  20. CowgirlJane

    sugar scrubs..or whatever you call em

    I read somewhere on BP about sugar scrubs for exfoliating. I googled it,found a simple recipe and made a small batch from brown sugar, coconut oil and a bit of vanilla. I love it - makes my skin so soft! But this morning I started wondering about the impact of coconut oil on my drains! A dab will do us, I put a small amount on one of those exfoliating cloths and can do my whole body, but coconut oil is pretty"solid". Anybody know about this?
  21. CowgirlJane

    Fat Shaming Husband...so hurt

    Those are some very hurtful remarks from him. He sounds kinda controlling BUT I realize there are many sides to a story. One thought that struck me is you went I to his office hoping he would reward you for losing those 10#. I lost 125# and the man I loved never said a word. If you are looking to him for that kinda "atta girl" for losing weight you are setting yourself up for disappointment. My dad belittled us kids and one time I overhead my mother, who was normally a doormat, stand up to him. His reply was that he wanted the me to do better so I could have a better future. His idea was that if you point out people's failings, they can then improve. It all made sense to him.... I share that example because I have to believe you two were in love...pretty recently. Maybe he is embarrassed, scared, insecure - who knows - and says those things without really hearing how mean they are. I hope you consider marriage counseling and perhaps counseling for yourself. This weight loss thing is very emotional anyway, and at least having him not be negative would be great. I also ask you to gently consider the impact of saying words like "I hate you" - that is strong stuff that is hard to take back.
  22. CowgirlJane


    Mine was 2 step and the most painful part was the hole where the port had been..OMG! Hang In there
  23. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    So, have you considered hormone treatment? It is a misery to not sleep well and all that! I made it through menopause with no HRT, but have done some things for vaginal dryness. I took the estring out since I am not in a sexual relationship anyway, and I thought it was good to reduce blood clot risk for surgery. Anyway, suddenly the mysterious little red dots on my face (always had 1-3) and the newly formed blackheads disappeared. Hormones are not good, but, sometimes the alternatives are worse. I am sorry you are feeling poorly coops, seems like feeling better and maintaining is more important than losing. I hope you have fun at Disney world! Very likely to be sunny!! I was at a conference in Feb 2014 and stayed a day to "do Disney" all by myself. It was one of the loneliest d days of my life. I didn't even think about how the other time I had been there was with my exhusband, before we had kids. It was Valentine's day and airplanes were writing hearts and I love you messages in the sky. It made me want to find a bar and get drunk or eat ice cream or something to kill the loneliness, but I didn't. I toughed it out and I am glad I did. I think I had to go through some sadness to come out the other side, ya know? I think being there with the kids would be fun. Let's face it, Disney is hokey, but the enthusiasm of kids having fun makes it fun! @@Georgia, haven't seen you in awhile either!
  24. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    @@coops at some point I recognized that proper 5:2 was triggering emotional issues - anxiety. My anxiety is under such great control now on the low dosage of wellbutrin that I am a little scared to risk it. However, I have used some modified 5:2 and it is how I lost 10# and got back to goal last fall. For me, it was the whole, don't eat late, and delay Breakfast a few days a week. It's like give your system a chance to rest - those late evening Snacks are killer. My new rule is only Protein Drinks are allowed as late snacks. I would definitely join in supporting each other,I just don't think I can follow it the way I did before. I am 1# over goal which isnt too terrible9 days post surgery and Lipo -still some swelling. I want to get 10# under goal as I think I looked the best and a little less squishy around the mid section. My main goal this year is fitness and reudcing body fat. I measured at 29 percent which is okay for a middle age woman, but I am fighting aging'..Haha...and being less squishy helps!! I haven't seen Florinda post anywhere on any forums in quite awhile. Has anyone messaged her?

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