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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. Awesome! I have never been in that store. Next week I want to go shopping for a pair of really awesome date night jeans. I tend to wear dresses but sometimes jeans are j ust more "on target"
  2. CowgirlJane

    Dating post-op..does it get easier?

    Daisy I sent an email. I suggest you edit your post to get rid of that email addy. BOTS roam the web looking for valid email addresses .. at a minimum to annoy you with junk email.
  3. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    The Google group is easy to use and I personally will feel more comfy posting somewhere actually private.
  4. I wear the compression garments all the time, except for showering time. Going potty has been no problem although they did have me on a catheter for about 12-18 h ours after surgery. I am having my first "hitch". That last drain was still putting out too much so couldn't remove it when I expected. Stitch popped though and it stayed working a few more days besides deciding to remove itself - painlessly. Problem is there is a risk of Fluid build up which would require needle aspiration by doctor. So far, I am a little swollen but not too bad so keeping fingers crossed. My energy is still not 100 percent and I am 4 weeks out. Friend took me to movie and dinner and at end of night he admitted he was shocked when he first saw me. I looked good until I moved. I am normally a purposeful walker...walk like I have somewhere to go, but n ow I walk like an old lady. He told me that it was strange to see me gone from so athletic to so fragile. He pinpointed the very hardest part for me...contrast of how much my life is temporarily "on hold" My surgeon was Dr Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico. You find out all sorts of info by googling his name and finding his patient led group on OH (including tons of pictures). He also has a webpage with some general pricing info but he discounts further for multiple procedures. Every patient is different so best thing to do is email him for a quote. You will find his prices comparable to many mexican plastic surgeons. For me the deciding factor was seeing tons of his before and after pix posted by real patients, my level of trust in his safety record, aftercare quality etc. I have a local PS that might have the best before and after I have seen anywhere BUT at three surgeries, no nursing aftercare and surgery #1 costing way way more then having everything done at once by Dr S I decided the total situation with Dr S is the best. A month post operation and I feel even stronger about that.
  5. CowgirlJane

    Dating post-op..does it get easier?

    I will help you with your profile if you help me with mine. Not ready to dive in yet but probably by January.. but I would help you with yours if you want anytime!
  6. CowgirlJane

    Let's Talk Fashion

    Nordstrom rack is great idea. Wish I had a fashion conscious friend to help me pick some date outfits!
  7. CowgirlJane

    Let's Talk Fashion

    I wear skinny jeans too. I just mean looking for something hip for date nights. I like dresses but Seattle is a casual place. Hot jeans or leggings are often more appropriate.
  8. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I can't send u a message either. Sheryl8185 is my Gmail account.
  9. CowgirlJane

    Let's Talk Fashion

    I don't like how Vanderbilt jeans fit, but since I like CK brand for dresses will definitely try the jeans. The miss me jeans look interesting but I wonder about about the acid wash. Is that really in style again? Definitely heels. I have strappy heels, I have booties, I have wedges, I have them all. Now I easily wear a size 8 (loose waist now) and flat tummy since plastics. No saddlebags on thighs and I have skinny calves (13.5"). Am I dumb to go skinny jeans for date night jeans or better to go bootcut or straight leg? I wear leggings and tights and skinny jeans for horse riding but want a cool sexy casual look for these "d ate night" jeans without tryingto look silly. I am 49 and like to dress stylishly but well you know...
  10. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am game to go anywhere for private group. FB, some group, doesn't matter. So sorry about the shingles...ouch. My last drain expelled itself even tho still putting out fluid. My doc is lined up to do needle aspiration should it be needed. Hopper (sarcasm)
  11. You are so right. wow... my arms are amazing and what is funny is that was a big fear of mne - was it worth it to have the scars. YES! Anyway, I need help getting decent photos, but I WILL update!
  12. CowgirlJane

    Random Thoughts Thread

    Sometimes I get tired of eating so little; but not tired enough to even consider "going back".
  13. CowgirlJane

    Gossip About The New Neighbors

    The only way I am navigating is coming in through "content i follow" so then I wind up in the usual forums - means i am missing ALL of this other and new stuff. I find that since it is overwhelming to look at whole site, I use this narrow access point and it has actually made my forum world "smaller" then it was before the consolidation.
  14. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I wrote a post about I internet dating and it went POOF. When I restart it, thinking about hiring someone to get good natural photos. More then one date has told me I am prettier in person and need better photos. Most men pick on that basis really. I am picky and found I am not attracted to most men who contact me. I don't know why but I guess many just seem so old- of course I am too! I don't know what to put for body type so I always say average. I think I am athletic but never obese athletic women ... well I don't look that good even after plastics.
  15. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ok, I am feeling a little insulted. Several of you feel fat and discouraged and yet you weigh in my general ballpark. I think we are all pretty hot actually! Everyone in this group is hugely successful and ruthlessly self critical. I plan to be rocking a LBD soon -SLEEVELESS- and I don't want no rain on my parade....
  16. CowgirlJane

    My dilemma

    I had the lap band for 10 years....don't do it. Personally, I think Mexico is a great self pay option.
  17. I am so sorry you are going through this. I think you are very wise to proceed cautiously and seek an expert. I remind myself that they call it practicing medicine for a reason. Hang in there and keep us posted!
  18. CowgirlJane

    Gossip About The New Neighbors

    Been out all day so CLEARLY have missed some drama! I was a banded for 10 years... trust me, they have reason to be scary. When I was banded in 2001, they hid the vets forum (this was the Yahoo groups bandster days) so pre banded bad NO IDEA the trouble awaiting... I am glad to hear band patients are being open about the nightmare life with the band is for so many...
  19. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yes, it is a mental adjustment regarding food quantity. You would think after 2 years i would cease to be shocked, but I am shocked... Oh, and it is definately water weight. I took off my compression garments and I have deep marks from the tightness. I went out with my son and his girlfriend yesterday and ate restaurant food.... my left foot is swollen too.
  20. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ok I have been socializing with'loving expressive people and I FEEL so much better. Being trapped around the house, disabled, watched tv and reading.. only human contact my ex who is taking care of thing. Argh... that was my obese life and I am reminded it was depressing! My ex is a great guy but is so emotionally detached and can't spill a nice word for me to save his life..it's lonely! Anyway, my weight has bounced up a few - 152 this morning. I think it is water but I don't know. I didn't fast this week but I am eating healthy. I think next week I need to restart 5:2 so this doesn't get away from me. I was reflecting on how shockingly little food I need. It will help when I start working out again... but Damn.
  21. CowgirlJane

    Call me <evil> but...

    I don't have this sort.of unsupportive family. A close friend was a big cheerleader for me getting sleeved but moved away a few months.later. she got really upset when I got smaller then her which surprised me. I chalk it up to her own frustration and don't hold it against her. After all, she was a key person in me getting sleeved so I owe her for that!
  22. CowgirlJane

    Random Thoughts Thread

    Getting out and spending time with people is such a boost to the spirits!
  23. CowgirlJane

    Question for Those 1 Year+ Out

    I don't track either, but I am thoughtful about eating and have a sense about portions, carbs and calories. Since I have a desk job I have to exercise. I don't view it as a perpetual diet, but i do see it as eating alot less and of different foods then people around me eat. There needs to be a strong intent and focus to maintain.... especially as we get older.
  24. CowgirlJane

    Question for Those 1 Year+ Out

    I am nearly 2 years out and maintaining at goal. I CAN eat anything, no food restrictions. However, turns out I need shockingly few carbs and calories to maintain a normal BMI. I do not eat full meals,; petite portions still following sleever rules.
  25. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Globe this is for you. I am SO glad I had arms done. The idea that I can now go sleeveless..wow.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
