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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    They actually did issue a dress code for the cocktail party. For women it was a cocktail dress OR formal top and slacks. The men it was quite specific too - but I don't recall what it was exactly - dark shirt if they didn't wear a suit or tux type thing. The reception did not have a dress code, so that one i will definately wear just gussied up business clothes. I do better in dresses (or jeans) over slacks because I have a skinny ass and short legs. Slacks almost always need to be tailored to fit me well whereas just about any dress off the rack works okay. So, I do work for European company but this event is the annual sales and service meeting for the Americas so it is mostly USA, some Central/south America and of course Canada so American sensibilities prevail. Did I mention it is about 90% + men?
  2. Love the links. I like the idea of the blue nails with blue earrings. Damn, nails done, one more thing to add to my to do list. I do my own nails normally but i might need to go all out and have them done. i need to do it AFTER I pick up and move hay this weekend...haha. It's hard to be a girlie girl when you move hay and horse manure everyday...LOL I also agree on being careful about too matchy matchy. I have some black shoes that might work, need to dig em out. I love those blue shoes, very comfy but i see what you mean about the texture. A certain person also told me they look too much like business shoes (really?) but his tastes perhaps run a little more adventurous than average. Thank you all!!!
  3. CowgirlJane

    Complications ?

    I opted (was given a choice) to have mine done in two stages to theoretically reduce risk of leaks. They knew I would have massive scar tissue so surgery one was band removal and scrape away scar tissue. Surgery #2 was the sleeve about 2.5 months later. I do not believe there is hard evidence that this is a better approach but it is what I did. Part of the reason is I wasn't ready to committ to the sleeve but that evil band HAD to come out. The 2.5 months of dying of hunger while gaining weight made me realize that I really really really did need to revise to the sleeve. That alone was a good reason for me to do it in 2 steps - I was SO ready by the time I was sleeved since I felt I was eating myself to death. I guess people using mobile devices can't see my siggie - but I have lost 160# since being sleeved. I weigh 148 right now. I got to my goal of 158 in 14 months... lost the last 10 pounds after I was stable at goal for awhile. i have been enormously successful in my book. i had no complications and love being fit and active. I think part of the reason for my success (again, no data to back this up) is because the stomach damage scar tissue was removed so when they did the sleeve they could get a pretty good / typical sleeve. sometimes they can't because of the scar tissue and other damages they can't make the sleeve as good as a virgin sleever.
  4. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I posted on the ladies room about accessories for my formal cocktail party. I think I need to put the dress ON and go jewelry shopping...LOL. Man, I would stand out in casual Seattle that is for sure. Anyway, if you have any recent experience on what is hip at cocktail parties, please do advise. I also have some black shoes i could wear... I was gonna return them but think I will pull them out and see how they look. what I didn't mention is that i was invited to a big deal executive reception next week. Only like 10 of use non executives (peons? ha) are invited. This means i have suddenly been noticed. I had a horrible year at work in my opinion due to my emotional issues and distractions and surgery... and in general my life being turned upside down... but I had a couple of very high visibility things go really right. I challenged the status quo on a couple of things that wowed some director level people since I was able to improve some things that had always seemed "immovable" so got a little buzz started and they talked to their bosses. I got lucky considering what a screw up I have generally been. anyway, I don't really know WHAT I want career wise but I want to take advantage of my 15 minutes of fame. I am not trying to look amazing but appropriate, noticable... you know, someone you could visualize promoting BUT remember this is also a fun/social event so being too businessy isn't right either. Let's be real, my acceptable looks (as opposed to when I was obese) is part of why I am being noticed I am quite sure. That's life in the big city and I am over it. Ah, don't you sometimes just wish there was a uniform though?
  5. WOO HOO!!! congrats on your wonderful success!
  6. The front of the dress is the slightly lower neckline, the back has a button. Kinda hard to see in pix. The dress is a bit body conscious, form fitting, all black. these are the shoes I am considering to wear with.
  7. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Very interesting analysis of weight. I think part of it is that the scale does not always immediately reflect choices and sometime it does. I was up more than 5 pounds and my clothes fit the same...weird. I have lost those pounds and can't see where they came from.
  8. I don't mean to sound bad but how much CAN you eat is the wrong question...it's how much should you eat. Hunger all the time... I would check a few things. Acidy tummy feels like hunger. Try adding a ppi for a few weeks Are you hydrated? Thirst feels like hunger. Do you know how to Fluid load between meals to increase length of time before hunger? Do you eat enough at a meal to feel satiated? Helps with grazing management. Do you follow sleeve rules...protein first etc etc Are you letting sugary or bad carb foods in? That makes me hungrier than anything. I even avoid most fruits as the sugar makes me hungry. Bread Pasta taters....all make me hungry. Could you be searching for emotional comfort in food again? The ole head hunger thing. Anyway some things to think about. Hang in there!!
  9. It's tough it really is. My weight loss practically stopped about 8 months post op. Culprits were carbs, including Protein bars!! That is when I got serious about carb (basically sugar) control. I also changed up my workout to high intensity shorter duration. I went from losing 2-3 pounds a month back to 10-12 a month and made it to goal. I think you should discuss with a good nutritionalist since nursing adds some nutritional issues I didn't deal with. Hang in there! Kick the sugar/bad carb addiction and life gets better.
  10. CowgirlJane

    Body shifting....

    Look at my before photo..huge belly!!! It's gone now. There was alot of skin and prior to plastics I used garment to spread that skin just so to make fake hips....Haha. now my tummy is pretty flat for the first time EVER!!!!
  11. Cant wait to hear..Haha So I made a huge deal out of my excess skin before the nekkid phase. Then he was like....I dunno, women your age,have had kids etc., just look that way. Obviously I had more excess skin than a typical woman but it was clearly a bigger deal in my head than it was in reality.
  12. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Haha..you don't know the worst of it. When you have been partnered a long time a certain division of duties happens. Last night I successfully tested my smoke detector by starting a fire in the fireplace without opening the flue. Oops. My house smells like I have been camping. Remember my long hair about which I am so vain..Haha...clogs drains and I need to learn how to open the "trap" whatever that means. Power stopped working to my horse area and I don't know why. Had to run a cord for the water tank heaters since it is freezing cold out there. Yesterday instead of going to the gym I hauled and stacked firewood. Uphill. Who needs the gym? Haha You know what I like about all this? Who has time for angst?? I got crap to DO. I was raised on a farm and my parent owned a business. I was raised working HARD and it suits me. Who needs to date when there are chores to be done?? It is strange but I am energized to tackle stuff. This happened when my ex left for 2 weeks last spring too. Like, I just focus more and tackle it when it is just me. I still kinda hope the airplane ride works out..tonight is happy hour night so I will likely see Tony the pilot. He is kinda shy so I am not sure what to expect. I kinda like that too....like I am tuning into my own soap operas.... will he ask her to go flying? He takes his plane up to the San Juan islands (gorgeous) in 15 minutes so a fast little plane. We could go up there for lunch...My treat. I am in a very happy mood. Some awesome stuff at work .. and day 2 under 150 so not a fluke.
  13. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Love LOVE LOVE it!!!!
  14. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wanda you do have willpower - raised a family, have a career, still married haha...willpower! Eating clean is a habit change and a physical addiction withdrawal. Keep at it!!! It isnt easy but the cravings etc reduce so much!
  15. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ah Florinda I always love you keeping it real. We love each other actually. We've talked about it..but we are both incapable of really being in love in a healthy way. For me I think it is temporary defect for him....I think it's is permanent situation. I did finally hear from him so that's good. 25 degrees...brrrr..I was gonna dump horse manure at the composting place but it's all frozen to the dump trailer...dang it!
  16. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Didn't see that... but I think it is better to just not engage and not talk about it...
  17. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sarah - you are a stronger person than I. If I baked that stuff, I would eat it. I apparently have food addiction issues because my solution about food is to make the decision once - at the store. Once it is in my house, I am done, I will eat it eventually. Steven has only been at my house once - when my EX was gone for a couple of weeks. My EX knows I "see someone" "date" or whatever but I surely would never want to rub it in his face. Steven feels the same way but, he says that he would like to come over here now that my EX is out of the house, since he has a bachelor pad so to speak and always feels obligated to clean before I come over. In fact, and I still feel bad about it - I made a comment about how dark it was back when we first met and he did this huge cleanup/overhaul - washing windows, removing dark curtains etc. He has a pretty bad case of ADHD and frankly I suspect bi-polar - because he stayed up all night for two nights to do all that which is not rational. He told me that he likes it much better but I still feel bad since I didn't mean to criticize. Anyway, he has dropped out of contact with me since I saw him on Friday. It was kinda weird because we were going to connect again over that weekend and I expected to have plans with him Friday night (tomorrow) and he just hasn't contacted me or returned my call. Well, it's not weird. He does this. It means he is in a mood. This is why he can't have a real relationship - he is the coolest guy to be with, talk to, but when he gets in a funk he goes into hermit mode and cuts everybody out. It is annoying and rude but it is just what he does. The other possible trigger is he was getting all chummy again last time i saw him - wanting to make plans with me to do all this great stuff and this has happened before... he gets swept up in that line of thinking and then later freaks out about it. He actually almost broke up with me because we were going to go camping and he just went in full on amp up mode over it because he really wanted to be alone. I was like...okay... I will live wihtout a camping trip....LOL. It is a irritiating pattern and he keeps wondering why I stick around since he knows how much it pisses off every woman he has ever dated. In the end, maybe it is good, keeps me from really falling in love with him and keeps our relationship right were it should be - Friends With Benefits with irregular contact. Because, although he has been wonderful for me in so many ways - it would be a freaking disaster to get too involved with him. The wonderful part is that he has been my biggest cheerleader. I met him after I got to goal but had all the extra skin and everything... he is the first man in my whole life that made me feel sexy. When I look at myself, I do see the flaws, but he has helped me see that I am beautiful and I NEVER EVER felt that way before - even when I had thin periods in my youth I always hated my looks. Really, for all his faults, I am so glad I have had him in my life... even though I do know it ends...soon.
  18. CowgirlJane

    Oink oink before pre-op liquids?

    I did not but I think it is pretty normal. By the time I had surgery I was so OVER food as a friend, crutch or whatever. I was so miserable (look at my before pic, I LOOK miserable!). I was hungry 24/7 so I certainly ate alot but it wasn't a food funeral. Truth of the matter is that being sleeved doesn't mean your food life is over. I sometimes struggle too, but in general I LIKE not being hungry all the time. I like that food doesn't drive me and my behavior like it used to. I like being sleeved so in hindsight I think a "celebration" of a new life is more in order!
  19. CowgirlJane

    My husband diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. :'(

    I am so sorry. I lost my younger sister and best friend to breast cancer in 2007. She was only 40 and it devastated me and alot of other people. Vent away, and I know there is nothing any of us can say to ease the pain, but you have my prayers.
  20. CowgirlJane

    Complications ?

    I was banded for 10 years and by the end I was NOT compliant for sure. The band drove me to eat sliders because dense Proteins hurt. I had bad acid but didn't realize it so I tended to eat soothing foods like yogurt and ice cream - self medicating I guess. However, even when I was compliant - say the first 2 years, I just suffered alot with the band. Anytime i had any fill at all I experienced pain and vomiting and yet was often hungry. it wasn't good.
  21. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    148.5 this morning... woo hoo Are there reminders of my EX? EVERYWHERE. He didn't really deal with his stuff. I made him empty his closet - even though he slept int he guest bedroom the last year or more he kept his clothes in my bedroom - so those are at least moved. Remnants of his office are still here etc. He did consolidate some stuff and says he will pack up while i am in Orlando next week. I am not sure i believe him... if he doesn't I will do it when I get home. I am not weirded out by it and I don't think it is intentional on his part but it does make it so that my house still isn't really 100% mine yet. I wouldn't have a "real" boyfriend over (if I had one that is!) for example.
  22. CowgirlJane

    struggling a little

    When I was obese, I would go through these emotional rollercoasters.... like I would work so hard to get to say....240# and feel wonderful and then suddenly I was 250# again. It would often make me just give up, that feeling of despair and that feeling like the effort it took to lose/maintain was beyond what I could sustain. During this weight loss journey I have been pretty good about not letting a number on a scale give me a good or bad day, we all have normal little stalls, weight fluctuations etc. However, for some reason, this time it just felt discouraging. The day I posted this thread I weighed 154, still 4# under my goal. However, that old feeling was there - like, wtf??? How did this happen so quickly? I am glad i wrote about it instead of trying to deny my feelings and I really appreciate all the feedback and comiseration!! So guess what, this morning I am back down to 148 - within my current "bounce range". A number on a scale doesn't give me a good or bad day, but knowing that the process WORKS, that following good eating and fitness habits works is reassuring and bolsters my confidence. good thing because next week I am going to a big business meeting where there will be much eating and drinking. Last year I maintained during that weeklong trip and I am gonna do it again!
  23. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Denise I used to sleep with a cpap and it was quiet. Sounds like your relationship is still young and maybe he is sensitive about it? Seems like he overreacted to your concerns. Maybe it's the female in me but I would be all apologetic not mad. Anyway have you considered earplugs? I didn't have a mask but what they call nasal pillows but they didn't shoot out a bunch of air unless dislodged. I think a new machine will reduce this problem but I wonder if he is open to that? Florinda I am certainly just happy for you and glad you are posting! I set out to get massive housework done last night and am shocked how little I accomplished.
  24. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    fye - I LOVE your husband...hahaha.. can't help myself I was raised with exactly THAT kind of guy. Hope he heals up well. In all seriousness I am concerned with the California situation... it's dry dry dry... and the wet season should be wrapping up! I love Cali....not sure why I don't live there... but hearing the situation it is concerning. even the Seattle area, known for precipitation, has had a mild winter. Ski resorts opened late.... No snow so far at Seattle sea level ( I am at 300' above sea level .... No real snow here either). Right now... sunny and COLD... dropped.to the 20s.
  25. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    So when I log into the website, I always check "content I follow" and that is how I know there are updates here. I hate the emails so for me that works better. Okay, let's talk about 5:2 shall we? I can't say that I have had a real 5:2 week but wow my eating is going pretty good. I went back to some basics.. things that worked in the past. In the morning i make a delicious omelette: -saute a mix of bell peppers and onions (frozen from trader joes - score!) -slice up some low carb/low cal sausages from Costco and saute with the veggies- 100 calories and a good dose of protein - score! -put 1/2 cup egg beaters in my mini blender to whip it good and pour it over the well sauteed ingredients, turn down heat -sprinkle with yummy cheese. today it was sharp cheddar and a bit of goat cheese -turn the oven on BROIL Let the eggs cook a bit more on the stovetop then put it on the low rack under the broiler - it puffs up a bit like a souffle I eat about half early (like 6-7am) and then the other half as a mid morning snack. I figure the whole deal is about 200-250 calories Lunch - I wasn't too hungry so had a few pieces of shrimp. I haven't had dinner yet, thinking of having a bit of salad with protein added I was at Trader Joes and they had samples of a bruschetta sauce mixed with cukes and lentils and feta cheese. It was amazing and I never thought of using bruschetta that way... so I have some finely chopped veggies from their produce section and have been mixing a bit of bruschetta with chopped up salami... yum I don't track, so I really don't know how many calories that is but it feels about right. I will have a protein hot chocolate before bed. Oh yeah, and I will probably have a glass of red wine because I worked my ass off today and figure I deserve it. Other news - I LIKE that the EX is gone, it is like a burden is released... but I can't help but worry about him. I keep wanting to call. I have been cleaning and really just trying to start afresh. That will be put on hold as I am heading out of town soon, but, it feels kinda good. I only get wound up when I dwell on it so I try to not think about it much. Friday night - going out with Mary at "our bar". I am guessing I will see my pilot friend.... we shall see if he invites me to go on a plane ride... like with SPECIFICS...haha.

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