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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wow. He is a human being not a drug. I really find this to be quite insulting.
  2. CowgirlJane

    Any Washington State Sleevers?

    I went to PSSC and have had great success! Overlake hospital has a support group open to all. I love Ross... I shop there all the time even now at goal. I found that fit of skirts and dresses are much more fit forgiving than slacks. I love that I can get several outfits for so affordable! !!
  3. It was in the context of retelling the tale of me weighing a bale of hay. It was only 60# but apparently I didn't look like I had complete mastery over said bale...Haha Anyway it is a strange thing for someone to refer to me as small or tiny. I looked at photos of women of same height and weight to try to readjust my brain.....as I still see"a woman of substance" in the mirror. I don't think I have excess fat anymore but it is hard for the brain to see myself as smaller sized when I have always been bigger.
  4. CowgirlJane

    Are We Worth It?

    I agree! I set aside money for this and after being SHOCKED by the 40-50K price tag of 3 surgeries I found a reputable and more affordable option myself. I am thrilled with my care and results so just making the point it is possible. I also want to say that plastics aren't for everyone. Be proud of your changes, excess skin isn't NEARLY as harmful as excess fat. At some point, there is value to simply accepting ourselves as well. I had ALOT of excess skin pre plastics. My boyfriend kept telling me I didn't need plastics. Once I did it, he was wowed by the change but my point is that we tend to judge ourselves so terribly harshly. My excess skin did bother me, but I did reach a point of realizing I could live happily even with it. Now that it is gone, i am estatic but I was "ok" with it too.
  5. It is important to recognize that we are all different and you shouldn't compare to others. Find your OWN success - that is the key. The advice my NUT gave me was both very simple and very hard. Eat small quantities - always. Keep the HABIT of small portions even as your ability to eat more at once expands over time. Eating small helps you keep from desiring more. Eat till lack of hunger, do not seek out the feeling of "full". That took a LONG time to make that mindset shift. She told me that was the number one success factor she had observed, followed closely by avoiding "grazing" Protein and veggies should be the heart of your eating. No junk food, no fast food and no processed food on a regular basis (I do sometimes have unhealthy food, but it is the exception, not the rule) I am quite carb sensitive so even in maintenance I really watch carbs. I can't help but notice that if I am not hungry for a slice of turkey... maybe I am not ACTUALLY hungry - right? I can eat a slice of bread anytime, hungry or not.. since carbs are like crack to me... I will eat it even if I am not hungry. Stay active. Change up your fitness routine as your body becomes very efficient if you keep doing the same thing. Bottom line - keep working the sleeve the same way as the early months. The losses will slow down, but it doesn't matter... just keep working it. I use the scale to monitor my progress (and maintenance) but for many people tracking food is critical to success. Find what works for you and KEEP DOING IT. When it stops working, look into logical changes - mixing things up. It's simple, but hard to keep doing it. I figure i don't have much of a choice though...
  6. I remember reading a strange little fact, about the number of people over 40 who just drop dead essentially due to being obese. I got interested in this after it happened to a distant aquaintance who was obese and in her 50s. Hit a bit too close to home. I was just thinking, if there were whole web pages devoted to the "died of obesity" victims I wonder if it would help us see the risks in a more balanced way? My point is this - weight loss surgery of ANY KIND is drastic (don't be fooled into thinking the band has no risks as it does and many of them are longer term damage and scar tissue etc - I had the band for 10 years so speak from experience). Any pre ops SHOULD be a little worried about risks and complications as it is a real thing. However, we should also worry about the risks associated with keeping on the obesity path too.
  7. CowgirlJane

    In And Out?

    Mine was in a surgical clinic that normally does "day surgeries". Due to my sleep apnea, I had to spend the night and be monitored. I am really happy I wasn't in a hospital, but the clinic is right next door to a major hospital so I felt quite secure.
  8. Averages are interesting but not limiting. I started at 308; lost 150 in 14 months to Get to my goal158'. I maintained for awhile and am now down to 140. So I went from a BMI over 50 to now 23. I lost more than 100 percent of my excess weight I was 48 when I was sleeved, 50 now. I was told to expect to lose 60-70 percent of my excess weight based on my surgeon's averages. I asked the nutritionist how to beat the averages. Don't know why you can't beat them too. It's not easy or even fast but it's possible.
  9. CowgirlJane

    Needing Suggestions on plastic

    My photo collage shows the thigh improvement. Before, my inner thighs were equally as bad (in my eyes) as my tummy skin. Now, my thighs are jiggly and getting thinner doesn't help any - it's skin, but about 1,000 times better than before. I have heard of several people disappointed with their long thigh lift results so I have decided to be content with "pretty good" and not having a scar down to my knees is good considering I wear dresses and shorts alot. I had a surgeon tell me during a consult that my "problem areas" were between the knees and shoulders and that can all be fixed...haha. It is really very risky and not worth it to try to "fix" thick calves or cankles. That is sad, but just the truth and part of accepting of our lack of "perfect". So, I did mega surgery all at once. I am not saying that is for everyone, but it worked for me and I am just glad it is DONE. I was so terrified of the surgeries and I became fixated on a fear of the anesthesia. Not so much of dying of it, but of being sick from it like I always am. That whole Mexican thing of twilight sedation combined with an edidural rocks. You wake up feeling like you have had a nice little nappy poo... no vomiting or feeling gross. I genuinely believe that plastic reconstructive surgery is helping me with maintenance because there is NO WAY I am going to damage all that after everything I went through. VERY motivational. Anyway simply silly - get several consults. Those are the surgeon's opinions on the procedures recommended and the pricing... and I found a large variation on both topics. It is very educational though and after you have had a few you start to paint the picture in your mind of the various trade offs, pros and cons etc. The problem with researching by asking US is that our bodies are all unique canvasses and results really do vary alot - largely depending what they start with. I strongly advise a surgeon who has a portfolio of massive weight loss patients as our needs are a bit different then the typical "mommy makeover" after 2 kids and losing 30# - know what I mean?
  10. CowgirlJane

    Year long stall

    I'm a weird one - I don't track so I can't actually say. what I do is simply not eat bread, junk food, fast food, highly prepared/processed foods, crackers, noodles, rice, potatoes unless it is truly an "occasion". I eat Protein, veggies and berries as my daily routine. If I start feeling weak or puny I add some more healthy carbs for energy My son came home from college and brought in bread and Peanut Butter. A week of being around some old triggers reminded me that I still wrestle with that demon. When I eat carbs I get hungry and want to eat more!
  11. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    ok... I need help. I get a lot of PMs but this one has me stumped. I get that she is talking about plastics, but maybe it is the typos or whatever, I don't actually understand the message. It feels strange to ignore it, but I don't really know if there is a question or something buried in here....something about a Hamblett and a muffin top? Same problem… I'm still very tiny a size 2 but my gosh I have extra skin like crazy anything happens to me when I do the same exercises as you. I'm going to little bored with the tight pants but when I Hamblett did you write again a muffin top. But I want surgery not for many reasons( okay, have to true) I want the surgery for hygiene reasons. Maybe one day will pay for it and I'm going to be pissed off that I didn't wait but it is what it is if you want something bad enough you need to go for. Just like our surgery to find a way to pay for it
  12. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    My appetite has been through the roof for the last few weeks. It finally showed up on the scale - I bounced up to 145 this morning.
  13. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    my weekend was great. Friday I went out on the boat with Tino and his 13 YO daughter and her good friend. The fireworks watching from the lake was incredible... so fun. I cooked steaks for dinner; Tino made burgers for lunch. The girls played most of the day BUT a bit of cool weather blew in for a few hours and Tino took a freaking nap while I entertained the girls. I really really really enjoyed their company - but the whole day reinforced that this is so "not want I want". I want a boyfriend, not to be dad's platonic girlfriend. I shouldn't have agreed to go out, but my kiddos abandonned me for the weekend. My friend Mary invited me to a party at her house but she is 12 years older alot of her friends are older and very sedentary and not a lot of fun. Mary is a hoot, her friends not as much... so I didn't really want to do that to be honest. Anyway, talk about a clarifying day.... Saturday I rode with a friend who has some "horse issues". We did an easy peasy park type trail ride which to her was like going into the back country. She was terrified and thrilled. She loved it, which made me feel good. My plan is to have her ride my good ole boy horse to get her more comfortable before she brings her high strung showhorse to anything more challenging. Sunday, I did a bunch of chores before it got to warm. I had a breakthrough, I looked around my farm and remembered why I wanted it and the improvements I want to make. It sounds strange, but that little tiny thing made me realize that I think I am out of the worst of the woods as far as my depression. Then, Mary and her cousin and another friend of mine met for dinner and a drink and just had a hoot of a good time. It was a really fun weekend! Mary is so mad at me over this, but I am going back to seeing Steven under his proposed "starting over" plan. I realize there are pitfalls, and frankly if he doesn't keep up his end of the agreement it will be over quickly, but it makes me happy for now and just so much less bother than trying once again to find someone to just see and date. Besides, I have missed him, talking to him, and I want a sex life again! Is that so wrong? LOL If this doesn't work out, not sure I have the energy or excitement to start over again anytime soon....
  14. CowgirlJane

    Year long stall

    How frustrating! I am sure you have tried it all, but in case you haven't - low carb and shorter duration, high intensity exercise are the key for me. That is not in the standard portfolio of all nutritionalists, so I thought I would throw it out there. Truth is that it is hard to lose weight once you have been obese. Sleeve helps many of us... alot... but it still took that kind of modification for me, especially as the BMI gets lower. I lost weight just from eating less at first. Once I got under 200# I stopped losing and would not have gone down to 140# without the low carb. That is just me and my unlucky metabolism. What would bother me the most is how do you know that being "resleeved" will make things better? Did they find something functionally wrong with your sleeve? I hope you find your answers - do not give up!
  15. CowgirlJane

    Needing Suggestions on plastic

    Ok, one last remark. I told my plastic surgeon I was afraid of a boxy/boy figure. He told me I would never have a small waist so it was a risk. I emphasized my point that from a tradeoff perspective I wanted an overall "look" that was feminine and curvy and not boxy. He said he would do the best he could... no promises given that I have an "athletic" build. I think he did a great job working with what I had. My measurements now are 39-29-36 and I don't feel boxy at all. I am for sure broad shouldered and bigger on top because that is my natural build but I am content with the overall proportions and results. If I had a large amount of extra skin above the belly button I would definately be open to the vertical incision if a surgeon recommended it... it is the only way for some to wind up with a waist and that nice look that scamp shows off.
  16. CowgirlJane

    Needing Suggestions on plastic

    Scamp, I know this sounds completely wacko, but I was so afraid of scars preop, but now, they are part of me. I have an odd... good feeling toward them. It is like they remind me of how strong I am, how much I have overcome and how no way, no how am I EVER going back to being morbidly obese. Mine are flat and at 8 months post op, are fading very nicely. What I didn't do is the long thigh lift because my doc recommended the small thigh (groin incision only) to minimize scarring and it made a huge huge difference. A tiny part of me thinks I should have gotten the long thigh lift as my thighs wouldn't touch and the jiggle would be gone. However, that is silly thinking - my bod is quite acceptable for a middle age lady and I know that thigh lifts can be problematic. Anyway, back to the original subject, I think several consults and asking the trusted surgeon's opinion on the trade off - results versus how extensive of a procedure. The first time a surgeon suggested a lower body lift to me (I thought I just needed a tummy tuck) I nearly puked. The idea gave me heebiee geebies. I am now so glad I did it, I love my body with a bit less skin and like I said, the scars don't bother me or my boyfriend in the least.
  17. CowgirlJane

    Needing Suggestions on plastic

    Get consults - that is the only way to know what is best for YOU. Truth is if you get a lower body lift (like I did) it does not fix any excess skin way up high. Depends on your starting point, some people really need that vertical cut to get desired results. Do not compare yourself to me or anyone else. I lost over 160# from sleeve (and over 180# from lifetime high) but my body is my body and has it's own special demons...haha.
  18. CowgirlJane

    Sleeve Leaks ... Any fatalities reported?

    there are two parellel threads on the same topic... very confusing. anyway, on the other one somebody answered that RJ developed a "leak" from an ulcer a year out. Okay, I need to find her report/write up as I haven't seen that. Ulcers are a long term risk, although of much less significicance (in terms of people impacted) than reflux. That is the most serious, common long term risk of the sleeve. Don't know about all of you, but I thought long and hard about that possible risk before being sleeved. At some point, the slow death and disability I was facing seemed like a more direct threat then this risk. All pre ops are very wise to think long and hard about all the risks, including the risks of continuing their current paths. This whole WLS is serious business and I would rather someone hesitates and researches than someone throws themselves without understanding or thinking through all the possible consequences. Having said all that, MOST sleevers live a pretty good life int he long run. It is wonderful being a 23 BMI after being over 50BMI - life changing.
  19. Be careful. I am in a FB GROUP of plastics patients. ...The ones who have complications are often the ones who over do it early on. Rest!
  20. CowgirlJane

    Sleeve Leaks ... Any fatalities reported?

    Nobody says you shouldn't ask. Leaks are a real complication risk for sleeve...1-2% of people get it; even higher for revisions. What we are all asking is evidence of leaks occurring way later. None of us know about that and would like to see your information on it otherwise it does sound kind of strange. Leaks happen in the early weeks. Some are not detected right away but they are not something that just shows up years down the road, unless you have evidence and info none of us have seen.
  21. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I lived on premier protein but I was starving! I still have some mild belly numbness but feeling returned fully elsewhere.
  22. CowgirlJane

    Sleeve Leaks ... Any fatalities reported?

    I think this particular complication is misunderstood. The main issue years out is reflux.
  23. CowgirlJane

    Any suggested surgeons for BA/LIFT in Mexico?

    So I am sure no insult is intended by these remarks... but it might be read that way. On another thread, somebody implied Dr Sauceda's work looks like a hacksaw or something like that... it simply isn't true and really people should think a bit before slamming someone else's choice like that. Different people scar differently but mine are flat and are fading fast and surely do not look like a hacksaw or any such thing. As a member of his Facebook support group I see a ton of before and afters. Some of these ladies start out still significantly overweight and the improvements are astounding. It is life changing. Not everyone will get down to a 23BMI - and is just wonderful that he is able to help them anyway. I want to clarify something to people reading... plastics are all about tradeoffs. i don't care who you chose - whether you stay in country or out of country - but sometimes comparisons are apples to oranges. I could have gotten even tighter results had i stayed local and gone with an AMAZING woman in the Seattle area who has 25 years of before and after photos. I mean, her work is really incredible. However, that was over 3 surgeries and a crapload of money. In fact, she wouldn't even quote me on all the surgeries since it was going to be so far in the future. I had to think long and hard about not just the time off from work, my hobbies, impact on my active life and how long it would take to see the "end product". Even if I had gone out of country 2-3X it would have been a multi-year project. I found recovery to be long and difficult. I have a farm - I had to have help for 2 months due to lifting restrictions! I got a bit sad at giving up (temporarily) my active lifestyle. I can't imagine doing that over and over again - I am pretty sure I would never have done more than the initial surgery since it was such a burden to make all that work. Also, the care situation in the USA is terrible. Most surgeons here in the SEattle area do it in a clinic and send you home the same day. Somebody drives you back the next day for a follow up. I am so glad I was in a clinic for 3 days, i really value the care. That is my personal... I don't know, hangup I guess. I wanted nursing care and couldn't afford to hire a private one here locally! I was 49 when I had my plastics, just turned 50 in june... and I am done with all that reconstructive work. my results are great, I am very happy with them and I spent enough time at the gym and the beach to see that my body is better than 80-90% of the women over 40. I declare victory!
  24. CowgirlJane

    Former Fatties! July Goals

    Well... I guess this says it all "could care less about hurting feelings..." I get it that you are into tough love thing. fine - hope you never have a regain or some other event that makes you feel less like a wonderful success who has taken responsibility for your own "failings" and conquered the world. Hopefully you will never find out that it just isn't quite that simple for everyone. I have never ever said that people don't have personal responsibility - they do 100%, but obese and formerly obese have generally been beat down pretty hard over the years so not sure that is all that helpful. A food addict in denial and reading about food addictions? I've been a food addict for life and will always be one. We low BMI challenged people who have a sleeve, band or bypass got to this point because we all ate way too much and didn't burn more calories than we consumed. Most of us will struggle with it until we die. I could care less about hurting feelings, unless you were force-fed like a foie gras goose. I blame my old 42 BMI on myself, nobody else and will never allow myself to become a victim and blame others.

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