I had a very similar experience. My appointment is in February 2012. When I made the decision to do this, I of course discussed it with my husband, and it was my mother's offer that started it all, so she is supportive. I still felt like I needed to say it out loud to someone not so close to me to see if it sounded sane. One close friend, who has weight issues as well, I thought for sure would be an understanding ear. I mentioned it to her, and she sounded interested and supportive. Well, at Thanksgiving she asked if we could be workout buddies and see how much weight we could lose together in 3 months, because she'd do ANYthing she could to stop me from having this surgery. Talk about taking the wind out of my sails. It really really bothered me and still does. I told her that yes, working out will be very important especially after I have the surgery! I don't understand the attitude, but they don't understand the skin we're in, and the life that is ahead to be spent in that skin. We know who we are and what is best for US. So....I guess mum's the word until someone asks why we're melting! At least that's what I'm considering. Don't let the nay sayers get us down sister!