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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Woo hoo Coops! Good job!! Is Monday everyone's weigh in day?
  2. CowgirlJane

    Weight Redistribution: Hormones or Sleeve settlement

    I learned something recently, there is something different about fat cells in the thigh area...like they grow back or some dang thing.
  3. CowgirlJane

    OK Ladies, kinda embarrasing question for you all

    Okay, I have a "story". I went on a date or two with a guy that told me a story...he and this lady got into shaving each other. One day, she calls from the HOSPITAL because those uncomfortable bumps somehow turned into something really bad - like a nasty bacteria got in there. Her pubic area was swollen huge and it was no joke, a serious problem. She recovered, but he told me looking at that infected swollen pubic zone cured him of any future interest... I have had surgeries, over the decades in Germany, USA and Mexico and none of them have required or encouraged shaving.
  4. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Woo hoo! Great job cathy! It's only 330 in the afternoon but I am in bed too. First day back to work, had to go into the office...hit the exhaustion wall about 130..... Why aren't I hungry? It's weird, I am making myself eat so I can heal. Lots kf Protein but no real drive to eat. NO alcohol for about 3 weeks, wonder if that contributes?
  5. CowgirlJane

    Ice cream

    I became somewhat lactose intolerant post sleeve so have had small quantities a handful of times over the last 4 years. Something to think about,maintenance seems to get harder for some about 3 years post op so watch for any old habits sneaking back. I used to eat ice cream a few times a week and in generous portions so even if I tolerated it better I would limit it as it is an old trigger.
  6. CowgirlJane

    Comments from only one sex

    I think men are less observant and definitely more gunshy about bringing up " weight" I work for a European based company though, and there was NO holding back, HOWEVER, it didn't happen until I was thin enough to move from matronly to more conventionally attractive and then it was game on! During the losing process it was definitely the women who commented most.
  7. CowgirlJane

    Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?

    @@mngreeneyes romcom=romantic comedy? I watch alot of British originated shows. There was only one season of a detective show called River I liked. Last Tanto in Halifax about the lovers reunited as seniors, although I got bored with it.
  8. Here are pix using the 1 tablespoon of egg whites, I goofed on my photo essay example, but you can see this is fairly cake like
  9. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Monday is my weigh in day 155#, which is 3# under my presurgery weigbt. Sat was an under 500 cal day and yestersay was about 800 -not by plan I am just low appetite, except at night and I only allow myself a Protein Drink that late. I am fearful of going back to work today, and have to go into office. Good luck on all the 5:2 Monday's!!!
  10. First few months I ste by the measuring cup and clock. Preprogrammed, rigid. Overtime I switched to planned, but less rigidly. The most important thing for me to lewrn is to not "seek full", I eat to absence of hunger. My nutritionist was right, I didn't really know what just right feels like, so. Eating to absence of hunger has served me well over the years. I was encouraged to have 5 mini meals per day, but that was two often for me, so I switched to 4. Maintained 150# loss for 3 years now so far it's working.
  11. GP says all hunky dory, but my blood work at 4 years post op isn't as excellent as it has been. Examples, fasting blood sugars had been in the 70s, this time 92. My cholesterol ratio is very good, and my triglycerides remain ridiculously low, but total cholesterol is 215, higher than it was when I was obese. So things are normal to good enough, but not as good as the last few years. I had some physical setbacks that decreased my exercise and I was partying alot over the holidays and bloodwork was done like right after first of the year. I am eating clean again and as soon as I recover from this surgery, expect to be back working out. Hoping my year 5 bloodwork shows the trend back to excellent. Anyone else have this experience?
  12. I haven't used Quest but if it doesn't have the egg ingredient, may not work. My first attempt was with Syntrax nectar and it was a flop.
  13. CowgirlJane

    All food tastes bad now.

    You will get past this...but think of it as an opportunity to change your relationship with food. Hang in there!
  14. CowgirlJane

    Creeping Calories

    I am prone to night time eating. Made a rule, only protein drinks...amazing how just a few sips of my premier protein and I am like " I'm good" go back to sleep.
  15. CowgirlJane

    Back in the Game Again

    I am too much a chicken to have sex so early even if I wanted to. takes me a while to rule out serial killer and bad taste in food, music and coffee...some very important things to know!
  16. End result - sometimes it rises better than others, this one is a little flat but ok
  17. I have mixed enough of the flavored, sugar free creamer to get a pretty thick cake batter
  18. A little more egg beaters then I intended, hard to photo and pour...but a tablespoon is about right
  19. Splash of the sugar free flavoring
  20. This is me added 1/4 tsp of baking powder, but it's a little heaped as I want just a dash more. Then I mix these dry ingedients
  21. Photo of inge diets I use. Just so happen to be the flavors I like and have on hand.
  22. Interesting. I tested low on D for a decade before WLS even with supplementation. 4 years post sleeve and D has been in the good range p, and yes I still supplement.
  23. @@padremama it does not work well with the Syntrax nectar. The syntrax Matrix is a different formulation and the one you have to use to get anything that resembles something edible....ask me how I know! Matrix has some kind of egg product which prompted me to try added egg whites and a lil bit more baking powder to get it to rise. I have replaced a snack a day with this, combined with no glass of wine in the evening and I am losing! I am ok at goal, but I like to be under goal to give me a little bounce range. I think this satiates a bit of the desire to eat, not drink and is more filling. I have no idea if the slow combined with faster release Protein of matrix makes a difference but I have been curbing my eating late in the day much more successfully.
  24. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hey Cathy, care to share your vegetable soup recipe?
  25. CowgirlJane

    Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?

    @@proudgrammy everybody has trouble navigating netflix! Sometimes I Google "best netflix comedy " and sites come of people who seem to know how to dig around. The lists are updated constantly since netflix rotates it's streaming stock. I am totally caught up on Nurse Jackie and Orange is the New Black, both very good. There is a British version (probably the original! )of Orange but it was too depressing somehow. I am watching the pilot episode of "100" and not sure I am getting into it. I used to be a big Sci fi and distophia fan, but for some reason I don't gravitate to them. Man in The High Castle is a very good distophia tale (allies lose WWII, how different the world is) but I can only take small doses. ...

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