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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    I don't think it was meant to be an insult

    My humor didn't come off too well here. Honestly I am fine, it is just that the remark hit close to home. I will say it a million times, just like losing weight doesn't solve all your life challenges, neither does being perceived as attractive or stylish. I enjoy feeling stylish and confident about my appearance but I have definitely learned it really doesn't matter too much to anybody that matters! So the coffee meeting that prompted this went fine. The guy was a hoot...I left feeling like he would be very fun to do stuff with. He is however way older, never been married, has lived a wild life (makes for good stories!) so my gut tells me it would be a fun whirlwind thing but that isn't what I want so I won't pursue. The other thing that was odd..he was so insistent on meeting for coffee on a Friday night. I had a decaf latte, after sitting outside for 90 minutes talking to everybody who went by (dogs get alot of attention) I was ready to go home...to my home. I sense that he took it as rejection when I turned down the offer of a margarita at his place. So be it. The dinner date was nice. A very formal man, lives in the USA for many decades, but born in Persia. I am not attracted, but I rarely am initially, so going to do a second date. We had alot to talk about so it's a good start. I had another coffee date at some point too, oddly enough, also from Iran (strange coincidence, not like there are many Persian people around here). Nice and interesting but I sensed in his personality a certain, inflexibility and even suspicion about dating/women. Due to bad experiences in the past with a paranoid person that was a big red flag and it killed all interest in an actual date for me. I am happy overall with how it is going so far. Meeting a high quality type, and taking it as it goes. Sent from my KFJWI using the BariatricPal App
  2. CowgirlJane

    Shaving Armpits

    I had the same problem. Luckily I have very little body hair, especially there so laser hair removal worked like a charm.
  3. CowgirlJane

    I Am A Lap Swimmer

    Yeah! I have been encouraged to take up lap swimming but truth is I don't swim that we'll. I can spend hours in the Water but it's more of a float and paddle about. I used to be a really good floater, not as much now. Anyway, I hate chlorine but a local pool does a saltwater thing. I need to check out "lap lessons." People used to tell me I have swimmers arms -got that from planks, pushups, burpees etc- imagine actual swimmers arms -long muscles-would look great!
  4. CowgirlJane

    how much protein can you eat per meal?

    What is the problem you are trying to solve? Reduce hunger, lose more weight? My program advises 5 mini meals per day...I settled on 4 during weight loss phase. The reason they call them mini meals is to make the point that they are all protein, veggies and only if room, something else. If you switched to an approach like that you don't need big volume to get in alot of protein and hunger is minimized due to eating every day 3 hours and a high protein diet. 4 years out, my sleeve has a generous capacity but I maintain successfully by following this approach.
  5. CowgirlJane

    Would you use the chat room if you knew where it was?

    Not too likely but you are right, I know the button is there somewhere, but out of sight out of mind.
  6. CowgirlJane

    A convenient healthy protein discovery

    I agree, I have a few chicken and turkey sausages that are part of my regular rotation. I use a rough guideline...should have at least 10g of Protein per 100 calories (and usually it's way better than that) and very low to no carbs. Carbs in a meat product means alot of additives. I don't worry about the fat but if it is let's say 20g of protein and about 130 calories and low carb the fat will be fine - like these chicken patties. I bought the cooked chicken strips and for some reason no one in the house liked them. They became dog training treats. I wonder if we got a bad batch because they are popular. I do have capacity for one of these chicken patties or one of the salmon patties , can even add a bit of salad.
  7. My son actually found these precooked chicken patties in the freezer section . I love my healthy salmon patties but it's great to have some variety. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  8. CowgirlJane

    The year to the new me. 2016

    You are doing so well - congratulations! It just gets better and better too!
  9. It is logical to reach this conclusion but I know of no peer reviewed study to support this hypothesis,do you? I had a two week liver shrinking diet - low carb. I did well in t he sense of the low carb but I only lost 8# and really struggled. I have been very successful post op. Of course that doesn't prove anything either... as one story does not research make.
  10. Thanks for sharing your lessons learned. It is hard to know if there is a cause and effect but I guess we all want to do our best to minimize risk of problems. What I don't understand is why some surgeons make the preop diet so difficult. ... for purposes of liver shrinking a couple of weeks of low carb does the trick, I am grateful I wasn't expected to live on shakes for a month preop (some surgeons protocol ). Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  11. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    @@Georgia @@coops hope you two get to feeling better. sleep and good nutrition..and Netflix are what the doctor ordered! @@Oregondaisy girl scouts.. the little temptresses deliver their crack...err Cookies right to the door. A few years ago a brave little girl made it to our front door in the country. I had to buy 2 boxes but unbeknownst to me it was the presale. So by the time she comes back, I am not home and my 2 son's devour them...really as a public service so I would not have to binge eat them. What is it about them ad self control flies out the window? @@feedyoureye keep up the momentum, feels good doesn't it. @ukcathy tomorrow is our weigh in day....it does not bode well that I have been going out over the last week....so I am expecting a little bounce. ... I am finally enjoying life again.
  12. CowgirlJane

    I don't think it was meant to be an insult

    It was mostly funny. What was awesome is we had dogs so mine had a chance to be people and dog socialized. About 10 people stopped to pet the dogs. I was on a dinner date tonight. He volunteered that I look 46. I realize that means 5 years younger, nice compliment. I just found it funny to say specifically a not round number... 46. I am sure I say odd or unintentionally funny things too.
  13. CowgirlJane

    getting divorced

    Your parents sound awesome. I am glad you have them and can count on them.
  14. Fyi - Oh Yeah bars are the closest thing to a candy bar I have found in Protein bars. I LOVE them. So, only time I ate them is when I was having issues like recent recovery from a surgical complication. As much as I'd like to drop 5# that was not the ideal time. Any hoo. ..just saying that oh yeah bars are kind of a gateway drug. ..errrr food for me so proceed with caution. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  15. CowgirlJane

    Error 502 - Bad Gateway

    Browser which is terrible on the kindle. Maybe I should try the app, but I like seeing signatures etc. Anyway will give it a try. I assumed it had something to do with updates underway... Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  16. CowgirlJane

    Error 502 - Bad Gateway

    @@Alex Brecher I am getting that message lots of places...using kindle
  17. I sense you are operating under a false notion that you have no influence on your weight loss. Suggest you read some of the comments in this thread. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/361872-when-is-it-not-a-stall/
  18. Size is a very personal thing....My implants are 240cc. I have a big ribcage too, just make sure you will be happy with clothes sizes. If I had big implants I'd need a large. I have noticed that I seem big busted compared to other fit women. Big breasts tend to make you look bigger overall. Another consideration for me is that I ride horses, hike etc and I wanted a size that suited an athletic lifestyle. As long as you have factored all that - go for it!!! I didn't experience much pain. I had lower body lift, breast and arms...wow what a difference! It was a big surgery so recovery was slow, but text book. 2 years later I had thigh lift, had a complication which became an infection and kicked my butt and hurt like heck. So my advice ( to myself!!) Is to be more aware of worst case scenario and have a backup plan. If my sons didn't live with me I would have had a lot of trouble keeping the farm going for that unplanned extra recovery time. Good luck - very exciting!!!
  19. CowgirlJane

    I don't think it was meant to be an insult

    I just started again with trying to meet someone. Have gone on a few coffee dates that have gone well etc but yesterday I had something funny happen. I show up and he blurts out "you are beautiful, you look better than your pictures".... pause and in a somewhat suspicious tone "why don't you have a boyfriend?" I made a joke of it saying something like "I know, right? And laughed it off. What I really felt is that I have wondered this myself. My whole life I have been the obese, asexual looking woman and basically had to rely on my charming personality. Now, I get all these affirmations on my appearance but still haven't met someone lasting....and there is the twinge of self doubt...maybe it IS my personality! Then I remind myself it is not lack of opportunity it's more that I am pretty picky I guess. But for a moment - I did feel kind of "put down" - ha. Luckily I get over it fast and we had a nice meeting. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  20. CowgirlJane

    Scaring and cream

    Silicone tape Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  21. We are in violent agreement, if your goal is to maximize muscle mass, control appetite, typical bariatric patient goals- spread it out. I figure no more than 30 at a meal but in truth it rarely exceeds 20-25. So i eat 4, maybe 5x a day and hit about 90-100 g daily. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  22. CowgirlJane

    Age is but a number......

    My post was more negative than intended. I do believe you can be successful and I do believe you should research carefully, find a great program with support and education and a proven success track record and go for it. My meaning was that there were alot of truths I needed to face that I wasn't prepared for. When I was 20 I went from 195 to 145 by dieting and fitness workouts. I was an emotional wreck and back then, living in a rural area, there was zero acknowledgement of the emotional side of thing. I regained fast. We are all different but just set yourself up for success with the right kind of education, support, therapy, whatever it takes. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  23. I am surprised too. Have you had a complete..non ER workup? I would expect a bariatric surgeon to order an endoscopy to look for strictures or whatever. Do you take an effective PPI? I think 3 months you should be feeling alot better and not have pain - I would follow up with my surgical practice.
  24. CowgirlJane

    Compromising too soon

    If substitutes work, I think that is great. For me, if I am on a bender, it all just needs to stop. Junk food has an amazing attribute. If you eat it, you crave more. If you really don't eat it, don't have it in your house, avoid drive throughs or other trigger spots ,-the cravings go away. This is why I eat even fruit sparingly, all that sugar makes me hungry ..especially for more sugar.
  25. CowgirlJane

    I am going to Hell....

    I eat shrimp all the time. Mostly grilled but might be sauteed or fried. Not the healthiest choice but I no longer view food as good or bad - guilty?. It just doesn't have that kind of power. I do know you were making a bit of fun, but I am quite serious...I no longer have a virtuous or villain association with foods.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
