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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    This morning the scale gave up 149! I broke the 150# barrier! I expect my new bounce range to be in the 145-148 range once the swelling is gone, so i am very excited. My boyfriend, who is a skinny guy, told me don't lose anymore since I look like a 1940s pinup girl and just about perfect...ha. My friend Priscilla that helped me in Mexico, she got very concerned when I mentioned trying to get another 10 off and I really thought about it, i feel comfortable where I am at. My BMI is normal, certainly at the high end of that range, but it seems to fit for me. I think my next fitness goals are around reducing body fat % - my home scale sad 28.3% - I think 25% is a good target over the longer term.
  2. CowgirlJane

    What's your poison!

    I like martinis - lemon drop, cosmo are types of martinis that are delicious. They are basically straight alcohol and there fore best consumed very slowly..and you only have one. My friend makes a great martinis and on the rare occasion we have one, we share a single serving. Advantage is minimal highcarb mixer I first discovered fireball a year ago - my gfriend introduced me. I hate whiskey, but fireball is all cinnamony and warm feeling. poured over alot of ice.. the ice melts... it becomes a whiskey Water the way we drink it. and again - no high carb mixer. haven't had one in ages, but I think when we do our monthly happy hour (which was disrupted by my going into training for plastic surgery and now recovery from Sept-Nov) it will probably be our Dec happy hour drink. again, we have one My favorite summer drink for ourhappy hours is gin tonic. She orders vodka collins but I dont know what is in the collins mix.
  3. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT - i can feel the weight of that devastating news. I don't have words of comfort that mean anything really, I know that, except you aren't really alone. I don't know about your family, but people can be amazing and do more for you then you might ever imagine. When my younger sis breast cancer came back and quickly advanced to bone cancer I organized a "share the care" team. People came out of the woodwork to help. Coworkers from two jobs ago came out to care for Linda. i coordinated the volunteers so she was never alone. Her situation was obviously acute over chronic and she died at age 40 - to me a very cruel fate as well. I still think women don't really come into their "own" until they hit 40 and she missed that chance. But, the shining star for me was my faith in human beings went way up - i was raised to never ask for help and yet when I did... it was like a miracle. I still tear up thinking about a group of around 25 people all pitching in to help ease my sister through such a difficult time. I feel bad that you are facing this, but i am pleased you are empowering yourself to TAKE IT ON. Now I see why you were interested in the vitamix... wouldn't something like that really help you get in massive veggies? That is the reason I want to get one - I know I don't get enough veggies in because it is all about the protein and I worry about long term health effects. I am thinking if I can blend them up with protein at least once a day, I can get a substantial serving in. I am thinking about going for the blentec after reading all the reviews though still choking at the cost. Can you order and have something like that shipped to you? Germany has AMAZING appliances (lived there for 2 years, those people know how to engineer household appliances!) so if you get sent back there for any reason, another alternative. Have you joined online support groups for MS? People following that protocol? I encourage you to keep taking empowering actions and to share your fears, victories and setbacks. {{{{HUGS}}}}
  4. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I resisted when costco had SAMPLES of halloween candy. I walked right by the baby snickers bars, used to be my favorite! It is tempting, but I am just feeling so good with my weight back down to 150 as some swelling has subsided. Is it true what they say, success breeds success? Like when you are doing good it is so motivating to you want to keep doing good? So, alot of you have researched 5:2 more then i have. One question I have is this - since it isn't REALLY a fast 2X a week, why is eating 1/4 of normal a health/longevity benefit? I ask because I want to get back to it, but also want to be sure I am getting enough nutrition for healing. I will wait a few more weeks, but just wondering how 500 calories is considered a fast for purposes of the longevity... why not 800 or whatever?
  5. CowgirlJane

    Adventures in shapers

  6. Dont be discouraged, people are all different. Does it really matter in the end how long it takes? goal isnt the "end", maintenance is work too. Low carbing and changing exercise routine up both helped accelerate me when my losses slowed.
  7. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sucks, I am sorry. My recent breakup - 15 year long term relationship - live in - was like a slow fall... it took years. When I finally "ended it" it had been over for so many years it was a non event basically. He is in fact my caregiver right now - we are more like roommates or brother-sister and plan to stay that way. He is step dad to my boys and co-parent to at least some of the household pets..haha. Had the chat with my "boyfriend" - it went really well. We actually spent a nice afternoon together, talked about alot of things in life, in the past, the ideas for the futre. I think for the first time in my life, I am somehow able to articulate my needs without feeling insecure or worried about the consequences or fear of rejection. I am learning alot in this relationship. anyway, nothing is resolved, but, he told me he doesn't want to lose me either - again we feel like we have a good thing going just a question of if we can find a balance that is comfortable for both of us. We shall see... in the meantime I focus on healing.
  8. CowgirlJane

    Dating post-op..does it get easier?

    Wow, that is great. You are bold; I have never connected with someone that fast. I read dating advice for women: dont get hung up on looks/height/hair. I am ok with bald, its the first two that kept my fish supply very limited. I am not over it..haha. I have met very few Blake Shelton look alikes in fact.
  9. CowgirlJane


    I think everyone has covered it I think: -emotional withdrawl/head hunger -acidy feeling very common post op and it feels like hunger to some of us. are you on an acid inhibitor? -nerves were cut and take time to have full sensation. first several weeks, live by the measureand weight and the clock - don't trust your tummy to tell you when yuo are on food until you are more solid foods -except you may have a rough time first 6-8 weeks. I didnt feel human until about 12 weeks out keep your eye on the prize and remember it does get easier
  10. I have been thinking about upping my natural intake of micronutrients by increasing kale, other greens, other veggies etc in some sort of Protein drink concoction. sounds gross, but I cant think of a better way to get all that good stuff without popping supplement pills - i want real foodsources. Those vitamixes are pricey. I own a magic bullet, not sure how well it cando the job I will test it. Curious if there are others who do this and what type of device is needed.
  11. CowgirlJane

    Getting my first flat tummy in......EVER!

    Congrats!!!! It is so exciting! I was told that it takes 2 months to see "final" results due to sweling and settling around. I think you will be very pleased. I notice you had quite a bit of bruising, I don't think I had any - wonder why? Is the panni with TT different then a TT? I had a lower body lift which is basically a TT with a flank and butt lift.
  12. omg BTB, that sounds awful. All surgeons have their approach not sure one is better then another but remember I had to make a long flight home just 11 days post op, so maybe that is why the different technique? Not sure, but I have an approach with surgeons, pick one with good results and trust their judgement. My internal stitches are dissolvable, but there are lots of external stitches and they are easy to remove, just a slow process. Go slow and carefully and have the right tools for the job. I also have a friend that is an EMT that could help, but some of these stitches are located in rather personal spots, so I would rather not call on him if I don't have to. The external stitches are basically a running stitch, so you snip the knot, pull to remove, snip when it gets too long, pull to remove etc. I also had steri strips that continue to shed with each shower.
  13. Well, the garments have hooks, zippers etc, but it definately requires an assistant. i hear that at some point I will be able to do it myself, but I cannot visualize that yet. It was much harder when I had the arm drains in - took 2-3 people then so that was part of the excellent care at the clinic...it was really hard to do with all the drains and early days after the surgery. It is the center of my day... the "regarmenting" after the shower. My thin Irish skin can't take the fabric too well so I wear a thin shirt under it to avoid skin rashes. yeah, it's fun! But, my PCP reminded me yesterday that this is how you get the great results. Follow the instructions, wear the torture garments, don't over do it. Part of the task of the garment is keeping the swelling down, but the big thing it does is stabilize everything while the skin and fascia and everything reattach - the internal healing. I kinda like that hourglass figure I seem to have going on so I am fully compliant with wearing the dang thing except for about an hour a day in hopes that I end up with excellent results. BTW, I was going to have my PCP remove my stitches but we judged it to be a 1-2 hour job and I felt I would be more comfortable doing it over multiple sessions. She sent me home with a loaner set of sterile instruments - and my support person is doing it - what a great PCP is THAT? We will go back if we have any problems but basically plan to start working on them this weekend.
  14. Thanks everyone. I slipped on a close fitting "going out" dress after my shower (ie no compression garment) that I normally would only wear with spanx level support... you have no idea how happy I was to not see that shadow of a belly that hung over my thighs not showing through. I was delighted with my body before plastics and now feel even better. It is a confidence boost but more then that, it feels like this is how it should be... this is the real me. However, recovery is not a barrel of laughs. It isn't pain, it is the tired, and the inactivity... and the garments from Hades. ***GRAPHIC PHOTO WARNING - DON'T LOOK IF YOU ARE SQUEAMISH So Globe, are you jealous of my sexy underwear? Do you like how I have accessorized with the lanyard holding the drain? It's pretty freakish really, but quite temporary.... 4 weeks to go...not like I am counting... Okay, the "bra" is like a matador jacket. Tight. The "bottoms" are lovely just above the knee length and give the butt a most unappealing shape. There is a convenient opening that i have covered with undies for photographic purposes only. It is unreal tight, especially the waist and upper waist. It overlaps with the "Bra" right at the bottom of the ribcage to create a situation that at times is unbearable and I have to unhook the top 2 notches if I have swollen at all.
  15. CowgirlJane

    the fat fills in the wrinkles?

    I think I look older but unsolicited feedback from friends is that I look 15 years younger. I think my dismorphia is about my face. I have a theory...obesity was to a large extent hiding behind the fat. I think i am still getting used to seeing the real me at 49...not sometime from my 20s....but the real me now. Dont laugh but when I started dating the hardest thing for me to get over was just how OLD looking men my age are. They werent like that last time I dated in the late 1990s...haha
  16. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    oh Daisy I am so sorry you are heartbroken. You broke up right around the time of my surgery so i sorta missed the "why". I wish that I could be like my friend mary and just be content without having a man in my life or at least dating. My friend priscilla had a brilliant suggestion - to change my criteria in online dating,when i am ready to start that up - and look for someonewho does things i want to try. Just enjoy time spent boating, ATVing or whatever - doesn't mean I need to enter any kind of physical or emotional relationships. It was a novel idea to me since my life experience is pretty much focused around very long time relationships, I am not upset, but contemplating the guy I see and if now isn't a good time to end it. we are both clear that it is not a long term thing, but been seeing him since April. He is the type that is easy to get hooked on but we are not a good match and he doesn't want a serious girlfriend So, we are exclusive but not committed if that makes any sense - a good arrangement for where I was at coming out of a very non loving LTR. Knowing him has helped me figure out so many things about myself - amazing really. However, I am finding that being with him keeps me from seeking out or desiring a more available person. I haven't seen him in over 3 weeks due to my surgery and he has a bunch more travel coming up so it might be easier on my heart to just let it fade away. This is the thing we need to talk about again, because he was concerned that I was going to do just that and the painkiller cloked phonecall was around this subject where I assured him that I want to keep seeing him. I DO want to keep seeing him but I want a more available boyfriend which are contradictory desires. Not sure what I will do, but in truth I wont start dating again until January at the earliest anyway...
  17. CowgirlJane

    anybody own a vitamix substitute?

    OK that costco link is a package that includes the smaller, single serviing twister jar.
  18. CowgirlJane

    anybody own a vitamix substitute?

    There are different models... is this the blentek model you all like so much? If you are making a veggie smoothie for one person, isnt that huge jar overkill? This is alot of money, but having one appliance that replaces several would get daily use at my house. easy to clean is important, blenders are a pain to clean because stuff does spill around the control panel so tedious to wipe down. http://t.costco.com/Blendtec%C2%AE-Total-Blender-Classic-with-WildSide-%2526-Twister-Jars.product.100052400.html
  19. not sure this makes you feel anybetter... but I reached a similiar cross roads at about 8 months out. I had not reverted to soda, but rather was over eating Protein bars and doing alot of small things that took my "good"losses down to a trickle. I realized that for me, underneath it all, was mixed feelings about losing more weight. That sounds strange, but I was in the 190s which was amazing compared to the 300-330 range. Friends were so congratulatory, I was out of plus sizes, and I could physically do things I wanted... and yet I still had a very comfortable layer of fat. Lets face it, I looked matronly still. And I still had the "turning to food" as a viable option for comfort. My appetite returned and I felt pretty unsteady on my feet and in many ways very alone. I had hoped losing weight would help restore my relationship with my signifiant other of 15 years and it was becoming apparent that it wasn't. I finally had to choose to face many of my feelings of lonliness and loss versus stuff them down with comfort consumption. I can't say exactly what motivated me or made up my mind to push on, but the key was making that decision. Some people say that losing weight after the sleeve was "easy" but that is not how I would describe it. i had to give up alot of comforts from the beginning. After that first 100-120# loss, I had to fight for every pound. My nut helped me pinpoint the dietary sabatoges - Protein Bars being a leading source of overeating for me, believe it or not. I got pretty diligent about lowcarb. I discovered high intensity type exercise, eventually HIIT. I made it to goal 14 months after surgery. Then I maintained for 6 months before deciding to drop a few more pounds to get to 150. It's not too late for you to get this backon the right track and I think you know how to do it, but it isn't easy. I am really glad i did though, I love being able to wear cute clothes and just being normal sized.
  20. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I have mixed feelings about bringing this all up. I think it may trigger stress in some and that is not my intention so just say stop if it isnt a good subject for anyone. sarsar I read your story feeling appalled but also happy about the happy ending. One question that I hope you have answered in your own heart - what happened to you in yourchildhood that allowed you to believe some jerk who told you that you were fat at 105? and to accept the subsequent abusive behavior.
  21. CowgirlJane

    Home Gym Ideas

    When I started out - i joined the YMCA - did Water aerobics, used the weight machines and elliptical and then moved onto spinning, bootcamp type classes, kickboxing etc. I learned alot but got tired of it so I switched to working out at home. I bought a spinning bike and i have some workout DVDs (Julian Michaels ripped in 30, kickboxing etc). The DVDs provide some strength training, but i want to beef that up. Over the summer, I did alot of outdoors stuff too... hiking, horse stuff etc. Come January, I have a large room becoming available in my home that i am going to convert to a home gym combined with my home office. My current home office is near the front door so will become a den, complete with a pullout sofa sleeper. (It still leaves me with a spare bedroom that my son stays in when home from college) So, I don't think I want to buy anything like a bowflex, they have a huge footprint and I am thinking I like the boot camp style of using your own body weight for strength training. Thinking of getting some more handweights as I don't have much now. I would like to hear some ideas from some of the more advanced exercisers on what you think would be good choices for a home gym. Do you think there is any value to mirrors like gyms have? I have a flatscreen TV that will go in there for the DVDs, and I want to keep a nice big open space for doing some of the dance like videos too. My house needs the carpet replaced and I am seriously thinking of going to solid floors. I love hardwood, but i am thinking about some of the laminates they have now too - i live in the country with dogs and want easy easy but of course worry about scratching too. Anyway, I am recovering from surgery so in planning mode and thought I would see if i can generate some additional ideas. Tell me about your dream home gym - probably good ideas i haven't thought about yet!!!
  22. CowgirlJane

    this may start a riot.

    Not sure how far out you are but that tastes bad side effect can be a real help getting over food cravings. I went through it too and I had to think about eating as mire like a prescription I had to take as it wasnt pleasurable. I also think it is generally temporary, was for me. Nearly 2 years out and only two issues with how things taste remain. 1. Water needs an additive like piece of lime as it tastes metallic plain 2. Spicy foods are just way too hot on my tongue now
  23. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I think finding a hobby/activities to change your focus away from food is very useful. Some years ago I recognized this about my horse world - yes, I rode even when I was huge. Anyway, I could be out all day with friends doing a long ride, and all the logistics that go with it and as long as I had enough water, I was fine. We might take small snacks along, but food just wasn't important. If i were home that same day - trying to go say 6-8 hours without eating, I would have hunger headaches, shakey lowblood sugar, growling tummy and general feeling of low energy misery. It would trigger an overeating when i did finally eat. Anyway, I use this basic approach now - I try to do things that keep me outside of the "foodie" world. I simply don't hang around with people or put myself in situations that are so food oriented. When i did the VSG, I lived with my ex Sig Other, and my two grown sons - I didn't expect any of them to change their junky food habits because I was obese and they are in the range of trim to a few extra pounds. anyway, what i discovered is that I was the source of most of that bad eating and they have all taken it further and really don't bring junk home. They use my approach for treats and temptations - have something you want but don't bring it home. Once you bring it home you have to "resist" every minute of every day that it is sitting on that shelf. Globe - I got really constipated to the point that miralax and all didn't work since i had basically a blockage. I had to use those glycerin suppositories which was gross, but worked. Cheri - I guess for many of us there are multiple dimensions to the whole obesity story. I know that being molested as a child was a major thing that set off my weight gain. You know what, i looked at pictures of myself at 4 or 5 and I was slightly plump, cute as a bug, long shirley temple like curls. My first grade school picture shows a girl with the shortest hair cut you can imagine (I wacked it off to the scalp with scissors myself) and decidedly obese. I remember how much I was teased for both the fat and the haircut... but I have reframed that whole event to thinking about how I was able to make the molesting stop - I made myself unattractive - and it worked. I had something else really bad happen in my late teens (again when I was not so heavy) and sure enough, my response to it was to gain weight. It is a shame that something in our past may have made us feel the need to put on a fatsuit for self protection. I think that I generally worked through all that baggage a long time ago, but by then the fatsuit became very well ingrained and it was time for a physical change (the sleeve) to help me lose weight. What gives me hope about long term maintenance is that I no longer feel afraid of the world, even when I am thin.
  24. CowgirlJane

    Home Gym Ideas

    That's awesome Bean! Of course I would freeze the better part of the year with outdoor gym. I do like the used equipment idea but when I was looking for a spinning bike couldn't find a high grade one for a decent price. I used the elliptical at the gum for a long time but once I got into spinning and other classes I dropped it. Do you feel it gives you as hard a workout as your running? Obesity toasted my knees so I don't dare take up running.

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