I got my lapband on friday 2nd feb 07. its been a week now, and i just wanted to let you know that i had horrific gas pains as well.
i dont think the swallow had anything to do with it honestly.
they apparently blow your stomach up with gas when they do the procedure, so that is where the gas is coming from.
for about 3 days after i had the procedure done, the gas pain was worse than anything else. then eventually, i got rid of the wind and the pain went as well.
i was on soluable pain killers, but as they were fizzy, they were giving me more pain (due to gas) than the actual wounds from the procedure were. so i stopped taking them and started crushing up some normal tablets... that helped so much, and i didnt have any gas pain anymore.
good luck with your endoscopy... i work at a day hospital where we specialise in endoscopy.
you will probably be having a gastroscopy.. where they put you to sleep, then put a camera down your throat to have a look at your stomach.
i really hope everything goes well for you.
let us know how it goes!!
p.s. sorry about the blabbering on!!!! hehe
p.p.s. im from melbourne, australia.:nervous