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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    Are Protein Shakes Necessary?

    Follow your surgeon/nutritionalist instructions. My personal view is that protien BARS are much more "dangerous" as they tend to be high carb and sorta have a candy like feeling....tend to trigger me to overeat which Protein drinks DON'T. I still consume, 2 years out and 160# lost, a Premier Protein every day - sometimes 2.. 30 Grams of protein, very low carb and just 160 calories - a real protein "Bargain"
  2. NO I had my band out in late Sept 2011 after basically 10 years of hell. It was immediate relief but WOW was I hungry. I didn't realize that the band gave me at last some respite from the overwhelming drive to eat even though i had zero fill. I was sleeved in Dec 2011 and while i did go through some tough times, overall, I have felt like I finally have a tummy that matches my metabolism. This morning I weighed 148.2# and I feel like my "sleeved appetite" suits me weighing a normal body weight and i never had that experience with the band.
  3. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I continue to struggle with getting back to exercise. Even mild exercise makes my arm incisions ache. Surgeon says it is just the nerves and that feeling weird is normal, but it is really holding me back. I have such a fear of making my scars worse or something... I need to get over it, but am trying to be very gentle with myself. Holidays are hard. Sometimes I miss my "old" life - my mom, my sister, having little kids... yes I was fat and miserable during that time, but it was a life I understood. My current life is new and feels so...uncertain at times. Both exciting but also unnerving. My EX is moving out and away end of January - I want him to get out even sooner, but at the same time I honestly have some fear of being alone. I talked to Steven about this and he told me that I actually express alot of fear - verbally as well as body language - that i probably don't admit to myself. It doesn't surprise me given my shitty childhood and some bad things in my past I appreciate that he helps me see some things like that about myself. My first thought was how do I do a better job of hiding this... and then I had to laugh at myself.... goodness, what kind of "disordered" thinking is that?
  4. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Daisy, I am sorry he didn't work out but I find it so hard to meet someone I am actually interested in. I have recently had two "coffee dates" where I didn't really like them. One guy got really pissed off and yelled at me when i told him I wasn't interested. He said, and I quote "you women all say you want the same thing but when you find it you get scared and blow him off". anger issues maybe? The other guy i am going to try giving it one more meeting. It is hard being on both sides of this one, I hate having to disappoint someone and it is very difficult to do in person. I think the truth of the matter is I am only interested in a very specific type of person and it may take a long time to find him so it doesn't necessarily mean there is anything wrong iwth the "prospect" just not my cup of tea. In the meantime I hate it that hurt or disappoint people who seem very interested in me. I don't like being on either side of this one... I found a super cute vintage top yesterday. I love it. Like many vintage pieces it doesn't fit right so i need to add a corset back where the zipper doesn't quite close, but it is my new years eve outfit! Of course, i have no freaking date for new years eve so I might do my usual which is stay home. I am so thrilled that I seem to be maintaining in the 148-150 range. I think 148 IS my new goal weight which is not exactly lightweight for 5'5" but on my body seems just right. My friend Mary is 2" taller and weighs a little less but wears a larger pant size tells me that I DO have a big frame - broad shoulders and ribcage and I LOOK smaller then the scale says. I think I agree with her that I have no reason to get smaller. I do want my goal at 148 with a bounce of about 145-150 so dropping maybe 2-3# is okay but then I am done. To me, this is the challenge... if i make it to January 2nd under 150# I will consider it a monumental victory. 5:2 continues to work but you know I don't track calories so not sure. What I do know is I don't each much most days.... it is comfortable with the sleeve but I could never have done it without. Globe, don't let it all get you down. At least half the battle of serious illness is your mind and emotional state - keep optimism and try to not let it overwhelm you. Ask for help - from family, friends and your invisible (online) friends too! I wish I could fix it, which I can't, but i can be a friend.
  5. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Brown, at least those snacks require a little money. I could force myself to not buy something, I have to walk by and stare at vending machines whenever I go to the office and can resist but sometimes it is hard. Especially since I used to buy a little something sweet and carby to pick me up in the afternoon pretty regularly... just the visual triggers that desire at times. What did me in was many years ago my boss lost 100# on weight watchers but remained food obsessed. Her outlet was to bring massive quantities of candy, sweets and other foods into the office for other people to eat - she turned into a feeder. It wasn't just special occasions (although we had food for that too) it was basically a daily presence. Our team was about 25 people and so the snacks were spread out and right outside my office was a table top where the kind sized costco quantity candy bowl lived. she got very upset when I insisted she move it, it wasn't fair to everyone else. (like seriously?). I lost alot of respect for her when she was so unsupportive of my needs to not watch people eat chocolate in front of me all day long. Well, that was 4-5 years ago and she has regained most of her lost weight. I am not judging because god knows i always regained in the past too, but it was clear to me that she is still food obsessed. Her online profile at work lists cooking as her number #1 hobby... anyway, feeders and enablers show up all over the place don't they. (p.s. another thing about Steven is that he is a naturally thin, not food oriented person - I like spending time with people who don't care much about food one way or the other - bless him)
  6. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Well Brown, you sound like Steven...ha. I actually think you hit alot on the head here. Basically he has a loving personality and he has this problem of women getting attached to him... and yet he is NOT boyfriend material (financially irresponsible, terrible time management, lives by crisis, impulsive and selfish in many ways. etc). He told me he has broken hearts and it breaks his heart when that happens. It scares him because it always ends that way. His last girlfriend "wasted" 5 years on him and he wants to be sure I don't do that. Of course there is a fundamental difference - I met him with the intention of not having a long term and we have talked alot about this. Last night we had a very long talk about things and he really appreciated that I shared details of feedback about himself. I told him about my complex emotions on it and he was very interested because i summed it up that "you make me feel good when I am with and I like feeling good so I want to keep seeing you". It was like a lightbulb went off - he said he does that to everyone (colleagues, customers, men, women whatever) and he often disappoints because he can't really be "that person" to everybody. He told me he loves me... like he loves his friends... a word I won't use because it means alot of different things, but I told him about my complex feelings - drawn to him and yet have no desire to have a LTR or get sucked into his chaos. So, what he wants me to do is start dating others (ie maintaining our exclusive agreement due to STD risk) and he said it will take me a long time to find the right person so he wants to keep seeing me. I think that will work for awhile, but i do need him to make some adjustments and we'll see if that happens. I warned him though, I am one of those people that think about stuff for a long time, patient, analytical - but then I just DO... in a blink of an eye... and often those decisions are justified by my analysis, but really are made emotionally. I don't mean to say that is a good thing about myself, but it is how I am. Bottom line though - my headspace on other men is that i am just not that interested. I went on a "meet for a drink" yesterday and the guy was really nice but I felt like I was having a drink with someone from work. No spark. Then I get in a position of having to politely tell perfectly nice men... eh, not interested. I don't like doing that. I need to get tougher. I think there is someone out there that will turn my head but I will need to meet about 100 to find him. BTW, feedback is... and it is like a shocked "Wow" response that I look much better in person than my crappy photos. I don't know why i can't get a decent photo of myself. I used a cropped version of my thanksgiving pic which I thought was cute. I met this guy after work, so by then my hair was frizzy and my makeup was less than fresh and he still thought i was way cuter in person... nice compliment but also feedback that if i want to improve my odds of attracting the personality I am looking for (he is the guy every woman wants I am sure) I need to seriously figure out my pictures. Maybe Steven will help me with photos...haha Globe - he is 16 years older, very interesting comparison to your situation (and another reason I don't want a LTR with him). We generally only see each other maybe 2-4 times a month and only talk a few times a week, so it isn't that bad, but it is very similar and it does feel sort of addictive... like I am seeking a physical endorphin rush. weird. There is a book called 5 Love Languages. I scored very high on needing verbal affirmations and physical contact and he provides both somehow in a way that just makes me feel good. From day one, it is like he does everything "right" in ways I didn't even know i was seeking. That is kinda similiar to receiving the physical care after surgery - I didn't realize how much I wanted to feel that comfort of the caring. It was really my counselor who pointed it out. It is a strange thing to realize about oneself, how much I want to feel that being cared for. It is also good self insight to keep from getting in a relationship with someone who a. doesnt provide that (that would be my history!) OR b. provides it and manipulates with it. On the Insanity thing, I am not sure it is a great idea for your overall health. Super intense workouts deplete your reserves so I would really wonder. However, the weight gain you should NOT worry about. Your muscles are simply holding more water, it is a normal response to that kind of workout. The pounds DO start melting eventually.
  7. What you describe is not a stall or plateau. Get thyself tested and follow up with surgeon AND nutritionalist. Good luck getting to the bottom of this.
  8. CowgirlJane

    Dr. Sauceda In Monterrey, Mx

    I am very pleased with my results with Dr Sauceda. If you do a search you will find many posts that mention him. My info is on this thread http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/285839-two-weeks-from-plastics-progress-so-far/ Obesity help has a whole forum dedicated to his patients. The link is in my thread somewhere around page 5.
  9. CowgirlJane

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    Welcome. My start weight was 308, weigh 148 now. After a lifetime of failure,I finally found the winning formula with the help of the sleeve. Just wanted to let you know it's possible even if you are heavier. Welcome Chris. I commend you for keeping trying. Dietician told me that I would succeed because I had a lifetime of "trying"and once I have a decent tool to help me I would succeed. I have very high hopes for you!
  10. Rocsi I stayed for 11 days and received amazing care. The trip home was hard and I did have an energy setback for a few days. I used airport wheelchair assistance to reduce the physical stress and risk of overdoing it.
  11. CowgirlJane

    Best Hot Cocoa Protein Drink

    I was interested in the chike but I realized I don't need another caffeine source! That premiere Protein heated up is really growing on me. A half a shot of sugar free peppermint flavor..yummy Joy I am also interested in the miracle cocoa.
  12. CowgirlJane

    Let's Talk Fashion

    Treggings are just like jeggings (stupid name if you ask me) only treggings look more like trousers whereas jeggings are made to look like jeans. http://www.hm.com/us/product/16502/?article=16502-B&cm_mmc=pla-_-us-_-kids_youthgirl_trousers-_-16502&gclid=CIPE4vvemrsCFQNqfgodvgIAig
  13. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am on a roll this morning... posting away. I went into the office yesterday. My size 8 slacks about fell off me - realized I haven't worn them since June... so either losing those last 8 pounds or plastics or both... maybe I do wear a six now - at least for some brands. I hate baggy butt and too loose of a waist pants! A guy i work with his trying to get me to go to lunch with him. That is a normal activity, but we haven't worked TOGETHER in about 10 years so this is definately a social thing. He is fine, but I don't date people I work with AND I am not wowed by him either. Nice guy though so I did agree to coffee. Anyway, this is a brand NEW situation for me. I have worked there for 21 years and this is the first time I recall being pursued. Okay, after I got to about 170# I started getting the "oh wow, you look hot" but those were from friends/guys who meant it as a compliment and not looking for a date. I need to figure out how to nicely say.. not interested.
  14. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I can't have protein bars - quest bars in particular - in my house. I eat them as though they were candy. It disturbs me that my bad food behavior sometimes transfers like that.
  15. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Do Daisy - is today the big day of meeting Portland man? I chickened out on speed dating this Saturday. My rational reason is that I have a cold and that really isn't the best way to make a good impression. Also, I have been practicing the stillettos and I am pretty good on carpet, but I feel awkward on hard floors. Yesterday I went to the office and wore 3" skinny heels all day and made progress... but not quite there. I often wear heels - but they are typically wedge or stacked and let me tell you sisters, 4" stillettos are a whole different thing. Those booties are surprisingly comfy though - they fit beautifully which is so rare. Most dress shoes squeeze my toes and slip off my heels. Guess might be a brand for me to look for in the future. Anyway, I won't feel confident if I don't feel good walking around. I am also going through this completely irrational level of grief over separating from my "part-time" boyfriend. I haven't even told him yet...LOL. I haven't seen him in a month because he did this insane thing and then got really really sick. Like, he had to stay with his son for about 3 weeks and had a visiting nurse etc. Not his fault (well, yes it was as his behavior led him to this, but that's how he lives his life) but the end result I have felt very very neglected at a time when I just couldn't take it. I realized that he contributes to this... he does this emotional pull thing and then backs away. I don't know if it is intentional manipulation or if it is just his nature but he makes me feel cared for and then disappears. And, I really don't think it is due to other women... I might be wrong, but it is more that he lives a selfish life and has an impulsive nature and just does whatever seems like a good idea at the moment (I am kind of exageratting, but he does not have reliable nature). So, why on earth do I feel so attached even though I don't actually WANT a long term with this guy? I think I have done some transference. My counselor put it into words when I described why I picked Dr Sauceda. I NEED to feel cared for and I get so little of that in life. I had a rough childhood, but the worst part was the neglect and I guess I carry that baggage. As odd as it sounds, the happiest times of the last 2 months have been the 2 weeks in Mexico with my loving girlfriend and a very warm and caring medical team. Heck, even the hotel workers made me feel cared for. I have a very good girlfriend who has a loving caring personality but for some reason, I have a long track record of associating with people who keep an emotional distance. My ex (who is still lving in my house until January - talk about awkward when dating) is very reliable but cold cold cold emotionally. Even many of my girlfriends are that way. This guy I always talk about, he doesn't know how to be cold. When I am with him, I feel just surrounded in his attention, the way he looks at me, everything. Intellectually I realize that doesn't make it "real" and we have both been honest in our intentions so I can't blame him at all. What i realize is that what I seek is to feel that way around someone... and the only way to do that is to break free of my "addiction" to him and find someone that has that attribute but also has the good attributes of a real relationship. What I will always say is that knowing him has done so much for my self confidence... he made me feel beautiful which I don't think I ever felt in my whole life. No wonder I don't want to give up that feeling! I am somehow hesitant to actually DO this... to find something more meaningful (or at least have time for me!) I hate "dating" - the basic interview process - and have no idea how to spot alot of these attributes in advance. I think I need to find an old fashioned matchmaker...haha...that is how I buy a horse, I don't trust my own 30 minute evaluation. I only get a horse that is recommended by someone that KNOWS that horse and that knows me and that I respect her opinion. Sadly, those same horse people aren't so good at finding good men..haha I am getting a zillion hits on the dating websites but it feels like work...I am doing a few coffee dates, never know, might strike it lucky and actually meet someone cool.
  16. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Interesting subject. My surgeon had 60 grams of protein as the guideline when I had surgery, but on my 1 year he said alot of research indicates 80g is better. Remember, I was very high BMI, over 50 when I started this. People with that profile often don't get to normal BMI and are prone to regain so his thinking is narrow about how to maintain. My thought is that i am at highest risk of regain in the first 5 years so I am personally staying very protein focused unless some really convincing evidence comes out. Calories come from either protein, fat or carbs. I am already high protein, not afraid of fat and all that is left is to up the carbs. That is how i got obese in the first place... so not the best idea for me to increase carbs. What is funny is that I had some stress eating yesterday and while the calories were fine, it was low protein and high carb and yet oddly the scaled dropped back down to 148.
  17. CowgirlJane

    Anybody Else Cheating?

    I can only speak for myself... have no idea if this applies to anyone else. I have been very successful with the sleeve.... maintaining at goal and am a transformed woman, weight and looks wise. One of the things I had to do was be a little humble and accept that my surgeon had a "program" that is very successful for many many people. I many not understand or agree with 100% of it - but letting go of my arrogance and sort of surrendering to the process, the program, the guidelines is the only reason I am here today at goal. I have a lifetime of dieting, weight watchers, etc etc etc and could probably teach a class on nutrition for all the reading I have done. It was always hard for me to to accept that my "knowledge" wasn't getting me any where and I needed a new path. So, there are lots of people who do for example weight watchers as "Jane's plan" - you know, I will follow it sorta when I feel like it but tell everybody I am following weight watchers. In general, those lots of people don't have the best results compared to those who do. As time goes on, you do find your way. Maintaining at 150 is much easier then the daily battle i used to fight to keep from gaining more weight when I weighed 300# so don't be afraid. What vets are trying to tell you is that you never even get a chance to find your own path if you don't do what needs to be done to get to your own personal goal. And alot of people lose about half of what they want and kinda grind to a halt. If you picked a surgeon with an excellent track record and good results, why WOULDN'T someone follow their instructions to maximize your own odds of getting to goal? btw, my comments are not actually directed at the OP as she has already decided, it is for others who read this and wonder why not...whats the harm in following "janes plan". I can tell you why, because Jane's plan never got me to goal, it was my surgeon's plan who did. The sleeve just enabled me - he even asked me "what are your secrets to success" since he knows the sleeve does not do the whole job, it is up to each of us individually. That applies no matter what WLS you have.
  18. CowgirlJane

    Let's Talk Fashion

    I have skinny calves, even when I was fat my calves and ankles were about the only thing on me not fat.. My hips are 9" bigger then my waist so I can fit many brands except for onelittle problem... I have a very high waist/long torso and yet I HATE the high waisted mom jeans. Those jeans from costco make me feel like I am in my 70s or something...LOL I find that a mid rise looks like a low rise on me so it is a balancing act of trying to look current, yet not ridiculous...lol. Actually, I have found some jeggings/treggings that hit me just right and they go good with winter boots so I have a solution for now.
  19. CowgirlJane

    Anybody Else Cheating?

    I am curious why? Hope things continue to go well.
  20. CowgirlJane

    I Have A Leak And I'm Scared.

    wow, this is unusual. It is thought most leaks happen very early (although might be detected later) and the fact that you really didn't have clear symptoms make this different. I didn't go through this - blessedly had no complications, however, I have some basic advice about worrying and stuff. It doesn't help. If your worries are false, you expended a bunch of energy for no reason at all. If your worries are "real" - the fixation with it just makes it worse. Try to not get all wrapped up in other people's problems... this is your journey and will be different than others. I am so sorry this is happening to you, please keep your hopes up. People get through this, it's rough, but you can do it. In the end, you will be okay.
  21. CowgirlJane

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    I am glad you posted here - why do you feel like you don't fit in? So glad you are working on the emotional issues, but as you are doing that, don't discount the physical part. What i am trying to say is that we are alot weaker (ie more prone to overeat emotionally) i the physical part is not in order. For me, that means eating low carb, high protein, not getting overly hungry, staying hydrated etc. It is an interesting phenomena that my "emotional" eating or "head hunger" is much worse if i find myself on a carb bender of some sort. I am not discounting the emotional issues, I am just sharing that it is my own personal experience that the physical part is absolutely necessary to be "in order" to maintain success month after month. Since getting to goal, I have gone through a breakup, and major (plastic) surery which was VERY stressful for me as a medical-phobe without being triggered to turn to food for comfort. I really believe it is because I have the physical part in good order most of the time.
  22. CowgirlJane

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    I see a counselor (well, I haven't for a few months, but I was) and she counsels me over and over again to just sit with the bad feelings. Try to learn to experience it rather than always feeling like you need to numb them, hide them, surpress them or comfort them. It is not always easy, but i suspect it is the right path.You might try counseling. You might also try just sitting with the bad feelings and consciously making the choice to NOT snack. It might not feel good, but I think with practice, it gets better. Also, do things food wise to support yourself - ie be sure to get enough protein, eat enough and stay hydrated so that you are not truly hungry and tempted to snack.
  23. Kris, My personal experience is that it wasn't the pain so much that gets you down... it's everything else! I have heard that lipo is kinda painful though. I now weigh the same as when I had surgery and since I just started exercise, I do have a little swelling. I came home heavier - I gained quite a bit of Water weight. Maybe it is because i lost about 8 pounds in the month before surgery, I am not sure. Everyone is different - many lose, but i didn't. He removed 5.5# of skin but said i didn't have enough fat to lipo. I think those 5# will show up on the scale once i no longer have swelling. I also didn't lose my appetite - I was very hungry. I was so glad I brought my Protein drinks. Again, I am an anomoly I guess. I didn't lose a full clothing size - yet, but my 8 pants (non stretch, standard brand sizing) fit me much better and are loose in the waist now. Before I always had to buy clothes that didn't make my skin spill out and that problem is eliminated everywhere except my side boobs (I didn't have surgery to correct that). My top size is the same, but oddly my bra band is shrunk even though i didn't have any surgery there. Somethings have redistributed and I now have a much more curvy/proportioned figure. And yes, I had a lot done at once. It is probably a good thing because I don't plan to go back for more anytime soon. I do love my results though. Good luck!
  24. CowgirlJane

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    Since we are baring our souls here today...haha... how is this one? A friend I haven't seen or talked to in awhile wanted to know how I am really doing and I let him know I don't feel that great - emotionally. He listed all the great things in my life and that I look like Betty Boop (inside joke I guess) just asked me "what is it that you see that is different?" I told him that I see everything he mentions, but deep inside I am sad because looks are not my number one priority in life (regardless of all my jokes about being vain) and the last 3 months have basically been a total drag. I spent about a month making myself about sick with anxiety prior to my plastic surgery and then the last 7 weeks recovering. I still have weird tingles and things and frankly, don't feel like myself. I am not living the life I want and somehow am having a hard time getting the train back on the tracks even though there is no longer a physical reason for it. Anyway, it is a temporary situation, but for right now the holidays kind of suck although I also love them, I am cold, my horses are dirty, my house is dirty, - basically my whole life has sorta piled up on me while I was recovering and I feel overwhelmed and can't seem to get started on regaining some order to my world even though I am healed plenty well enough to do so. Talk about negative self talk - I keep thinking, this will be the day I start living life the way I want and everyday I don't. I don't need to be comforted, I know the drill and what I need to do - it is just where I am at today... pitttteeee partyeeeeee.... haha
  25. CowgirlJane

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    This is part of my confusion with feelings today. My fat, I know it well I know most of the reasons I got here.. I have been open book most of the time here (sometimes laying too bare and fragile) This thread, it's timing and it's participants have had a great great affect on me today. I cannot say that it was all positive. I am raw, tired, worn.... This is just my emotions today. Time of year? I am not immune to the holiday blues.. Who knows really, But I relate to this passage above. As it seems to be an ongoing theme to which I am faced with daily. I'm not sure why it has to be a debate everyday.. Or maybe just not today. It made my feel like will the real ugly fat person please stand. We may have been fat but NOT ugly. Ugly is from an ugly heart and mind...most definitely does not apply to you. I really believe we need self love at any size....massive weight loss doesn't fix the hole inside.

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