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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kdalesandro7733

  1. kdalesandro7733


    I hate to be such a debbie downer but i am still stuck at 204! its soo annoying! i just can't get past it! i didnt even loose weight when i put my self on a 3 days liquid Protein shake only diet! I know i have lost a good chunk so far but i set a stupid goal in my mind i wanted to be at ONEDERLAND by my 21st birthday on July 3! i guess that wont be happening and ill have to come to terms with it but any advice? I am not eating any more than before...i prob have been going out to eat more often but i get a healthy salad or grilled chicken and keep the portion smalls. I am very happy to have come so far but i really wanted to loose these 4 lbs! any advice or tricks would be great! Thanks!
  2. kdalesandro7733


    No i dont have dressing or cheese. I always look online for the nutrional value of the foods before i actually decide to go to the resturant and then i add an extra 100 calorie to what the website says just to be safe. I dont eat more than 1200 calories a day i just dont know what gives
  3. So I have lost about 50 pounds…I received the lap band 1/9/12 and I have not had a fill but the last 2 weeks I have not really lost any weight. I am not eating anymore than before and am eating very similarly. Is this just my body plateuing? Is my body just trying to adjust to my weight loss so far? I just feel very disappointed(in myself). I know I have come along way since the beginning but I just don’t wanna stop losing. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week for an hour –hour and half so I just don’t know if its I need a fill even though I don’t feel like im eating more than a cup per meal.
  4. kdalesandro7733

    Low Belly Fat

    Hi I was just wondering if anyone has a good work out to burn and get rid of low belly fat?! I need to work on my whole body but this is the spot that makes me feel most self conscous. any one have any ideas!? theyd be greatly appreciated!
  5. kdalesandro7733

    Supportive Friends

    bayougirl, hell no that doesnt sound bad you should be soo proud of your self. How long ago were you banded?! your def an inspiration!
  6. kdalesandro7733

    Is My Body Just Adjusting

    oh and i do 45 min of cardio and then a half of light weight to tone and abdominals ..any one have suggests on what excerise is good to get rid of low belly fat?
  7. kdalesandro7733

    Is My Body Just Adjusting

    Yea i hope thats all it is. too be quite honest i am horrified of getting a fill..I dont think i need one anyways yet but i know that day will come soon. I hope it is just my body adjusting I just hate being stuck at the same place for 2 weeks :/
  8. kdalesandro7733

    Starting My Journey!

    Hi your diet after surgery depends on your surgeon i was on clear liquids diet for 3 days post surgery..then i went on a liquid diet for 1 week...then pureed for 2 weeks..then soft for food for 2 weeks and then regular food..Now i can eat anything high and protein, low in sugar and carbs...i get full so much faster than before. The recovery was not bad i was up and walking the day of my surgery.. i feel like the worst day was either the 2 or 3 day after surgery. it wasnt too bad though just a little painful when i would try to switch positions and i was just exhausted! any other questions just ask! good luck! Kerin
  9. kdalesandro7733

    Starting My Journey!

    I was banded Jan 9th of this year. My surgery was honestly a breeze! i was up and walking around 5 hours after surgery. I was in some discomfort..not gas pain like i know alot of people get but it was more due to the surgery itself. Once you get it you can look forward to being on your way to a new healthier you! its crazy i never realized how much i liked going to the gym when i was 50 pounds heavier and now i am addicted lol...i defanitly suggest you eat your favorite meal before the 2 week liquid diet... it for sure messes with you not being able to eat its a whole psychological thing well it was for me atleast but it wasnt unbearable..good luck and welcome
  10. I can normal! I just eat way less and i go for the low calorie and healthy version of the things 97% of the time but the other 3% i eat some things that arent too healthy on occassion. But i cant gaurentee that for you.. i also do not have a fill in my band either but not being able to eat certian things to me is okay as long as i am healthier and loosing weight! good luck with whatever you decide!
  11. kdalesandro7733

    Untitled Album

  12. kdalesandro7733


    From the album: Untitled Album

  13. kdalesandro7733

    New And Just Got Mu Surgery Date.

    Eat your favorite meals! Also mentally prepare yourself...the liquid diet its def a hard thing it messes with you're head but you can do it best of luck it was the BEST decision ive ever made!
  14. I was banded on Jan 9th, 2012 and i have not had a fill yet. I have lost 43 pounds so far. I am not hungry alot...i generally keep my calories either under or around 1100. However, i really havent seen much weight loss in the past two weeks. I am wondering if i should get a fill? I'm not sure any info would be great
  15. kdalesandro7733


    From the album: Untitled Album

  16. kdalesandro7733

    How Do You Know When You Need A Fill?

    Thanks guys!...I dont feel like i am eating more than a cup at each meal...I mean sometimes i do but generally i dont...sometimes i can go 5-6 hours without eating and then other times i need a snack(like almonds) in between. It just generally depends...yes my surgeon said she is shocked I've lsot this much weight without a fill thus far. I might ask for just a 1cc fill or something along those lines and see how that feels. all ive done to shed the weight fast is eat low calorie, sugan, carb items and keep the protien amount high. I excercise 4-5 times a week for an hour-1.5.
  17. kdalesandro7733

    Just Out If Surgery!

    I got up within 5 hours of post surgery. it reduces the risks of everything that surgery puts you at risk for and on top of that i think it makes you feel better. Good luck I've had my lap band for almost 4 months and I am in love :wub: with it!!
  18. I was just wondering when everyone had there first drink after the lap band? My doctor never said anything about not being able to drink...i was thinking wait at least 3 months after my surgery. I was just seeing what everyone else did. Thanks!
  19. kdalesandro7733

    When Did You Have Your First Drink?

    that crystal light drink does sound wonderful..my doctor told me to stay away from all sodas/carbonation...and i sure did love rum and cokes before the surgery. but a malibu rum and crystal light sounds good to me
  20. kdalesandro7733

    When Did You Have Your First Drink?

    Okay guys thanks for all the great info...my doctor did mention that ot would not affect me any differently since my anatomy has not been changed just my weight and amout of food intake. This is all great things...all my friends were having a couple of glasses of wine the other night and i tortured myself by not having any because i wasnt sure...of course i am going to ask my doctor if its okay but all of your experiences has helped!!
  21. kdalesandro7733

    When Did You Have Your First Drink?

    Okay thank you
  22. kdalesandro7733

    Psycholgical Support After Banding

    I had to do a eval but it was literally an hour and i only had to go once. I think going to the support groups..also i ahve never gone but a friend of my cousin has gone to OEA(over eaters annonymous) and really enjoys the support...
  23. Hi I am getting banded Monday! I am starting to get a little nervous! but very excited I am more nervous because i have heard people sayin they cant eat at all or food gets stuck. I dont want to not to be able to eat at all! But I am more excited than anything! any one else a January Bander?!
  24. kdalesandro7733

    Getting Banded Monday 1/9/2012!

    Thats awesome! i havent had a fill yet because im already loosing weight! pre-op diet i was 260..now im 225.2!!
  25. Yes telling your freinds can be very frightening and awkward. I thought my friends would think less of me and think that i was taking the easy way out...however ALL of my friends were 100% they helped me make the final decision! I doubt your friends will be any different then mine...and if they are its not because theyre judging you its because they have a lack of education about the surgery!! You just need to tell them why your thinking about getting the surgery and tell them a little about it...it was the best decision ive ever made and im glad i told my friends from the beginning because they helped support me! good luck in the future!

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