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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    Help i might have hurt my Stimson

    It seems very unlikely that you "ripped your stomach" a year post op. However, it is still not normal to have severe pain. How long has it been painful? What triggers the pain or is it constant? hat needs to be checked because sometimes people develop strictures or other complications that can be fixed. It is hard to understand - have they run any tests, done an endoscopy or anything yet? Being hungry a year out is most likely either (or both!) Uncontrolled acid or bad eating practices. If you eat crappy, carb laden junk food, it WILL trigger hunger. I still feel like you need to get your severe depression addressed as it is hard to make good decisions in that state of mind..
  2. CowgirlJane

    lap band revision

    There are many of us here who revised. I had the band for 10 years ,never did great with it and had lots of problems. I revised to sleeve in Dec 2011 and have been maintaining 150# weight loss. Best decision EVER.
  3. CowgirlJane

    Help i might have hurt my Stimson

    A support group isn't bull. This site has been my support group and the source of many tips and ideas. Seek out help.
  4. CowgirlJane

    Help i might have hurt my Stimson

    Deep breath. Those early weeks are very difficult andif you are as depressed as you sound, you need to get help for that Asap. It is hard to make good decisions when you feel depressed and not supported. Consider calling a mental health hotline for a referral if you dont have a doctor or therapist you trust. As was mentioned, those early weeks are filled with odd sensations. It is very likely you have excess acid. Most sleevers go on an antacid for the first 2-3 months post op. Your body is still making acid for a fullsize tummy and needs a chance to adapt. You mention pain, but aren't specific. I imagine every one of us was fearful we had"busted"our sleeve in those early weeks. If you are in severe pain, have a fever or other strong symptoms, go to the ER. Chances are you have NOT damaged your stomach and you need to get on track eating correctly Do you have an eating plan that is clear? Measure and track everything. Take that antacid - a strong one like nexium or prospect. Ask away if you have specific questions, and hang in there it does get easier. I am 4 years post sleeve and very happy with my results. You can be a success too.
  5. CowgirlJane


    I recall the stage you are at...I called it the doldrums. food didn't taste right, meat felt so heavy, I didn't feel like myself. I was losing weight but due to my size, I had lost 50# before it was really noticable. For me, it took about 12 weeks post op before I began to feel human. This may not be accurate, but I am sensing some"all or nothing" thought patterns. I have a long history of doing that. That hamster wheelgoes something like this : I must be perfect, but I keep failing at perfection so chuck it and have a snickers bar.... Okay, I don't know what you were advised but I could not meet Protein goals without a shake. Some programs discourage that, but it can really help. Water is really hard but I found herbal tea and other water substitutes. During the first few months post op, water made my stomach hurt and tasted like metal so I had to find alternatives. I don't know what liar told you that you would never crave junk food post sleeve! The way to reduce junk food cravings is to not eat it. I know that seems so..stupid..but it is the absolute truth. Remove the crap from your home, this is the time to break old patterns and build new ones. It isn't easy because they don't give us brain surgery with our sleeve and those old ways hang on.... So, try some creative things - I made these little "crackers" by pan frying a bit of cheddar cheese. Protein drinks come in many sweet flavors, can that fill some of that craving? I am 4 years post op and as I was writing this I went down memory lane about how badly I craved chips, crackers, Cookies -junk food - and making these substitutes helped. Now, I don't have that same drive to eat that stuff, or substitutes, so in time it really does get easier. I admire you for such an honest post and want to tell you that you have lost alot of weight, you have done well and you can get on track!.
  6. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    @@Georgia - i don't think I said this - but so good to hear from you!!! Sounds like you are doing so well - happy for you! @@coops - so glad you had decent weather. our company's mega meeting was the week of the 8th and it was COLD. I didn't go but kept hearing about all the sad kids that couldn't go swimming! @@UK Cathy don't feel down about a 1 pound gain. My weight is much more bouncy then it used to be - not sure why. Actually, I am starting to suspect my scale is wonky because the swings are much bigger than normal. But a pound can easily be a little Water retention! Anyway, in the long view you are back on track so I know your weight will head the direction you want it to! this morning - Monday is weigh in day - I am 154. I am aiming to slowly get under 150 and more importantly, start to build muscle while maintaining that weight. My true goal is to reduce my body fat and get shapely muscle tone back. My waist is 1.5" bigger than it was 2 years ago - and I am similar weight. I don't think another part of me is smaller, I am just less compact. Getting old sucks
  7. CowgirlJane

    Patch MD Update

    I do the sublingual B complex drops, I think it absorbs better sublingual or as a spray or injection.
  8. I buy most things at costco but have mail ordered from netrition.com Thanks for the tip on allstarhealth, good prices but being in California I hope shipping is faster than netrition. Also netrition is based in Texas so in the heat of summer you have to sometimes pay extra for packaging to keep your products from cooking while it travels by donkey. Seriously, they are really slow..
  9. CowgirlJane

    Diarrhea on day 4

    It is pretty normal to have diarrea during liquid phase. Then it is normal to have constipation too.... Most of us have figured out how to balance it out over time, but it can be frustrating. I had surgery recently, and in spite of using miralax daily i developed constipation which is not typical for me. Anyway, I am off the meds now, taking Probiotics and order is being restored to the universe. If you have cramps, intestinal upset, you are probably having trouble digesting. If it is just a tad of diarrea, probably normal for an all liquid diet. I drink premier Protein, but every once in a while it starts giving me cramps and runs... like I develop an intolerance to something in there. My former NUT told me to take 3 months off and try again, and sure enough I was fine after taking time off from it. Weird though.
  10. CowgirlJane

    Weight-loss after 1 year of surgery

    i think what he was referring to is that the "honeymoon period' for most people ends by 18 months out. I had a lot of weight to lose (my starting BMI was like 52) so I was hyper aware of making the most of that window of opportunity. What I know about myself is ONE of the reasons I never maintained big losses more than a year or two is because i never actually got trim/normal size. i knew that actually attaining normal status would be a big motivator for me. When I got under 200# people that had known me forever thought I looked thin enough - and compared to the 300-350 range that was true! i also felt like I looked kinda ... matronly... with the extra 40-50# still on. my weight loss happened as expected until I got down to the low 190s... and it slowed.way.down. I had to make a conscious decision to up the intensity and push hard to get to goal. I lost 150# in a total of 14 months. Then, I lost more later. Now, I am 4 years post op and I think my views are changed. Goal is no longer a destination it is more of a milestone. For me, the destination is becoming living the rich and full and physical life I always wanted and I continue to strive for that daily. I see weight management as a forever thing, it isn't time boxed or tied to a particular number. It is more about doing the best i can to have best possible health, feeling good and looking good - no matter what life throws my way. So, yes you can keep losing after your first year, but arguably, it does not get easier.
  11. I dont follow your meaning. there are statistical averages of excess weight lost, but your individual results are quite likely within your control.... plenty of people lose and maintain at a normal size/weight.
  12. CowgirlJane

    How to help my daughter

    Modeling behavior seems like the best tactic. I have two sons - a naturally skinny one and one that has my genetics. Well, the one prone to being heavier has never been obese, but he was a little chunky when he was younger. Since my surgery 4 years ago, he has slimmed down. He managed that even while living in dorms and eating the crappy college meal plan. In fact, he petitoned to be allowed out of the dorms before the mandatory one year because he wanted to be able to cook his own food - a healthier diet! The fact that I no longer eat dessert daily, no longer buy junk and focus on Protein and veggies has helped him alot. I don't have the big costco muffins on the countertop. I hate to admit it, but I think I was a little bit of an enabler to everyone else over eating too. He is a big man - well over 6' and built like a football player, and so he can eat way more than I do and remain healthy, but I am very pleased to see that his weight has not exploded, and that he is in fact slimmer - he is 23. My sons are both mid 20s and I am surprised to notice that some of their pals from high school are getting overweight. It's like the video game generation of young men aren't out there hiking and playing sports, they sit on their butts and work and for leisure and are developing the middle age spread decades before their time.... my sons are active an trim, although not athletes. I keep fingers crossed that they don't suffer from obesity in their lives.
  13. CowgirlJane

    OK...I drank the Kool-Aid

    I think you have been at goal around 2 years - about 3 years post op? I can't explain it, but that general time frame was harder for me than it is now, a year later. I had a teensy bit of worry that I was destined to regain because I had developed physical problems that reduced my activity, I had gone on a 2 week all inclusive vacation in costa rica and ate and drank too much, I was feeling more hungry, and the scale was inching up. I think it's "just life" and now a year later, I am back under goal, hunger is normal/in good control and I am feeling more optimistic about getting on track with exercise (latest setback was a surgical complication!) I think you have a healthy attitude - just keep going! I have no idea what the next year brings, but i guess we have to roll with what life throws at us!
  14. CowgirlJane

    What Is Your Biggest Fear?

    Fear triggers anxiety and I don't need that. I am not really afraid of regain because I won't let it happen. So it's more like it is an area of focus, but not a fear. I have some niggling doubts about my health. I feel like I can do anything but the truth is I have damaged joints and am vulnerable to injury. Complications from a recent surgery remind me of my fragility,of the uncertainties in life. I also have some unease about my next phase of life. It is a new experience for me to not be completely driven toward a goal and I continue to strive to find my next "passion" or become at peace with not having a passion.
  15. And you are likely to go through many more roller coasters in this process. I took a certain, heads down, put my shoulder to the grindstone attitude. During times when I doubted I could succeed, I just followed the program and pretended I believed. When I went through suddenly being visible and so many people noticing me, I pretended I was ok, and eventually I was. It is quite a leap of faith we all take at the beginning... One of my big lessons is I worried about the wrong things. That acceptance has helped me in other aspects of life too. Just keep making good choices, keep your eye on the prize and you will find much success.
  16. CowgirlJane

    Weight gain

    Besides the calories and carbs in the beer, it is well documented that people eat more when they have consumed alcohol. It lowers inhibitions. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  17. I had that happen with the strawberry. Make sure you don't store them somewhere that gets warm, but I think they get bad batches. Overall a great product and costco took back the bad box. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  18. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Coops - so glad Orlando was such a fun trip! Georgia - Florinda dropped out in Nov I think. She was very upset and having some problems - if I recall acid was bad and some regain. I hope she is doing well too. I have had a good weekend. Finally getting out of the house, seeing people and doing things! My energy is terrible still (exhausted easily) and my leg is still draining but no pain and no swelling and I am feeling so much better. Fingers crossed that in a few more weeks I will be back to working out etc. I am doing good with food. I am starting to wonder about my scale. Monday is my weigh in day but I check a few times a week - always morning. I went from 157 (what, regain?) To 151 in a day. Hmmmm.... what I do know is my clothes fit right so I am in the 155 range. I'd like to get to 145-150 range....slowly getting there! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  19. My opinion about exercise is that it is an investment in health, looking good and maintaining (easier to maintain if you have good muscle mass) but food is the key to weight loss. As Julian Michaels says...you can eat your way past ANY exercise program. Honestly I think you are doing really well. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  20. Have you tried changing the habit, and stop eating ice? I have a big sports drink drinking bottle I put ice in the Water but since I can't get to the ice with the top on, I'd never think of eating it. I am guessing you are experiencing acid but that is just a guess. Try proselec for a few weeks.When I had a lapband excess acid made me overeat things like yogurt, frozen yogurt, soft ice cream etc. In hindsight I realize I was self medicating for acid I didn't know I had. I think you need to find a bariatric center of excellence for a check up -my gut feeling is that you should be checked because you used the word painfully to describe your hunger. I was sleeved in 2011 and I don't feel pain, just pangs or twinge of hunger when it is time to eat.
  21. CowgirlJane

    how to choose

    There is the way I decided and the way you SHOULD decide..Ha The way you should do it is research pros and cons, make lists, ask your surgeon questions, read research studies, go to your local support groups and talk to post ops. Once you have gathered the evidence, make the best decision you can for your specifics. Example, if you have GERD, that is probably a showstopper for sleeve and a big plus for bypass. The way I did it was after 10years of a failed band I was distraught at weighing more than ever, getting old before my time, having health problems etc. sleep apnea doc was very compassionate but gave me some tough love and basically gave me a very rational analysis of my situation and why I needed weight loss surgery. He made a compelling case and told me to look into sleeve. I went to surgeon he recommended who told me I would fail with sleeve since I had done so poorly with the band. I started the process toward bypass, but emotionally could not come to grips or make peace with it. I dropped out. After another failed nutrisystems attempt I tried to join a lifestyle program but they wouldn't take my money and told me I needed WLS. Referred me to puget sound bariatric who thought I was a good sleeve candidate and I finally went for it. In hindsight my irrational fear of bypass was due to People I had known many years ago who had problems, it was open surgery and older techniques etc. I now believe they are both excellent choices. I have no regrets,4 years post sleeve and maintaining so sleeve has been amazing for me. I think bypass would have been great too but they have pros and cons.
  22. You have received excellent advice. Track, up Protein and Water and keep carbs in check. I also think your rate of loss seems reasonable. We are all different but steady wins the race..just keep at it! I have been maintaining 150# loss for 3 years, have a high quality low carb Protein Drink daily so I disagree that it slows weight loss. Most Protein Bars however are carb laden and high calorie... and for me, too easy to eat too often so that did slow me down until I got rid of them.
  23. CowgirlJane

    How Much Stomach is Taken Out?

    The surgeons talked to my family while I was still in recovery and told them I had a very big stomache for a woman, my height. I was not a binge eater, but more a chronic overeater ( always hungry). I did have pouch dialation from the lapband so maybe that contributed. I felt too embarrassed to ask what causes an oversized stomach so I reframed it in my mind as the reason I really needed the sleeve. Anyway, percent removed isn't the key, it's getting a properly shaped sleeve with the fundus removed AND the real key, is what you do with it! Are you sure you need to lose 100 with such a low BMI? ... And, how much your stomach has stretched throughout the years.
  24. CowgirlJane

    Weight gain

    Some people like to restart with liquid phase as a kind of "reset". Personally I can't hack it. Either way, you need to go back to what worked before. For most that means tracking...adhering to Protein, carb, calorie, Water targets etc. Weigh weekly. Increase activity. Don't expect fast results but it will work. Once you are back to goal, set up a self monitoring by weighing weekly, set yourself a small "bounce range" and take action if you go over your range. I was also sleeved in 2011, and even with the sleeve, maintaining requires diligence and I guess that will never change. I am encouraged because pre sleeve it wasn't possible, but now, I can get back on track and the sleeve is still there to help me.
  25. CowgirlJane

    Damage to sleeve

    You are ok, but it does seem early for chunky food. My world view is to think about today...and tomorrow..not about the past (unless you learn from it!) My politics may not be uber conservative, but when it comes to health - be careful! I know you are fine but go slow...

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