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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Beckh86

  1. Beckh86

    Holy crap......

    I am so glad I stumbled on this post... I did my 1 month post op pictures... I have been walking a lot and I couldn't believe how my but looked!
  2. I had my band for just over two years. I went from 278 to 217 with the band
  3. I feel great! I have had NO complications what so ever besides the occasional heartburn when I go to long with out eating or drinking. It's very exciting to watch my body change. I went on vacation last week at 3 1/2 weeks post op and I actually felt comfortable in my bathing suit. It's still very weird to me that I can see my collar bones and that I have to buy smaller clothes but I love it and I'm very excited for the changes to come!
  4. You are so pretty! You look great!
  5. Oh I'm not that sensitive! Hijack whatever you would like! I thankfully actually kept all my weight off but with the band it seemed like I just never felt "good"
  6. Well it's a done deal... I had my band to sleeve revision in one step today. I'm laying in the hospital bed almost in shock about how good I feel! I got off to a bad start when they had to poke me 8 times to try to start an IV and immediately after surgery in recovery I had the most terrible pain... Once they got that under control it has been smooth sailing! I am up and walking, I'm voiding, I have only taken 2 anti-nausea medications and pain medication every 5-6 hours instead of every 3 and ice chips/water is going down with out any difficulty! I'm very excited about my future to come on the "losers bench"!
  7. Yay! You are going to love it. I'm only a week post op and so far I love it!
  8. Great. I can lay comfortably on my stomach already which is huge for me because I'm a stomach sleeper. I'm not really tired at all. I had my one week post op which was actually 5 days and I'm down 7lbs!!!! Yay! I walk everyday a few times a day. Im getting all my fluids and protein in (slowly- it's definitely a full time job). And I really honestly feel good. I'm so happy. I have had a few mini moments where I "want" food. I do not feel hungry but when I open the fridge and can smell the fried chicken or see the sour cream and cheddar chips my husband is eating I WANT a handful. But typically out of site out of mind. I have a few more days on clear liquids. Today I'm officially 1 week post op! How is everyone else doing?
  9. Beckh86

    Sleeve on 4/23/2013

    I'm 5 days post op. I was clear liquids in the hospital then full liquids when I came home. Full liquids until 2 weeks then purée.
  10. Beckh86

    Sleeve on 4/23/2013

    Make sure you try a variety of full liquids. I am a sweet then salty kind of person. I have peanut butter chocolate protein shakes and a fruit punch protein that I mix with lemonade vitamin water Zero. A variety of crystal light a s then lots of broth, cream soups (tomato, cream of chicken, cream of mushroom) ... I know everyone is different but variety definitely seems to help me.
  11. Beckh86

    Tanning Beds

    Well... I am a revision from a lap band but with my lap band I put band aids over my incision sites and started tanning about 2 weeks out. The look on my surgeons face at my one month post op appointment was PRICELESS! He said "we'll this is a first" but he reassured me that it was just fine. I say cover up the incision sites and enjoy. I love the feel of a tanning bed!
  12. Drinking has been smooth sailing! I have taken very small sips. The only sensation I have had is that I sip to quickly some times and then I feel like I have to burp. But that has happened very few times and there has been no discomfort that comes with it. No nausea... Nothing. The "worst" part was a few days post op if I laid too flat or went too long between drinking I had a little reflux but I haven't had that since Saturday. Good luck with your revision! Let me know if you have any other questions!
  13. It want too bad at all. I over Did it a little the day I was discharged and other than that I haven't taken any pain meds. My incision sites are a little tender but I just ice them and they feel better.
  14. Beckh86

    Are u big enough?

    In the hospital my nurse came right out and said... "Are you my gastric sleeve patient?" When I told her yes she said "I can't believe it. You are tiny." All I could think was if 214lbs is tiny she was crazy.
  15. Beckh86

    The "POUCH" .....

    Thank god for shape wear! I better start saving my pennies now for the "FUPA tuck"! Thanks ladies.
  16. Beckh86

    The "POUCH" .....

    Ok ladies... I have a "pouch", FUPA, gunt... Whatever you would like to call it... Any chance it will go away after this surgery with diet and exercise?...
  17. It has not been bad at all. I have already gotten in all of my Protein for the day and I am continuing to sip on liquids with no problem. I do find if I lay to flat or I do not take in enough fluids that I do have a little reflux but it is very minnimal and is better if I sit up higher or sip on some Water. I am VERY surprised that I feel as well as I do. I didnt know what to expect going it but the experience has really been great and Im looking forward to losing weight again and being able to work out in 6 weeks! Good luck to those who will be sleeved soon and thanks to all that are already sleeved for your continued support!
  18. Beckh86

    The "POUCH" .....

    Thanks for the info. I'm not going to have any plastic surgery until after kids but its nice to know its out there. I'm hoping it will at least decrease in size for now. I'm fairly active so hopefully that will help
  19. Beckh86

    The "POUCH" .....

    Lol my husband and I have a very similar sense of humor. I was just hopeful that it would at least get smaller. I hate it. Of course it doesn't bother him though.
  20. Well... My band didn't really fail... I went from 278 to 214 and I was still losing a lb here and there but I didn't like all that came along with the band. I'm very active and every time I hiked or worked out my port was very sore. Also my band was very in consistent. One day I could eat a salad and the next I would not be able to get the same salad down. My band did not slip and I did not gain weight back but I never felt good with the band. Also my husband and I got married in September and I had a lot of concerns with getting pregnant with the band and the possibility of a prolapse or slippage during morning sickness. A few months ago I basically had my band unfilled and I decided the discomfort wasn't worth keeping the band in. So I had the band removed and the sleeve done to prevent weight gain per my surgeons advice.
  21. Ok... I have never really experienced "reflux"... I'm 1 day post op and occasionally when I burp a little "bile" comes up... Is that normal!?
  22. I am one day post op revision all in one surgery. I feel like a million bucks. The first few minutes in recovery is very rough. I was very nauseous and in a LOT of pain. They got all of that under control quickly and it has been smooth sailing since then. I have had a few instances of reflux when burping and that has been my worst "complication" no nausea, very little discomfort ... I felt like a million bucks when they brought my Breakfast of broth, diluted apple juice, ice and Jello. I didn't touch the jello but the rest was amazing. As of right now I'm feeling so confident about my decision and I already feel better with out the port.
  23. Still feeling pretty good. Getting home was a little rough. But I survived, took some pain pills and napped for a while and I'm feeling better.

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