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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Ms skinniness

  1. I was 55 when I had my surgery and I wish I would have done it in my 30's. I don't believe that you are too young due to the fact that you are having some medical issues if I remember correctly.

    Happy New Year and you have already received some really good advice.... :P

  2. No sense in beating yourself up over this. Learn from it and it sounds like your getting off the sugar by eating the 5 day pouch test. It helps with eliminating the cravings.....

    I do really good when I eat Protein and veggies. If I eat carbs I want more and can eat a lot more, so after tomorrow, I will eliminate all carbs except for veggies.... :P

    You can do this, Misty gave you really good guidelines.......you can also look up "The 5:2 Diet" and many of us have used this to help loose some weight too. ;P

  3. Globe so much to bare. So sorry to hear about the loss of a person close to u I know it must be hard but stay strong. I don't know where u draw your strength but I am sending cyber prayers for peace and strength. I have drawm my line in the sand. Feast is over and I am fasting today. Today starts my road back to normal. Everyone send me some cyber strength. Gotta start the carb withdrawl. Cold turkey is the best way right?

    Wanda you can do this! I''m waiting until after the holidays to get back to basics and detox from the carbs. My daughter just had a birthday and we all went out to dinner. I had everything planned until Lucille's Smokehouse had a 2 hour wait and we decided to go to a Mexican restaurant. I couldn't resist the tortilla chips and salsa. So tomorrow is New Years Eve and I will try to be good...... :P


    Happy NEW YEAR's EVERYOne...... :P

  4. Sheryl I agree with Georgia. There is such a major chemical imbalance going on in our brains from past traumas and the surgeries, fast weight loss etc. There is nothing wrong with having a medication for anxiety as needed. If it's an antidepressant, it will help increase the seretonin or other neurotransmitters that is out of whack........ I for one do not like being anxious and recently found myself diagnosing myself with a generalized anxiety disorder.....LOL But I will take a xanax as needed or I do take a valium to help me sleep when needed. These are tools that help us cope with everyday life.....:P

  5. On 27th December, my team leader died suddenly, early in the morning, at the gym. He was a very good man, honorable, loved his family deeply. After losing my own Father last year around this time, Larry became my surrogate Father, easing the transition of grief, but here I am, again, in pain and grief. I escorted his body to the main hub.

    Florinda I am so sorry for this loss. Sending healing energy your way!

    Then by Dec. 27th, I had noticed that our beloved cat wasn't feeling himself. I could just tell something was wrong. Booked an am Vet appt. for him on Fri. and took him in. We knew he was already starting with renal failure (he was 16+ years old) and we were thinking they would tell us that his kidneys were getting worse and that we would have XXX number of days/months left. Well, as it turned out, he had a mass on his abdomen and it was likely cancer. He was suffering and so we opted to put him down. What a day filled with emotional turmoil. The four of us cried ourselves through a couple of boxes of tissues, and in the end he was peacefully let go with all of us surrounding him, crying. Then my oldest daughter came home, and flung herself on the floor and was basically inconsolable. She eventually cried herself into a nap. Sigh. My two daughters are 11 and 13, and our cat was 16...they have never known a life where he wasn't a part of it. My mom and brother tried to be comforting, but eventually decided to vacate the house for a while to give us some privacy and time to grieve.

    Reading this brought up tears for me. So hard to have to make decisions to let go of our beloved family member.....we had adopted a black cat that looked exactly like magnus....he was the best cat ever and we had to let him go too.......we all still miss him after many years.....

    Coops I love your Xmas sweater.....Hehe it looks too big for you......

    Laura I've also been eating horribly, alot of sugar and extra food. my weight bounced up to 150 lbs and i've been feeling really fat too......now 4 days later I forced myself on to the scale and I'm down to 148 lbs again.. After the New Year I will be back to clean eating and getting at least 8 lbs off. I really want to hit the 130's.......

    Georgia I love that you wear such a small size in clothes. Size 4 is perfect.....Congrats on your son and his sobriety......I can only hope the same for my son.....time will tell.....we also had a really rough time for many years.....

    Sarah I always want to get the tree down before the New Year and my DH and daughter get so upset with me and call me the scrooge. Hahaha I hope your dear friend comes to her senses and stop using their drug of choice.......:(

    Kim glad to see your a host and love buddism too.......i love energy work and love Steven Halpern's Tonal Alchemy..... :rolleyes:

    have a wonderful day and love to all...... ;)

  6. I really don't understand why people don't cut their BS and come out and say it as it is....

    'Look, can you stop losing weight?

    Every time I see you, it makes me feel insecure about my own body.

    It has forced me to re-evaluate my own position in our one-to-one and wider social interactions.

    Frankly, I always felt better about myself in your company when you were fat. It made me feel like the more superior person. The person in control. Not, the loser round the table who can't stop filling their face.

    Your weight loss is forcing me to not only look at myself physically, but look at my personality, too.

    When you were fat, you were still socially accepted. This must mean that as a 'human being', you had enough of a personality to carry you amongst our peer group. That much acceptance, for you, was the only level of social accommodation I was prepared to embrace and feel comfortable with. I don't like change. You will fail. I've read it that people regain all their weight after bariatric surgery - and some, all of the time. You will fail. You have to fail. Surely?

    For a big person, you dressed as best you could. We thought it cute you'd 'made an effort', but knew you were never going to turn heads or attention away from us as you were. I felt safe in that.

    Now that you've lost weight, you not only have the gift of having a sparkling personality, but you've attained a higher physical status now, too. But surely you're going to look hideous naked, with all that loose skin? Surely? Arent you? Please say you are!

    It must mean I'm not as good as I used to be. There has been a seismic shift in the universal cosmic order and our 'social hierachy' has been changed. I think I might now have fallen lower in those ranks. Please put your weight back on so I can go back to feeling better and more secure about myself?'

    Do you know, if someone was honest enough to say any of that to me or machinations of it - I'd buy them a pint. In fact, I'd buy them 10 pints.

    As it stands, we will all have to spend our time reading the subtext of the statements being uttered in our directions, feeling lost, confused, bewildered and largely hurt.

    See them for what they are....

    The wittering insecurities of people who really are incapable of embracing change - even for the greater good of another persons health and wellbeing - both mental and physical. These are the festering musings of individuals, muttered in hushed embittered tones, whose only real concern... is about themselves...

    You know what?

    Bugger them all. That's what I say ;)

    Stay strong, people. x

    People are thinking these thoughts but are so clueless that they have them. Wish we could give them a wake up call......

    Hehehe LOOK AT US NOW! We are getting so much healthier with the naughty side affect of being skinny and having to buy a new wardrobe for ourselves..... :P

  7. Good morning everyone. Glad to hear everyone had a good Christmas. We had a very busy day. I got up early with my son and started preparing the turkey, ham and cooking tamales..... I noticed that I am not in the Christmas spirit this year and I see the changes on the walls now. My children are all grown up and next year everyone will be living in his/her own space. Most of us will be in Oregon and my son doesn't want to leave California. There will be big changes that I am looking forward too.

    we will still come together as a family on holidays but I and my hubby will enjoy them more.... Hopefully we will have a grand child here....

    Typically on holidays we put the turkey in the oven and go to the show. This year there were 7 of us and it was quite expensive. So for now on, we will have better plans and play games and just have some plain old fun.

    It has been horrible eating. I gained like 3 lbs and so today it's back to eating Protein and cutting out the sugar......yep that sugar just crept back in. I made fudge and it was delicious. My DH stopped and bought some pies from Marie Calendar's and they were very good..... Cheers to the holiday festivities....... :P

  8. laura the food looks fantastic!

    Everyone have a good Christmas.

    This year I have totally decided that I officially hate Christmas.....

    It is so much work, so much food, so much of blah's.......Bah Humbug......

    I can't wait for this to be over...... It really helps to have a good support group right now...

    Oh well, today is almost over and my son has a rib roast in the oven.....

    My son and daughter in-law coming over and I haven't seen him since he got out of jail....scary!

    I know thing will work out, I just don't want to deal with it...... :(

    Oh well.....have a wonderful night my fellow misfits...... :P

  9. so wanted to also share the regularly scheduled speech from my surgeon. That the surgery is the easy part, the real work is the dietarychanges, the behavior changs, the emotional impact. He says what WE already know, that our disease of obesity is under control, but can so easily rear it's head. We need very little food, we need mostly "good" food and if we wander back to eating normally, we will be fat again.

    I am officially at the end of their program, but he encouraged me to come back in 6 months or a year or whenever I feel I need the support, medical advice or encouragement. I told him it was probably 5 years before weight can really be considered "stable" and he was like... "well, wouldn't bank on it even then".

    I also discussed my mood swings with himand he told me that i am doing great - he is regularly faced by patients crying their eyes out because they cant eat like they used to.... his point being that while I have struggles, my emotional health is good, and a little crazy is to be expected considering the huge changes in mylife.

    Not sure why, but his opinion is very reassuring to me. SherylJane against world, and holding up okay. :)

    Sheryl you have done amazingly well with your plastics and losing weight after wl. Weight gain is probably something we will always have to be on top of our gain. :(

    Thanks for the bday wishes for my girl. She had an awesome day at school, lots of friends gave her little homemade cards and decorated her locker. We are having a family only party for her Sat. am as she didn't want a real bday party. Made ME sad but also happy to only have to serve breakfast to a handful of family guests. :)

    I'm doing terribly with eating and the scale is showing it. Almost 2lbs out of my bounce range (my weight in Nov determined by me as "if I see this weight within 2 lbs I will be happy" and I've been seeing it all along except today I was up 2lbs over my range. UGH !!! Gotta rein this snacking in. I AM GOING TO FAST TODAY IF IT KILLS ME. GOTTA DO IT!!!

    Congrats on your daughters 13 th birthday! As far as eating terribly, I've also been in that same boat! I just want to munch. My son's girlfriend brought home donuts and I had no cravings or thoughts of eating doughnuts until then. I ate 2 of them throughout the day. Some of it was emotional eating I know. But what the heck....

    Here is a visual piece from a while back - Interpreting the myth of Pandora - archival pigment ink on paper 32" x 24" edition of three - all sold, and this one won an award from Sony, and another from the curator of prints and drawings from the Brooklyn Museum of Art - was in a digitally theme museum show in San Diego.< /p>

    This is absolutely beautiful...... :P

    Btw, peeps. If you have shopped at Target in the last three-4 weeks check your checking accounts and credit card accounts. Target was compromised nationwide at checkout card swipe machines from week of Thanskgiving til now. My bank account was cleaned out yesterday morning. My husband called to check balance and only $48. Should have been a lot more. I got online. There was an $811, and two $303 transactions all using MY DEBIT CARD ( an actual card but not the one I have in my wallet) AND my pin! We called bank, they searched. All transactions originated in Houston Tx. ATM withdrawals and used at Kroger! $1500 in a matter of minutes! We immediately went to bank, they blocked my card, disputed charges and are reissuing my debit card. I just checked and they have already credited back my funds!!!! Thank you Jesus! SOOO. Check you accounts if you shop Target for the next few weeks. It is ongoing and was on national news this morning. This is not from online transactions, it's check out lines!!!!

    My DH shopped at target and we got a telephone call from our Southwest Airlines card and they were inquiring about a recent purchase for a trip to the Cayman Islands......We didn't schedule it so the credit card company canceled it and issued us another card. Checked my bank account and nothing is taken. I had applied for the red card at target but put down some miss information bc I didn't want them to have that info. Best thing I ever did for myself. :P I do miss the 5% discount though.

    Georgia sorry you had to deal with the extra stressors and the pork butt smoked sounds delicious. :P

    I have been very busy with stuff.....Last 2 days we have been making tamales. We haven't done this for years but I was getting tired of tasting other family members so we jumped right in. We made a batch of meat that was delicious and for some reason, it spoiled and we had to throw it out......So frustrating......So we made more.....Now it's done and they are so delicious.

    However in the past few days I have put one a couple of lbs to my bounce and it is such a reminder that I can not be eating cr**! I am so dishearten. Cognitively I knew this could happen, but emotionally, I wasn't expecting to gain I guess. Today is back to he drawing board for me. I will be going shopping with a friend bc I have done no shopping what's so ever so it will be impossible to keep my calorie intake at 500. So Instead I will be focusing on Proteins.< /p>


  10. I know that for me, my wl affects my exterior portion of me. My DH is loving the visual he has now but I still have to work hard on my inside thoughts and behaviors. I had/have to a lot of work on me (mentally). Marriage is the hardest thing to keep going and needs constant work. From a professional point of view. There is a break down in communication between the 2 of you and perhaps a little bit of counseling can help you reconnect. A safe place where both of you can express yourself and feel safe at the same time.....It's an adjustment in more ways than one. :P

  11. Reading all of your posts makes for a jolly afternoon! We are definitely an eclectic mix of wonderful friends!

    Globe, I LOL on the "arm" part! I do that sometimes, hold the skin under my arm and think, "Wow! My arms would be so skinny!" Ha! Weird.

    Switzerland, California, Oregon, Colorado, Afghanistan. And the list goes on! Isn't technology wonderful??

    Here's me and the hubs at Christmas Luncheon today. Didn't realize this sweater looks so big!!

    Georgia you look fabulous! I would ditch the sweater bc it's way too big, but warm..... I also look at my arms and think the same thing...I even believe my sleeves on tops would be a little more loose too... :P

  12. Yesterday I only came in at 400 calories. Normally I am around 550 but I wasn't feeling good and I went to bed early. Susie, be careful eating today. Try to stick to your plan if you can. I believe what makes 5:2 work is sticking to a good diet on your regular days. I'm interested in finding out if you feel more restriction than usual today. Great job Susan!

    Thank you, trust me overly obsessed with wvwrything I eat, LoL. I did eat a Quest bar in the middle of the night due to my BS dropping ;(.... Oh well, kinda had no choice.

    Quest bars are my crack.......LOL I am so trying not to order any more of those, now I find myself thinking of going to the mall to buy them...Uggggggh! Good news is I haven't given in yet... :P

    I struggle with fasting last week so this week I will make it rock. Time to get down to the 130's with no excuses.....I know it can be done because I have Georgia as a great example for me! :P;)

    Georgia you are my role model..... :P

  13. Kelly I love the pic.....beautiful.......

    I love the fact that my daughter and I have a cleared up a lot our conflict. :)  Raising children is not easy at times. we have times when they are such a joy to have and other times we want to pull our hair out... challenging at the least. :P


    I live in Fullerton California and we have decided to sell our property and move to Oregon. It so scares the He** out of me. I know that there is nothing here where I live to keep me here, but I will miss one dear friend I had since childhood....I also know that my daughter is determined to move to either Eugene or Portland depending on job openings at Pet Smart.....I will miss her so much. I am working on getting over this fear.

    GT I know that you have up and relocated numerous times and I'm wondering how it affected you. I admire your strength and courage and if this is too personal for you, it's ok if you don't answer it.....

    George you also mentioned that you sold you house and bought your dream house, how was that for you. would you do it again? 


    I think that perhaps someday it would be wonderful to plan a place where we can all meet each other in person... :P


    Ms. Skinniness= Dorrie ~ Fullerton Ca
    Feedyoureye= Kim
    Sarsar = Sarah
    MG2= Sheila - Centennial CO
    Ccjane = Sheryl
    Georgia = Georgia   :P
    Uk Cathy = Cathy
    Swizzly = Dee
    Brown= Wanda
    Globe= Florinda?? ...GT help!
    Susan= Susan

    Laura-ven= Laura

    Chimera= Kelly

    Supersweetums= Sheila

    Coops= Sue - Pontypool, sunny South Wales UK

    OrgeonDaisey= Denise

  14. Sugar is on of the most toxic chemical we can put in our body. I am a sugar addict and struggle with this all the time. I do have to read all labels for 5 different types of sugar. I even avoid food products with sugar alcohol in there. If I do eat something sweet, I crave more of it.....it's really dangerous for me. I find that if I stick to things like organic meats, spaghetti sauces that are organic no sugar listed I am ok. I realize that I can only eat organically grown foods that are not processed due to needing the nutrition value from that food. This is a choice that I have to make and I do fail at times and have to recoop my focus and start over........ :P

  15. There you go! Yes if you go away for the holiday it insures a good time and a nice excuse not to spend a day(s) with toxic family members!

    Ok my daughter wants to go out somewhere with me (shopping) wish us luck :)

    It's weird but I spanked her once (yes only once)

    When she was way younger at the urging of a friend that couldn't take it anymore one day and said "laura you need to spank her now!"

    The funny thing, I hated spanking by the way it felt like such a methodical thing to do..

    She was so sweet and well behaved??

    She's acting the same way now..

    Wow It sounds like your daughter feels a lot better too. You set some boundaries and told her things she needed to hear. Perhaps you need to just be up front and honest with her all the time.... That's pure progress. hope you had fun shopping.

    I really have a hard time with Christmas too. It makes me down and I really don't care if we have a tree or not. My husband and daughter are the ones who put it up and I have to fight to take it down... :( Today I am very thankful that the conflict between my daughter and myself is over. She has a lot of feelings of insecurity going on under the surface. I went to her work (Pet Smart) and took Cookies for her associates. She was side swiped and we both cried and told each other how we've been feeling. It's amazing how when we finally reach this point......we went to lunch and had a long talk. It was a relief..

    I proceeded to go to Tuesday morning on a mission to buy some piraline wafers thankfully they didn't have any. I got a truck with Santa claus in it for 25% off and then asked for an additional discount and they gave me 20% more due to it needing a little bit of glue. What a great deal. It just made my day.. :P

  16. This is going to be perfect for your beautiful daughter. She will learn a lot and you are a really good mom. It is important to always work on our relationship with our children.... :P Heck, I will be sitting my daughter down and having a long talk with her too. But her moving is going to be very helpful for her in the long run....painful......but an eye opener.....

    Wow! Thanks guys! It feels so good to get this off my chest.
    I'm feeling hopeful that she and I can mend some things.. She is a great kid in so many ways..
    And is trying to find her path. She goes in for basic training in June so she will be gone for several months at least. I think the army is going to be good for her.

    Jane, the date sounds like fun! Lol I've never heard that name before, I mean besides the character on the show. Have you asked how it came about? His parents naming him that?
    Your a better woman than me! I only wear heels for funerals and weddings!

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