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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    I have an eating disorder

    I am not an expert on the topic, but one of my last ditch efforts before the sleeve, I went to an eating disorder clinic. I was not diagnosed with an eating disorder (binge, bulimia etc) but rather disordered eating. I think there is a difference. The sleeve, and the 2 year support program I entered via my surgeon was essentially a chance to hit the "reset" button and I have had good results, maintaining my weight loss for 3 years now. I think it would be really important to talk to an expert in eating disorders as I am not sure how you will experience such restriction to eating. And, over time, with some effort (ha) people do regain weight post WLS and we all want to have the best odds of long term success.
  2. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I feel like I am here talking to myself....but I had a little victory today. I took a few selfies and was shocked how I looked like my mother. I think my mother was a beauty, so it was a moment of self love that felt pretty good.
  3. CowgirlJane


    In no particular order.... Socializing Live music Fitness Horses Planning my get away (retirement) Documentaries Travel History Anthropology & reading about science topics Exploring new places Dancing I like trying new things....new to me, not really hobbies yet! Snowshoeing, cross country skiing, golf
  4. CowgirlJane

    Sagging face questions

    I am over twice your age, lost 150# and I don't have too much of a problem with this. Be optimistic, and I can assure you I look better with one, not 3 chins.
  5. CowgirlJane

    Bezoars--hair balls?

    I have never heard of this either as it relates to sleeve patients. I have seen these things that were in horses - not hairballs but rather some kind of mass of undigestable material. Are you sure this is what your NUT meant?
  6. Not really sure, but seems to have been about the right amount!
  7. CowgirlJane


    Women tend to lose slower than men. I lost 150# in 14 months. Those last 30-40 put up quite a fight too! I exercised and followed my program diligently.
  8. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am back to work this week and it's been a struggle. I am so tired. Luckily I have a very understanding boss. I think it is the 2 weeks of bed rest but I feel not entirely myself.
  9. CowgirlJane

    Am I going to gain it all back?

    I think that anxiety is much like nausea - ha - just the worst feeling in the world. I had kept it suppressed / numbed with obesity and later with exercise, but then, exercise stopped working. I wasn't anxious all the time, but frequent enough. I experience anxiety as the feeling that, whatever I am doing, it isn't quite enough or the right thing. I learned many coping techniques from someone who is an expert in this. As I improved I could not believe how much I got done. I finally did my home updates, cleaned out my garage, took care of that breast issue even though I didn't want another surgery. I no longer have that intermittent feeling of not knowing what to do with myself. Once anxiety is no longer the undercurrent, you realize just how bad it was living with it. Problem I have is I don't tolerate meds very well. I get horrible side effects. After much resistance, I finally went on wellbutrin, but can only tolerate about half of what is considered a therapeutic dose. That, combined with learning from the counselor (and I generally hate counseling) has been enough to give me tremendous relief. Meds don't solve anything, but are a tool to help me learn better coping mecanisms. I am fairly well convinced that one of the reasons people regain is people miss their self medication they used to use food for - to soothe, dull or otherwise manage something that has been buried inside. We are all concerned about regain, especially years down the road. The anxiety, fear or whatever that lowers quality of life is the bad guy. A healthy concern is what keeps you diligent without obsession or fear or anxiety in my opinion.
  10. The first few months post sleeve most people take a PPI like Nexium or Proselec. I haven't needed it since, but it makes alot of sense to protect yourself while things settle down. In addition to what was mentioned, the stomach at first makes more acid than is needed for the new smaller size.
  11. CowgirlJane


    Welcome, are you at goal? Any issues with maintenance? I was sleeved Dec 2011
  12. CowgirlJane

    Do you ever feel...

    Speaking as someone who repeatedly lost 50-85# range and always regained plus more until I was into the 300s, maybe you can do it the"hard way" but I couldn't, and it wasn't for lack of effort. Give it an honest go. If you do decide to have WLS, I seriously doubt you will still consider it the"easy way out". For me, it was the only way out. I lost half my body weight and maintaining for a few years now...... thanks to the assist that the sleeve provides.
  13. CowgirlJane

    Am I going to gain it all back?

    I didn't realize I suffered from anxiety until I lost weight. I had been literally burying it, and when I lost the fatsuit, it had nowhere to hide. It became so obvious to me why I had always regained lost weight, to self medicate the anxiety. My mom and sister both had it, but mine"looked different" so I didn't recognize it. I hit goal about 3 years ago and two years ago I was managing anxiety through intense exercise, but at some point I decided I was tired of the fight. I sought treatment, learned more about it and my life is just so much better now. I am not saying we are the same, but I recognize some of what you write and I want an easier path for you. If I didn't care I would not be sharing all this. I do care, and I know there is a better way to live and I want that for you.
  14. CowgirlJane

    Am I going to gain it all back?

    Anxiety and worry doesn't help. Please don't take this wrong, but are you still in treatment for anorexia? You are thin, you can stabilize and your life will be so much happier when your mind catches up to your reality. I was overweight or obese from age 6 to about 48....and I have been maintaining a healthy weight for a few years now. I have faith you can too. Diligence, accountability (tracking for example) not anxiety is the key. Hang in there and have a little faith in yourself.
  15. CowgirlJane

    Early 2016 - what are you streaming on netflix, amazon etc?

    For those of you that like the macabre, just discovered a series on Amazon Prime called "Hannibal". It is pre- Silence of the Lambs, when Hannibal Lector was a brilliant psychiatric working for the FBI. Only watched 2 episodes but it is captivating so far.
  16. CowgirlJane

    having doubts about sleeve

    Doubts are healthy. I think you should discuss at length with surgeon as there are pros and cons. There are many successful band patients on this site,but I was banded in 2001, revised to sleeve in 2011, revision being the fate of many people that were banded that long ago. You can fail or succeed with ANY WLS, but it seems some of us had a much harder time finding the "sweet spot" with the band. It is a little trickier, a little higher maintenance but with education, support and willingness to adjust fills, people make it work!
  17. CowgirlJane

    Weight loss question.....

    I don't know what the options program is, but I lost half my body weight and have been maintaining a normal size/weight for a few years.
  18. My point is I was a little surprised that while my bloodwork is "good" at 4 years out, it isn't as excellent as it was in the first months, first year, years two and three.
  19. I do have to echo the "out of site, out of the house, out of mind" comments. Many years ago, i heard a story on NPR about obese people and "willpower". The researchers said that many obese people actually have quite strong willpower, they just have a bad habit of allowing the junk in the house, so they have to excercise that willpower every minute of everyday - whereas if it just isn't available, it really isn't a willpower question. I have developed a habit of even being selective of which aisles to avoid at the grocery store. It isn't about just avoiding the candy and chips aisle, it is about building a day to day diet around more wholesome, less processed food. It helps that I live in the country so the nearest grocery is at least 5 minutes drive away. I would not get up, get dressed and drive to the store for a cheeto, but... I might make the trip to the pantry if it was in there....and one cheeto quickly becomes 10, etc....
  20. Good question, especially since I am one of the few who don't track. I monitor my weight and how my clothes fit and how I feel. When I don't like any of the 3, I look for the culprits.... and either eliminate or reduce. This happened to me in the past with Protein bars of all things! I am currently in the weight loss mode which is good because I'd like to get back under goal weight and I know it is because my appetite is way down AND I gave up wine and any non healthy food in preparation for, and during recovery of a recent surgery. I don't have too much of a problem with sweets, but I have alot of pals who enjoy wine, and I live in a town with 100 wineries (basis of the local tourism) so it's easy to get sucked into having a glass pretty frequently. Also, when I was dating, it seemed like wine with dinner happened more often. Anyway, whether it be the wine elimination, the lower appetite or the protein powder"cakes" I have been making, I am dropping weight.
  21. I don't think it works from a phone, but from most devices if you click on the name it is a hyperlink to profiles, which in my case has photos.@@nicksmommy
  22. I lost 150# post revision 4 years ago and maintaining! Take a look at my before and after photos!
  23. CowgirlJane

    Feeling Upset and Frustrated

    Many people feel sad about giving up over eating. I think it is very helpful to look at before and afters, read success stories and focus on your own dreams. food in excess is like that bad boyfriend, sure makes you feel good in the moment but let's you down over the long haul. Obesity damaged my body and limited my life. Gaining the freedom that being trim brings is worth way more than the temporary "pleasure" of overeating brings. I am 4 years post op and I still look at my own before and afters to remind myself just how worth it this is!
  24. CowgirlJane

    Weight Redistribution: Hormones or Sleeve settlement

    I am sorry https://www.minnpost.com/second-opinion/2010/10/mayo-study-thigh-fat-and-belly-fat-are-not-same
  25. So glad you are doing so well!! BTW, being kicked by a horse hurts other worse.

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