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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Caribear reacted to OzRoo in Got confused today re eating bugles ....   
    Teeth breaking one:

    Then I thought, perhaps a spelling mistake for:

    This reminded me of yet another spelling example (very cute though):

    Finally I found this:

    And amazingly there is a war regarding bugles on BP!
    Bugle trumpet World War 1

    Lastly, my favourite: Peter Sellers "the Party"

  2. Like
    Caribear reacted to LittleBill in A bit of a shock and a hard lesson   
    I am finally getting back into my shop and doing some heavier work now that my weight lifting restrictions are safely behind me. I work on our property in an old garage converted to a shop. The shop is only about 130' from the house, but once I get up there and get going, I tend to lose track of time. In the old days, I would work until I was so hungry I couldn't stand it, and then come down to the house and eat an enormous meal. That's one of the reasons I'm here today, I suspect.
    Today, I discovered all old habits die hard. I've been real good about keeping on a tight schedule for eating. When I go to the shop, I always take a Protein Bar with me, and of course, the fridge is stocked with plenty of Water. Today proved to be my undoing though.
    Just as I described, I went off to the shop, Protein Bar in hand (actually, it was in my shirt pocket). I was busily working on Mrs LittleBill's drawers (for the kitchen!). I came across a technical issue I wanted to check, so back down to the house I lumbered (do you see what I did there?). For some reason unbeknownst to me, I removed my protein bar from my pocket and laid it on my desk in my office. As I think back upon it, I am pretty sure I intended to eat it, but looking at the clock, it was not time. So I forgot about it.
    With one problem solved, and another in the offing, but unnoticed, I headed back to the shop armed with the knowledge I needed to continue my drawer construction. One thing led to another to another to another. I had just one more task to finish, and I could take a break. Meanwhile, I was ignoring the increasingly frantic pleas from my tiny stomach to PUT SOMETHING IN HERE!!!!
    My old habits had the bit in their teeth, and they ran with it. By the time I realized what I had done to myself, I was so hungry I was ready to eat my left arm. I had also gotten very irritable, and edgy. In all seriousness, it really did shock me. I was not prepared for the physiological reaction to not eating on time.
    I will be stocking the shop with an ample supply of Protein Bars for future use. Chewing my arm off is not an option. And while wood might have Fiber, it sure doesn't have much protein.
  3. Like
    Caribear got a reaction from jrpinkard in Puréed diet hacks   
    @@johnbamber here is the page with the ricotta bake recipe on it, along with some more helpful suggestions.
  4. Like
    Caribear reacted to veryblessed in Update: spouse left 4 days after surgery.   
    Hi, wanted to Thank all those back after I had my sleeve surgery on 09/19/16 & 09/23/16 my husband left me. The we'll wishes really got me through some had times cause would read them when I needed a boost. I originally thought he left due to a drug issue. I thought we would work out if he got help but didn't work out that way. I found out by doing some investing that over our last 3 1/2 years of part-time nursing school -he cheated on me while in class at night after working full time, & on clinical weekends with multiple women. I really struggled after finding this out for awhile with getting Vitamins every day, enough Water, but did Protein Drinks for Breakfast & still do for Protein amount. I got through things & doing so much better. I found out Friday also that I will be graduating nursing school. I work with claims dept for the hospital I had surgery at now. I hoping that after I pass my state exam I when take in few months I can get,a job on the baratric floor for surgery patients. I would love that even more then anything. I am writing this update so if anybody else loses their spouse after surgery -keep chin up because it will get better. Sleeve surgery on 09/19 was one of the best decision of my life. I filed for divorce & he signed papers last week, graduating nursing school from long part-time road, & am down around 50 pounds since surgery. I feel better then I have in such a long time -it is amazing how surgery can change your life for the better. I enjoy exercising, walking dogs & energy level is so much higher now. Plus hearing how well you look from others is huge boost to everyone. I hope nobody ever has to go through what I went through, but if anything hard happens in your life post surgery hang in there. Hang in there, keep chin up because trust me your life & overall health will get better & what a blessing in the changes. I do feel very, very blessed in my life again.
    Sent from my SM-S902L using the BariatricPal App
  5. Like
    Caribear reacted to LipstickLady in Sodas   
    Clearly your posture needs to be enhanced.
  6. Like
    Caribear reacted to LittleBill in Sodas   
    A big part of that is the medical advice we get from the medical professionals at the medical centers where we go to get our surgery. Notice the emphasis on medical. I will return to that in a moment.
    I happen to agree with you that inaccurate information needs to be corrected. Your choice of words was stomped out. You corrected me on this last week, and I took that instruction from you because you are experienced, and I am still learning. But the overwhelming fact of the matter is, the medical community carries enormous authority with the things they tell us, whether those things are right or wrong. And how many times do we see posts here telling people to consult their surgeon, nutritionist, CRNP, etc? Those posts bolster that authority.
    in opposition to that authority are relatively anonymous people on the internet. Stay with me now, for the next few sentences. This is not to say you have no credence, nor does it dismiss your information out of hand. Lots of people on lots of forums remain anonymous and are still capable of establishing their own bona fides. In this particular instance, they are fighting the bona fides and the information given to us by the very people who shepherded us through the process of our surgery. So you need to consider that when you come up against anyone who is new, and who is repeating the stuff he or she was taught by their medical contacts. That's part one.
    Part two is attitude. It is a given that people are going to misunderstand one another from time to time. That happens in real life, and it happens even more on the web between total strangers who are limited to the written word. I make no excuses for anyone, even myself, when it comes to misunderstanding and responding to that. This thread is a fine example of how attitude can adversely affect a thread and personal relationships on both sides. Please note, I am not trying to lecture you, or lay any particular blame at your feet. This is merely a convenient place to make the observation.
    The veterans on this board are a valuable resource. They are here to help the noobs, by their own report. Writing as someone who has made teaching a significant part of his career for the last 24 years, I can tell you that part of helping new people is patience. New people have wrong ideas. New people make mistakes. And all of us were new people at one time or another - sometimes over and over again.
    I am an expert in my field. I am highly regarded. I spent years and years participating on forums in that capacity answering the same #$%& questions over and over again, correcting the same mistaken information, etc. It takes patience. And no, it does not require taking abuse. Abuse should not be tolerated, but that goes in both directions. So to come back to your choice of words, stomp out the information, but don't stomp out the person. That is counter to what the veterans say they are here for.
    People screw up. Tell them so, and then move on. But we're up to how many pages now of driving someone into the dirt because she screwed up? I don't think that is helpful. How many noobs who read this are going to be afraid to ask a question for fear of saying the wrong thing and being vilified for it? Please note, I am not justifying any behavior on either side. Again, I am only making observations.
    So this is getting long, and is way more serious than I like to be on a regular basis. I can only do serious for short stints. I have to go post a humorous story that happened. But please consider what I have written here - on both sides.
  7. Like
    Caribear reacted to stacyrg2 in Sodas   
    @@LipstickLady I'm a sleeve to bypass revision because of severe GERD. Does that mean I have a slouch?????
  8. Like
    Caribear reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Sodas   
    The reason why it matters to me, I can't speak to anyone else, is because Sleevers and people with RNY and the band have different anatomy and really different issues. There seems to be some kind of movement to lump everyone together but it isn't beneficial for anyone.
    RNY people need to be careful not to stretch their pouches because they do stretch.
    Sleeves that are properly made do no stretch.
    The idea that sleeves stretch is a myth that we really need to stomp out in the sleeve community. It is a lie and people keep using it as a crutch for bad food/life choices. It send the wrong message to new sleevers and spreads misinformation.
  9. Like
    Caribear reacted to LittleBill in Sodas   
    Same here. The only "text talk" I use is K or whatev, and ONLY because it drives my kids nuts.
  10. Like
    Caribear reacted to LittleBill in Sodas   
    @@LipstickLady White men don't dance - at least, not very well. It doesn't matter how much beer I have (or anyone else has who watches me) It sort of looks like I am having a seizure.
  11. Like
    Caribear reacted to LipstickLady in Sodas   
    I don't know if it's an issue for me, but I do like to call my body parts by the correct term. Hell, I don't use text talk when I type and I insist on using correct grammar and punctuation in texts, too. Weird standards, I guess.
  12. Like
    Caribear reacted to LittleBill in Sodas   
    But would beer be different? Beer has hops, and kangaroos hop, so would that make it a pouch?
  13. Like
    Caribear reacted to LipstickLady in Sodas   
    It makes me crazy when people QUOTE who I have blocked because then I have to see their nonsense anyways!! GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
  14. Like
    Caribear reacted to Sai in Sodas   
    Drama always happens when someone takes good advice as a personal attack. Their normal response to it is almost always over the top. Moving right along...
  15. Like
    Caribear reacted to LittleBill in Sodas   
    I have to say, some of the replies here have some good information, but some are...

    Y'all can decide which is which. I am not guiltless in piling on, but just from my point of view, I think the point has been made.
  16. Like
    Caribear reacted to ShelterDog64 in Sodas   
    No, this is NOT how this works. You don't get to call people who agree with one another 'clicks' or however you wish to spell it, and then call someone else catty as though you aren't being catty as well. THIS is the problem on this forum, not 'mean girls' or repetitive newbie questions or vets vs newbies or anything else. It's thin-skinned people who can't take what they dish and can't handle an answer to a question unless the answer is presented to them on a carefully cushioned platter of fake 'support'. As usual, my hat is off to the vets who've stuck around for years.
  17. Like
    Caribear reacted to Babbs in Sodas   
    Is this the thread where someone answers a question, and the newbie gets all annoyed because they didn't like the answer/tone?
    I thought so.

  18. Like
    Caribear reacted to 4MRB4PHOTO in Sodas   
    This post is taking a few ugly turns.
    Let me make a distraction: "HEY EVERYONE, LOOK OVER THERE, IS THAT A SQUIRREL!"
    (Sorry LittleBill, I didn't mean to make you hungry - a different post. )
  19. Like
    Caribear reacted to ShelterDog64 in Sodas   
    I swear, @Gustavio....you have a serious habit of poking at certain vets on this board and if you run them off before I get through this surgery and get to my 5 year mark, I'm gonna be very, very irritated. I NEED them. You don't seem to realize that you may need them, too.
  20. Like
    Caribear reacted to theantichick in Sodas   
    One more thought.
    I think it's important to realize that everyone who is a "vet" and is posting on this board is very likely doing so because they want everyone on this board to be successful. I have yet to meet anyone here who has even a shred of malicious intent. Most of the vets are far enough out that they aren't really here for their own support. They're here because they made friends that are important to them, and/or they are trying to "pay it forward" for the help and support they got when they were newbies.
    It's also good to remember that they've answered the same questions, or posted the same content, hundreds of times. So sometimes their answers may seem short or impatient, but it's really just that they've typed it so darned many times. They're trying to share their experience and knowledge, period. They're not here to lord it over anyone, because trust me there's easier ways than spending time on this board to get a superiority fix.
    As someone who's only a little ways down this path, I deeply appreciate everything the vets share about their experience and how they're making this work. I believe it would be very short sighted and more than a little idiotic for me to blow off what they have to say. I give serious consideration to every post that a vet makes about successful WLS. Not all of it applies to me, but I consider it carefully.
    Assume good intentions, is all I'm saying. Because that is seriously all I've ever seen here.
  21. Like
    Caribear reacted to theantichick in Sodas   
    Some advice from someone who's been on the internet practically since Al Gore invented it (that's a joke).
    Don't try to read "tone" into online postings. When you do, it's more about the voices in your head and your attitude than the intent of the person who actually wrote it.
    We get a lot of people on here who have been given incorrect information, and we try to set it straight when we see it. I'm a nurse, and my nurse educator hat is on constantly when I'm on this board.
    It's not a slam, or a lecture, or a "dressing down". It's sharing information, and trying to make sure the information out there is correct.
    A LOT of people keep calling the sleeve a "pouch" and while it seems like it doesn't matter, there are structural differences between the two. A pouch with a bypass is left with more of the stretchy tissue that can expand and stretch. A sleeve procedure cuts away most of the really stretchy tissue from the stomach, what is left will have some stretch, but nothing like an original stomach.
    A LOT of people have been given scare tactic information about carbonation, saying it will burst your sleeve (or pouch) or stretch it and make the surgery useless. I don't know as much about the pouch structure as the sleeve since I had the sleeve surgery, but I do know that the sleeves don't stretch much if at all. And carbonation will not burst the sleeve or stretch it. AT ALL.
    As for the soda question:
    Carbonation, especially early on, can make you bloody miserable. Some people never are able to tolerate carbonation.
    Then there's the empty calories if it's a sugared drink, which IMNSHO should be treated like candy. Once you're in maintenance you can probably do it occasionally if you budget the calories, but even then there's no nutritional value.
    And there's plenty of evidence that sugar free drinks drive hunger and cravings, so they're not a great option either, but better than full sugar if you just have to have a soda and the carbonation won't make you miserable.
  22. Like
    Caribear reacted to ProudGrammy in Sodas   
    @@Babbs @@sandra_dee
    from an old vet,(me) to a new vet (@@Babbs)
    thanx for always giving great advice, suggestions, comments
    you are always a wealth of info for newbies et al
    keep those answers coming!!!
    now can i or can i not have pizza 3 days PO?
    @@Babbs - huggggggs
  23. Like
    Caribear reacted to kelrenee2016 in Sleeved on Tuesday and new to forum   
    Hello, I'm Kelli and I had my sleeve surgery on Tuesday, Dec 6 at UTMB in Galveston, TX. I'm so glad to be home now resting in my own bed. My hospital stay was not very pleasant. I'm looking forward to learning from all of you here and hopefully I can help others as well. My insurance required a long pre op program that was started back in March!
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  24. Like
    Caribear reacted to LipstickLady in CONFESSIONS OF A BAD SLEEVER   
    I'm a grazer. My restriction is SO freaking tight, I have to be. I also have to be extra mindful of WHAT I am grazing on. I will disagree with some of the advice above, but only because it is working **for me**.
    I eat a shit-ton of cheese. I eat almonds. I eat beef Jerky and eggs. I eat lunch meat rolled with cheese. I can only eat a few ounces at a sitting, but I eat every two hours or so. I don't count calories or fat, I count carbs. As long as I stay under carb count, I am golden. When I introduce chips or cracker or bread, I am screwed. So I don't.

    Meat, cheese, veggies = loss.
    Carbs = gain.
    This is my new normal and I am OK with it.
  25. Like
    Caribear reacted to Babbs in Comforts?   
    Morphine. Lots and lots of Morphine.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
