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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OMG... had laser hair removal done today... PAINFUL. I have never waxed so I don't have a basis for comparison, but ow ow ow. What is funny is that i am doing it at my bariatric practice. They have a cosmetic surgeon and his assistant is an experienced ...whatever they call it...does spa like stuff like laser hair removal. So she is asking me what the most painful part of my massive plastics in Mexico were and I am like... well, it didn't really hurt much at all. Whereas I thought i might pass out at one point from the laser treatment. She told me I did good, she put a cream on to numb the skin and it still hurt. They gave me a good package deal so I am doing underarms, pubic and some pesky facial hair. (what got me started on this whole deal is my plastics gave me a bigger pubic hair zone than I wanted.
  2. CowgirlJane

    Just curious....

    i developed diarrea and cramps from drinking my favorite protien drink sometime about a year out from surgery. The solution was to not drink them for several months, and when i tried it again, it was fine. i would monitor though - I tolerate most foods (non dairy) quite well.
  3. CowgirlJane

    3 year surgi-versary - updated info from NUT

    Well, I am becoming a weather wimp. Also, I am dating someone now who is going through some physical issues so instead of hiking or some other active sport, we tend to cook dinners and share wine...hmmm... could that be why "dating" is fattening? HA! Anyway, yesterday i stopped by a new month to month gym that i am going to do for a few months to get my buns moving more... and to take away the "it's cold out" excuse. These are from this summer and i want deltoids like that again!
  4. CowgirlJane

    The 5:2 Diet

    There are a bunch of links at the beginning of this thread completely explaining 5:2. You can also google it and it is well explained on the internet. I do believe there is also a book that can be purchased - check Amazon. 5:2 is very simple as it is just rules about restricting calories 2 days a week and eating "normally" the other 5.
  5. CowgirlJane

    Sleeve in Nicaragua 12-13, some bleeding

    Were you a revision from band? Otherwise I cant figure out why you would have the bleeding at the port site? Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  6. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Florinda, that makes no sense to me that losing weight this way won't leave loose skin. I don't get it. I very interested inseeing the long term, it seems too good to be true. Lose 20# in 2 weeks - yes, I can see that for the first round, but after that it is logical that it would slow down. Anyway, I hope I am wrong, but I am skeptical. Denise, you sound depressed to be honest. Get out your SAD light and try to get out and move even just a little (walk?) as that sedentary, hurt kinda think gets me down and reminds me of weighing 300#. Take care of yourself. I am having some physical issues that are bumming me out too. Luckily I am having fun with Kevin which helps make up for it a bit!
  7. When I began this journey I was over 300#, had a history of being even heavier and have been morbidly obese, obese or overweight MOST of my life (pre sleeve maybe had spent total of 2 years not overweight or obese) in my whole life. You can imagine how much I wanted to grab onto data that predicted how much i would lose, how fast I would lose, sort of like the infomercials "lose 30 pounds of ugly fat in 30 days". I wanted to know how I was gonna lose 150 pounds of ugly fat in how many days?!?!?!? I was blessed to work with a NUT and a surgical practice who just didn't play that game. They refused to set a "surgeon's goal" because their point was... "lets say you lose 100# are healthy, your life is so much better but it is short of the goal we set... so you feel like a failure, you don't honor your success and you regain". Instead, i was guided to focus alot on the process... the WAY of getting healthy less than the measuring sticks (the scale, clothing sizes etc) Don't get me wrong, I weighed myself during the losing phase and celebrated every new clothing size (getting into single digits was like nirvana... a place i never dreamed I would be). However, the larger point really stuck. If you follow the methods, you will get slimmer, you will get healthier. Our bodies are all so different, I don't know why Joe lost 150 in 8 months, I lost 150 in 14 months and someone else never gets to their goal. I don't know - but here is what I do know: 1. focusing on the "how" - lets call it following the rules best you can will get you best results you can 2. focusing on the "why" - to regain health, to regain a normal feeling and looking body, to regain mobility, to improve appearance, to be able to MOVE and fully enjoy life. Those things keep you motivated to maintain. 3. less focus on the "what" which is exactly how many pounds and how fast you lose them. I don't mean to say to ignore it, but i guarantee you that over the long haul MAINTAINING can be a real challenge and keeping your methods and motiviation in place are key. Getting down to some arbitrary number you cannot maintain in an acceptable lifestyle and then regaining it is discouraging... So, don't give up. Just "working the sleeve", maximize the tool best you can and to some extent try to accept and be grateful for your results. If they aren't what you want, there are things you can do to kick em up (already mentioned in this thread) but i think most important is a bit of inner peace on the topic. okay, climbing down from soapbox. I geniunely wish all the very best success happiness and great health.
  8. My mother had terminal cancer and at the phase when her doc gave up on her she pleasantly said "well, it's not your neck on the line " and she found a different one. She lived another 25 or so years. My point is that it is OUR bodies, our health...our necks on the line. I see doctors like mecanics....awesome to find a great one but in the end me as a person is what's imprttant not the mecanic. So, you DO belong here, you ARE a success story and you DO encourage many. What does the mecanic know about all that? I just encourage you to not let some doctor impact you so much emotionally. I really believe my mom's git er done attitude contributed to her long survival even after stage 4 hopeless cancer diagnosis. Turns out the mecanics don't know everything.
  9. Some people are comfortable getting bariatric surgery at a fairly low BMI. I was like you - nervous about the "consequences" and put off revising from my failed band for a very long time. In the end, it was a life or death matter. I was healthy fat, until I wasn't and then i was going downhill fast. Bad knees, sleep apnea, borderline blood pressure, blood sugar creeping up year after year... looked like hell. I wasn't even 50 and felt about 85. So, at some point, i chose living over disability and early death. I have no idea where you are in the process - but if you really don't think it is worth it, don't do it. It is hard, harder than you might think and it requires long term grit and determination to be successful. Your head has to be 100% in the game. I am 3 years from my sleeve (Dec 11, 2011) and maintaining a 160# weight loss. I went from a very high BMI (I think around 52-53) to a normal BMI around 23-24. It was life changing, soul saving absolutely the best thing i have done for myself - however, it's been no cakewalk and maintenance takes as much if not more effort than losing over the long haul....
  10. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Dee, you never share the particulars about why you are so unhappy and stressed - which is your business of course. But, I am wondering if you are at a point where you need to make BIG life changes. People think I am kidding when I say getting demoted was one of the best things that happened to me. One of my worst fears is that they will decide to promote me. I am 50, I want to retire in 5 or so years... would be thrilled to just sort of hang where I am at in the meantime if they let me.... I used to be a globetrotting, career track, high potential blah blah blah and it was STRESSFUL. I don't miss it at all.
  11. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I watch netflix. I am a documentary junkie... but the TV series I have watched on netflix are: Orange is the New Black Walking Dead Shameless Call the Midwife I will be making a documentary list for one of my friends - if you like those i can share that too. Well, this bummed out feeling about your back - is how I am feeling. I cant work out, I can't do anything but eat and drink right now and I am an unhappy camper. Okay, so I am gonna do the laser hair removal to get a normal looking pubic zone. I am also doing underarm because I have very little hair there but i cant quite get a certain spot ever since my arm lift and it drives me crazy. I am still undecided just how far to go on the pubic zone - she told me most of her clients go completely bare. You know what I realized that if it were just MY preference i would probably go completely bare. That is very popular at the moment, but it does kinda make me wonder if I will regret it in the future...
  12. Life is pretty good, work is good, lots of friends and a fun social life, overally I am happy with life and yet I am finding myself eating WAY too much. I am still maintaining under goal, but the pounds are piling up. I don't get it, it is like s switch was flipped and I want to eat all the time. I think i just need to buckle down and get back to a more disciplined approach and then that feeling will likely subside... but for now, I don't like it!
  13. RJ- I am puzzled. How can someone tell you that you don't belong in a support group? Why would you take that feedback to heart? Of course you belong here. I know you have been through hell and back even though I don't understand why. What I also know is that state of mind and attitude are HUGE toward good health and healing. I don't know why it keeps happening, but it seems like every interaction you have iwth the medical field is fraught with negative and painful emotions. I realized you can't change THEM but you can change how you choose to feel about it, respond to it etc. I think you SHOULD consider some sort of counseling - and I don't mean talking to a shrink but perhaps learning some techniques like guided imagery or others that help enable your mind to help your body heal. It is a way of training your brain to bring in positive emotions and feelings which is healing over the stress and anxiety feelings that can make any of us sick. You always have a positive word for everyone. I hope you can find it for YOURSELF. I know that is easier said than done, but I also know it is possible.
  14. CowgirlJane

    1 year and above

    No. At some point, you really don't feel that anymore. Take advantage of the period of time when food is completey unappealing... that is when you have your best losses, and get a chance to change your relationship with food. Hang in there, it gets better. My sleeve was dec 11 2011 - 3 years out and maintaining 160# loss - worth it!
  15. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am so sorry Florinda - it sucks. I guess the plus side is you are really focusing on great things right now and maybe a guy is a distraction. You have a new career, new home and now a plan to get to your surgeon's goal - woo hoo! I am very careful with my heart because I get deeply attached and I don't just roll with "just a breakup" once I am attached. i have been "in love" just a few times in my life and take it quite seriously. Part of my "blues" this last spring was over letting go of Steven (though I did actually see him a bit late in the summer again) and I wasn't even THAT attached to him but it was enough to contribute to some blues. What I am seeing is Kevin is definately expressing his attachment to me in a more intense way. Last night we went to dinner and then I spent the night at his place. I complimented him on how he made me feel, because I recognize that one of the things I learned from Steven is that I WANT someone who makes me feel like I am beautiful, and he had just a way of doing that that became a little addictive. It sounds immature, but I like being adored and you know what - I didn't get that as a child or in any previous relationship. It is like it is filling a hole to be with someone who makes you feel - at least in that moment, like you are the Princess of Monacco, only with cowboy boots..ha! You can't really tell someone how to do that right - but when you have a time when they really hit it - I want to give positive encouragement. It was the way he greeted me when I arrived at the Bistro. It was the way he couldn't take his eyes off me even when a hot young woman walked by. It was the way we talked about our work day and he made me feel like I should be running the company (ha, right). You know, just wasn't afraid to express it. He took a call from his brother and said "I am out with my girl". It just made me feel valued as a woman/object of affection. Objectify me - ha! Anyway, yeah, maintenance sucks, but we all know that. I think a person gets a little battle weary and i have been eating oreo cookies...just a couple a day. Luckily the package is gone and that is the key... they must not cross the threshold into the house... Anyway, I do love my life as a normal sized woman and i am never ever going back. Seriously, I would revise to a DS, wear that nasal tube thing - I would do just about anything if I can't maintain on my own. So far,... hanging on! Have a happy friday everyone! We had a small windstorm last night - no biggie, but the forecast was for much worse. California seemed to have been hit pretty hard though.
  16. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sarah, I don't have any sensitivity around incisions. I am 14 months out from plastics... and what I still have is some numbness in the belly. It doesn't bother me much... but tends to make me feel "swollen" and huge at times. I have been working on the mental trip around this - numb does not mean I am huge and swollen! I do have permanently erect nipples - ha! And they are sensitive. So... TODAY is my 3 years since VSG. Wow, I can hardly believe it. December 11, 2011 I started down a path that has been truly, genuinely life changing.
  17. I have made those eggs for brunch. I didn't really think about make ahead breakfast. I would be curious if anyone has tried it and how well they hold up in fridge.
  18. That is great news. Moral of the story is to take GERD seriously. It is the major long term risk issue for sleevers.
  19. CowgirlJane


    Vain, yes. What's the problem?
  20. CowgirlJane

    1 year surgiversary!

    Congratulations! What an accomplishment! Best advice ever on my one year anniversary was to remember that year two is just as important as year one....keeping up the good habits.
  21. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    We get along really well, I like him alot but have only known him since late September. We have a fair amount in common, he is very interested in horses but not enough to own one. He has invited me to keep my horses in his barn while I stay up for long weekends because it does stress me a bit to be away from my critters. He keeps inviting me to bring my little dog Suzy along too which I think is very generous for someone who lives in a pet free and very clean home. It always strikes me as odd when people talk about "love" very early on - I am a long way from that emotion and I am not sure i ever will be. I think that is hard to predict. the downside is we are both getting older and with more physical infirmaties. He has serious shoulder problems which prevent him from doing alot of activities that he loves. right now I am suffereing big time with an elbow injury and back pain so we are quite a pair. I am hoping mine is temporary, but his is permanent - he has had multiple injuries and surgeries. I admit i am thinking hard about whether I want to be in a permanent relationship with someone 9 years my senior who already has pretty severe physical limitations. having said that - he is funny, outgoing and engaging, welcomes my friends and lifestyle, tall, energetic, alive, full head of hair, great kisser and snuggler and strong libido - all good!
  22. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Well, I am interested but I am definately asking myself if I am a bit nuts. I weigh 155. My goal is 158. I am not depressed, but I am annoyed that while all my clothes fit, some of my "hotter" dancing clothes feel a tad snug. I guess I just LIKED being more like 140-145 range. a secret part of me wants to weigh 135. Not for any reason except in "my head" 135 is a normal weight for someone who is 5'5" - do you know what I mean? I look just fine as I am so I need to really examine this further. At any rate, I would not do ANYTHING until after the holidays since I have way too many social plans in the coming weeks. Kevin and I spent basically 3 days together last weekend. Not what I had planned, but it went really great. It hit me today - hey, I think he is trying to "woo" me. Ha - that is quite a change from past relationships. Anyway, I am enjoying it, being honest about my feelings so no guilt or feeling of being out of sync. We did the whole mutual STI testing before becoming intimate.... which is an adult and responsible thing to do but frankly stressed me out. I was for some reason worried that I might have HEP C (read about it, alot of baby boomers have it !) but i didn't so all good. Good news is that he is both capable. skilled and highly interested in intimacy - jackpot! ha! I have learned to not take those things for granted...
  23. I am not sure any of us understand all the variables and mecanism that go into this. I was "braced" for emotional difficulties during weight loss but what shocked me I guess was it didn't really hit me until I got to goal. It did make me reflect on the last time i was trim... 1985... I was a cute young thing and I completely FREAKED out at living in a slim body and no food to help soothe me. I have done alot better this time, and now 3 years post op I feel like I am sailing along quite happily, but i did go through some hard times. I did make a conscious effort to face the emotional turmoil and not rely on food to numb me again... Brenda, one of the things that happens during weight loss is massive amounts of stored estrogen are released. That can definately mess with the emotional state. I hope you are feeling better soon. I am so glad you have a supportive husband - just know that this WILL get better.
  24. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh and Florinda I would consider doing it especially since i have 2 weeks off from work at the end of the year, but no way would I want to explain that to aquaintances, New Years eve revelers, my date etc.... which is why i am asking about the logistics of the whole deal. New Years eve we are going to a dinner show in downtown seattle, staying the night at the Westin and making quite an event of it all.
  25. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I have had so much body pain post weight loss... it really surprises me. I thought that would be relieved, but like you say, it is a big adjustment. This back pain is very odd. It is located slightly below the waist and crosses much of the pelvis area. It is different than other low back pain I have ever had. I didn't tweak or do anything to it. It doesn't feel like a disk, doesn't feel like the muscles. It scares me that it is something related to internal organs. I try to not get wrapped around the axle, and imagining the worst but I know someone who found out she had terminal cancer due to a similiar backpain. What she was feeling was the cancer in her liver, pancreas and the like.

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