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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by radpad

  1. Hi there, I was banded in January this year and have currently lost just over 5 stone , since being banded (6 in total). The only advice I can offer is that the band, whilst marvellous (i honestly don't believe I could have done it without it) is only an aid to weight loss. There are days when I long to be able to eat food with ease and without worry of getting 'stuck'. It also seems that 'bad' foods, ice cream, chocolate, other 'high calorie, low satisfaction' foods are often easier to eat than good, heathy foods....for instance I can no longer eat salad, I find it difficult to eat pasta unless cooked to death. I still have an overwhelming mental desire to eat. That said I absolutely do not regret having the op, quite the opposite. It has allowed me to regain my life. Not only do I look better, mentally I'm in the best place I've been for years despite personal dilemmas that would have crushed me a year ago. What I have come to realise through this journey of an initial huge weight gain (8stone in 4 years!) before having the op, is that I have always been mentally 'fat' even at 5'7" and a size 12. But like a self fulfilling prophecy, I had to become truly morbidly obese in order to appreciate that my weight problem was in my head not my body! Only you have the power to change your life, do it....with or without the band. Xxx
  2. Congrats....your journey is almost complete. You'll be feeling like a new woman (litreally) in no time! x
  3. You're very welcome - best of luck
  4. Hi there, I flew to Charleroi too - arranged a taxi as part of the package, think it cost another 100-150 euro?
  5. radpad

    People From The Uk

    ABSOLUTLEY! You've had a tremendous weight loss, truly inspiring....thanks for sharing. A, x
  6. radpad

    People From The Uk

    I'm in Scotland too. banded on 10.01.2012. yet to have my first fill, so not lost a huge deal as yet (16 - 20lbs post op, 40lbs in total). Would be great to hear tips from the UK as the US and OZ have such different food options. A, x
  7. Well went for my first fill today and 5mins away from the surgery my car broke down! Couldn't even leave it as I was in a bus lane in central Edinburgh........so disappointed, next appointment isn't till 22nd march!
  8. Hi there, I also meet Bart when I was banded in January this year, lovely man, very charming and easy on the eye, haha. Best of luck, A x
  9. Hello all, due to have my first fill next week! Wondering if you lovely lot could share your experiences regarding 1. The actual fill, how many cc's, does it hurt? 2. What can you eat afterwards, ie if on liquids how long for? 3. Can any off you feel your port, all I can feel is scar tissue? That's it, but as always am thrilled to hear any other pearls of wisdom you have to offer. Thanks again, You really are an inspirational lot! A x
  10. Hi there, Was banded 2weeks ago tomorrow. What can I say...... It seems that general anaesthetic and I are perhaps not best suited! Took a while for it to get out my system then terrible gas pains after, had to delay my flight by a day as I wasn't fit to travel. However I'm almost 2 weeks out and feeling much better. Eating normal food again, which is a delight and definitely feel fuller quicker and for longer ( and that's before a fill!) weight loss has stalled for the past few days, although trying not to be a slave to the scales- not succeeding! So far have lost 13lbs, 8 of which are post op. Looking forward to the next few months when I start to see the results. Thanks for asking, A, x
  11. radpad

    Getting Banded Monday 1/9/2012!

    Hi there, I'm getting banded on Tuesday! Like you I am apprehensive, but excited. I'm in Scotland (uk) so traveling to Belgium to have the op....I leave on Monday. Can't wait to get started. Looking forward to following your story, A, x
  12. I am due to be banded on January 10th 2012 and understand your apprehension completely. I wonder if I will ever be able to dine out with friends again and enjoy a 'normal' lifestyle, like my slim friends do? That's not to say that I will miss overeating, merely that I fear the unknown. However that said I cannot wait to be banded next week. I'm sure in a few weeks/months time you will wonder why you ever questioned your descision. I look forward to following your journey, A,x
  13. Nearly there! Leave for belgium on Monday at 7am....slightly apprehensive but mostly excited. I've read the the most painful part of the surgery is the 'gas/wind' pains experienced immediately post surgey. So really I'm looking for advice on what sot of pain relief anybody used. I was thinking perhaps deflatine and/or windeeze as I know these to be very effective- just not sure if I will be able to use them? Also, in the hospital are you given anything for this type of pain or did you all have to self medicate. thanks again for all your advice and support to date, A, x
  14. pretty sure it's like a slimfast type thing? Soups and shakes?
  15. Would be great if you were to make it over at the same time! I shall keep you informed of my progress. Starting on low fat diet tomorrow, don't know how extreme it ought to be....the Americans/Austrailians seem to follow a 'milk' diet for the 2 weeks prior to surgery, did any of you ladies? Or did you just stick to a low fat, reduced calorie plan? A, x
  16. Thanks. Yes, i have booked directly. I understand that this is not an easy journey I am about to embark on. I envisage many difficulties along the way and am under no illusions that this will be a magic wand. I look at it as a tool to assist me on this journey and am prepared for all the ups and downs I experience along the way. thank you so much for your advice and words of encouragement. i really appreciate you taking the time to share your experiences and can only hope that in a years time I have been as successfull as you, A, x
  17. Me too! I've booked for the 10th Jan 2012!
  18. what an inspiration! Thank you A, x
  19. OMG! how amazing! Any photos you're willing to share? Your life must be so completely different......have you got used to the 'new' you? Congratulations, and thanks for the support, A,x
  20. All good to know! I have practiced 'chewing' my food and I tend to give up (not eating the copious ammounts of food- the chewing) cause my jaw starts to ache, so I can understand how this could put you off. I'm also please to hear that the fizzy stuff hasn't been missed too much. Once again, thanks for sharing, A, x
  21. Thanks again! Gosh 1 night and I already feel the I have a support network! A,x

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