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cori jo

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cori jo

  1. cori jo

    I Am Going To Show It Again, And Again, And Again!

    Hi Zil.... Thank you for your positive words! I needed to read them this morning!! I was banded in December of 2011. I have lost 38 lbs. I was on a steady weightloss. In the past two weeks my weight has been at a stand still! I know that I am the one to blame. I wasn't making proper choices and exercising hasn't been my first priority! I got on this morning just looking for a push. I agree with you...I love my band! I am too a self pay bander and I would do it again! It has made such a difference in my life! I am so glad that I did it. I will march on and continue my journey! Thank you so much!! Good luck to you and thank you! Corina
  2. cori jo

    Food Getting Stuck

    I was banded in December of 2011. I have lost 38 lbs. One of my biggest fears was throwing up and getting food stuck. I haven't thrown up since my surgery (overshare? LOL) but I have gotten rood stuck. It happens when I don't think about what I'm doing and don't chew my food enough or I eat too quickly. You will feel pressure in your chest and it honestly feels like you have a burp that is stuck. It does hurt. The only thing you can do is just wait a few seconds and it will pass. I have yet to have thrown up because of it. I've read that it happens but it hasn't happened to me...thank goodness. As I've written, it does hurt...there is pressure and pain but just relax and it will pass. Good luck to you!! Corina
  3. cori jo

    How Much Weight Have You Lost?

    I got banded on 12/30 and I have lost 25 lbs. I received my second fill yesterday! I'm doing great and feeling great!! Love my band!!
  4. cori jo

    First Fill!!!

    I went for my first fill yesterday, 02/02/12. I was down 20 lbs, 5 inches off of my waist, 3 inches off of my neck!! CRAZY!! My doctor and her staff were so happy for me. The fill went very well. My experience began with an upper gi. I had no idea what that was. I guess it is kind of like an x-ray. I stood in front of a machine and swallowed white fluid. The machine took picture of the fluid going down my throat and into my stomach. It was to make sure that the band was placed correctly and not too tight. It was cool to see. Then I had my fill. I laid on the table with a pillow under my head and under my lower back. The doctor injected my stomach with a numbing medicine. Then she had me do a small crunch and she found my port. She stuck a needle to find the port entry and removed my fluid. I had 3 cc's. She then injected the 3 cc's and added 1 cc. I have a total of 4 cc's. The experience was totally painless. It did feel strange but not painfull at all. I will get another fill on the 22nd of Feb. We shall see how much weight I can lose until then. I didn't do any walking yesterday. Today I will. We will see what happens. My goal is to be under 200 by then. My weight has been fluctuating between 205 and 207. Not bad! Thanks again to everyone for sharing their stories. I find your words inspiring and informative! Thank you and good luck to you all! Cori Jo
  5. cori jo

    No fills and counting....

    Good for you! I just had my first fill yesterday!! I hope I get to where I dont need the scale. For right now it keeps me on track! Thanks for sharing!! Cori
  6. cori jo

    A New Journey

    Thank you so much for sharing your story!! Wow! I admire your positive outlook on your situation! I had my first fill yesterday. I am at 4 cc.s and I have lost 20 pounds since I was banded on 12/30. I am doing very well. I need to work on eating smaller portions. I remember to eat small bites and chew well but I still have issues from the amount of food. I need to remember to measure my portions. My experience with my fill sent very well. The doctor was able to find my port and do my fill. I also had an upper gi. I didn't expect to have one of those done but I guess it was to make sure that the band was placed correctly and that I was able to pass my food through the band. I can't believe that your port had flipped! I had never heard of that happening before! That is crazy! I'm glad that your bump in the road hasn't set you back too much! Good for you! I hope things get taken care of quickly for you and that your progress hasn't been interrupted. Good luck!!! Cori Jo
  7. Hi Sandy, My name is Cori. I was banded a month ago today. I have lost 18 pounds. I go for my first fill on 2/3. I am very excited. I have been going on daily walks and am getting ready to start hitting the gym soon. I have my good days and my bad days. Like you, I love food! I love to eat! That is probably how I ended up weighing 224 lbs. I'm 5'1. I was beginning to feel as though I looked like an oompa loompa. I take each day a it come and am working towards my goal of 125. 82 more pounds to go! I take it one day at a time and I look forward to the days when I feel confident in wearing shorts and summer dresses. I live in Arizona and we have warm weather at least 9 months of the year...I have always hated the warm weather. I'm hoping that my attitude changes with losing weight. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Good luck to you and keep in touch! Also, welcome!! Cori
  8. cori jo

    The Beast

    I sooooo feel your pain!! Food is everywhere! It is truly a daily struggle! One day at a time..that is my motto! Good luck to you!!! We can do this!!! Cori
  9. cori jo

    Reminder Info For Everyone

    Hi Zil...thank you so much for your words! I needed to hear that! I have been banded for 3 weeks on Friday. You are so right regarding the frustrations...I am stuck at 207. My scale hasn't moved in almost a week. I'm not happy. I feel like I can eat what I want because it's such a small amount but realistically speaking, I have to make a change in order to lose. I have been walking but its time to work on the food. Thank you for your words. I want to be motivated to do my best. I just need to work harder. Thank you! Good luck to you!!! Cori
  10. cori jo

    First Fill... First Blog

    Hi Sandymax, congratulations on your weight loss! Thank you so much for you details of your first fill! I get mine on 2/2 and I'm so nervous! I lost 17 pounds in the first 2 weeks after surgery and am now at a stand still. We will see what happens! Thanks again and good luck to you!!
  11. cori jo

    Re-Post: 1St Fill!

    Hi, thanks for the information on alcohol! LOL...I am a sucker for a glass of wine! I was banded on 12/30 and I have lost 17 lbs. I will get my first fill on 2/2! I just started on mushy food. I have been a slacker on my walking! A small fact that I must confess! I haven't really had much of a hard time with eating....I am eating when I feel the need and chewing, chewing, chewing! I'm paranoid to get food stuck! I have read the horror stories. I would like to lost 50 lbs by summer. I have never been a small person so losing 50 lbs doesn't seem real, but now that I have been banded, I know that I can get there...one day at a time! Good luck to you!!
  12. Hello everyone! I was banded on December 30th. I go for my first fill on February 2. I am feeling great! I have lost 17 lbs. I have been at a stand still for about 4 days! I weigh myself everyday and today I began to feel the frustration! My first goal is to be under 200 lbs. I am at 207!! This sucks! I feel the weight loss in my clothes but I am anxiously ready to feel more. I have been eating mushy food and protein shakes. I think I need to focus more on the exercise portion. It has been hard to go walking since it gets dark so early and sunrise comes so late. My husband and I discussed renewing our gym membership. I think that is a good idea. I will take care of that today! I know that it is only January but I have fantasies of wearing summer dresses and shorts during the warm months. I live in Tucson, Arizona so the warm weather could be here as soon as next month! We have planned to take a family vacation to Disneyland next month...I am hoping to take pictures in which I actually enjoy looking at myself! I know that I will get to where I want to be. I have had a somewhat hard week and am feeling just a little bit emotional! I will be fine! Thanks to everyone in the December banding club...I appreciate your support even though you may not know that you are giving it to me! Good luck to all of us!! Keep your lovely smiles and positive thoughts! <3 Cori Jo
  13. cori jo


    I loved the pictures! You look amazing! Thank you for sharing!!!
  14. cori jo

    What Do U Say.....

    I have only told the selected few that I was getting banded (I got banded on the 30th). I heard the same thing..."You don't need it...Eat better and work out..." blah...blah...blah! The truth is that I have struggled with my weight for a long time and I made the decision to have lap band surgery for me! As far as I am concerned it is my business! Do what feels right to you...ONLY YOU!! Best wishes and congratulations!!!
  15. cori jo

    New Year's Nsv!!

    YAY!! Congratulations!! I just got banded! I can't wait until I see the results!! Good luck!!
  16. cori jo

    Just Banded 12/27!!!

    I was banded on the 29th. I just drank a Protein shake and am now feeling very uncomfortable because I drank too much! Oh well, lesson learned! I was on a slim fast diet for 2 weeks before my procedure. I drank 2 shakes instead of eating 2 meals. I did it but of course it was hard! I am doing well 2 days post-op. I am still sore. I will be on liquids for the next 2 weeks! Good luck to all of you! Cori
  17. cori jo

    2 Days Post-op

    Happy New Year! I woke up feeling great! I was able to walk around and even do dishes! YAY...lol! I am down 3 more lbs. I know that I shouldn't be weighing myself but I couldn't help it! I am drinking vitamin water, chicken broth and protein shakes. The sugar free popsicles have been a nice treat. I have kept a heating pad on my belly and it has been helping. I have also been taking gas-x strips for the gas pains. Those pains come and go! I am anxious to finally take a shower...doing that tonight! Other than that...all is well. I go back to work on Tuesday. Hopefully I will make it through the day. We will see what happens! Hope everyone is well!!! <3 Cori
  18. cori jo

    Post-op Day 1

    Congratulations! I was finally banded on Friday as well! YAY! I really haven't been drinking anything but Vitamin water. Today I think I will start back on my protein shakes and try broth and maybe popsicles.I too am in pain. I am more comfortable laying somewhat flat. The gas pains haven't been to bad. My insicions hurt. I had a very nice experience with my surgeon and his staff. Everyone was very kind! My surgery was scheduled for 10:00 am and we were on the road by 2. The ride home was not very pleasant. I cringed when we hit any small bump in the road but we made it home. For now all I plan on doing is a whole lot of nothing! I can't believe that I did it! I can't wait to continue my new journey. I feel as though I have struggled with my wait for my entire life! I believe the medical talk when they say there is a fat gene! My mom and both my sisters have weight issues. I just didn't want to live this life anymore and I knew that I had to make some drastic changes in my life. A very good friend of mine had lap band surgery. She has lost almost 100 lbs, She has been my motivation! She has been so supportive! It's been so nice having her around to share her knowledge. I am truly lucky and grateful to have her and my wonderful husband and family to support me! Even though I have them I appreciate the information that everyone shares in their blogs! Thank you! I am honored to be a part of this prestigous group! Happy New Year's fellow bandsters!!
  19. cori jo

    2 Days Post Surgery

    Thank you so much for sharing your stories! I am grateful. I am having my surgery on Friday! YAY...Happy New Year's to me! I am so excited! I can't wait! Thanks again for your words of wisdom. Good luck to the both of you!!! Happy New Year's to all of us! Here is to our new journey!
  20. What about flavored water? I have my surgery on 12/30. I bought Vitamin Water. I love it! Good luck!
  21. Hi Chasity...I am also having surgery on the 30th!! YAY! I can't wait! I started the pre-op diet on Friday. I am permitted to have 1 meal per day and 2 Protein shakes. I think I may try the sugar free popsicle thing. I find that I am getting hungry in between meals ! I met my surgeon today...first pre-op appointment! Everything went really well and surgery is scheduled! YAY! I'm ready!! Corina
  22. cori jo

    2 Days Into 2 Week Pre-op....

    The countdown is on....11 days to surgery! I have my pre-op appointment tomorrow~it can't come soon enough! I am so excited! I was instructed to do the "slim fast" shake diet or drink two shakes a day and eat one meal. I have found a chocolate shake that I actually like. I mix it with skim milk and ice. Tomorrow I have decided to add a little bit of vanilla yogurt. We will see how that goes. I have been a little emotional today. I am not quite sure why. I think I spent tooooo much time worrying and thinking about the surgery. I have my fears but its a very important step that I have to take. I am so sick of being unhappy with my weight. This is a step in the right direction. Thank you for all the blogs. I really enjoy reading everyone's views and everyone's experiences. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your support and positive words!
  23. cori jo

    cori jo

  24. cori jo

    Disney Land.jpg

    From the album: cori jo

  25. cori jo

    December Bandsters!

    I am so glad to have found a group of December bandsters!!! YAY!! I am getting banding on December 30! I can't wait! I am so excited and scared and everything else! I have told some of my family and friends about my decision. A few have told me that I am not big enough...I want to finish their comment by adding "yet"! I weigh 223 lbs and am 5 ft. 1 inch! I have decided that I need this procedure to help me lose the weight! I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I've done HCG and phen phen, I've starved myself by forcing a calorie limit of 500! The end result was always the same...losing the weight and gaining it all back and even an additional 10 - 20 lbs!!! My biggest cheerleader has been my husband! He has supported every wild diet I've tried! He's picked me up through the tears and has always said that he loves me and the way I look! I hate the way I look and was obsessing about every single thing that I put into my mouth! I would stress through every meal and would try to hide my fat by wearing clothes that were too big and too bulky!!! A friend of mine was banded 18 months ago! She has been my inspiration! She says that her only regret is that she was not banded sooner! I will start my new life on December 30th! I will be positive and start my new journey with a smile! Thank you, December Bandsters! Your words have been so helpful and SO positive! Thank you, again and good luck to all of you!! I am here if you need me!! Go us!!! C

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