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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Had a super fun long weekend. .. how about you???
  2. Leaks are higher risk for revision. It's a bad plan to think that "I'll try the band and then revise". Main reasons people revise from sleeve to bypass is out of control reflux. If you already have reflux think long and hard if the sleeve is right for you. Leaks can happen with sleeve or bypass but aren't THAT common for first time surgeries. I think about 1-2% for sleeve. ..higher for band to sleeve revision. Read that link that was posted above. Study it. Great article on some underlying theories about how the surgery works. I was originally told I would not do well with sleeve since it is just restriction and you have more capacity than band even. This article even helped me understand why the sleeve worked so well for me when band did not. Sleeve seems to be more than restriction it does create some other changes.
  3. I am down 2 sizes in pants but that is largely because i no longer have muffin skin top. I shop at Ross Dress for Less so i always buy clothes that fit me NOW. In most brands i take a 4 now but fit some 6 too. Before i was mostly 8 bottoms. I didn't wait to shop because at $10-15 for jeans or slacks I could afford it. I was a solid medium top before but sometimes wear a small now..sorta depends. I don't know if I measure correctly but I am now 39-29-36. Smaller pants fit because of narrow hips but oddly the waist is usually loose even though I don't have that small of a waist.
  4. I think I signed something about data gathered but I need to check my paperwork. I am in the sister study since I think 04 or 05 so I guess I am one of those more comfortable with it. Sister study you get ZERO feedback on your tests but are part of 50000 sisters of breast cancer patients. I do it in hopes that in the future there won't be sisters who lost their baby sis to this horrible disease so young. I personally gain no benefit and have subjected my home to toxic sampling, been weighed, had blood draws and fill out extensive questionnaires regularly
  5. If you are really bored.. do a search on this forums for my posts. My surgery was Oct 2013 and it was a great outcome. ..but I about went insane during the healing. I was permitted to drive at 3 weeks. Resume active (slowly) at 6 weeks with all restrictions lifted at 8 weeks. Let's be honest it was more like 10 to 12 weeks before I felt good and energetic. I still had some swelling with activity as I returned to horseback riding, took ski lessons and returned to the gym. I had a lower body lift arms breasts and small thigh lift. Alot to recover from BUT so worth it. I am very glad I took it easy in the early weeks as I managed to avoid any complications but I thought I would go nuts. Haha. Netflix was my friend.
  6. I see your points except for one thing. I want MORE info so medicine is based on actual data and not just personal experience or whatever. I want ALL of our results to be better tracked, reported on etc. And I am willing to participate in the procesd. My surgical practice told me I am always welcome to come back annually, or if anything is needed but I am officially graduated from their program
  7. Swim... is your issue with them that they report data?
  8. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sarah it's rugged and the lower body is definitely the big kahuna. Rest alot, drink alot and consume alot of protein. I had 7 drains...traveled home from mexico with 3. They didn't gross me as much as I expected but I came to loathe them over time. I had a lanyard around the neck to hang them on during showers btw. All docs have different protocol but Dr Sauceda had us shower the day after surgery. Of course with nursing care...they would re bandage and re stuff me in the garment. But that meant my first pic was like 24 hours post op. Anyway excited to hear your updates. Plastic surgery is an ass kicker but so worth it.
  9. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sarah!!! Aren't you too excited for words?? You were so lean and fit going in I imagine your results are stunning. I remember when I took my garments off for my first shower my friend cried with joy...tears rolling down her face. I visualize some kind of wow moment for you too. Photos!
  10. CowgirlJane

    Sleevers over 300lbs?

    My advice. .. don't do 5:2 or similar as part of weight loss phase. When my losses slowed down around 8 months post op I started reducing carbs, eliminating protein bars and then changed workouts to high intensity interval training. My losses went from 2 a month back to 10.
  11. CowgirlJane

    Plastics in Mexico

    Dr Sauceda tells you the dates to book and he was spot on. I booked round trip and everybody does that. In the Sauceda Facebook group I have never heard of someone needing to change flight plans.
  12. CowgirlJane

    Complications With Band..Scare Tactics?

    I think it is GREAT and necessary to love thyself at any size, however, it is really strange to me to think that being morbidly obese is a "good thing" for any of us. I am an animal lover, believe in animal rescue, etc but alot of people in organizations like PETA are a bit over the top... so "into" the idea that they lose sight of a larger context. I think the FA movement is like that. To me, some of the people in the fat acceptance movement have taken acceptance to the next... illogical... level which is almost fat promotion.
  13. Ms24 i don't get it either. I frankly didn't have rashes or anything. Spanx solved any extra skin issues really. What was gross to me was sitting on a spin bike and having my belly skin on my lap. Or doing planks or push ups and looking down at that horrible hanging skin. Also i had to wear loose pants to avoid a skin muffin top. Emotionally disturbing. ..but even after losing 150 or more... not medically necessary so i am really surprised at all the insurance coverage people are getting!
  14. CowgirlJane

    Former Fatties! July Goals

    Right...but the language used by several people who have posted is full of negative and at times mean spirited connotations. I have lost over 160#, am a normal BMI, have a pretty good level of fitness... All without name calling and implying that my laziness is the problem. I have never been a lazy sloppy or unmotivated person...even when I was obese. I am fine. I have a high level of self confidence so in spite of my protests this isn't about me... it's about others who are in a different place in this journey. Yes take responsibility for your choices but that doesn't include berating people ... and assuming that everyone is eating like 5000 calories a day because they are obese. Once a person has been obese for decades you really don't have to eat huge amounts to maintain that obese status. Obesity does cause metabolic change. I didn't make that up....read up on what the Bariatric and Obesity medical community has to say about this. I am not talking about excuses. . I am talking about positive support and motivation including an understanding of our medical condition called obesity over the "beat down" approach.
  15. CowgirlJane

    Former Fatties! July Goals

    Look...Most of us did eat too much but reality is I didn't eat that much more than people around me. I simply need very very little to maintain a healthy weight. I am always shocked by people who say they eat 2500 plus calories in maintenance. ..not me. The more I think about it the more this whole thread strikes me as mean and condescending. I am happy with my body and fitness and don't need the abuse...thanks anyway.
  16. I had the band 10 years and the surgeon gave me a choice. They believed at the time that separate surgeries reduced some of the complication risk but could not show me a published study so I felt it was more anecdotal back in 2011 when I was revised. Band removal included scrapping away scar tissue. When the surgeon did my sleeve he told me he was able to do a good standard sleeve. ..which isn't always the case with revisions. I have been very successful post revision and I suppose the surgical part (size and shape of sleeve) is a big part of that. I have not checked recently if there are studies on this. Have you gone to medline?
  17. CowgirlJane

    Complications With Band..Scare Tactics?

    I had the band for 10 years...and could have had it removed no problem but I was scared of another surgery. She is misinformed. Reason it takes her 90 minutes to eat is she is eating way way too much and likely vomiting too? food abuser and the band does not fix that. There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about WLS and th is young woman hits the main point. .. There is no magic. YOU have to change. I really think that many of us hear the words. .lifestyles change. .blah blah...sure sounds good but really don't understand the meaning. It is a fundamental shift away from food as entertainment, recreation, comfort, stress reducer etc. It is a focus on moving the body more and eating to sustain that body.
  18. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am such a dolt. Spent the evening on Alki beach and I could have contacted my 5:2 neighbors to join me! Okay me with downtown seattle behind me. [ATTACH]46012[/ATTACH] Reclining at home and noticed a comfortable gap in my new shorts. I knew this group would appreciate the excitement at realizing that all my USA size 4 bottoms fit. Wow. I was 26 or 28W pre sleeve. There was a time when I wore 32W. Hard to fathom. [ATTACH]46013[/ATTACH]
  19. Rooting for you! I was high Bmi too and am now normal weight at 140 i am 5'5" My life time high was 332. I nearly croaked... had been in scale denial and went to weight watchers thinking I was under 300... anyway my sleeve start weight was 308. I lost 150 over 14 months to get to my goal of 158...maintained about 6 months lost 10 more. I now weigh 140. I would have never imagined it possible when I was 300+ but it really is.
  20. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sarah - can't wait to hear from you!
  21. CowgirlJane

    Former Fatties! July Goals

    Love the idea of a fitness challenge. Don't love the disparaging name. You know what the truth is - I was morbidly obese. I hate the word obese - I actually somehow find it more troubling then being called a fatty, but it is the correct medical term for my condition. Even though I have lost weight, I still have the disease of obesity - have been forever changed by it physically and will always have the tendency to regain weight (more than people who were never obese). However, that doesn't define who I am as a person and I think that is where the name calling stings. I am first me a person - cowgirljane - I am a mother, a sister, a project leader, a friend, a traveler, a thinker, a writer and a whole lot of other things. Reason some of us are sensitive to this is a lifetime of seeing ourselves as that "fatty" rather than seeing ourselves as a full person. I am at goal (been there awhile) and guess what - even though my physical appearance is completely different, my heart and soul and other talents and traits remain.
  22. Each WLS has pros and cons. None are perfect, none are guaranteed. I had the lapband in 2001 and had to sign a statement acknowledging that the band is temporary and would likely need to be removed. At the time I thought "this is great, I lose weight and then they remove this pesky thing". Well, i clearly did not have a very good handle on managing obesity over a lifetime to be thinking that way. I hear they no longer advertise it as needing to be removed so maybe something is different now. The lapband is just trickier. Some people have tremendous success but wind up revising due to slipping, or port flipping or something like that. Some people like me really didn't have much success with the band because I guess I never found that "sweet spot". I was always hungry and i didn't lose the drive to eat. One thing I have since learned is that I am very carb sensitive so need to eat a certain way to manage hunger, even with the sleeve. I didn't know that back then. Anyway, people who are having success always love their own choice, people who aren't usually don't. I think it is smart to look at studies showing things like excess weight loss maintained at 5 years, how many are revised etc. And ask your surgeon for some of this info too. Personal stories can be misleading. I have lost well over 160# since being revised to the sleeve and currently maintaining at 140#. That however is NOT a typical revision story and it would be misleading to think everybody has that kind of success.... but it is possible and others have done it too.
  23. CowgirlJane

    Lost and alone

    I am so sorry you are going through this - but I really admire your "don't give up" attitude! I was absolutely devasted, embarrassed and had a certain disbelief about my own failure with the lapband, I was so sure I could make it work and be successful, but after 10 years I weighed significantly more than I did when banded. If it were me, I would want to better understand the "whys". It is true that the RNY has the malabsorptive element, but studies show very little difference in percent of excess weight loss compared to the sleeve. i failed miserably with the band, and I spent a fair amount of time "pondering" the why question. I asked the surgeon and my NUT - why do revisions not do as well? Why do so many not do well on the lapband longer term? What can I do to influence my outcomes? What I learned from that did help me overcome some of the pitfalls that some revisionistas run into. I of course have NO IDEA how come different people have different outcomes and I in no way "blame the patient". I am just sharing how I would consider looking at it. There were several shifts in mindset that I personally had to make - the number one being accepting just how little a woman my age, my genetics (apparently my anscestors survived famines very well) needs to eat. I think when I was banded, I never really "got" it. I thought I was "eating small" but I really wasn't. Also, I had to learn to forget about feeling "full" but rather trained myself to strive for "absence of hunger". Wow. That meant alot in terms of portion size, but also how often I really needed to eat. the final thing I had to adjust to was really understanding the role of sliders and carbs in my previous "failures". Turns out I am pretty carb sensitive and so I don't lose weight (after a certain point) unless I restrict them which isn't particularly fun as carbs are my favorite foods. I am not saying those are your lessons - but they were some of mine. I have to be honest, if I needed to revise due to poor weight loss, I would be considering the DS. It is the highest risk WLS (get a GREAT surgeon) but also statistically the most successful due to significant malabsorption. However, DSers do have a much bigger issue with nutritional defeincies. Ask alot of questions, choose a great surgeon, keep up your great attitude and I know you can make this a success!
  24. A recent thread with my musings on choosing where to maintain over the long haul... http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/312396-maintainingnow-that-you-are-a-few-years-out/

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