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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. I tried on and bought a bikini. Not to be ever seen in public...hahaha... but for my plastics before and afters. I was thinking I would die when I saw the photos, but you know what, I am proud of my body even with the extra skin! I didn't really think that way until today. I even did a couple of muscle woman poses to show off what I know is hiding under that skin.
  2. CowgirlJane

    Vet's Forum

    Lots of the regular posters on the vets forum also read posts on the other boards too. Is there a particular question that you wanted to raise? cubbie is right, the vets forum is open to all to read, but only vets are permitted to post new threads there.
  3. I posted in a separate thread and included 2 week post op progress pix. I will update with one month photos soon. I continue to heal up really well and I too am pleased with results. I am still in the compression garments so not really getting much of a chance to see the new body yet.
  4. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    It is sorta funny how the "glitches" to this conversion has been kinda... disorienting. I found myself very annoyed that my ticker disappeared, and that so many people were having trouble posting so I wasn't hearing from any of "my peeps", I didn't like being labeled as lapband - since I HATED the lapband and still hold a little grudge...lol, I find that navigating this site is fine from my laptop but a nightmare from my kindle and phone. ugg... I guess i am pretty addicted to reading updates from my friends! So, I am feeling a little better. I have been getting out and doing social things which makes me feel better. I am still dressing to hide that last drain, but it made me feel good when I saw my good friend tonight and she could see that my waist is narrower even though i had all these layers on hiding the drain. I showed her my arm scars and she was wowed - they aren't even red and it hasn't even been a month yet. Sometimes it is good to hear these things from someone else. Maybe this has been worth it... jury is still out,
  5. I went to the website and am intrigued. What is not clear to me - do the cold wraps have silicone in them or do you wear this OVER silicon sheets? Also, the studies say to wear the sheets at least 12 hours a day, but their website says to not wear for more then 8 hours due to moisture build up. I still have scabbing, so not quite ready to start the scar treatment - but soon.
  6. Okay, all different programs are slightly different. I don't know if they are right or wrong but they are generally similar guideliness. I guess each of us has to decide if we want to follow our surgeon's program or modify it. I followed mine very closely, but when I got to about 7 - 8 months out I went low total carbs; before that I had been on a more moderate carb program. If you want to maximize your weight loss it is really pretty simple. I tend to agree that most fruits have too much "sugar" and carbs in them. If you are like me, that will trigger a desire to snack and during the weight loss phase most of us want to maximize results. So, ideally you would be getting at least 80G of Protein. So all meals lead the way with a protein source. Snacks should be protein snacks. Secondarily is low carb veggies - this is your greens, your salads, really all veggies except the high carb ones like potato, corn etc. Third would be the limited quantity healthy but alot of sugar and carbs. An example might be berries and greek yogurt - alot of carbs but alot of benefits. Fourth catagory I would personally just not have during the weight loss phase: Bread, Pasta, alcohol, potatoes, fast food, rice, junk food of all types, most restaurant food, most snack foods - just don't have them around. So, an example of how you might incorportate this/quantities adjusted for how far along you are: Breakfast: egg and link of high protein low carb sausage or a green pepper and onion and sausage egg beater omelette Lunch: sandwish meat (or tuna or chicken salad )and cheese all wrapped up in a lettuce leaf Afternoon snack: Ostrim Jerky, Protein Drink or something like that Dinner: protein entree (salmon, chicken, other fish, seafood beef etc) with a side salad or veggies Dessert/pre bedtime snack: greek yogurt and berries or perhaps a protein hot coco drink. So, what is obvious in my example is that your family can eat very similar - they have bread with their sandwiches and a starch with dinner... and bigger portions.
  7. CowgirlJane

    What To Drink After Vsg

    I developed an aversion to regular Water post surgery. For me, the life saver was herbal teas. I have never been a big tea drinker, but the herbal teas are not made from black or green tea leaves, but rather other herbs and spices. I find them to be warming, tummy soothing and all around a great supplement to the sweet cool drinks, Some of my favorites: Celestialseasonings - Safari Spice Rooibos Tea Celestialseasonings - Sleepy Time Yogi - Get Regular I like many others too - licorice, several of the rooibos based ones etc.
  8. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    140s - woohoo!!!!
  9. I don't see my photos at all.
  10. CowgirlJane

    off topic, but I really want your opinions

    Not painful but inconvenient and long recovery. Nobody "snaps back" after losing as much as I did. I lost 180 from my lifetime highest weight. Scars take a year to heal. I am pretty happy with the arms for only 3 weeks.
  11. I wanted a somewhat private place to ask this... plastic surgery in one week. I really really need the lower body lift and breast work. I have been to many consultations and they all agree i need arms and thighs too. I am getting cold feet over the arms - and here is why. SOME people get horrible scars from the arm procedure. The skin around the body heals up well and like my surgery scars aren't even noticable. i have seen lots of Tummy Tuck and lower body lift scars - a year out you can barely see them. Arms... it is a bit more hit and miss. I THINK it is worth the scarring for me to get the arms done, but i am having last minute doubts. I guess what i am asking is if you are the type that likes to dress nice, likes to dress in sleeveless things, is single and still young enough to want to be "attractive"...haha... would you do the arm surgery given my starting point? It is not about the money since I am doing it with the body work it is very little incremental cost - it is about the scars that leaves me with doubt.
  12. CowgirlJane

    off topic, but I really want your opinions

    After 3 weeks arm scars are great LBL still wicked looking. Ironic
  13. PS told me silicon sheets are best. IF you use a cream you need to massage it in 3-4 Times a day, without the massage mederma is ineffective. BY if you do plastics definitely look at someone with lots of experience with darker complexions.
  14. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Good thing I spent yesterday with a friend so my VST addiction was tolerable even with the site being down all day.
  15. CowgirlJane

    Having a Hard Time

    Take a deep breath - that's how I remember it feeling too. Sounds all very normal. If you get dehydrated go get IV fluids. Sip sip sip. I had a little shot glass of beverage with a goal to finish it in 15 minutes. It was work to drink at first. I found that warm herbal teas went down easier than Water. It's so hard but jt will get easier
  16. CowgirlJane

    APPROVED! December 11, 2013 surgery

    That's great news - congrats! I think Dec 11 is an outstanding day to be sleeved. Will be two years for me on your surgery day... and I am so glad I did it!
  17. It's hard to start again but very doable! Go back to basics... Small portions no grazing protein first followed by healthy veggies Put accountability in place; many people track food on myfitnesspal. I weigh daily and roughly count carbs. Drinks lots.of water but not with meals Get active /change up workout
  18. For me, it was cheaper to get a prescription from the surgeon for omeprazole because the "generic" is a very inexpensive co-pay. Anyway, report back if you start feeling better (or not)... might be a few days or it might take a few weeks... but don't give up. The instructions usually say to take it in the morning, but my doc told me that either morning or night is fine - morning if you tend to feel that acid hunger during the day. If your problem is more at night, take it at night.
  19. CowgirlJane

    Excess Skin?

    I am wearing surgeon provided compression garments - mine looks similar only it has a "bra" that looks like a matador jacket. I think i would like to wear it if it weren't soooo tight. It is getting less tight as my swelling decreases, i can finally put it on and off by myself...haha... but it is pretty tight. What I like about the one in the link is that it doesn't smoosh the butt like the surgeon provided ones do. As much as I have complained about the compression garments, I know lots of plastic surgery patients continue to wear them longer... a certain feeling of security especially when they start exercising and stuff.
  20. CowgirlJane


    I failed with the lapband .. So thats really rock bottom .. Failing at something you believed would work. I imagined for a long time that I was so broken about food and eating... That I could even mess up wls. I see it differently now. I have that same fighters spirit I just have better education, a better tool and the self awareness that crashing and burning uniquely provides. It is so easy...just sooo easy to regain. We'd all be wise to remember that. I am going thru a tough time recovering from plastics. I realized today that I havent felt this low energy and disabled since I was 150 # heavier. Reminder of how depressing morbid obesity was and how small and limited my life was in many regards. I miss my active healthy life and want it back!!! 3 weeks... Just 3 more weeks
  21. CowgirlJane

    Random Thoughts Thread

    Oh i wish you were around here to go shopping. I am not a Kohls fan but only shop during their huge sales.
  22. I have worked hard to take the power away from food. There is no good or bad, there is no cheating versus dieting. That was my old and unsucccessful way of thinking. For me there are just 100s of times a day that I get to choose to eat for health or eat for some other reason. I sometimes choose to consume for some other reason... But dont feel the need to confess or ask for absolution. This is just life now... Eat too much, eat things that trigger me, too many times and I will regain. Follow my eating plan and I maintain. Doesnt make me bad or good... It is simply factual.
  23. CowgirlJane

    Random Thoughts Thread

    I want new boots so a month ago tried on many a pair at DSW. Didnt like how any of them looked. Went home and measured..over thick tights my calves are 13.5": about 14" over jeans. most boots are 15" plus a stretch. I realized what I didnt like was the big gap over tights. Still havent bought a pair so may just live with ankle boots. First time EVER that i felt some part of my body is thinner than average. Found a cute top at Ross yesterday. Also found some outfits in my closet that hide my fancy long underwear (compression garment)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
