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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane


    Interesting to post a question about band vs bypass on the sleeve forum!!! Advice from me, remember that most active posters on all forums are less than a few years out so highly biased toward immediate post op woes and honeymoon period. That is good info too but my issues with the lapband became bad a few years out though I had problems from early on....I was no longer posting on forums. Alot of people who aren't doing well stop posting-true of any surgery. Also look at published studies and talk to surgeon about complications and regain stats etc. My opinion? Get the sleeve! I can't speak to the bypass but DON'T get the lap band. Draw your own conclusions from the pros and cons.
  2. CowgirlJane

    Surgery Wednesday!

    Best of luck! You will be so pleased I am sure!!!! Can't wait to hear your amazing results story.
  3. CowgirlJane

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    Roo...look at my stats. 5'5" frame and lost 160 now.
  4. CowgirlJane

    Low Carb Or No Carb?

    I don't think it is realistic to eat NO carb. if I get too low, I have no energy... wet noodle kind of thing and can't work out etc. when I go too low. I have never eatedn "no carbs" Your brain needs carbs. To me, a low day is in the up to 40 total carbs range. I don't believe in the net carb math, that's just me though. I have had tremendous success with the whole intermittant, change things up. Like, I will eat carb restricted (strict) and then go to just a moderate healthy carb and boom - I always loose a pound or three. Changing things around with food and excercise seem to keep the body confused. My personal advice is to avoid truly junky carbs all the time for weight loss (so this is processed foods, crackers, Cookies etc. Grains and fruit carbs should be minimized if you are carb sensitive. My niece says that grains/flour impact her much more then the sugary fruit - so maybe we are all different. If I am trying to lose, I eat berries but avoid most other fruits. Some carbs from veggies are fine though - i don't eat potato family but I don't worry about carbs in most veggies. It is a hard reality to accept, but even in maintenance, i pay attention to avoiding a lot of carbs - not as strictly as before, but I find it much more important than calories personally. WATCH hidden carbs in Protein bars, low fat foods and other alledged health food. I think people often eat way more carbs then they realize because it is in most processed foods.
  5. CowgirlJane


    I sneezed hard... twice ... this morning and was reminded THAT IS WHY I like the tight garments. It is no problem, no pain until something like THAT happens.
  6. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    so far, I am avoiding the holiweek and holimonth syndrome but i ate a freaking candy bar yesterday. I dont know what possesed me, but at least it was awesome and high quality chocolate, not a junky any old candy bar. It made me feel icky though so not tempted to repeat anytime soon. That is the key to junk food, need to go into training to eat it successfully, so I just need to not repeat regularly.
  7. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    ok, I had a guy once tell me that it is only other women that think we need to cut our hair short...lol... 9 out of 10 of them like it long. In my case, my hair can get a little wild looking due to the massive curl and that definately attracts attention too. maybe not the right attention, did i tell you the story of what happened last year when out dancing. A complete stranger put his arm around my waist from behind and grabbed a handful of my hair. omg... my friends and I all about freaked. As one of them said, usually you get dinner and drinks before THAT. He apologized profusely saying he just got carried away... it was WEIRD, I have no idea what kind of madness overcame that dude but i am telling you, my hair is like a signature part of my looks. but, the main thing is that I don't really want an afro and I am unwilling to straighten and use appliances on my hair - so it stays long...lol. I wish I could do bangs, but I can't due to the curl and my unwillingness to work at it. My hair right now, I rinse it with a detangling conditioner, put in a leave in curl enhancer and let it dry... no fuss no muss. My pix in the pants my hair was still wet so it didn't look that great, but it really does look good when fully dry and ready to go. And yes, black is harsh, but I am telling you NO ONE wears bright colors around here. I don't mind standing out in a crowd a little but everytime i wear something with a real strong color - like a red dress or a red jacket for example, i feel self conscious even though I know it is a great color on me. My skin tone relishes bright and jewel/royal tones - red, blue, purple. Can't really wear yellow, beige, tan and most grays without looking dead. It leaves me with black. I will keep it in mind though to wear scarves and stuff more to get color around my face. The jacket from WHBM is not leather, it is a black fabric with gold buttons and a military type styling/shape.
  8. CowgirlJane


    I don't know why I still want to wear them. It isn't how I look it is that somehow that being wrapped tight is a comfort or something. My incisions are healing great, everything is fine, I think it is more mental then physical. What is weird is all those years of being obese, i hated tight clothes, they made me feel fat at any size/weight. These garments are TIGHT beyond reason and yet it is somehow reassuring. I tried on some spanx tights I had and I thought... this isn't support... whatcha talking about??? Maybe they are a size too big, I don't know, but i want that feeling of compression. That is why I called it stockholm syndrome... that identifying with what you once hated...lol I am sure over time I will wear them less and less because they are a pain when you try to wear normal clothes, but I figure they don't cause any harm. Upper thigh lift is normally an incision that goes from your crotch to your knee. Fairly well hidden, but, if you are like me and wear summer dresses and shorts above the knee, a possible detriment. The advantage is they can really tighten the whole thigh with the long incision. I don't have much fat or cellulite on the outer thigh - mine was all concentrated in a nasty wad of skin and cellulite the top say 3-4" of my inner thighs. Seriously, golfball/softball size lumps with gross hanging skin. Truly, preop, the ugliest part of my body and they got in the way. Plastics are about tradeoffs and the doc recommended to me to accept "less then perfect" skin removal in exchange for a barely noticable groin scar versus the long scar. I can still revise to the traditional lift later should I feel the need, but for now, this was a great solution. So, upshot is my thighs are no longer hanging skin gross, but they aren't tight and show all my muscles either. For women who carried their weight all the way down the thigh, or on the outer thigh - saddlebags - you probably need the traditional long life. I am happy so far with the tradeoff. When i look at the before pix, and I have some I have never shared that really highlight just how bad they were, it amazes me the difference. I should mention, that I did consults with several surgeons and in the usa they all recommend the long thigh lift and told me i shouldn't expect my thighs to have a gap EVER, just due to my build. So, I didn't see the big advantage since I wasn't going to get twiggy thighs no matter what.
  9. CowgirlJane


    Confession of the day - I have stockholm syndrome. I HATED those post surgery compression garments and was counting the days till i didn't need to wear them. Well, I have the clear to not wear them and now I don't want to part with them. It is really weird. I have gone over to the other side. So weird that I am shopping for replacements that are just as tight with a more flattering butt profile and preferably in black. catsuit... meoww
  10. CowgirlJane

    Has Anyone Use Retinol A?

    blade fox, can you describe how long it took and what results you got? As best I can tell, the product in Mexico more closely resembles the prescription strength, but I don't know. The price was good. I am going back to Mexico in Feb to visit a friend and the sunshine so thinking of aquiring more, but I guess I would like a "plan"
  11. I bought some, the low strength .05 dose while in Mexico and would like to hear from anyone who has used it, results, etc. I looked up instructions online and am starting slow, very thin layer every other day. I still have dry Patches where the skin is sloughing, I think that is the goal, right, to sort of peel away the old dead skin? Anyway, wondering....
  12. CowgirlJane


    Butter, where did you get your body fat % measured? I don't trust my bathroom scale and since in 2014 I don't want to lose weight I would like to monitor body fat changes. I think 25% is a good % for me and i am really wondering where I am now. When I had the thigh lift, I didn't get the long one, just upper, inner thigh, small incision. i still have some lose skin and what looks like fat on those thighs... other then that, I don't really see much visible fat on me so I am surprised that my scale says I am 28-29% bodyfat. What I notice is that the last 10# I lost came off my face and other places that I don't really NEED to lose fat so something aint right. LOL
  13. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Swiz, I know what you mean - I feel a kinship to you and others here. Our lives are different in many ways, but I can often FEEL exactly what you all are saying. It is a strange connection but when you think about it, how many obese people have WLS, actually get in the general range of a normal weight and maintain it? And stick around to talk about it? I guess we are a common birds of a feather. And yes, I am at times experiencing alot of emotion that seems... disproportionate. It is because of life changes and I am just ... going with the flow. It helps me to post here and share. I think fundamentally, I am not over the grief of so many years having a limited and smaller life due to obesity. I think that is the root of my feeling so old problem. I don't really feel old, I feel like i am 30 until I look in the mirror and I am like "holy crap". I think this is something I need to spend time on with the counselor as regret is a useless thought circle, it is just hard to realize that I am nearly 50 and i have done alot of things, BUT I have missed out on so much. As far as group size, I am okay with opening up to more. Have you considered if there are some current members that should be asked if they really want to participate? Maybe a little turnover of people who aren't getting anything out of this? So, i don't mean to be nosy - but what happened to Cheri? I miss having here here.
  14. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    BTW, I was NOT wearing compression garments or shapewear, I think those skinnies would look better with lower body compression as that is the only way for my thighs to not touch. All of your feedback is super helpful. I wear straight leg or skinny leg for horse back riding, boot cut is too much fabric and gets all wonky with the stirrups and fenders. I have no idea why store people keep telling me to wear bootcut, I know that clinton and stacy are big fans of a boot cut, but i have always felt that they make me look heavier and my short legs look even shorter. My thighs are "rubenesque" my calves are just plain skinny (13.5" over tights, 14" over jeans) so I figure why not show of the skinny parts? This is the one of the reasons I like to wear dresses, I actually have nice calves and think ankles - even did when i was obese. Feedback from males in my life - they like the roundness of the thighs and butt so the emphasis of the skinnies work. As far as my hair, I have had several consult about going short but have decided againtst it for two reasons. #1 my hair is really high maintenance when short. Long, it is simply rinse, detangle and wear. #2 Many people consider my hair my best feature. I know what you mean about face shape etc with hair, but I like my hair and not ready to lose it. I found it interesting that my long torso was easily spotted. It is true, I am all body and no legs so I NEED to wear heels. I have another outfit that I wore that my friend mary went gaga over. It is black treggings (basically jeggings) from H&M with faux leather trim down the side. I combined it with a very colorful blue top. It was a very cheap outfit - maybe $25 - I need to get pictures. I DO appreciate your comments even if I don't take all the advice, it is good to have objective eyes. I am curious why you all didn't like the jacket. I LIKE short jackets and I like black alot. This one intrigued me because it was lower collared and had that trendy military look, none of my other clothes have that detail. Seattle is the city of black clothes and while I would happily dress head to toe in red or saphirre blue or a beautiful purple, I tend to stand out ALOT when I wear it even as an accent piece. I have a couple of red dresses that I adore but I never find occasion to wear them in this city of "don't stand out" social norm. Everything here is so muted in wardrobe colors. Most grays and all tans REALLY wash me out so I wind up with black, usually accenting with color. So, last night I met a gfriend for dinner an because I was wearing my compression garment which makes my ass look weird in close fitting leggings or skinny jeans (my normal pants) so I wore one of my dresses. I didn't put alot of thought into this outfit and I am not crazy about the gray tights but I like this dress. I get compliments on it when I wear it. It is actually green and navy. Those boots are black and very comfy but they lack the sexy that I want with skinnies. I am thinking those little shooties, basically a cross between pumps and short boots is the way to go with skinnies for a date night. Seriously though, my hips got wider when my waist got smaller - how did that happen? ha! I always wanted that hourglass shape and now that I have something closer, its a little weird.
  15. CowgirlJane

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    It takes time. Try to not worry about it and be patient. I don't use the word skinny .... I am normal. I never aspired to skinny and actually found it silly people have been calling me that since I got to about a size 16 Your form of dismorphia is exactly what I had. I used before and after pix posted next to my computer to remind me. Whoa....I was huge before and normal now. My dismorphia remains about my face but I am aware and try not to focus on it.
  16. CowgirlJane

    The 5:2 Diet

    I had a small regain this summer and did 5:2 to drop those 5#. I liked it so much I decided to lose another 8. It really fits my lifestyle and feels comfortable. I also increased exercise.
  17. 8# but I made up the difference later!
  18. Have you read the many posts by people sharing experiences? I have posted many details as have others. I didn't mention I have the gummy implants.
  19. CowgirlJane

    Surgery Wednesday!

    Follow all instructions to avoid complications. Lady I know has wound seperation from doing too much too soon. Good luck!
  20. CowgirlJane

    Batwing Surgery Options

    Lipo won't reduce the skin so it depends on your situation. I was worried about scars too but my arm scars are already fading at just 6 weeks.
  21. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Because life is unfair...I think that is the technical explanation. I have plenty of curves and my home scale says my bodyfat is 28percent but surgeon said I don't have much fat and the muscles "use it" I need to ask again because it makes no sense.
  22. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Thanks Laura, what do you think of the shoes. Sarsar, thanks for your input - I am of mixed mind about those shoes. The fat injections don't last, it is already faded so much it is barely noticable. Not worth it, BUT did give me an idea of what I would like like to get an injectable of something more long lasting. I am trying to not worry about it, I have face more than body dismorphia and I know it... You know the sales clerk had me try on dozens of pair of boot cut and I did buy the one that were on sale, but none of them said "wow" to me like the jeggings did. Even the ponte pants were...ehhh, okay - but I too liked the jeggings the best. I did not realize that i am so wide across the hips till seeing these photos. I don't measure that wide, but I sure look it in some of these shots...LOL Have to tell you a funny - my friend Mary told me that with all these heels I am only going to get dates from tall men. I told her - that's the plan, pick the shoes first... I don't actually care about looks that much in a LTR, but for just dating, I want someone who looks alot like Steven (damn). Tall, broad shoulders, athletic trim/thin build, preferably dark full head of hair and no facial hair. But no, I am not picky. I am sure that will be easy to find in a guy that is also actually near my age and wants to date me...NOT
  23. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Some clothes from the White House Black Market.... I am not convinced they are any more special then my Ross finds, but curious what you guys think. I need clothes for a couple of different purposes: -updated photos for dating profile -clothes for speed dating. Tips on that subject are that you sit so what men see is above the table, but there is a little happy hour socializing so you stand some too -clothes for "dates" - I don't mean a coffee meeting but when someone actually wants to take me out...lol I like to wear dresses but I feel that especially for the speed dating, dresses look like too much. Seattle is very casual so the most put together looks for women tend to be jeans or leggings dressed up. Forgive my hair and no makeup and general monday morning pallor - question is about the clothes Also sorry about the orientation, I rotate them but they don't seem to stay fixed... Photo #1 - bootcut jeans were on sale and I will keep them those are a plain pair of black pumps I already owned, jacket I already own red top is so cute in my eyes but I am not crazy about it in this photos #2 Same thing without jacket #3 my leading contender for date night clothes - new top, jeggings and jacket AND shoes. Jury is out on the shoes, what do you think? #3 the red top with the new jacket, and the jeggings #4 - new top and jacket worn with new Ponte Pants. shoes are from my closet... doesn't color match but I like em So, I felt like they looked good but when I look at pix, i get a little middle age "trying to hard" vibe. I don't know, I am so hard on myself, my face just looks SO OLD. Anyway, these WHBM clothes are expensive so I want to return them if they aren't flattering. And I will find someone to take my photos since self portraits are lousy...
  24. My surgeon considers me a slow healer. Not necessarily the incisions, but my energy/feeling good level. I think my incision scars look as good or better then typical from a healing perspective. I would say that was true after my VSG too. I took 3 weeks off from work - I have a somewhat stressful desk job - and I wound up needing to take a few more days because i was so tired. I am not sure if i am a slow healer, or just complain more. I tend to "worry" about medical stuff so notice every little thing...lol Maybe my mental attitude and uncomfortableness with all things medical makes it harder for me? not sure. My arm incisions have been tingling a little. I emailed the surgeon about it and he told me that is just nerve recovery but it is happening a little later for me then some other patients - I guess more evidence for him I am slow healer. Thing is, I get lots of Protein and am fit, I feel like I SHOULD be a fast healer but that is my reality. I think in hindsight I should have allowed myself more carbs and stuff during my recovery but I am doing so little activity I worried about weight gain. So now I am cleared to ditch the compression garments and start working out. i am still wearing the garments because I like that I am not swollen and want to keep it that way and I am going to go really slow with the exercise. I am very focused on NOT putting tension on my scars with the goal of giving them the best chance to heal to a thin line.
  25. Thanks for the tip to go shopping there - I bought TWO date night outfits today. Holy vanity sizing batman!!!! I wear a size 8 pant/no stretch jean. At THAT store, I came home with 6 and 4 size pants. I wear a med top - came home with a med top, med jacket and a small top. Anyway, i will get some photos and ask for feedback because this stuff was not cheap, even with their sale, so I want to be sure that what they talked me into buying is actually flattering on me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
