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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CowgirlJane

  1. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    How is everyone? I am doing pretty good with food and feeling the optimism to be under control. Back riding horses... riding my spinning bike, essentially slowly returning to my normal routines. It was the holidays combined with a too intense relationship with Kevin over Oct-Nov-Dec that threw me out of my routines. I am happy to be back to normal, but i notice I am more unsettled by change like this (ending a relationship) even if it is what I wanted to happen. I don't like this about myself - sort of a sentimentality about things that aren't actually that important, but I guess I WANT them to be. I have been having tummy troubles... like intermittant diarrea. I got sick last week, but i think I am recovered from that yet still having problems. What is up with that? Every once in a while since being sleeved I develop a food sensitivity and need to stop consuming it for awhile to let things settle down - most notably premier protein. I don't think that is what is causing this, but i don't know what is! I am making progress on other areas of life.... carry on!
  2. CowgirlJane

    The 5:2 Diet

    AJH, I don't track calories so I can't help with that, but I only lose weight with 5:2 if I do intermittant fasting AND eat fairly restrictive on the "normal" days. I also need to stay very active etc... in fact my change in activity level over last few months definately contributed to my regain. So, I think it is important to not get discouraged - I can easily gain a pound or two or three even if I have eaten quite well - Water weight happens. Women also lose incredibly slower than men. I get best results restricting carbs very severely. I know that isn't for everyone, but I would not have made goal without going uber low carb. I would have stopped at about 190 or so.... essentially still 30-50 pounds overweight. Such is my fate. So, I guess we all have to decide the level of .... insane dedication ... we are willing to make. I am not sure the right answer.
  3. CowgirlJane

    What are your best tools?

    I would get a small cooler and pack food meant to be eaten cold "I k e Greek yogurt, sandwich meat and cheese, etc
  4. CowgirlJane

    Love & Hate relationship

    For som e people it's a big problem . Mine went away but stats show it can comeback later. What are you taking for it?
  5. CowgirlJane

    reality check

    I pulled out the jeans I went horseback riding in all summer and felt quite dismayed at their snugness - no stretch in the fabric and while they zipped, they were definately a bit too small for comfort. I have been back on track the last week, but I had 3 months of too much party, not enough exercise so had some regain from my lowest weight (which was 140). anyway, I was feeling a little negative and decided to check the size. Size 4/27. I decided to give myself a hug and be happy that I was stressing over my size 4s being too snug as opposed to being hopelessly too big for my size 24W!!! Well, actually, my biggest fat pants (from a few years before my sleeve) are 32W. Of course I need to remain diligent so I don't let myself creep way back up, but i do think sometimes we need to have a little bit of a step back on this subject. So, fellow vets - I know this time of year many of us feel the draw to eat comfort food etc, cuddle on the sofa type of lifestyle and have perhaps gained 5 or 10. What is your reality check? Dealing with regain can be overwhelming but I am finding that getting back into my groove and routines has helped me feel alot better about my ability to get back down a few pounds and probably more importantly, get fit again. I did a long horseback ride yesterday (2 rides in a weeks time!) although I haven't really been riding much lately - taking a winter break. I have been on my spinning back again after a long break. Just keeping on, keeping on.
  6. I was told, but forgot...either 36 or 38. I understand we all have different'length stomachs so bougie size has only partial impact. I lost.160# to a normal BMI so good results.
  7. CowgirlJane

    So disappointed in my self

    Oh...standard advice...nerves aren't all healed till about 12 weeks so DON'T trust your hunger signals. Eat by measuring spoon and clock at this phase (don't worry, that isn't forever). Also, excess acid feels like hunger....what are you taking for that?
  8. CowgirlJane

    So disappointed in my self

    My surgeon recommends 5 mini (and I do mean small, petite, tiny) meals per day. I was advised that eating small portions was#1 success factor and although I screw up at times I work hard to eat small, while eating enough to satiate hunger for a out 3 hours so you don't graze. During loss phase I did settle on 4 meals a day. I lost 160#so I guess it worked. At 10 weeks out, eating small is way more important than staying with 3 meals a day in my opinion.
  9. CowgirlJane

    Feeling sad

    Well.... looking on the bright side, these further tests will either clear you or identify a health concern that needs addressing. I have always passed cardio/ cholesterol tests with flying colors but I cringe when I think what packing an extra 160# did to my poor heart.
  10. CowgirlJane

    Frustrated and worried about husband...

    My partner for many years was not obese but incredible inactive and not fit. It wasn't the reason we split but I would rather be with an overweight but energetic person than a slug at any weight. It is scary about health concerns though.
  11. CowgirlJane

    all over body lift?

    Lots of information in the plastics forum. I had lots of work done and if you do a search in the plastic forum you can find my story photos etc.
  12. CowgirlJane

    Telling girls and friends

    I apologize if I posted in the guys room..even now from my phone I can't tell what forum this is....grrr
  13. CowgirlJane

    Telling girls and friends

    As a single woman who dates, how about having dates being something other than dinner?? I am sure it is because I am working hard to maintain my massive weight loss, but I sure prefer hikes, kayak paddles around the lake, or other fun active things over a regular meal. I know I am the minority on this one - but I also think that waiting until you are more rock solid on your new lifestyle post WLS to really get into dating is a good idea. Dating can be fattening!
  14. CowgirlJane

    reality check

    RJ - so glad to hear that. I remember that thread and I also remember how devastated I was by my first consult and so I hope my experiences help you see things in a slightly different light. What i keep going back to was my friend P being DEVASTATED by the consult she went to me with Dr Sauceda - she didn't have the benefit of 9 months and several consults to get over the trauma...haha. By the time I consulted with Dr S, someone pulling my skin around and pointing out flaws I hadn't noticed yet was old hat. Lisa, keep posting, nobody is tired of it. I get that you are stuck and that our advice is not very helpful because you aren't really open to it right now because you are just "outta juice". I remember when i got very very very heavy (during the era I didn't weigh myself, perhaps I weighed nearly350) laying on my side and thinking my belly was like it was when I was 9 months pregnant only I wasn't. I remember sort of laughing and poking at it, like it was a surreal pillsbury doughwoman and not me. It was like it was too overwhelming, too impossible and I was so miserable with the rest of my life... I really thought I might just die like that. What I do think is relevant to you... and goes back to my original post. You have currently regained 44 pounds and are wearing around a size 16. Even IF you don't relose this - isn't this so much better than where you were pre sleeve? I believe you are very near the size of an "average" American woman.... seems alot better to me than being morbidly obese and wearing the 26Ws again. Do you think you could make peace with focusing on getting healthy again and just maintaining where you are at for now and not worry about that dreadful feeling of needing to lose a bunch of weight? Of course what I think is you are sad, tired, lonely, grieving and all sorts of messy emotions. I went through a time of tremendous loss and my extended grieving not only cost me but my family. If I had it to do over again, I would have joined groups, counseling or SOMETHING to move forward sooner. Being griefstruck for so long didn't bring my losses back and only caused troubles for me and my family... for which I regret now.
  15. CowgirlJane

    The 5:2 Diet

    Well as imperfect as week one was, . I still lost 2#!
  16. I look way younger after losing 160# My before and after are in my profile. I was looking through photos of my obese self in late 90s when I was mid 30s and I might look younger now at 50 even from then. Insane part of this is I recently started a thread about my face dismorphia but when I am objective about it...it's true I look younger without the fat.
  17. Almost everyone has this same experience.
  18. CowgirlJane

    My nutrition seems off-balanced

    I believe you may be creating this in your mind. Consume adequate protein and hydration and you are okay. Your body can survive without those foods you mention for a bit....although you may feel uber cruddy for awhile. First 3 weeks were awful. I think about 12 weeks post op I declared myself human again. I have no idea who these people are that post how they feel GREAT a week post op...
  19. CowgirlJane

    A Single Woman and a Single Sleeve

    Keeping it real
  20. You demand an answer...to the calories question? What is the purpose of your questions...what are you driving at?
  21. CowgirlJane

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I lost 2 from Monday and I was very imperfect. Hope to hold it together over the weekend and not lose ground. Stuff is ended with Kevin and I am bummed. I decided it weeks ago and this last week I could tell he hit the same place. You know I used to be liked for my personality in spite of my hideous looks. Now I look pretty decent and I have no problem getting dates, but meaningful relationships seem to elude me. At some point I have to ask myself why...
  22. CowgirlJane

    It's the $*%$^%$ INTERNET!

    Somebody once told me you only need to be able to walk good enough to get from the car to the bedroom in those wicked heels.
  23. By far the most embarrassing was my first consult. Having someone touch my extra skin, pull it around, all naked, in full light in front of the biggest mirror known to mankind. I went home and cried.
  24. CowgirlJane

    Dating again....met someone new

    When dating, I have chosen to reveal very early massive weight loss, maintenance for awhile but I really watch what I eat, and that I had plastics. I don't choose to share my sleeve story with someone I date. The massive weight loss and surgery scars have so far not dissuaded any prospects but they definitely think about it as many mens worst fear is of being with a fat woman in truth one of my reasons for getting plastics was maintenance motivation and that seems to make it all better. What I really think is you should get to goal, get the hang of this maintenance deal etc before you get in a relationship. Boyfriends tend to be fattening ... they like to eat, drink etc and it is easy to get sucked into their ways.
  25. CowgirlJane

    Health anxiety

    My surgical center was great because I was very educated and supported. I talked to the nurse or assistant quite regularly and it helped alot. I actually felt more angst after my band removal. I felt feverish(but wasn't) and the port site was sore and left a freaky empty spot that took awhile to fill. In hindsight I recognize it was the final grieving for that epic failure and my emotional state impacted how I perceived my recovery. I mean I felt horrible,was hungry, sickly obese and gaining weight while l awaited the sleeve....no wonder I felt so awful.

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