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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    Tummy tuck today!

    Yes my surgeon told me he wants bikini pix in 2014.. haha
  2. CowgirlJane

    Tummy tuck today!

    Paul I just had extensive plastics. I think it is worth it to pay the extra for the ab over the panny. The ab.job really is.much bigger and gives much more results. I had the lower body lift or 360 because the whole thing was self pay and the cost and recovery differences wasnt that much. The 360 helps resolved saggy butt and upper thigh more than anything but it also prevents the dog ears some people get after just a TT. Anyway, i prob wouldnt do 360 LBL unless you are looking to wear bikinis but I would seriously consider the full ab work over just the panni.
  3. CowgirlJane

    Dating post-op..does it get easier?

    I went through these questions too. I feel guilty for some guy to buy me dinner when I know I don't really want to see h I m. I would either decline or see him as a pal only. Btw, my"dating" found me 3 platonic friends that I sometimes do stuff with.. that's cool. I just know I will only date an active fit and certain other criteria guy so will not even accept a date with someone who doesn't meet that. I would rather'spend time with friends.
  4. CowgirlJane

    Tummy tuck today!

    No cringing Allowed. Before pix should be honored.. how far you have come and the place you'll never see again. One of these days I will be inflicting'my before and afters too!
  5. Thanks to so many of you who have sent me messages of encouragement... I really feel the power of the thoughts and prayers of so many friends in real life...and online. I feel great todat!!!
  6. no lifting for 6 weeks. I was sorta ok by say4-6 weeks. human by 12 weeks. Had nothing to do with pain,,, low pain recovery.
  7. CowgirlJane

    I need help, feeling unsuccessful!

    5:2 or not...go back to basics. protein, veggies plenty of water. come here for support... you can do this
  8. CowgirlJane

    off topic, but I really want your opinions

    coops, if you don't mind sharing, hijack this or start a new one - I would love to hear too. BTW, i am still stitched and bandaged but I am so glad I did the arms. omg... omg... its all I can say. It will be months before i know the end results... but my friend actully cried with joy after the initial unveiling and a big part of it was the arms,
  9. CowgirlJane

    What did Brown eat today?

    We are all different and so i want to be careful with advice. now knowing you are diabetic, I am even less comfortable. Let me share the general direction my thoughts were going and I suggest that you decide if it makes sense and "fits" your world. I know for a fact that my way is not suitable for many... so I take no offense at all if you decide it is not right for you. 1. I dont count calories, I am a carb and Protein counter. 2. I just dont eat junk, I dont eat fast food.I treat food like I am the most expensive car in the world and I put only the most premium fuel in. that means, no fast food , no tv dinners, very little processed food 3. i eat using appetizer size dishes so my portions stay very small. protein first, green and similiar veggies second - fruit and stuff is moderate. rice, Pasta, potatos etc etc are zero. I think you are basically doing this 4. I need vigorous exercise. This may not be appropritate for everyone, but a year ago I switced to high intensity and it changed my body shape and revved my metabolism. walking around shopping doesn't cut it - I need to sweat and get an elevated heart rate. It isn't about the calories burned during exercise, it is about changing the way my body functions. Maybe sounds crazy and maybe doesn't fit for you.... but if you are interested I can tell you safe ways to start down that path. 5. I need more physical movement. all the time. I changed my lifestyle fundamentally to be the woman on the move.... again, not about the caloried burn it somehow changed my metabolism. watching tv and snacking used to be a major hobby, now, even if it is just playing with my puppy or dusting the shelves.... I do more of the "moving" and a whole lot less of the sitting. I have posted my bikini photos so you allknow I am muscular. I didn't set out to be muscular and I don't lift weights. I like being muscular though and somewhere along the way somebody told me I was athletic (who me???????) - I have been mentally changing my view of myself to being an athletic person and it sounds nuts but my mind had to change before my body did. I was relatively sedentary/desk job kinda gal for decades and now I am an athlete so those calories burn. I would rather hike up a mountain then go out for brunch. I know this is a big picture change and didn't happen instantly, and isn't right for everyone - but I feel like my body said "oh thank goodness, been waiting for you to do this" I still havent seen a body shot of you, but I have wondered if you too are an athelete at heart and needs to light the fire in the engine room so that your own body starts burning those calories up the way it was meant to. Truly this mindshift has been monumental for me.
  10. maybe part of your journey is to learn to respect what it is you really want? I am a "do-er" too but sometimes just kickin back is cool too!
  11. CowgirlJane

    How do I tell him I am not interested?

    How a b out "I have met someone and exploring if it will go anywhere so not currently dating but thank you so much for the invite."
  12. CowgirlJane

    Getting Pretty Irritated With Myself

    I have been successful with sleeve but would struggle with your situation. can u choose clean/ low processed food? like fish or chicken wirh side of veggie or salad? skip pasta, rice, casaeroles, stews and other unknowns? eggs for bfst and skip hotcakes and taters? no sandwhiches for lunch..just meat and cheese? have fruit, veggies protein drinks and beef jerky for snacks. No soda, beer, milk or juice.
  13. CowgirlJane

    Worried about Quality of Life PostOp

    my quality of life was deteroriating when i was so heavy. I reached the point where i realized the "food" wasnt living..... you know what I mean? first week, even first year - i definately had to eat different. hell, i have to eat differently now or i would regain to 300# again. quality of life is about a million times better. I can eat at restaurants, I go to parties, I go dancing, I LIVE.... I just dont over eat. So, if a person defnes quality of life a overeating, yes, that might be a problem. If quality of life means LIVING and eating to stay healthy... no problemo!!!!
  14. your topic tone disturbs me. you regret it already, then why do it? I tried every diet every program, therapy, you name it. even had the stupid lapband for 10 years. I could probably write diet books nd cookbooks and run support meetings for the ones I have attended for freaking DECADES. I have fought the waragainst my obesity since i was 8 years old - about a 40 year battle. VSG saved my life and I went into it with a serious attitude that I was gonna make it work. It finally gave me the tool I needed - already had the determination and still do.
  15. My hair is so full at nearly 2 years out... i am back to havingto have it thinned. one of these days i need to get a photo ofmyself done up... I have quite a head ofhair when not contained,,,lol
  16. I'd take a hendricks gin and tonic anyday over a stupid cupcake...haha. so,today is Sat so I guess 5 days postop. We ventured beyond the hotel walls undr firm instructions from the surgeon to move like 85 year old ladies walking on an icey path... ie slow and careful. I had my 7 drains cleverly tucked into a fanny pack, but yes I got stares. We went to a local grocery store and connected mall, lots of sitting between walking . Had a great time, love people so always a good time. back to the hotel and slept the sleep of the dead a few hours...lol The elimination of the tape is solving the skinproblem and we bought a very thin shirt to go under the top garmet to protect my sensitive skin. I am no longer developing skin abrasions yeah ! so wearing the garment except for showers. one of the reasons 5 :2 works for me is they are super low carb days.... remember i dont "count" calories. my fast days are approx 500 but they are basically low carb Protein drnk days with perhaps a hunk of sandwich meat.
  17. CowgirlJane

    What did Brown eat today?

    What does your normal eating days look like? no judgements, just trying to help
  18. we post on other boards too and i will be happy to share my exeriences. one comment is that it is EXPECTED and normal. The long term challenge is to change habits and behaviorsto live a normal life - even when you are able to eat more and experience hunger.
  19. CowgirlJane

    Sleeve vs lapband...

    Who are all these successful bandsters? I was banded in 2001 & while there were successes I only n ow 1 person that still has her band and maintained her losses . There are plenty of surgeons who don't do the procedure anymore. Be careful of thinking that meeting a few patients is research. There are a number of studies out there that show complications I on rates for the band being very high over the long run.
  20. I till have the piece of paper my surgen had me sign in 2001 notifying me it was intended to be temporary. That was Germaany 2001 right before fda approval.
  21. This would get alot more responses on the post surgery board - this is the veterans board intended for topics relatiing to people alot further out from their surgery. most of us deal with hunger, there are techniques - but number one is drink water, eat high protein, low carb and lots of veggies
  22. I shared some of this info already but my surgery was 9 hours because I chose to do a lot at once rather then stage over 3 surgeries. I stayed in the surgical clinic adjoining a big hospital 4 no nights so they did excellent pain control and personal care. I stay in hotel near the clinic another 7 nights before flying home. Nurse comes to hotel daily to assist with shower and doc checks in daily too. This is NOT how it is done in the USA so I can only share my experiences. Cost was about 1/3 to half of USA cost but more importantly for me, had more care. We all have our "thing" but I wanted nursing care.
  23. Can I add "I read a post of a 500# guy who lost 100# in 3 months, I started at 200# and my surgery was 3 months ago, why aren't I at goal? I must have the wrong bougie size."
  24. No depression... extreme compression. NOW I know how Victorian era women got 18 " waists.... OMG the squeeze. My Irish skin is healing very well at the incisions but not handling the tape or the garments. Doc has given instructions of no more tape and to spend some bed rest time free of the torture garments. We are going to look for thin silk or something else to go under. My worst pain is NOT incisions but rather these sores.
  25. CowgirlJane

    Has it really come to this?

    Ditto I tried everything multiple times. If u can lose and maintain without surgery that is all the better. I COULD NOT.and it wasn't for lack of trying.

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