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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I feel myself on the verge of needing to take a break from supporting the newbies. I get alot of PMs... basically once failed bandsters realize how much success I had with the sleeve they message me because they are uncomfortable talking about it "publicly". I get it, there is a lot of pressure in the band community because everyone knows that the reason they "fail" is due to poor compliance and they will surely fail again... right. anyway, I do appreciate those that helped me get started on the sleeve journey and I like paying it forward, I am just burned out right now about all the wounded feelings and stuff. Tired of walking on eggshells. Tired of seeing really helpful people like PDXMan for example get just reamed by others who think he is too mean. Screw it.
  2. CowgirlJane

    how to gain weight like... really fast

    Well, the good news is that everybody that is freaked out about my not eating enough will be happy to hear that I am back to being hungry...LOL My tummy is actually bloated though. It's weird. I think I need a couple of clean eating days to get back to normal. Last night I was feeling sorta... out of sorts about turning 50 so I had ice cream for dinner. Not really advisable and no wonder I feel gross this morning. Anyway, like all of us here, I know what to do to eat right and be healthy! But, that is after my birthday party this afternoon...
  3. CowgirlJane

    Full liquid stage - milk

    Yes, but I for one developed a lactose intolerance post op so proceed with caution...
  4. CowgirlJane

    Gaining weight

    Check out the veterans forum - geared for people at least a year out. Lots of us working through maintenance issues... including for some people a bit of regain.
  5. CowgirlJane

    Those age 50 and above that lost 100lbs

    Hi Paul, I lost my weight in my late 40s, in maintenance now. It is very doable, follow the sleeve rules, eat small portions, focus on Protein and veggies, become active. You can do it!
  6. CowgirlJane

    Support for stomach

    spanx? I am surprised you are feeling this so long after your VSG surgery. Post plastics... that is another story... wanted that support for months after.
  7. CowgirlJane

    Scared and overthinking it?

    Normal stall happens at about that time... don't stress. Besides, it is too late, your surgery is done. Now is the time to make the most of it and get on board to make this journey an amazing success. You can do it!!! I have lost over 160# and am completely transformed.
  8. I have massive curly/kinky hair. I often get asked how i keep it looking so good and here are a few tips that might apply to people with similiar hair: -Wear it up in a bun at night - use those soft scrunches that don't rip hair out. This keeps it from tangling. Detangling breaks hair off which is the last thing you need when you are losing alot of hair. -I gave up shampoo and moved to the "no poo" method. I started out with the Wen method and then realized any good quality conditioner essentially works for me. My hair is never greasy or gross and i only shampoo if I get clorine or something like that on it - maybe once every few months -I gently detangle after soaking in conditioner (during my shower, instead of shampoo) with a very wide tooth comb. Then, I never run a comb or brush through it again as that makes FRIZZ. - then put in a product to help defrizz and encourage curls. Or not. The key is to NEVER run a brush, comb or fingers through it - haven't noticed that the products make much difference but they do tend to add a bit of shine. Curly hair is prone to dull looking versus straight hair so i like a bit of shine added. - If I must blowdry it, it is done very carefully with a defuser. Mostly, I let it air dry. And... never touch it again end result are natural curls that hold up to humidity etc. I can wear it partially up and get those little ringlets. I sometimes wear it in a low side ponytail etc, but very loose. Curly hair is not well suited to tight buns or pony tails - go with that beach wind tossled look. and... never touch it again!
  9. CowgirlJane

    Plastics scheduled for July 22nd

    I had a lot of skin but no rashes and it could be held in with island so didnt interfere with exercise etc....No insurance for me either even though I lost massive weight. It really transformed me though and helped make me feel normal. I am no longer a deflated obese person...just look normal.
  10. CowgirlJane

    Plastics scheduled for July 22nd

    I did not lose hair.. and I really focused on protein to help with healing
  11. CowgirlJane

    I didnt want to lie...

    I have luckily reached the age/stage in life where my "give a Damn is busted" I have felt EXCEPTIONALLY well supported by work colleagues but if I had not I would have no trouble ignorng their petty gossipy ways whilst I sauntered in looking like a million bucks. New hairdo, make over, cute outfit, combined with your thinner healthier self... jokes on them.
  12. CowgirlJane

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    When I met the guy i just started seeing he was so freaked out because he forgot his wallet. He wanted me to wait while he went home to get it... 20 minutes round trip. I told him I was okay with buying our drinks. ..and I'd be gone if he left to get his wallet so he might as well sit down and relax. We wound up having a marvelous first date, having dinner and not just drinks. He ended it by saying ..."ah ha... you HAVE to see me again so I can take you out". Our second date he took me to a very nice place and we had a wonderful date. We have gone out several times now including all day on his boat 3 times where he insists on hosting everything, grills yummy food etc. My point is that weirdness can happen and you have to roll with it and take a chance if he otherwise seems cool.
  13. CowgirlJane

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    Wow I like to hope this is legit. Let us know.
  14. CowgirlJane

    Been There Done That

    Don't be stressed just want to clarify factual statements. I am not a bypass expert but they staple off part of the stomach and change the intestines. It is reversible because that stomach is still there. The sleeve is completely permanent because they remove about 80 to 85 percent of the stomache. That is a scary thought but I finally realized mine was defective and too big and now it feels normal...
  15. CowgirlJane

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    Ok this I agree with only I call them jaded. I was in that rut myself to some extent really wanting someone but then afraid of w ha t he might expect of me. It was a break through when I said to myself that I want someone and as long as I am honest about my "headspace" he can choose me or not... and I am good with that. It was about 2 weeks from my little epiphany that I met the.man I just started seeing.
  16. CowgirlJane

    Been There Done That

    The stomach is NOT removed for the bypass.
  17. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Me too.. especially since I would love to recruit a 13 yo girl to ride my older horse . Tino joked that he can't meet my my sons for a year cuz I told him Steven never met them even after seeing each other for a year. Of course that was a different kind of relationship but I am still cautious on this point
  18. CowgirlJane

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    I don't understand this statement.
  19. CowgirlJane

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    I can't help but wonder if these dudes know what the word love means?
  20. CowgirlJane

    Vomiting after sleeve

    I only vomited a handful of times - and I would say it wasn't until I was a couple of months out, on solid foods and perhaps feeling a little cocky... well really I was eating too fast. I apparently had not sufficiently broken that bad habit. I was so paranoid - in the early weeks and was very very careful. Be aware that you can;t really feel everything in those first 3-6 weeks so I ate "by the book" measuring everything and watching the clock to know when to eat. I felt that was the best way to avoid accidental overeating in those initial weeks. I am 2.5 years out and never vomit (I did constantly with the band) so I guess I have learned something finally!
  21. I lost massive amounts, but, while receiving many compliments on my newly evolving body, nobody ever said "what the heck happened to your hair? it's horrible!!" At 2.5 years post op... the garbage cans full of hair is just a distant memory.... My point is that we can get kind of worried over these things (understandably) but could probably benefit from just relaxing a bit and realize that in the end things will work out. Eat as best you can, take your supplements and then let the chips (or hair) fall as it may...
  22. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Have you been following the various threads about so many of us being bullies? It seems to have started with a post by someone who wanted to know who smoked, had surgery and lived to tell about it. A few people were less than diplomatic in their replies. Then I think it was either lipstick lady or madame reverie started a thread called "we are all adults here" where there was a fair amount of silliness and a little bit of belittling frankly. Now the latest is the bariatric bullies thread. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/309338-bariatric-bullies-you-know-who-you-are/page-5 So, what I think about this is I was called a bully by someone a few months ago and I think he was completely out of line. It is like bully has become the new word you can call someone and it is is "irrefutable" ... like if somebody labels me (or anyone) a bully it is simply the truth because the "victim" called it that. Flip side, some people like to be funny, witty or sometimes just really direct and I think say the truth in hurtful ways. Many obese people are super overly sensitve too... I should just not read the threads, but at times it makes me wonder if I am getting as much out of this website as I put into it...
  23. CowgirlJane

    Here again?! Need advice!

    Thanks. I lost 133 the first 12 months. It took me 14 months to lose 150# and get to my goal of 158. That goal put me at around a size 10 non stretch pants/medium top. (although with size variation I also wore some 8s). Now I wear more like a size 6 pants (although i own some 4s) but because of my boobs I still take a medium in most tops - small if they are stretchy or generously sized.
  24. I appreciate that people feel this way and I am sorry that feelings are hurt. I never intend to "bully" anyone. I was accused of it once because i took issue with a sweeping generalization somebody made that shall we say, touched close to home. My politely disagreeing was called bullying - so it goes. It is hard to know how people take things sometimes though and lets be honest here - weight loss surgery, obesity, losing massive weight and all that causes emotional turmoil and people can be very sensitive too. In other words, some of the things may be "taken" alot harsher than they were ever intended. Flip side, there are many of us veterans who take alot of time to share out stories, give encouragement, answer questions, answer private messages of info that is freely available elsewhere, I have even talked on the phone with people seeking support. I do it because I remember what it felt like and I remember that people feel the need to have THEIR questions answered even if it is the same as others have asked. This is scary, life changing business here. I am not seeking acknowledgement from any of you on this point - I am merely mentioning this because I have observed a few people who I think provide very valuable info, insight and support being attacked for being a bully when what I see is a fairly factual accounting of how they have experienced success post surgery. Maybe the delivery could be sweeter, but, not everyone is gifted with the silver tongue of a diplomat.
  25. CowgirlJane

    Here again?! Need advice!

    Banded in March 2001 at 272; lost 30# in the first month on an all liquid diet and took another 11 months to lose another almost 40# and got down to about 205. All time highest weight was in 2005 - highest recorded was 332 Band removed in Sept 2011; sleeved December 2011 at 308. Hit goal of 158 in February 2013 Current weight around 140-142. That is a loss of over 160# - about 190 from my lifetime high. unbelievable, even to me!!!!

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