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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. Ok, I am biased...I see the HcG as one of my many foibles. Lost 30#, regained 30plus a few to spare. I was miserably hungry and couldn't keep it up. I have had lasting success with sleeve so my comments are to see if there are things that can help. Are you following an eating plan? (Mine was 4-5 mini meals per day, small portions.) Do you measure and track everything? Are you staying hydrated and avoiding liquid calories/carbs Do you always eat Protein first? Are you avoiding junk food? This kind of stuff helps keep hunger away Sent from my KFJWI using the BariatricPal App
  2. CowgirlJane

    Dog experts...let's talk yorkie mixes!

    My first papillion was a terror. She was a breeding bitch at a puppy mill - I rescued her at age 5, she was in terrible health, wasn't leash or house trained... didn't know how to walk up stairs etc. When I had her spayed, we had to have all but 9 teeth removed due to deep rotting and infection. She weighed about 10#. She bonded with me like glue, but was always afraid of my sons (generally afraid of men). She was so smart though and constantly tricked the big dumb lab out of his bone. She sadly died after only 2 years due to organ failure/related to the horrible neglect she experienced those first 5 years. I hate puppy mill people - they are evil. At least this one gave away the "old" used up bitches rather than killing them like many of those losers do. Losing that dog was nearly as hard on me as losing some people in my life. I think part of it was because I was her only friend (she never did accept anyone else) and I felt like she had gotten a crappy deal in life and I so much wanted her to have a long full life with me. I have never felt so much... responsibility... toward an animal and even though I did everything possible to save her, I felt bad because I really couldnt save her. My current pap was sort of a rescue - I got her at 7 months and she really hadn't been handled much (no house training, not leash trained and was not a lapseeker) but she hadn't been treated horribly like the first one. She is a doll and a lover... but I worked VERY hard to socialize her. She went through a period of time when she was fearful and aggressive about strange people and dogs and so I just kept up the socialization. She is very bonded to me and can be reserved with strangers until they tell her how cute she is... then the tail starts a wagging and she wants to be picked up. Extra bonus - she is expert at licking the unsuspecting victim right up the nostril... no extra charge. she weighs 7#. It was very important to me that she can be "happy" even if not glued to me, but I like her affection (I never get to use the bathroom alone - haha). I love that she is often found snuggled in bed with one of my sons or if we have friends over, she will lab surf and hand out kisses like the princess that she is. I am pleased that she is pretty mentally healthy - downside is she really doesn't "play" like with a ball or tug o war. I tried to teach her, but it's like i missed that development window. Other than that, she is a pretty normal, physically healthy, mentally well adjusted dog. What was so cute is when I took her to obedience class she was initially afraid of the bigger dogs - especially the wild young ones. By a few weeks into class, we were almost always late due to traffic, she would insist on greeting everyone... it was almost like "the princess has arrived, with tail wagging, class may now commence" type attitude. She charms people with not just being cute, but being so sweet and flirty. She is also an awesome hiker etc. Her coat is pretty light for a pap so she doesn't overheat in the summer. The dog that i had for 14 years was the dumb dumb lab mutt 100# pussy cat. He was a spaz, but a sweet spaz... and the girlie papillions totally bossed him around. With the first one, she was kinda mean to him (her tricks were so devious) but my current pap was always very sweet to him. They ate from the same bowl and she loved sleeping curled up against his belly - but no question who was the boss - all 7# of her. He died last year and we still miss the big sweetie. However,I don't want a big dog anymore. So, I have gone back and forth on getting another but lil Suzy is lonely. She has always had at least one other dog (her first home had like 15 dogs which is why she wasn't handled or socialized properly and they gave her to me). I also like having more than one dog. This cutie pie yorkie mix came up on a local rescue and I had to jump on it because small dogs are hard to find. I simply refuse to "buy" a puppy because of my experience rescuing that first pap from a puppy mill breeder. She is cute as a freaking bug, but i don't know about personality yet. I meet her on Saturday, she has been in a foster home so I will hear more from foster mom. I will of course take her through obedience class etc. and I think I can influence her as 4 months is younger than I got any of my other "rescues". i did know that yorkies are "stubborn" and can be hard to house train,but depending on her cross might be reasonable. I intend to spend alot of time with her before committing, but it is a 4 hour drive and she will be snapped up if I don't take her so I have to decide in one visit. I will bring my dog along if they let me. BTW, i have rescued a pony from an auction - wasn't even halter trained and I trained him to drive. I am hardly an animal trainer/dog whisperer but this isn't my "first rodeo either". Cesar Milan may not be perfect, but he is right about the basics, exercise, structure/order and then affection. When you give them proper exercise and structure/discipline that goes a long ways toward improving behavior. All kisses and treats all the time makes for spoiled brats.... same is true of horses etc. It's just hard when the lil dogs look at you with those big eyes! I will go meet her with trepidation and keep fingers crossed! Glad to hear from fellow doggie lovers!
  3. I am a sleever believer....but I wouldn't risk it in your circumstances. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  4. CowgirlJane

    New app is slow

    I think the site is having problems today... was super slow on browser earlier Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  5. CowgirlJane

    Kirby Vacuum ruined my carpet

    Oh... I know! Did you get through to anybody. Sent from my KFJWI using the BariatricPal App
  6. I hit my current height of 5'5" when I was 12 years old. I had a medical procedure that year that required the anesthesiologist to weigh me and meet with me in advnce. I will never forget the humilition "you weight 165# don't you think that is really inappropriate for a 12 year old girl?" I felt like total crap. Truth of the matter is if I had just been able to maintain at 165 or so, I would have been pretty dang good over the long haul as I am not a twig. I am trim weighing in the 150s. My youngest son was chunky at that age and we used a strategy of letting him grow into that weight. He never dieted, but we focused on health. He has never had to suffer that crap from a doc or otherwise. I firmly believe that a serious of diets is how I got to over 300# and I didn't want it to happen to him. Anyway, those experiences contribute to the "all or nothing thinking". I was either fat or thin, hideous or cute... I had no understanding of the spectrum.... I feel like if we could focus more on health and less on the "what you should weigh" it would move it from being so judgemental and more to health.
  7. CowgirlJane


    It's too soon to be worried about this. You will be fine - although it is a tough adjustment to single life! And, when you are ready to start dating there are some of us with online dating experience that can give tips. BTW, my lifelong pattern was to not really "date" either - I more like fell right into a relationship. I am practicing breaking that habit because I would rather be alone than with someone that doesn't enrich my life; and me his life.
  8. CowgirlJane

    Here I go again... need to get it together.

    Here is my personal observation - over time it is easy to "slip" but it doesn't mean you are crazy binging or anything. I have friends who were never obese and they struggle with appetite, portion control, desire for delish but junky food... it is a lifelong thing... So, I don't consider a small regain as any kind of failure, but rather as the normal part of life! The key is to get on top of it quickly like you are doing. As best I can tell, regardless of the procedure you choose, at some point your capacity increases and your hunger is more. I am 4 years + years post sleeve, and I can eat way more and I do get hungry. The difference is, I am fighting to stay in the 150s, not under 300#, my hunger is much less exetreme and while my capacity has grown,, it is not nearly as much as I had presleeve. What has worked well for me to get back under goal is intermittant fasting (like 5:2), intense exercise and dilgence with food intake. I weighed 157 this week which is frustrating because I was in the low 150s. My current kidney stone nightmare has me bloated and looking about 12 weeks pregnant.
  9. CowgirlJane

    Here I go again... need to get it together.

    BP has gone crazy...
  10. CowgirlJane

    Here I go again... need to get it together.

    BP has gone crazy...
  11. CowgirlJane

    The disappearing act

    Same applies to me - it's very rude to not come through with specific plans etc. but stopping correspondence either before meeting or after 1-2 dates is pretty typical. And until there is a relationship I would expect maybe dating others. In fact,one of the gentleman I am seeing..I wish he would date others because he is starting to drive me just a little crazy. Ha. I still come back to people aren't all that real until I meet them. I will actually forget I have a message from someone and have"dropped out" of communication unintentionally even - again this is the before meeting chat. There is someone who keeps saying he wants to meet but after 2 weeks, nothing, so I stopped writing. I am not looking for penpals. Sent from my KFJWI using the BariatricPal App
  12. Thanks for all the info! When they did the scan they saw it had exited the kidney. Presumably the initial severe"i am dying" pain came from that event. I had no idea I would need this stent, and I am aiming to do this Thursday so I have the weekend to recover. Thanks for all the info..it's 230 am and as typical I am awoken by pain so I really want to be done with this. Sent from my KFJWI using the BariatricPal App
  13. I found the transition to solid food to be so challenging...I wanted to delay not accelerate it. Here is a suggestion for others. How about discussing with nutritionists or whoever gave instructions and see if they can suggest how to cope with whatever the concern is. When I was on the pre op diet I became weak. They said I could increase carbs so I would feel better. I wound up NOT doing that because I was so afraid of surgical problems due to a fatty liver , but a phone call gave me some acceptable options. Sent from my KFJWI using the BariatricPal App
  14. CowgirlJane

    Kirby Vacuum ruined my carpet

    I am so good at"no" - no magazines, no carpet cleaners and no religion peddlers. I am a sucker for girl scouts (and their demon cookies) but otherwise....no. I am sorry this very annoying thing happened! I am sure they were just following their training, no harm intended...but...NO!
  15. Talked to the doc today...told him I have lost my sense of humor over this dang thing...going to get it blasted thurs or fri! They use general anesthesia which scares me because it makes me soooo sick, but he told me it is a short procedure so they won't do as deep a sedation so likely not bad. Funny, I am not afraid of dying, but horrible nausea that is another story. I have been mildly nauseous since this ordeal began..and I am really done with it. It is daylight savings..light out until 7pm and I want to get out and RIDE, but honestly worried about the pain. Between my surgical complication, followed by the infection ,followed by this kidney stone - I have been on the bench for almost 2 months and am beyond sick of it!!! I am ready to cowgirl up, go riding, dancing and maybe even some cowboy chasing...Haha.....as soon as this cursed thing is gone! (Well, I get a stent for 5 days post op, lovely, but after THAT!)
  16. CowgirlJane

    The disappearing act

    @@SleeveSoon very good point. I like target shooting and gunrange is probably 80percent male. As a beginner I have only gone with friends but as my experience grows, that is an example of something that will put me in proximity of more men. I go listen to live music and dance and I am gonna say it is 60 percent women. I keep telling young men , learn to dance and you will have lots of dates!!! My horse back riding hobby is at least 90 percent women...unless you take up steer wrestling or something which ain't gonna happen! I need to think of more activities outside my normal comfort zone too!
  17. CowgirlJane

    Problems staying motivated during Pre op weight loss

    My problem wasn't motivation, it was really bad hunger. also, i had reached the point where I could no longer "drop weight" like i used to either. I went to a doctor who specialized in non surgical weight loss who put me on a low carb eating plan as my stop gap measure. I had tried low carb before, but didn't eally understand how to do it effectively. she helped me immensely, and I was able to "white knuckle it" and not gain a ton in the 3 months between my band removal and sleeve procedure. Good luck - you CAN do this!
  18. I lost 50# before people really started noticing and then it was everybody noticed! Once I lost about 100# people thought I was "great" - and at goal even though I was still around 200#. Of course, that is because nobody fathomed I would become normal sized - not sure I fathomed it either.
  19. CowgirlJane

    Help...protein bars.....ugggh

    Usually it is volume that is concerning... not so much weight of the item. I am a believer in listening to your body, eat to absence of hunger and save the rest for later! And yes, the good old days. I have alot more capacity now, that is for sure.
  20. CowgirlJane

    The disappearing act

    I think that the ratio of men to women in that dating range isn't so off balance. Where I live, the men claim that due to all the high tech workers - there are MORE men seeking, but I believe that is in the 25-40 range more than older. For reasons I don't completely understand, it seems difficult for women to find someone "suitable". Maybe it is just me (and other women I talk to as well!) but here is the truth of the matter... I want someone who is intelligent, articulate, stable, financially secure, family oriented and for the love of heaven - sane. It seems that both genders have trouble finding that, but truth of the matter is as a professional career women, I feel at times like my match pool is somewhat narrowed by that. To be frank, men don't value my financial stability and stable lifestyle as much as I value it in them. So, the ones that meet that are in high demand by women of all ages. Also, i have tried to date someone who was not fit (I am not fat phobic) and it just didn't work. He wanted to eat junky diner/tavern/dive joint/deep fried food all the time. I really want to spend time with someone who cares a little about health and fitness. I think men often are pretty accepting of overweight women (this is my perception anyway). I also think women are more open to dating outside their age range. I am 51, and I am pretty much open on age to anyone over 40 and under say 65 (who am I kidding - I went on a coffee date with a very fit 67 year old!). Men aim for their age, or often younger. So, that again puts women over 50 at a slight disadvantage in terms of the numbers perhaps? My good male friend who met a wonderful woman online - yep, she is 10 years younger than us. I don't think he specifically insisted on that, but it is how it seems to work. contrast that to the younger men who frequently contact me, obviously seeking "fling" while I find my real match. yea. There are exceptions, and my ex is younger than me, but online dating tends to lead to people doing that initial screen based on age, location and other "hard facts" wheres meeting in real life, that stuff tends to come up later. So, I have found a different avenue for "adverstising myself" - omg, has it come to that I see it that way...haha. It is still an experiment so I am not willing to share details yet, but, I have been flooded with very reasonable sounding choices, men that actually want to meet and who seem most interested in my personality, intellect and stability, with looks being secondary. Don't get me wrong, I am confident in my looks and I get plenty of interest based on that, but it isn't from the right ones. I have also revived my POF profile, and the side by side comparison is interesting. Same old thing on POF.... To bad I developed this little health issue (kidney stone) in the middle of all this - haven't been able to leverage it all fully. It is much better for me if someone values the whole package - i just feel like I am meeting men who seem more likely to be good matches, more likely to be actually interested in a serious relationship, and as a pool, seem a lot clearer on what they seek. If nothing else, I am experiencing a much more interesting level of conversation and much more "attentive" date. I just need to keep meeting people and I have kind of stopped that... think that when my health issue is resolved, that gets easier.
  21. CowgirlJane

    The disappearing act

    I view it this way - if someone disappears after multiple dates, that is just effing rude. If they disappear before meeting, or even after an initial date - par for the course - that is more typical than someone having an adult conversation about it.
  22. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    my weight is slowly crawling back down - but I am STILL up to 157! I have a gassy sore tummy still. (: I have the call in with the doctor, not sure if/when I will get the treatment but I am very tired of this!
  23. CowgirlJane

    The disappearing act

    Kik is just a messenger app. All the cool kids use it these days. Google it! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  24. CowgirlJane

    My recent adventures..

    Oh my...this afternoon I was out with the girls and who should show up but K the man I had a fairly serious thing with in 2014 that called me in January about getting back together (i declined). My face blindness was confirmed. .. I didn't see him, one of my friends did and then he came over and said hi. I am never awkward around ex 's but I was with him. I think it is because that call on January stirred up some questions on my mind about what I really want.... anyway, we girls than pinky swore to never ever ever bring a date to OUR favorite restaurant again because then you can't seem to get rid of em! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using the BariatricPal App
  25. CowgirlJane

    My recent adventures..

    So, when I decided to "try again" I firmly committed myself to a different approach as advised by MANY. I make the mistake of zeroing in on a person to quickly and then am disappointed when it doesn't work out so this time the idea is to date many, very casually, and get to know a person for months before devoting too much time to a person. I have been pleased at finding an overall better pool of prospects, and things are going well...however...I recently realized I am doing it again! The idea is you sort of rotate through lots of people and as people"drop out" you replace. Eventually, a good match shows up, stays with you and you have had time to get to know him. Instead, I met two guys early on and so far, I go out with them. Basically, I am repeating my old pattern only with 2 instead of one...arrggghhh!!! Things are very light, but, I don't have time to do more which means I need to force the issue. Truth is I enjoy both their company but one of them i KNOW isn't a good match. He is soooo persistent but in a nice way I am having trouble saying I am not interested. I have been on 3 very fun dates but last night he was making plans for summer BBQ! - I about fainted. I feel like a heel that I just dont have that mutual interest and that I feel absolutely smothered by the emails, the pinning me down for Saturday nights etc. I did not anticipate this because I have never experienced the "he's such a nice, considerate guy" guilt. Btw, my lack of attraction/interest has mostly to do with communication. He was born out of the country but been here since 1980 and he is still difficult to converse with, thick accent and just slow to pick up things. I think he is either hard of hearing...or maybe a little slow..I had to explain stuff in a movie we watched, for example. Noisy restaurants...forget it... Intelligent conversation is so high on my "needs" list that this is becoming difficult... I am dreading this. Sent from my KFJWI using the BariatricPal App

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