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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    What did Brown eat today?

    Like I isaid I will read daily but include activity. I have a theory brewing.. do you feel comfortable posting a full body pic?
  2. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Reading all updates but slow to type on kindle so forgive my brief responses. BROWN, I believe in different body types needing different things. My'post plastics state of mind makes me bitchy toward a couple of the male 'regulars who are very. Successful but don't appreciate that not all of bodies respond the same. Anyway I want'to withhold my theory till reading a few days of your food and activity journal. And just for'kicks are you an O blood type?
  3. Beans got that right this is a big surgery. Besides losing 5'5# of skin, I had skin peeled back from the fascia and it needs to reattach. lymphatic drainage needs to"reroute" The healing is more massive then the incision length... and just the incision length is mighty. I will measure it but I guess I have 70" of incision. I am bouncing'back very well and I attribute it to being g fit to start with. Even so, I Am 4-6 weeks off a desk job, prohibited from stress, only allowed easy walks and restart beginner exercise a t 6 weeks. By 8 weeks I am allowed to handle horses again but am planning that it might be 12 before my strength is really enough to ride safely. I 'too know that my little girlie Muscle tone.is disappearing but that will come back later . Now is time to heal.
  4. Well we all lose differently and since you didn't share how close u are to goal it is really hard to say. Eating high protein and low carbohydrate combined with high intensity exercise gave my losses a jump start.
  5. gamergirl you made me laugh Fiddle, I didn't really answer you but I think it would be crazy to do a TT if u just have an inch to pinch. I am 5'5" and lost about 180 from my h highest weight. I am not shooting for VS model, just normal. Surgeon told me that early days I am burning up to twice as much as normal. I can't describe it, besides being hungry I feel that way like I crave nourishment. I sip a Protein drink all nite long, when I awake to go pee I am hungry. Breakfast at the hotel is from 6-10 and I was already s scheming about two meals.. we have a little fridge stocked with fresh fruit and greek'yogurt etc so I am just doing the eat small amount all day long complete opposite of my maintenance strategy. This is my healing strategy. Remember I lad lower body lift which is tt plus,'also boobs arms and small thigh.lift. there is much to be healed. Nurse told'me that being in such good condition is making my healing go well.
  6. CowgirlJane

    Excess Skin?

    age and how many times you have gained and lost over the years. my advice- get the weight off and THEN worry about, even the ugliest of extra skin looks and feels better than morbid obesity,
  7. I found out he only cut out 5.5# of skin and that he is quite sure I will be hot by the time all is said and done...haha I am hungry like a wolf. extra calories to heal, but it is freaky too So I am drinking my premier Proteins, eating fruit plus my 3 sleever meals a day, Today the garments went on with less of a struggle, so i am not as swollen, I am back to hotel, doc visited me here already and nurse arrives in the morning I am feeling well cared for, and really respecting that this is a big deal and takes alot of energy to heal. but i am getting bored and am really hopingn for more entertainment from vst ...haha, Any high drama threads I should be looking for?
  8. Eliminate is such a strong statement. I lost about 125# and realized that to get to goal I would need to be be carb conscious. After reaching goal I can h a 've more and you do need some for energy. I can't workout hard on too low carbohydrate. So I am insulin. Resistant and just eat in a way that controls cravings. So some carbs in greek yogurt and berries is great, chips and bread not so much.
  9. Gamer i forgot to add.another few of my eatung rules. minimize Protein bars due tocarbs...kicked up my weight loss when i stopped buying Quest bars. Protein sources should provide at least 10g protein per hundred calories, if not better. I do eat eat fruit but focus on berries and other low GI choices. Dont eat my holy trinity of faves foods - bread taters and ice cream. I could and have eaten them with abandon as they are my desert island foods..haha I do believe tracking is an effective tool for many but it was basically lifetime of dieting trauma for me.
  10. Gamergirl, when i stopped tracking my rate of loss increased. Idk if I ate more or less. I do a mental count of Protein only. Portion control but no grazing. No junky carbs It worked for me
  11. diligence without obsession is how I feel. I gave up tracking on NUT advice and it came thru the long haul. I was a pro dieter and it didn't really work. Lifestyle change...that's the winning ticket
  12. CowgirlJane

    Dating post-op..does it get easier?

    I get about 10 emails a day from dating websites I joined last summer. I am not dating because I have a part-time bf which is what Ine e d right now. I went on Lot of first dates tho...educational. I am not settling - that's what I really learned.
  13. CowgirlJane

    Dating post-op..does it get easier?

    Proceed with caution so soon after surgery. It can be an emotional time and the heart mayb e tender. I KNOW I have a lot to offer in a relationship, 3 weeks post op.. not so much.
  14. CowgirlJane

    Undecided - please read on

    i think that thread has many great points but i have never heard of leaks years out in any study. i am happy and healkthy with the sleeve
  15. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    ms skinniness, you are already so skinny.. cut yourself some slack Georgia, same to you, all humans ocassionally comfort eat or over indulge. what separates a normie from an obese person is the frequency and there is an end to it..haha. I think you did good. All u drinkers of green tea -why? so many teas actually taste good. Why cant I access this forum from my phone? I am scared of general anesthesia so the twilight was actually a plus for me. I get sick from general. Here is the crazy thing... I did wake up a couple of times and asked if we were done. I was out again before I got an answer. There was no trauma, I couldnt feel antthing and just remember seeing blue scrubs.It was dreamlike. I knew it would liikely happen and it was no problem. When I awoke in recioveryb I was sharp and alert and no nasuea. I felt great- no anthestia hangover or fog
  16. preop diet is very stressfull and it does get better honestly though if you want to reach and maintain a healthy weight, changes are required. wine and cheese for dinner as a treat not a routine... once you have been obsese you cant eat like that regularly without risking regain
  17. CowgirlJane

    Finally joined the club...arrived at Onderland!

    You really look transformed, so young looking too! Great job!
  18. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I see 5:2 as a good maintenance plan. Allows me to go out and indulge just a little sometimes without gaining.
  19. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    My friend staying with me here told me that I look just right but to not lose more for fear of getting getting too boney looking of a chest. I kinda know what she means it is tempting to want to lose just a few more..but I think with the excess skin removed I look about right. On a whim had the doc do a fat transfer to my face. It takes a small amount and was done from skin he removed so no Lipo pain. Fat transfers to the face tend to be very temporary lasting 3-18months but it would help me decide if I want to.net pursue other costly fillers in the states. wow it makes me look younger but it makes me look so different I am'not sure yet if I like it. All the other work looks really great... boobs aren't too big, and I still have something of a butt etc so quite happy with what I see so far.
  20. Initial results look awesome. Care has heen excellent. Its probably harder then I thought it would be but surgery was yday and I am hobbling around my room pretty well.
  21. CowgirlJane

    Would you do it again?

    Many people lose hAir but when my weight was in the life and death ballpark hairloss wasn't that important.
  22. CowgirlJane

    Help...having regrets

    It's mistake to compare your speed to someone else. I lost 150...doesn't even matter the rate anymore. I felt fairly crappy the first 6 weeks... returning to human over about 12 weeks. Just keep on improving and seeking the support you need.
  23. CowgirlJane

    strange reaction to great news

    Well we lose fat faster then the mind changes that is for sure. I worked for every pound so I don't close complete l y relate but I do relate to the"wow" can this be for real feeling. Congrats!!
  24. I am here with the help of a lifelong girlfriend. She is retired so could make the trek. Her support has been wonderful especially the emotional side.. This clinic s amazing. RUNS 1-2 nurses per patient right now so outstanding care. My ex is caring for the farm. Bean described well what is hard..not so much the pain but the immobility and limited acivity and the tightest garments you can visualize wearing. No tighter then that. I am continually warned about not over doing it. When you are us e to being active its painful to be stuck in a recliner. Did the first shower today so a bit . Of an unveiling... no more tummy sitting on the bike seat, My arms no longer look like wrinkled elephant legs and I have breasts. Again. I think I am quite pleased. My friend cried when she saw the transformation. It takes awhile to see the results but looks quite promising.
  25. Only you can decide. It is similar to the wls decision... not for everybody. For me I want to look normal and due to massive extra skin I didn't. I didn't do this for anyone else- I did it for me.

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