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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. I have a very mild case - thank goodness. It is the weirdest condition, it showed up right after the birth of my son in 1992. My doctor thought i had a staph infection but I later found out that it was HIDE. My worst outbreaks were in those early years, and it steadily declined. Like I might have 2-5 sores at a time in those years. About the time I hit goal I was big time into spinning bikes. I would sweat like crazy and then sitting on that seat seemed to trigger a minor outbreak around my butt and thighs. It took a couple of months to resolve. That was like around 2 years ago and since then I don't think I have had any at all. So, I would say for me that losing weight did reduce the incidents of outbreaks. I think that stress might trigger them, although I can't say for sure. I also think that surface irritation might trigger outbreaks (like the sweaty bike shorts/bike seat) but that is just a guess. What I find the oddest is when I first had outbreaks they were under my arms, around my breasts etc... in the last 5 -10 years they have always been below the waist. What is up with that? I do think that leaving them alone is good - like I used to fuss with them and it made them worse. Plastic surgeon told me that one of the treatments for HIDE is removal of the impacted skin, but only for very severe cases. I am just so thank full I do not have a severe case - what a difficult condition to live with if you suffer from frequent/lots of outbreaks.
  2. Well, this is one of the things I like about my bariatric center. For the first time in my life I began to understand obesity as a "disease process" and all the REAL reasons I could not maintain a weight loss without WLS. I agree with you though, and alot of nutritionalists are freaking clueless. Pre WLs, I went to a nutritionalist who apparently thought I was illiterate and clueless because we played with plastic fake food. Like, if only I really understood the difference between a potato and brocoli. If only I could grasp that 1/2 cup is half of a cup.... then i would clearly have control over my obesity. It was all I could do to refrain from saying "I am fat, not necessarily stupid"
  3. CowgirlJane

    Single ladies! Dating?

    I am going to make a counter argument. I CARE about a potential partner/boyfriends health and fitness, so why shouldn't he? i do think we are entitled to unconditional love in a real committed relationship, but doesn't mean I choose to date men that are unfit/unhealthy. I am not a "fat hater" but i do choose to surround myself with active, fit people in general. Actually, I did that even pre sleeve.... I love an active lifestyle and am thrilled that I can lead the pack now rather than barely keep up(sometimes could not participate in things due to my obesity). I have shared before but I am not crazy about online dating.I think alot of it is my age, as alot of the guys online have been doing it forwever, claim they want a relationship but are either so jaded or whatever - aren't really good relationship material. I know there are many exceptions, but I have hit alot of guys with big "issues" with women. Men pick you based at least somewhat on looks no matter what, but the online thing adds all these other "factual" dimensions like your hobbies, kind of music you like etc. i feel like most of that doesn't even matter, it is compatibility. I gave up online dating a few months ago. I am seeing one guy mostly, but we haven't declared exlusive yet... and I get asked out alot more now. It is like I finally figured out how to manever through the social dance of getting asked out. Anyway, the easy way to weed out the ones who only want sex is to not put yourself in position where that becomes a viable option until you are really ready. Meaning, dates are out to dinner, not staying in to cook.... until you are sure this is what YOU want. Of course, i seemed to have the opposite problem, guys in their late 50s not so into sex anymore - personally I think that should be mandatory disclosure on those stupid profiles...ha!
  4. Chelenka, I am sorry you are going through so much. 7 pounds isn't bad, very fixable and you know what... it is what "normal" people deal with all the time! An ill parent is very sad. i feel sometimes like I have had a lifetime of losses already...
  5. RJ, I know our experiences are not the same, but my first plastic surgeon consult was emotionally devastating. I felt... so awful. He pointed out flaws I didn't know I had. He was trying to set realistic expectations but it left me feeling defeated, ugly, and that I would never be able to look "normal". I also believed I could never afford it, the hours in surgery and recovery thoughts terrorized me. In hindsight, and I believe 4 more consults later, I realize he was actually being very open, honest, clear and all sorts of good things. My emotional state however was pretty bad for awhile. I think some of that is because I did my first consult right when I hit goal and I still felt very fat... I still had "fathead" big time. Excess skin also looks a great deal like fat, so that didn't help either! I was emotionally vulnerable about my looks and so some guy pulling my skin around and telling me my boobs were uneven was just more than i could deal with... When I finally had my surgery, the consult was done by email. When i actually arrived in Monterrey Mexico to Dr Sauceda he does the "final" consult and mark up. My friend was devasted by it. She thought he was so mean, said horrible things, was discouraging and all that. She had a very similar reaction that i did to my first consult.... but of course I saw things differently by then. Dr Sauceda is a very kind and gentle man but he also didn't want to over promise (he typically does the opposite, under promises so his patients are generally pleasantly surprised at results!) Anyway, I still don't know why I have such a high drive to eat right now. My leading theory is the carb train has left the station and has been gaining steam! I have been eating both healthy carbs (fruit, whole grains)... and not so healthy (wine, chocolate) - but in total just too many!!!
  6. I recently met some people who are Harley riding hobbyists. They were talking about going on a group ride for charity and it hit me that was something that would be different, new experience to try, but that I also had some fear about. i mentioned that i would be into checking it out and thusly got a free ride on a "christmas toy drive". Well, I was very afraid at first... especially the turns. I realized that my fear was largely based on thinking i must outweigh this guy by a ton, how could he possibly keep the bike stable with my weight throwing things outta wack. We kind of talked through the physics of it all and I realized that I am a normal sized person now and no different then the other passengers he has carried. I borrowed chaps and other gear - and they fit, no stress. Wow, I had this mental image that chaps designed for a woman wouldn't zip over my thighs or buckle around my waist, but they fit just fine. I have been at maintainance since Feb 2013, I wear single digit clothing sizes, and I STILL have those thoughts of being too fat for things.... So we get to the starting place and only then do I realize that magnitude of this event (found out later about 110 motercycles riding together) and that the organizers were flying colors so to speak. oh, okay. Anyway, it went fine, it was mellow, everyone was respectful and safe during the ride and it was a good time. It lasted way longer than I expected, but we donated toys, bought raffle tickets and otherwise supported a christmas toy drive for local families. I know big group rides aren't always fun (I have horses, so similiar experience) since you can't do your own thing, but for me this was absolutely thrilling to ride in a big pack where they stopped traffic and all to let the bikes get through and to mostly enjoy beautiful country roads, small towns and even the short stint at interstate speeds (scary again though!) I am not ready to join a motorcycle gang, but it was a fun event I would have never even dared trying before....
  7. Actually, I saw an interesting analysis on the relationship between states that legalize same sex marriage, allow medical marijuana and then allow recreational marijuana. It happens in exactly that order... so... is there a casual relationship or causal? Proud to be from WA state where love is recognized regardless of orientation and pot is seen as ho hum... bring on the coffee! :0
  8. CowgirlJane

    Official Ongoing Gastric Sleeve Maintenance Thread

    Man, I need to get my head on straight. I weighed 152 this morning...yikes! Yes, still under my goal of 158#. My clothes still fit. But, I liked 140ish ALOT better. I have no excuse. Life is good, I am happy, I am content in many ways... perhaps THAT is the problem. Life is good, living is easy... just another reason to get complacent, right?
  9. CowgirlJane

    Any Washington State Sleevers?

    I didn't know what your message meant, where you at the Lyon's Den?.... the meeting is planned for next week Sunday. I do not know if I will attend. If the weather is good, I will be out riding like I do pretty much every sunday and Saturday afternoon.
  10. I say treat a new sleeve like a new born baby... so, i think hot sauce is a bad idea during post op recovery phase.
  11. CowgirlJane

    I learned some things last night

    I think working on this is one of the most important long term success factors. When I was in my early 20s I got down to a slim weight and regained it mostly because I was FREAKED OUT about being slim, noticed, attractive, low self esteem, getting too much attention etc. This time, I am older and wiser and have the good fortune to find "my give a damn is busted" so found that aspect much easier this go around!
  12. CowgirlJane

    Scared to death.....

    I can't speak to your medical conditions, but I think your fear is normal, to be expected and just shows you have good sense! now, I think the things I worried the most about where probably the least of my worries in hindsight. Truth is most of us come out of surgery just fine and have very little actual serious problems (of course if you do get a complication, the statistics don't matter, but most of us DON'T experience those things) What most of us will experience is the emotional ups and downs of rapid weight loss, not being able to use food for whatever emotional reasons, the changes in our personal relationships... the facing of life at maintenance (oh the thrill is gone and yet the work is still there!)
  13. CowgirlJane

    Does being called "Skinny" offend you?

    I have been at goal for awhile, so I don't get this anymore... but I love acknowledgment of the new me! I am not really skinny, but normal sized which LOOKS skinny compared to my former profile!
  14. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sorry you are in pain Denise. I am doing good with Kevin he made a real effort to address my concern after the initial drama over it. He is a good guy so I am still seeing him. I had a big weekend. Tired but good! I need to stop the carb train. It's not junk food it's whole grain bread, humus, etc but I just can't eat this way!.
  15. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hi Denise how are you feeling? Recovery going well? I know plastics was a much bigger healing thing, but protein is good for healing! I am seeing Kevin tonight. We haven't had the"exclusive" talk and I think it's about time I take my counselors advice and just"date" rather than getting so deep with one guy. I repeatedly make that mistake because I want a boyfriend and it is easy for me to sorta try to make things work. He is a pretty good guy and I am drawn to him in a way that I like feeling, but I don't think we are soulmates. That's ok we can still date. I am fairly smitten by him (and it is mutual) but he can be sarcastic and negative plus at 9 years my senior has alot of physical issues. I don't want those things for a "new" committed relationship. He is in some ways generous hearted and easy going but deep down he is a"my way or the highway" type. I am too old for that carp, but keeping things light doesn't cause a problem. He is funny, trim, athletic, full head of hair, smart, outgoing,6'4" , likes live music and dancing, affectionate - many assets for some one to date and have fun with. I have been stress eating. Bounced back up to 150# and I'd rather weigh 140#. My stress is work related and about keeping up with work around my place. Kevin would love to help me but I am NOT going down that path. I need to solve this myself. In spite of da pudge, I feel good, look good, anxiety in good control without meds... I am trying to tell myself it's time to do 5:2again. I feel emotionally strong but I want food alot. I think it's the carb cycle...
  16. I had WLS In Dec 2011 (typo on collage, sorry) weighing over 300#; reached goal of 158 in Feb 2013 and currently maintaining at 140. I had plastics with Dr Sauceda in Mexico in Oct 2013 - lower body lift, arm lift, breast lift/augmentation and a small thigh lift (ie groin incision only - not down thigh).
  17. CowgirlJane

    Advise please

    I am not sure if corset training eliminates excess skin - would be interested to hear! I did wear spanx etc under clothes and it did wonders to hold that skin in place. In fact, I managed to use that skin strategically and give me hips etc...haha.
  18. CowgirlJane

    5 days post-op, bruised and very sore

    Mine were two separate surgeries. From a pain and misery perspective, they were different and you are experiencing both: -Band removal - oh that port incision was sore! Then there was a big weird... hollow spot inside me that did eventually fill up. I Celebrate being free of that dang band and it's stupid port too! -Sleeve - stomach muscle discomfort due to hernia repair, but main issue was tiredness, hard to stay hydrated etc. I will be honest, I felt pretty bad for many weeks and wasn't back to feeling fully human till maybe 10-12 weeks post op. I didn't resume any kind of serious activity until 6-8 weeks post op... Be gentle with yourself and give yourself time to heal. Easy peasy walks are the best at first...
  19. CowgirlJane

    A temperamental sleeve?

    Normal. Try herbal teas, warm. I am 3 years out in Dec and now can eat anything, all tastes great.
  20. Wow, I am so proud of all of you high BMI people for tackling your obesity! I started over 50 BMI myself and I think getting away from all or nothing thinking has been critical to my success. If you lose significant amount of weight (fill in your number) you have really achieved success. I was genuinely inspired by the goal to improve mobility..what a gift. Truth is many high BMI peeps won't get to a"normal" BMI, but so what? Such improvements in health,quality of life, clothing choices, energy, appearance!!!...strive for success and celebrate them all without seeking perfection.
  21. CowgirlJane

    Revision people help!

    3 years from revision...couldn't be happier. Some people don't feel as full with the sleeve as it is more of a natural "stomach is no longer empty" feel over pain. Take the time to 're train the brain
  22. CowgirlJane

    What's Your Surgery Opinion?

    I have been successful with sleeve but my BMI was in the 52range, now 23 range. I believe you would do best with the malabsoprtive surgeries like bypass or DS ,based on my reading. Go to dsfacts.com for lots of info. DS is a big deal and not all surgeons do it. I would consider it in your shoes.
  23. I two would be shocked at photos - I had denial about what I saw in the mirror at 300# plus. When I got to goal I was horrified of my face. I looked so. OLD!!! I relealized last time i wasn't obese I was 22, so no wonder I looked so old in my late 40s. Anyway I have been at goal awhile, I get lots of compliments on my pretty face and I accept it as me now. When I look at pix taken when I hit goal...I looked great, it was purely dismorphia.
  24. Congratulations! I had multiple procedures done at once but the arms were life changing. I love my toned looking arms. My scars are barely visible and well hidden, well placed.
  25. CowgirlJane

    Small anger issues with men

    I did not experience what you are talking about at work. I feel that people that respected my work were pretty non judgemental about my obesity. They knew and know me -worked there for 20plus years, which is really different than dad of a student...more of a distant relationship. What did happen to me at work post weight loss was the "Holy S###, you look HOT" . I admit I loved it even if it was awkward at times.

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