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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Ms skinniness

  1. I love spicy foods. I do find that eating flamin hot cheetos does cause some burnin. Hot sauces and jalapeno peppers don't bother me at all.... :P

    Lol...flaming hot Cheetos what surgeons list are those on?

    They are not on my sugeon's list, but it is my one thing I allowed since I am at goal. But I really have to watch it or I will gain......:P

  2. I would call your surgeon's office and ask them. But I do know that when I don't get enough fluids, I get a HA...It usually goes away with 2 tylenol's. It could also be that your still detoxing from the carbs and caffeine too. Let us know what happens..... :P

  3. I have totally gained about 6 lbs since reaching my goal. I have had a lot of stress with the loss of a cat and children blaming others bc the cat got out. It so stressful and plus starting to work for a friend as and in home health provider, she and her friend eat and drink tons of carbs and junk. So I got hooked on sugar again. In the past few days I've readjusted my eating. Instead of eating more than I need, I tell myself to stop. It helps and also need to get back to the 5:2 eating regime......that helps a lot. I am also exercising a bit more now. :P We can do this and let's practice being grateful that we caught our gains early on and that we got this under control now.... :P

  4. This was my belief also. But I have started eating some old foods that are sliders and have gained about 5 lbs back. I recently lost my cat, he got out and 9 days later we found him dead under a shed and since then I am so off track with eating. :( sliders is what I crave and I will stop this. As of today.

    My biggest slider is Cheetos. And then of course I am addicted to sugar so candy has no boundaries either. Oh and the Quest bars are my crack. Can't seem to stop buying them. "Angry" at self!

  5. He had lost 100lbs in 1 year. Wow that is fantastic! But if he did for political reasons than he we have a big struggle with himself. His personality can also be detrimental to him also. He has the lap band which people say they can cheat on it and eat around it and gain the weight back. But honestly even with the sleeve and RnY we can do the same. I hope we all look at our head hunger and emotional eating because that can be our down fall. Christie is human and I don't know his eating habits and I will not judge him. He is human. :)

  6. I love these pics! You look absolutely skinny and beautiful! :P

    I'm going to try to post pics. I won't keep them up long bc I don't like pics of me in my bra floating around.

    I'm not sure if this will work or not I'm on my cell and my daughter has been trying to tell me how to do this.

    The pics on the left are me at around 152-155 and 24% body fat if I remember correctly.

    The ones on the right were taken last night. 142 pounds and 18% body fat. My trainer said my body fat probably went down a couple since she checked it last month.

  7. Wanda it is a really hard decision to make about putting your mom in a care home. No words can make you feel better but just know that we are all here for you and are praying for your mom.

    Kim your parents are doing pretty good. My in-laws lived on their on until they were 95 years old and my FIL took care of my MIL when when she started having dementia. He didn't want anyone to come in and help with the chores but finally gave in. They even had Meals on Wheels for Senior Citizens that was helpful for them. But then he told them to stop because it was too much food for them. :P

    Sheila you have done a great job hitting on all the posts! I wish I could do that...LOL Yes our thoughts on food is like a alcoholics mindset too.......I find that I do really good when I stay away from my crack which is sugar. :(

    Today I'm getting closer to my old low of 145 lbs. Just 2 lbs to go. :P I just couldn't do the 5:2 fast day, on some days I get to a certain point and I start getting light headed and a bit dizzy so then I start looking for food. :( Does this happen to anyone else and how do you handle this...?

    Florinda I couldn't life there..I would definately want to be right next to the bathroom. LOL My early morning needed to pee would not let me sleep. Will you be coming back to the states in 2 weeks? This is quite a transitional period for you not knowing where you will be..... Let us know how your doing... :P

    Off to start my day with healthy eating with little to no sugar... ;p

  8. Oh my, Denise and Sheryl... I hope you are both ok after your 'adventures'... talk about stress. I hate it when things don't go to plan... hope you are both ok.

    I messaged Sheila, she's ok - back to school and has been busy with studies and family life... she said to say Hi and that she'll try to pop on as soon as she can.

    Things are ok here... Hywel is doing well, and we talk about Gary when he wants to. He went training Friday, and Gary's eldest son was there... I think this was good for Hywel to see... that life goes on and that is what Gary would of wanted. Boxing was his life and he would be proud to see the boys train hard. The funeral is the 21st Feb, Hywel wants to go to say goodbye and I am hoping that work will be kind enough to allow me to take him (they are really strict with time off and not very compassionate) - the funeral is in Abergavenny, where hubby polices, so as he is on days he is hoping to attend and meet us there - I think Hywel and I will need him with us to be honest. I am finding the loss difficult to get my head around, so God only knows how Hywel is processing it!

    On a better note, my daughter Betty is away this weekend with police cadets, she'll be home later... I am so proud of her doing this.

    Oh and our boiler went bang... no heating or hot Water for two days does nothing but promote a bad mood - luckily it is fixed now but we do need to replace it... We really do need to spend some money on our house as we have neglected it for years... things are getting old and need replacing.

    On a 5:2 note, scales are still bouncing around all over the place... I actually think I need to either replace the batteries or get a new one... the other night I weighed in at 154 (yes, surgeon's goal) and stepped on and off again to check - the number stayed... so I was a little excited cos I normally weight 2-4 lbs heavier in the evening... anyway, I got on the next morning and weight 3lbs heavier.... arghhhh!! I was gutted 'cos I thought I had broken my new set point. I will give it another week or so and have a little think about replacing them.

    I've done two good fasts this week and no loss so I am wondering if I need to get back to the gym and Curves? I will go back to Curves this week. But in saying that, something is different because I have had a few comments about how 'small' I look and whether I have lost weight... when I tell folk I am over 11 stone they don't believe me!

    What is everyone's' opinions on water? I read such conflicting opinions... I have really struggled drinking water from day one and have gone through spits and spats of getting the recommended amounts in... do you think it does actually help shift weight?

    I am going back to see my doc tues, I rang for my blood results... Iron is normal so that was a bonus, 'lady hormones' not so good, so I will have a proper chat about that with my doc... Thanks for the book Kim, a very interesting read... I will defo be asking about natural progesterone... I don't want any man made crap going in my body - I don't eat processed food so I don't want processed medicines either! My hot flashes are back with such venom... they are so intense that they actually make me feel weak! It is soooo embarrassing when I am stood in front of 30 teenagers and in seconds I am bright read and covered in sweat! I need them to bugger off!

    Kim, do you get your progesterone cream from the doc or buy it?

    Denise and Sheryl had some really horrible weather to deal with...I wish they could send some of that weather down to California... :P

    Sounds like Hywel is taking the loss of Gary with great stride.... Gary's funeral will be on my birthday. :( I will keep everyone in my thoughts as well.....I hope your DH can join you two if you can get the day off.

    I think that I am done with menopause or perhaps what helps me is the Mirena IUD. Hope the hot flashes lighten up for you....I use to get progesterone cream from my nutritionist.....:P

    Ok don't judge me..lol..

    Sunday afternoon I heard from Steven. He didn't want me to come over because he dislocated a shoulder, hitting a tree while doing crazy off track skiing that he promised he doesn't do anymore..Haha....as he says it's not like he is 50 and young anymore. He goes into hermit mode if he doesn't feel at his best....I am opposite I want cuddles and touch when I hurt. I didn't try to talk him into it but he invited me over. He told me how much I have influenced him...changing him...just that he would see me when he felt and looked like crap.

    He sees a counselor and told me about a bunch of little ways my words have influenced him. It makes me feel good because as little as I see him....he made it his mission for me to see myself as he does and I owe so much of my self confidence to his bolstering me up...and he has changed me too. One of the key things I used to try to hide bad parts of me. He accepts me, warts and all...and I have been practicing this behavior...honesty,asking for forgiveness, telling people how much they mean to me etc and it is astounding how much long time friends and family see me changing...e layer....but it is supported by a friend (Steven) who just brings it out in me. I never knew I was such a damn liar until I started telling the truth about my fears, emotional state..etc. Everything is NOT ok dammit but I can still be worthy of love even when I am not charming,full of smiles and jokes.

    No judgements here....Steven is at least seeing a Counselor and working on his struggles with relationships and that's totally awesome. Now if he could put it in rapid speed and have everything come together. I like that he helped you to look deeper into yourself and to see the person he see's.....

    Sorry I'm not contributing much at the moment -- I guess I have/had more like pneumonia, which I didn't even realise, dr told me this morning when I went back. But the damn antibiotics (it's bacterial, not viral, which is more rare -- but yay for miracle drugs!) are making me so sick, I've had several unintentional fast days. Upside? Maybe. Ugh. Still surrounded by moving boxes and now weak and wan as well. I'm a real bright spot I tell ya.

    Non-contagious hugs to all.

    Hope you get to feeling better soon. Hope your unplanned fast days helped you lose a bit too. That would be an added bonus for sure.....Hugs to you too......

    Well I haven't been posting too much lately. 2 days ago our cat got out of the house and has been missing. My family is very upset by his disappearance....

    I have been doing the 5:2 and started losing a bit, but today I was up a few ozs...I noticed that the minute I ate something with sugar in it, my weight went up. So I will have to deal with the fact that I need to stay away from sugar or I will gain my weight back and be very depressed. :( Boy do I need a reality check... :P

    Glad to hear that Sheila is doing as well as to be expected under the circumstances... Has anyone heard from Laura?

    Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone. :P

  9. Cheri I am so sad that you have had so many medical issues and then losing your Dad on top of everything else. Let us know how your doing bc you are family to us here on BP.... If there is anything i can do for you, please let me know by PM. You are a really awesome person and already are a success! you have a beautiful heart. Sending healing energy your way....

  10. Hey everyone,

    I was supposed to go to Portland today for the weekend to see my son and his family . Thank Gold Bill would not let me go alone,.

    We left out town with a little rain and came to the interstate to white out conditions with chains required., So we managed to get off the free way and get a motel . We went and had chains put on and then tried to find a place open to have dinner. Everything was closed . We finally found this dive place and I ended up leaving my purse in there, with tons of cash and credit cards.

    Please pray for me that it's there tomorrow morning. I have to have my credit card for the basket ball tickets I bought for my son's 30th birthday. They have to be paid for with the same credit card they were ordered from online. Some stupid rule.,

    I'm scared spit less and I don't know if I can sleep.< /p>

    Bill has been a saint through it all. He didn't even want to come but he didn't want me to go alone. I love this man!

    I'll catch up as soon as I finally make it to my son's 200 more miles away.

    Bill sounds like he's a really good man to have! :P Praying that your purse, money, and credit cards are still there when you go back... Sending some healing energy your way.

  11. Florinda I love the chorus from the men of "fluffy in all the right places." Puts a new perspective on things. :P

    The dating scene scares me too. It sounds like a lot of hard work. It's hard enough keeping my marriage on the right track.

    I need to focus on cleaning up my eating. I failed at my fast day bc I wanted to weigh myself first so I could see the difference. There's always an excuse. Well I have been at my highest bounce of 150 lbs for a couple of weeks so I guess 150 lbs is my new weight. So now today I am determined to fast and get under 150 lbs and work back to my 145 lbs. I did notice my pants felt a bit tighter.... Such denial at time will get me in a heap of trouble..... :P

    Wanda I love your will power and determination and you are such an inspiration to me.

    Georgia I like having a secret group that we can open up in. :P

  12. It is sprinklin a bit here in Cali today. It's also kind of cold for us. Hahaha... Tomorrow I will be going up to the Mountain and there is high fire risk now. :(

    Sue people are sure losing it everywhere. So much trauma and violence happening. Gary is a casualty for all the people who loved him. I am sending my prayers for his wife and 2 kids, what a horrible thing to have to deal with...

    Sarah I see you as so skinny! We are so successful in our weight loss but will always have to watch our weight... :P

  13. Sorry to hear about family and marriage stress - it totally sucks.

    In my case it wasn't caused by my weight loss.... but I will say that removing 150# of emotion burying fat made it so I could actually see and feel the issues that were really pretty bad all along.

    I hope this is something that can be worked through and a good outcome for you and your family.

    I have had a food feast for the past week and need to do some serious fasting tomorrow. Today I will clean the cupboards and the refrigerator out and do some internal cleaning. I'm struggling with family issues and am not quite sure where my marriage is heading. I have a lot of fear each day and start feeling sorry for myself thinking "at this age, I shouldn't be dealing with this stuff!" So I am taking a bit of time to take care of me and look at what I can control, and what I can't control. The answer is, I only have control over me and my behaviors. SO sad, but it does help let go of things though.

    I have found that I have cleared a lot of the emotional baggage from my earlier years and when I see the picture of myself (real life) I was depressed and confused about events that changed my whole life. I know that the hardest emotional baggage i will deal with is with my son and my husband. My husband is the nicest man ever, but does not set boundaries and it scares the pants off me. Ha! I am working on stepping back and let my husband put his big boy pants on and take care of himself. Not gonna be easy...

    Coops, hugs to your dear son, how can a young man understand such a thing? I have had friends do this... including a teacher I felt very close too... so sad.

    I don't remember If I mentioned... Craig (my hubby) twisted his foot on the motorcycle while he was in Mexico... it took him 4 days to get out of the dirt road area and back to Sacramento. He limped around for two weeks, thinking the foot would get better (macho!) then finally went and got an Xray....BROKEN LEG! Crazy mofo! I married a Viking! So yesterday, I took him in to have it rebroken and set, with a metal plate screwing it together, and a cast. I have taken off 2 days from work to play nurse... he is on some heavy drugs... but seems like he is doing pretty well. I have been feeding him all kinds of crap with a few healthy things snuck in for good measure. I have managed to eat many of the same things, only less. Heaven help me!

    Its supposed to rain tonight... fingers crossed, we really need it and a bunch more or the Water and food supply is in danger. Some towns may even run out of water this summer. I have been saving my bath water to flush the toilet and water the trees.

    Kim I'm so sorry your husband has to be so macho and wonder around for 4 days before realizing that he needed medical help. All the extra pain he's put himself through and not to mention you. Hand in there and good job sneaking the extra healthy stuff in his diet.... :P

    I saw an arial shot of California taken by NASA and the results are truly grim ladies, the same shot taken on the same day one year ago showed snow pack everywhere there should be, so it's like if you took a ruler and split the state lengthwise, the right side would be white. The photo taken this year? No white, none. All brown. This is terrifying news.

    I know I am overly sensitive, I take everything personally, as I think many people who have been psychologically abused and blamed for everything for years do. That said, we share what we can share here, but are not obligated to do so, and we must remember the fragility we all share regarding our weight loss, the secret dark thoughts that we will say something do one thing wrong and wakeup morbidly obese again.

    Did cardio last night and achieved something I could only dream of just a few short years ago - I ran, fast, on the treadmill for 5 straight minutes. Didn't slow down, didn't stop, I felt so free. <3

    It sounds like many if not all of us are currently experiencing some trials and tribulations, let us perevere, "keep calm and carry on" <3

    Oh and PS - I went and mailed my scale yesterday so I won't be able to weigh myself for no less than 3 weeks, talk about nerve wracking!!!!!!

    Florinda it is scary to live here in California with little rain and so little snow in the Mountains....that's why I want to move out of California to Oregon....

    We are all fragile in our own ways. I know I am. But we will perserve and become stronger....

    Glad you mailed your scale out.....I haven't gotten on mine for a few days....Ha! that will teach my scale a lesson. :P

    I haven't been eating much. Still don't have an appetite. I'm not really doing 5:2 but I bet I haven't been eating 1000 per day.

    I don't know what to do about Bill. He wants to stay over and I want him to, but that CPap machine causes so many problems. tonight he fell asleep wiht his head on my shoulder and that thing blowing loudly on my face. The I getnly tried to tell him and he threw it off and left the bedroom to sleep on the couch.,

    I am so upset I want to be able to learn to sleep with that thing but to me it sounds as lound as a vacuum cleaner., :(

    Denise I don't envy you having to struggle with Bill's Cpap, but it's good to hear your having a good relationship with him. You deserve it! :P

    I do envy that you don't have an appetite. I see things and I mindlessly eat them. Working on stopping that.

    Hang in there and have a good day today.

    Today is my fasting day and I mindlessly drank my Protein shake! LOL Now to keep everything down to a minimum. Salads and Soups for me today.....:P

    Kim, sorry about your husband and his leg. Ouch. Poor guy walking around like that before he knew it was broken. I am happy for fast days, too. I love 5:2!

    Florinda, 5 min running fast??? Wonderful news! I so hate running. I will do it but I don't like it. My husband enjoys running so I'll do races with him but I'm not doing them to get a fast time. I'm a slow runner. When you say you have to find food what do you mean by that? Do you have your own fridge? Do you stay in a big tent? Do you go to the kitchen and look for food? The only thing I picture in my head is M.A.S.H.

    Denise, that machine would drive me crazy, too. I don't have any suggestions but to talk to him like others have said and have get an upgraded machine or something.

    Sue, how is your son doing today? I hate it when the kids hurt, so painful for a parent.

    Sheryl, I would assume keeping busy is helping keep you calm with the ex gone. I can understand caring about someone so much and being worried about them. He was a part of your life for so long. I hope he finds his way and can grown from all of this like you have. Are there a lot of reminders of him around the house?

    Ladies, this is an exciting day for me. I'm getting a new stove today! I can hardly wait. After months and months of mine not working correctly, I finally won't have to worry about that anymore when I am baking. I know a new stove may sound trivial but for me it's a big deal. It has a double oven, too! I'm already planning on baking as soon as it gets here.

    Today is a fast day for me and I have boot camp tonight.

    Happy Thursday, Ladies!

  14. It has been a really weird day today. The good news is that my daughter's cooking exam went really well... she had good feedback from her teacher and felt it all went well - she was a happy bunny!

    I had a long day in work and didn't feel very well... headache and dizziness returned! Got through it though.

    When I got home we had some really sad news; my son's boxing trainer and mentor took his own life; his name was Gary and he was just 54. He was Welsh amateur champion and turned pro. In his day, he was a brilliant athlete and later he helped coach and train many, many youngsters. Obviously Hywel (my son) is completely floored by this news, when Hywel first went to the boxing gym, I think he was a little apprehensive and intimidated by the environment. Gary took him under his wing and looked out for him, he has been at each and every fight that Hywel has participated in and help wipe his tears when he lost and helped wipe his tears when he won. He was a fluent welsh speaker and conversed with Hywel in welsh when they trained together, this I feel helped Hywel feel more at home, more comfortable and encouraged him to engage in the sport.

    He has left such a hole in my son's life. Hywel told me today that in school he was asked to write one thing that made him proud and he wrote Gary's name.

    My heart breaks to hear this news, my heart breaks to see my son so upset and unable to do anything about it...I can't help but to think of his family... how do you deal with a death in this way.

    A very sad day.

    This is so sad to hear...Sue please give him a big hug from me. Life can be so cruel to some....Gary will truly be missed......

  15. OMG I love this thread! Sad that I've missed it and love reading posts from all the people that I have grown to love and respect. Speaking about Iron, I have blood panels done every 6 months and my Iron has held fast. I've hardly taken my iron tablets because I can't take them with Calcium. But now that I'm reading others have had horrible results with anemia, I am going to make more of an effort to take my iron. :P

    Irene I'm glad your getting back on track and love the new look of the old VST to the new BariatricPal.... We have a lot of great people on here.... Cheri it's good to see your doing well too.....I have found myself drifting away from this site due to taking a lot of time catching up but it does help keep be focused. Right now I'm in a WaWa moment and just want to hide. Haha.......XOXO

  16. I have missed so many days here that it's so hard to respond to everyone since there's and ever changing life events happening. LOL Life goes on and each day is a new day with so many life changing dynamics....

    Everyone sounds like they are doing really good. I know that each and every one of us have so many stressors hitting us and learning to use or develop new coping skills to deal with these stressors are so hard.

    I do read everyone's post and learn from them too. I wish we could all get together and meet someday too. That would truly be a blast.... :P

    I have had a food feast for the past week and need to do some serious fasting tomorrow. Today I will clean the cupboards and the refrigerator out and do some internal cleaning. I'm struggling with family issues and am not quite sure where my marriage is heading. I have a lot of fear each day and start feeling sorry for myself thinking "at this age, I shouldn't be dealing with this stuff!" So I am taking a bit of time to take care of me and look at what I can control, and what I can't control. The answer is, I only have control over me and my behaviors. SO sad, but it does help let go of things though.

    I am really miss everyone when they are not around to post. I know they're busy and i just experienced the difficulties I had in catching up and find it impossible to respond to all the posts. But I love you all! XOXOXO

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