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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Friends- Can We Really Keep Them?

    This is so ringing my bell right now.... I have noticed in myself that I prefer to eat in healthy restaurants so that I can order what I want and know that it's healthy. I have a friend that I don't visit with as much anymore, but will meet for lunch or breakfast. She always told me that I wasn't big enough to get this dangerous surgery. She was and still continues to tell me how she is never hungry and will never deprive herself of anything. I always tell her that I'm chosing to eat healthier and will continue to put healthy foods in my mouth. I find it interesting that she can even present this argument without looking at how she's eating. This is a struggle for me to decide to completely let go of the friend or just accept her for who she is and just try to enjoy the few moments that we have together. This is becoming a constant struggle with me. So I am seeing her less often than before. Works for me.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Century Club!

    OMG! This is fantastic! Can't wait to see your pics. You are totally Rockin that Sleeve!
  3. I love your pics! What a wonderful transformation. How awesome is it to be experiencing all of your worldly travels with the one you love. CONGRATS!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Non Food Rewards

    I love this idea. Part of my reward for losing weight was the beginning of a new wardrobe. Yep, as everyone else with weight loss, I had to buy new, sexy cloths! I reward myself by buying only what I absolutely love and not settling for anything because it's my size. I love it too. Now when I get to goal, I want to go on vacation to another country. Not sure which one I want to go to though. But I'll figure it out. Perhaps Germany where my ancestry came from.
  5. If the pain gets any worst then go to urgent care or the ER. Some people report that they use Gas X strips and that helps with the pain. Better to be safe than sorry. It does sound like you have this covered by talking to your doc.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Has Anyone Cheated On There Phases?

    I was suppose to be on fluids for the first 3 weeks, and I added some yogurt, sf pudding, sf jello. It wasn't a problem at all for me.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Watching 20/20-Feeding Tube Diet

    I seen that program earlier this year and was thankful to my sleeve. That would be horrible to have a feeding tube in your nose and throat for a long period of time and then having to go out in policy. I have a suspicion that they will eventually go back to their old eating habits and gain the weight back. But I hope I'm wrong for their sakes. Love my sleeve!
  8. Ms skinniness

    My Big Fat Greek Birthday Party

    You are so lucky to have a loving caring hubby by your side! you rock girl! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and good job staying on track!
  9. I am so sorry you had to go through that mess. Glad things are looking good and happy for your loses....... CONGRATS!
  10. Ms skinniness


    The dizziness can be from not getting enough fluids in. Try to increase your water intake to not be dizzy. Congrats!
  11. Ms skinniness

    Size 2 Jeans At 10 Month Surgiversary

    I am so happy for you! Congrats!
  12. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    I am so proud of you! Look where you are. You might not be at the surgeon's goal, but you have rocked that sleeve. This is not over and it is frustrating to be stuck for a year. Wow, a year is a really long time. I don't believe your done yet. Your body is just resting right now. When you take your guard down, it will probably start going down again. And if it doesn't, you are still one hot MAMA! Yep! Lookin good, and so much more healthier. You are doing more things like going to Crete.....(sp?) Time to enjoy life and have some fun. This is what I want to adopt in my life style today. Fun, lotsa fun........
  13. It is wise to drink fluids throughout the day but make sure your getting in your 64 oz to prevent dehydration. I am 1 year out and I I don't measure my foods like I probably should, but I use a dessert size plate or bowl and that limits the amount that I eat. I also listen to my stomach. I eat slow when possible so that my stomach can register when I'm full and that way I don't over eat.
  14. I had a UTI before my surgery and my surgeon told me as long as I was on an antibiotic before surgery I would be ok. I didn't get any meds and they still did the surgery. Nothing ever became of my UTI.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Help Please! Pre-Op Vs Post-Op

    It's a lot easier to follow the liquid diet post op. Your not hungry and your stomach is swollen also. The doc just wants to make sure your going to be successful in the long run. I use to get migraines before my surgery, and after my surgery, I was fortunate not to have migraines any more. Love it! I hear that your working 15 hours a day and wow, that's a lot of hours. you must be physically exhausted. When are you able to rest. It's really hard to have kids also. Wish you luck and do the best you can to stay on the liquid diet as much as possible.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Gaining Weight Unbelievable!

    I lose some weight and then I gain some weight. It fluctuates up and down and now I'm not stressing about it anymore unless it goes over 5 lbs weight gain. I am weighing myself at least 1 time per week at the least. I thought I was done losing and low and behold I lost a couple of pounds. That feels really good too.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Big Stall... Hate This

    Your doc is right..... Just focus on fluids at this point, drink protein shakes because they count as fluids too. You can't possibly be getting in enough calories right now to stop your weight loss. It will come off, it just takes time. Take a deep breath and exhale when getting worried about weight loss. It is a wise ideal to avoid dehydration at all cost. It's a horrible and scarey feeling.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Progress Pic 3 Months

    You look great! Can't wait to see you in a size 6.
  19. I'm not a doctor, but my surgeon's told us we can take tylenol. Hope your HA goes away....
  20. Ms skinniness

    Got My Date!

    Congrats! This is an exciting time and a time you might get somewhat nervous! Yep, your goin get sleeved at the end of the month! Time to celebrate the beginning of a new journey.....
  21. Ms skinniness

    Nsv - Someone Finally Noticed!

    This is always a tricky question. So I seldom will ask anyone due to not wanting to embarrass them or myself if I'm wrong. )
  22. Ms skinniness

    I Cant Stop Messing Up

    Dessertmom is totally correct. It's time to go back to basics for 5 days by following LilMissDiva's Basic Bootcamp. Let me know how it works for you... The BASICS BOOTCAMP: For 5 STRICT DAYS I will eat only... Proteins: Seafoods, Poultry and eggs, Dairies, nuts/seeds including Peanut Butter. Veggies: Green only. Fruits: None. Breads/Cereals/Other Carbs: None. Fluids: One gallon of Water (128 oz.) or Protein Drinks. Avoid: Sugar and Sodium Once the 5 days are over, I am pretty much over the Sugar Carb Demon. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate carbs! I do need them to live a healthy life and since I workout a lot it is important I have them. However, I need GOOD carbs. Whole grains, fruits, veggies... But I don't need processed sugars. White carbs, in cereals, breads, rice... etc.
  23. Ms skinniness

    Peanut Butter Cup

    Peanut Butter Cups are evil! LOL I've done this and at 1 year I still have difficulties with my stomach. I need to work on not trying them again. I love my body.....
  24. Sounds yummy for a rainy day! Thank you for sharing with us.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Old Trainer/new Trainer

    I am so proud of you! Yep, your exercising that sexy body of yours! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! I need to stop thinking about it and just do it. Today was going to go walking but it's raining and I have a client at noon today. What a beautiful excuse not to exercise. Right? Anyways, I'm going to the mall to walk. Yep. You are a inspiration to me, I envy all the people that exercise on a daily basis, I needs to be me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
