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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    5:2 Links and info

    So, I have not been 5:2ing lately. I am down to about 142-143 and don't necessarily seek to lose more. I have people around me freaking out about my weight loss, even though my BMI is still in the mid range of normal, and I am content here. One of my friends declared me officially a "skinny chick" and I should stop losing or my ass will completely disappear - good point. I still try to use the idea of fasting - meaning you don't really need to eat around the clock! Give the digestive organs a break - it seems we evolved to eat that way - we are not grazers like horses, deer, elk. We seem to be more genetically programmed to eat like predators which is less often. If I get hungry late, i open a premier Protein drink, have a few sips and put it back in the fridge. Very low carb, low sugars and an a few sips seems to satiate me.
  2. Many go through this during the early weeks and months.... which is more typical I think. I was surprised to find myself dealing with it so much later. Desiring food for comfort is no longer a key issue, but it is an issue of how to get used to really FEELING things. It's much better now though - and much of it is due to OTHER life changes. I am a recent empty nester, my job changed to being much more solitary, I lost my sister and mom who i was very close to about 7 years ago. Basically, my life scarcely resembles what it was like say 10 years ago. In so many ways it is better, but it has been ALOT of change. It is tied to the weight loss because some of the changes I needed to make a very long time ago, but only finally now have the energy to do it. I wonder if that is why the divorce rate etc is high too... something that needed to happen but didn't due to the overwhelming weight that morbid obesity puts on a person - crushes some of that energy to solve any other problems in life. I don't think it is the least bit negative to discuss it and people who have not gone through it maybe just haven't hit it yet or are perhaps fortunate enough that they won't.
  3. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Thanks for the summary Wanda! I like gamergirl and would be okay with adding her but we don't talk that much about 5:2 here so I think it should just be a thread on the vets forum... I went to the surgeon's yesterday, didn't get to see my surgeon but Dr Harris who is the guy who also does cosmetic surgery there. He is a general surgeon and has a couple of years experience with the sleeve... but not quite like seeing Billings or Landerholm who are the old hands. Anyway, he thinks my issues are emotional... he suspects ulcers or gallbladder as "maybes" but I don't have real symptoms of either one. It was also good that he confirmed I am not "too thin" a barrage of which I have been dealing with lately that is just more pressure on the situation I don't really need. (My BMI is not low - I think around 23 but people around me think I am fading away) Anyway, we have a plan to try some things and next step is to be scoped if things don't resolve in a couple of weeks. We also talked very briefly about face work. He suggested more fat injections in my cheeks to give a more youthful look - he thought that was the most bang for the buck so to speak. I hate my chin skin... it doesn't show up unless I am certain angles but then it looks like a wattle. He talked about the laser thing. What they do is zap out some fat cells which burns you under the skin. Then, you wear a binder while you heal and so the skin reattaches which gives you a "firmer" chin but doesn't actually remove extra skin from the chin. Nobody else but me seems to think i could benefit from that... so for now I might look into the cheek injections. I like the idea of maintaining a bit more youthful look... as we go... so you don't get that shocking change. I don't need a facelift yet so this is a good intermediary step. So, I got private messaged from someone going over the edge... regretting surgery and afraid all she will ever be able to do is sip water and eat 1 spoon of mush at a time etc. Seriously, she writes like a person on the verge of insanity. I feel like i don't have much to offer - I mean I so far have never regretted it. She weighed under 200# at time of her surgery and honestly, 200# was my success mark - if I made it under that surgery was a win for me. so, it is hard at times to relate to someone who started UNDER my initial goal. I sent her some encouraging words because I try to be a good person, but lord no wonder people like tiffykins and others moved on from here.... I am concerned about long term complications these days due to all the talk, but trying to manage that in a rational way and think about what I can do to prevent it rather than being "worried". I have not been taking my calcium the last few months because i can't stand the IDEA of those huge pills while my appetite is so bad. I have to "steel" myself just to take tiny pills. Not because of physical restriction but because the thought of those things hitting my stomach just makes me go "blech" right now.
  4. Why not start a 5:2 support thread on the vets forum? I personally don't think it's a great idea for people in their first year anyway, they should be following their surgeon s program. ... As I have said I am a 5:2 person but do not track so am not a purist.. There are variations but it is all about reduction a couple days a week and that "fasting" element.
  5. CowgirlJane


    Swimbikerun could you start a thread specific to long term supplement issues? I will be honest...I am lost and I know this is important. Did the Calcium issues happen even while supplementing?
  6. And why do we need a friend list on this forum? I don't understand what difference it makes to be a friend or not.
  7. CowgirlJane

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    Frank..I am so sorry, it is hard to understand.
  8. CowgirlJane

    Question about drinks / fluids

    In my program, we counted Protein drinks towards fluids - a big deal in the early weeks since it was hard to get enough Fluid in. I always treated them like any other liquid and applied the eating time limits.
  9. CowgirlJane

    When did weight loss stop?

    I believe there is no expiration date - the sleeve keeps working as long as you keep "working it". I lost 150# in 14 months to get to my goal in Feb 2013 - definately was faster at the beginning but when I hit long stalls it was always due to excess carb consumption... Since then I have lost another 15 or so pounds... sometimes hard sometimes easier. I know you were asking about the "honeymoon" period - a real thing - but I wanted to point out that it is never too late and that there does not need to be an "end" until you decide to go into maintenance.
  10. I could have written this post. What was weird for me is that i didn't feel that way until I had been in maintenance quite awhile... and by then food didn't soothe me even if I COULD stuff myself with it. I feel like I am finally coming out of the brighter end of the tunnel... like i am no longer overwhelmed every day by the intensity of these feelings. I feel a sense of optimism and joy returning... those things I felt so strongly during weight loss but eluded me for awhile recently. Alot has happened, my life has been turned upside down, not just by weight loss but by some other factors in life too. I learned a few things about not burying my feelings with food and obesity: -nobody hated me for being less than perfect -lots of people seem to like me even better now since I am much more open, authentic and less "self protecting" -I totally lost my cool with a dear friend who did not deserve it due to my emotional state and he forgave me. Real friends are like that -Looks don't matter very much, I still like to look my very best and that is OKAY... but, it just isn't that important -Everybody struggles with something in life, everybody finds ways of dealing with it good or bad. Our challenge is to re-funnel that into something healthier and sustainable (drinking huge quantities of coffee for example, is neither - BTDT)
  11. CowgirlJane

    Don't wait to be perfect to enjoy life

    Well said - Happiness IS truly within. the dirty little secret that somehow obese people don't seem to get is that you are never ever ever perfect looking. There is ALWAYS someone prettier, thinner, nicer hair, better skin, longer legs... whatever... Live and love the life ya got and enjoy it even while striving to make it better!
  12. CowgirlJane

    Any suggested surgeons for BA/LIFT in Mexico?

    I am 6 months out from my plastics and very pleased with results. It is time to get some updated photos, but if you read through this thread you will hear much of my story. Skim the pages because there are alot of questions answered and links provided during the discussion. Good luck! http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/285839-two-weeks-from-plastics-progress-so-far/ I think I have another big thread somewhere too - probably a couple of months post op. There are other Mexican surgeons that people have great results with too - my advice is to be sure you see lots and lots of before and afters and talk to a few real patients. One thing I liked about Dr Sauceda is that there is a patient run group where people talk and share photos so you can see years worth of people's experiences. He takes on some really challenging cases and the transformations can be incredible. Google Sauceda obesity help to find it.
  13. CowgirlJane

    Plastic surgery in mexico?

    There are many to choose from so be sure to spend time checking out results from alot of people not just cherry picked photos on a website. I went to Dr Sauceda and am very pleased with the results and the care. If you search this forum by his name you will find many discussions. Also obesity help has a subforum devoted to his patients that has tons of info and lots of photos.
  14. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Coops .... take this in a positive way... I am dying to go to Wales just to hear English spoken! I had a wonderful weekend...Mother's Day with my 2 favorite people (my 22 and 25 YO baby boys)...horse back riding on my lovely lovely mare Mia with my best friend Mary...Steven telling me he loves me...(damn him anyway) Besides all that I just feel so happy again. It's like the world is back in Technicolor....I love my life though I do have some new struggles. I will share those later. Do want to say how important our little crew is to me. I think about all of you! Missing hearing from a few of you!
  15. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Denise I think I read you have always needed a ppi. I stopped after the early weeks and have not needed until this very recent episode. I wonder how we really know the long term and how many need to revise to bypass over this issue?
  16. CowgirlJane

    Can you live off just Protein Shakes & Vitamins?

    I did a medically supervised liquid diet as one of my many weight loss attempts. Worked great, but I never regained weight so fast once I began eating again. Would not recommend this strategy.
  17. CowgirlJane

    Average cals

    I don't track calories.
  18. CowgirlJane

    Discouraged and Heartbroken.

    My deepest condolences. I think a realistic approach is to not worry about a goal weight but rather to restore healthy habits and stop the regain. Later you can think about goal weight. I suggest not having trigger foods in the house. I for example cannot have my favorite Protein bars as I eat them like candy. You are doing the same with fudgecicles so don't buy them. Every night when you escape reality in front of the tv try doing a manicure, doing a hobby like knitting, something to keep you busy and is incompatible with eating junky food. You will be better able to cope if your body is healthy. Get sleep...if you aren't sleeping, talk to a good doc about it. I lost my baby sister and best friend to breast cancer at age 39...it was beyond devastating so I have an idea of the sad lonely overwhelming feeling. I am so sorry...cancer sucks.
  19. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Reason I asked about your thoughts on the local support groups is that i am thinking about volunteering to lead one here. I would NOT do weekly, but perhaps monthly. I am only interested because i am considering career changes and I am thinking in the direction of "coaching" but don't know. This seemed like a good way to see how I really feel about that. I lead teams/meetings/people all the time so completely fine with getting in front of a group and experienced with facilitating and making stuff like this happen. What I am not sure about is how annoying i would find it to have to be there and miss out on something fun in the sun..haha. Also, the "program" allows for other sorts of gatherings like something physical but must be so everyone can participate... which means a short slow walk. I probably wouldn't want to do that too often either. For me, this topic would have been better in the winter, I jealously guard my outdoorsy time during the better weather seasons of about now through November.
  20. CowgirlJane

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    One of life's many ironies is that although I am normal body weight, and am photogenic enough to get lots of "hits" on a dating website... have a light profile etc. it is still REALLY hard to meet someone decent much less compatible. I think that at my age (pushing 50) alot of the people really are jaded etc. Let me tell you what else is weird - I am reasonably attractive, but i don't get asked out by a guy at the grocery store either. Maybe it is the part of the country I live in, but online seems like the only way to meet people in my age group.
  21. Alex, one of the problems with this poll is vanity sizing is OUT OF CONTROL. I went pants shopping yesterday and fit most 6's although some 6's were too big. Last time I was at White House Black Market I weighed 10# more than I do now I fit into their 2's-4s....I'd probably be a 0-2 at my current weight. I tried on a true designer label a few months back... and I was more like an 8... so what size do I wear? Most of my dresses are 8-10s but I am bigger on top then on the bottom. Yet, some tops the small fits and the mediums are too big. Seriously, the sizing is so inconsistent it is almost meaningless. I consider being "single digit" sizes to be a big success - but frankly anything without a "W" after it was my idea of successful results post weight loss surgery. My all time largest size pants were 32W (plus sizes use a whole different system) and I pretty much wore 2-3X tops.
  22. CowgirlJane

    LBL February 18

    Miss Bean - I am so glad it worked out well for you. I personally continue to be astounded by my results. I am 6 months out and really this experience was transformational. I had the same procedures you did - only I didn't do the long thigh, but the short thigh lift. I sometimes regret that I didn't get the long lift because when i wear short shorts or a short dress, my inner thighs still have some pudge/loose skin that does not go away with exercise. Flip side, I don't have the scar so I have decided it is good enough for this hawt 49 year old..haha!
  23. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Dee- why does seeing colleagues bring such a negative association, or is it just part of the "funk"? Do you have a good social network there? I lived in Germany for 20 months and in fact had my lapband there. While we had "friends" to socialize with it wasn't really a supportive network to be honest. Just an FYI - I completely avoid the news. I used to listen to NPR in particular and I just simply can't take it anymore. I didn't make a conscious decision to stop, but somewhere during my weight loss journey I simply turned it OFF. I feel like a dolt at times that I don't hear about anything going on, but my best friend knows i completely avoid the news so she informs me about expected natural disasters, sex predators on the loose or other things she thinks I need to know..haha. I don't know if it is weight loss, age related hormonal changes or what... but my brain flipped a switch and what I do not read books much anymore, dropped the news habit .... it is like something is just different in how I concentrate and think. In spite of my "worries" about my tummy, I actually feel so.much.better. I am on half a pill of lexapro everyother day - from what I understand not really a therapuetic dose for depression but enough for anxiety prevention. It is like a weight lifted. My true nature, my inner happy and optimistic person is shining through the vast majority of the time. I also wonder how much of my feeling "depressed" was caused by my physical problem and the lack of eating/not staying hydrated? It is really hard to separate the physical from the emotional. I do think it is decreasing my sexual desire and response which may not be a bad thing. I am forcing myself to eat and drink. I am no longer feeling stomach pain, but still no appetite. That is not how acid felt to me previously so even though the PPI is surely helping, I don't feel mentally "relieved" as i still don't think it is normal. My life is going better overall though. Work has gotten almost too busy but I like the focus. I am feeling more content with my daily world. The days are getting longer, more nice days... summer is coming. I did that pants and jeans shopping trip. I have a business trip coming up and my work slacks all literally fall off me as I bought them 15-20# heavier. i could not believe it - across the board 6's fit or are too big - and that is normal levi's and other name brands not the crazy vanity sized White House Black Market store. Who woulda thunk given that at one time I actually wore 32W pants - shocker to even me. Finding a real boyfriend... I don't know... not great progress. I met someone I really really really like but I realize that we have so little in common that I just don't think it has a chance of lasting even through the summer ... so I think I am going to not go to the "next step" with him. It is a tough conversation to have with someone that I like and enjoy his company so much. Steven floats in and out of the picture, I thought we had more or less decided to part company but neither of us seems quite willing to do that just yet. I have mixed feelings - it is all part of my letting go process I think. I am not stressed by it, more find it an interesting observation.
  24. CowgirlJane


    Ok PDX Man, that was funny and inspired me to vote too. You know what I think would make a BIGGER difference? If people could see all the cool stuff in people's signatures when they use mobile devices. I realized a few months ago that people don't see the stats like ticker or the text that tell how much we have lost, dates of surgery etc in the siggie line.
  25. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Denise, you shouldn't feel bad about Dr Aceves. I still have no reason to really believe he is a "bad" surgeon. I think that WLS has long term risks and we don't hear much about them because people just fade away. I am a little scared too now. I am starting to suspect that my appetite and weight loss wasn't caused by mood problems but rather physical issues. I came home from Mexico thinking I maybe had picked up a bug... just a little off. It sorta came and went and then I started feeling depressed, not eating, weight loss. I didn't associate it at all with coming home feeling a little "off". I felt better but then worse again - only clearly NOT depressed just not feeling as good physically and then some tummy discomfort actually began. I did drink alot of alcohol during that trip - something everyday and I guess I am fearful i have injured my tummy somehow. so now, I have no appetite, but if I make myself eat... I can eat normal amounts and feel fine. It is just hard to get started... I am not wasted away to nothing, that isn't my fear, my fear is that I have a problem brewing. I will continue with the PPI and go from there but it is strange that I haven't needed a PPI in over 2 years and all of a sudden i do. Okay, and here is the headtrip weirdness - i have been at goal for awhile. I had plastics 6 months ago, and am very comfortable with my body. It is losing this last 8-10# has really changed how I look. Steven was wowed, I get lots of looks from men and lots of "worries" from female friends. It is like that whole post massive weight loss headtrip thing, only it is over a few pounds. I don't really understand it - like I don't even see much difference, I think my waist has gotten smaller which just gives me more of a curve I guess. It has rocked my boat a little bit too. Having said all that - it is so wonderful to not feel blue and that "drop like a rock" down at times. I do get lonely, but it is more of a normal feeling rather than it being devastating. What a relief.

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