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Posts posted by Andrea8967

  1. Hi. I have two very close friends who both had gastric bypass surgery and lost a huge amount of weight. And then they gained most of it back. I can't imagine how that's possible with the sleeve - because it can't stretch. You just can't fit too much food in your stomach after you're sleeved. Just for the sake of visualization - Think of filling up a banana skin with cottage cheese. There comes a point that no more will fit in. Well- same thing with your sleeve. Research some more- but for my money - I think the sleeve is the way to go. I got sleeved 1/18/12 and I'm down almost 70 lbs. I have no will power- which is why this was the perfect solution for me. The bypass has some ugly side effects. Like puking frequently and dumping syndrome. It's much more of a drastic surgery in my estimation. The sleeve was a very simple surgery. I was back to work in a week. Never puked. Never had gas. Did get diarrhea - but it went away the minute I started taking a probiotic. The antibiotics completely messed up my stomach.

    I know it's not any easy decision. But for me there was only one sensible choice. Good luck to you. Go with your gut - and then get rid of it (just a little sleeve humor)

  2. Hi. Congratulations! I bet now that the surgery is over you're wondering why people worry so much about having it, right? I hope your gas and pain, if you have any, are manageable. About the leak test- don't worry about it. It tastes kind of crappy but it only lasts a few seconds. You'll be so mesmerized watching it go down your gullet and thru your stomach (what's left of it anyway-ha) that you'll forget abou the taste in a few seconds. Seriously - it's nothing to worry about. They give you the ex ray as a souvenir. You will freak when you see how small your new stomach is. Enjoy the experience.

  3. That's what Moms are for: support. She probably thrilled that you decided to so this. You're in for the ride of a lifetime. I noticed that after my surgery some of the food I uses to like - I can't stomach anymore. (That was a pretty good joke!). I am alot more selective in what I choose to eat now. Surprisingly - I can eat a piece of cake and ice cream without putting on a lb. My metabolism must have changed. I eat small quantities of food every 2-3 hrs now. I feel like I eat all the time. So don't think for a minute that you'll never eat again. On the contrary- you'll be eating alot more frequently. I met a woman online on one of the forums and we got to meet face to face at the hospital. We had such a good time down there. The whole experience was fun beginning to end. So don't worry about a thing. You're in good hands!

  4. Are you traveling alone or with a friend or family member? If you're staying at the hotel lucerna you're in for a treat. (I think thats where I was). I remember all the delicious smells from the buffet they had every day. All I could eat was Soup. But that's ok. I wanted to be thinner and did what it took. You're in excellent hands with Dr Kelly. It'll be over before you know it. Good luck and safe travels. I hope you're not stopping in the Houston airport on your way home. That was a nightmare too. They had all homemade food in the food court and NO JELLO!

  5. I'm having surgery with Dr Kelly Monday. I find it amusing how everyone believes that these other surgeons in Mexico have had no deaths. Pull your head out of the sand. The mortality rate for a bariatric surgery excluding the band is 1 in 400. If you truly believe that Dr Aceves or Alvarez have had no deaths you are in major denial. If they have preformed thousands of surgeries they have had deaths. Sure they don't advertise it, but the only reason people know about Dr Kelly's death of a patient is because the deceased patient befriended a member of the boards and they posted it. ALM wouldn't know about a death. I seriously can't believe how many people believe their surgeon who has preformed thousands of surgeries haven't experiences major complications and death in the riskiest population of all. You seriously believe that?

    ALM takes thousands of dollars from a surgeon for each booking forcing them to perform more surgeries. If I was a surgeon that has performed almost 7,000 surgeries, has the FACS designation, the American College of Bariatric Surgeons approval/membership I wouldn't pay someone thousands of dollars to schedule me either.

    Regardless of whom you choose, do you use a coordinator to schedule with your PCP, cardiologist, ect here in the states. Does your Dr pay someone thousands of dollars to a coordinate and hunt heads? Nope. I've worked in healthcare for a long time and with very few exceptions all of the surgeons I know work in ONE hospital.

    I spent a long, long time researching surgeons. I even tried to trick his scheduler Lora into suggesting another surgeon to make sure she wasn't a coordinator. So far it has been a wonderful experience and I have no reason to believe the rest of the experience will be anything but.

    Well, my surgery is Monday. My BMI is 49.9 so I could use all the prayers and thoughts that I can get because surgery in my condition is plain risky.

    Good luck to you on Monday. I dug up the post I wrote about my surgery with Dr. Kelly on the Gastric Sleeve Forum. Thought you would like to know what's in store. You are going to love the whole experience. Please keep us posted on your surgery. You chose a wonderful surgeon.

    Tijuana.html" rel="external nofollow">http://www.gastricsleeve.com/forum/tell-us-about-your-journey-getting-a-gastric-sleeve/10655-day-two-in-tijuana.html

  6. This post was started last year. I'm curious as to why it's been recycled. First of all - I'd like to address the issue of pain, nausea and gas. Once again I'd like to state- for the record - I didn't have any. Why is that so hard to believe? Moving on - please name the three hospitals Dr Kelly is no longer permitted to work in. That rumor has been circulating for over a year and a half. He has priveledges wherever he chooses to go. Not all the "hospitals" in Mexico are truly hospitals the way we think of them in the states. Dr Kelly traded up in some respects by performing his operations in better facilities. Dr Kelly performed my surgery in florence Hospital. It's older but clean. I had excellent care and he was an excellent surgeon. Name the three hospitals so that anyone interested in using Dr Kelly next month can call those three hospitals and check him out for themselves. Evidently you have an ax to grind. I haven't been on this website for awhile but I've noticed a few "experts" who have posting about drains. Last year no one used them. They didn't seem to be necessary. I didn't have or need one and neither did the other 40-50 people I met on this and two other sites. Now all of a sudden people are saying they wouldn't consider using a doctor who didn't insert a drain. The only 1 or two people I know who got drains had slight complications right after their surgery.

    Lets address the death of the patient. One death. One. Dr Kelly has been practicing for YEARS. many doctors have patients that die on the table. That's right. Right here in the Unites States. People have to understand there is a risk when you have surgery. My lawyer went for a colonoscopy and had a heart attack during the procedure. Is that rare? Certainly. But it happened. Who's fault was that?

    My surgery with Dr Kelly was perfect. It was a non event in that I had no complications etc. I stay in touch with another woman who had surgery the same day as me and she's fine too. Leave dr Kelly alone and move on. We're here to support each other - not make up crap about FACS physicians. Why don't you look that up? Dr Kelly is one of the only surgeons in Mexico who is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Is yours? .

  7. Hi. It took me almost a year before mine went away. coffee on an empty stomach was the culprit for me. Go online and look up some of the most likely causes. Even tea can cause it. It eventually goes away. There are a lot of other things you can take besides Prevacid if that doesn't do the trick. Even with the GERD I'm still happy with my sleeve. Good luck.

  8. You both are not alone! It is so sad how many of us have been through this struggle. There is absolutely nothing easy about being fat...despite what anyone says. My story is pretti simalar. I am a single Mom of 5 adult children and grandma to 1 with another on the way. I have struggled most of my adult life. I've played the yoyo diet game and I think back in 2003 I got down to 145 pounds with phen-fen...which is why I had my first heart surgery in 2007 due to leaky valves...all I wanted was to be skinny and accepted. It's such a shame that I have been so judge based on the outside... Finally...after a pretty crappy long (9 years) relationship with a man who was so embarresed of my size that he refused to tell anyone about me...I sold everything I had to pay for the surgery...I was so worried that I wass making a mistake and putting my family at risk financialy. I still have a 17 year old at home and my oldest son and his 7 month pregnant wife (money is tight) All the way to Mexico I had so many fears and doubts...I didn't know if I was making the right choice. I boarded the plane in Atlanta, doubts flooding my mind...Of course I wass seated between to younger men. I hate the "oh God, please don;t let the large lady sit by me look" that i was soon met with. I just sat and prayed, The question I kept asking myself was, am I making a mistake. When from behind me I heard "can you take up anymore room fat ass" at first I ignored it, but the pretty girl behind me wasn't abput to let me ignore her. She repeated herself. I slowly turned around and said "I am sorry that you are so unhappy with your life that you need to bully a complete stranger". Her responce? Whatever b***h. It was at that point I realized, that was my answer, what I had been praying for. I sat there determined not to cry and the burning I felt inside my soul made it possible for me to continue on by myself, without fear. When I stepped off the plane and met up with Dr. Kelly and his wife Cecy, I felt at home. I knew I was where I should be.

    Now, almost a month after, I have had moments where I mourne the beautiful fat girl that I am...I feel like I have adapted my body to make others realize how beautiful I am, how beautiful I have always been...it's a shame that others are more concerned about my outsides than my insides. Needless to say...Here I am and I would make the same choice over and over again...I am so greatful to Dr. Kelly for showing me such love and compassion. When he offered me the job, it was a no brainer...I want to be able to help others create the life they want...I will be moving to Mexico in July, I am so excited that then I can meet all of you that I talk to in person and be there to love and support you through this HUGE change in life....


    I'm so happy to hear you're the coordinator for Dr. Kelly. You seem PERFECT for the job. He is such a terrific doctor, so in my opinion, he deserves an intelligent, caring staff. You seem to fit the bill. Your post about being on the airplane was heartbreaking. Having been in the "fat seat" will allow you to help others by truly having been in their shoes. I was so impressed with Dr. Kelly and I can testify that his skill and bedside manner make him number one in my book.

    So good luck to you and it's nice to see you on this forum. You can count me as a friend!


    no longer a fatty-thanks to Dr. Kelly

  9. Hi everyone,

    I was sleeved by Dr Kelly on 1/18/12 and didn't use a coordinator. I went straight to the doctor and that was it. I had his cell phone number and when i had a question that i couldnt find an answer to in the forums i simply sent him a text. He answered me in a matter of minutes. The coordinator, in my opinion, is highly over-rated and shouldn't have any weight in the decision of whether or not to select a surgeon. The only thing I was concerned with was the reputation and skill of the surgeon and what hospital I was having the surgery in.

    There's a lot of drama on this and other forums about various coordinators. Don't worry about that. Do your research, select the doctor you feel most comfortable with and then enjoy the journey. I had a wonderful experience down there. The nurses were all terrific and whole thing went by so fast. I don't know why coordinators switch from one doctor to another but I'm sure money has a lot to do with it. A lot of the doctors have new coordinators. No big deal. Some of them live in California so you never get to meet them anyway. Good luck to everyone having surgery. You are in for the best time you ever had!

  10. Hi. I'm just over a year post-surgery. I had diarrhea like most people all day every day for the first two weeks after surgery. Then I read another members success with a probiotic called Culturelle. It's a pill you take once a day. Worked like a charm. My doctor actually recommended it on my last check up just two weeks ago.

    I still have a problem going to the bathroom for a different reason now: seems I always have to go while I'm at work and its so annoying. The more I worry about it the worse it gets. I wish I could change my cycle. I'm thinking of skipping solid food during the day just to avoid the embarrassment of having to sit in there for 15 minutes. Anyone have any suggestions about that?

  11. Hi I'm 51 yrs old and I have a bmi of 38 and would like to lose about 70 pounds. I am all done with my pre op classes' date=' tests, meetings ect.. I went on Fri to get a date for my surgery and went from thinking I would have a Lap Band to walking out with a date of Oct 10th to have the Sleeve. I was all for it when I was talking to the surgeon and now I'm scared to death. My family thinks it's crazy. My friends think its' drastic. The surgeon told me that the Sleeve is becoming more popular now than the Band. He said I was a good candidate for it. And now I can't sleep worrying about making the right decision. Am I losing it or is this too drastic. I'm scared of making the wrong decision. What will life be like with so little of a stomach? What about the ulcers I hear about or leaking complications. I know it is a personal decision. But how the heck can I make it not rearlly knowing how it will be. What if it's too hard? These are the question going through my head constantly.

    Just venting. Hope someone can relate


    P.S. I've been dieting since I was 15 and so tired of being fat. I have made it to goal only 2 times in all the years of dieting and it felt so good. I want that feeling back[/quote']

    Hi Joy

    I was sleeved on 1/18/12. I'm down 60 lbs. One major reason I chose the sleeve instead of the band was all the monthly doctor visits you have to go to with the band. As you begin to lose weight with the band the dr has to fill it with saline. Every month! Sometimes they get it right and sometimes they don't - causing you to be ultra uncomfortable or worse- nauseous. I wanted weight loss surgery but I didn't want to have to go to follow up meetings. I'm delighted with my progress so far and I'm feeling much more energetic. I'm off all meds and look much better in clothes. Don't mess around with the band. It's too complicated. The sleeve is the way to go. It's so simple. Honestly. Don't over think it. I had mine done in Mexico. I am loving life!!

    Good luck. :-))

  12. HI everyone,

    If you had surgery on or before Jan 18th and you had acid reflux - when did it go away? All the medications on the market seem to just treat the symptoms. But what makes it go away for good? Is this strictly a symptom of poor food choices on my part? Or do I really have a serious problem? My doctor prescribed Nexium but told me if it doesn't go away he wants me to get scoped. I don't want to have to go thru that.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks so much for your replies :-))

    Sent from my iPad using VST

  13. I can attest it works for colds' date=' flu, sore throats, acid reflux and plantar warts. I got a blister on the side and bottom of my baby toe from a new pair of sandals and I made the mistake of taking the shoe off in public and I noticed it was bleeding. Well, the germs I got were bad. I ended up with plantar warts the bottom of my foot. After trying to get rid of it with freezing stuff, and over the counter medications I went and had surgery, they cut a whole lot of the bottom of my foot from under my baby toe to the middle of my foot and then they burned the warts too. I had what seemed like 1000's by that time. I used duct tape and every over the counter thing. They came back. I had to have them burned again and yet they came back.

    I was told why not take a make up cotton pad and put some apple cider vinegar on it and wear my flip flops and within two weeks, they were gone! This was 4 years ago in September. Hard to believe that I still have some severely bad scar tissue and it still feels like I'm walking on warts. Had I tried the apple cider vinegar int he beginning, I am sure it would have been cured on its own. I spent so much time in pain for nothing. My son just got plantar warts on his foot from being on a school trip and I did the apple cider vinegar in the shoes for him, and they are gone already.[/quote']

    Has anyone tried ACV in pill form and does it work as well as the liquid?

    Sent from my iPad using VST

  14. Hi Andrea

    Well I am back on track. I still go to the clinic to get my in is ions packed three times a week but I am told there is light at the end of the tunnel. Six weeks of this so I hope it is getting closer. How are you doing?Kat


    I can't believe it took this long! Wow-you've been thru a lot. I feel really bad that you got stuck with this infection. It was so unavoidable. But at least it's almost over and you should start to reap

    The rewards of your hard work. I'm down 52 lbs since January 18th and I feel great. I'm so happy I did this. And I love the forum. A great way to keep each other motivated and learn from others. Stay well!

  15. Im 5 weeks out and miss eating so much lately. I'm losing and so thankful for that. But I would LOVE to have a BLT or meatloaf anything with some texture and flavor. Its been almost 2 going on 3 months since I had what I consider real food. I miss sooo much an ice cold Coke. I still have the pain when I try to eat. I have to stop after only 5 bites. I went out to Cracker Barrel this morning with my husband and had to order just one egg and a sausage...couldn't eat the sausage. I ordered milk just to make me feel a little normal. One drink and my taste buds about spit it out. When will I feel normal or feel what I am is normal? With alot of stress at work, it only makes this worse.


    Look how much you've lost so far. You're doing so well! I think the problem is your head hasn't realized that you're losing weight yet. In a few more weeks you won't miss the food a bit. I promise you. Keep up the good work.

  16. Hello loves :]

    Im Desirae, im about 4days post op and im glad to say surgery went awesome! I only spent 2days in the hospital when they realized me for all the hard work i did walking around! Im at home, recovering nicely try to do my best to walk around and stuff. I have a little brother, hes 8 (im only 18) and he doesn't really understand that sissy can't eat like he does..and he trys to share his food with me,and feed it too me and I have to tell him no and it makes me really sad. I really miss the joy of being able to go out, or eat a home cooked meal with my friends and family. I feel so exiled,and im such a social person its starting to really get to me? I know i got a long way to go, but i really miss it. Any advice loves?

    Hi! You have no idea how lucky you are that you were able to have this surgery at your age. I'm 58 and wasted many years being "fluffy". When you begin to lose weight and drop pant sizes, you won't miss the food at all. It is true that you can't sit and eat large quantities of food like you did post-surgery. However, you will now be eating a lot more frequently - just smaller quantities. You'll also be a lot more selective in what you decide to put in your mouth.

    Once your friends start to notice your weightloss-and more importantly-guys-you won't miss the food. I promise you. At your age it will literally fall off you. Listen to your stomach and stop eating when you sense you're full. Don't go overboard and you'll be at your goal weight before your 19th birthday. Good luck and keep us posted. We're rooting for you :D

  17. Good morning everyone! Well a hacker got into my profile on the site and messed up everything for me so now I have to start fresh. I lost all my posts so if there was conversations please write to me as I lost it all. Thank you Alex for getting me going again. I would sure be lost without all your support. Ugg

    Have a great day!


    I was just looking you up to see how you were doing and discovered you lost all your previous posts. I can't imagine how that could happen. Weird! Anyway, are you all better now? The last I had heard you had a bad infection. Hope everything is ok now and you're reaping the rewards of your surgery.


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