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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Hi From The Uk

    Thanks for sharing about the milk diet..... Hope it tastes good and decreases your hunger..
  2. Ms skinniness

    How Much Are You Eating!?

    I am 1 year post op and I can eat what your eating right now. I am working on slowing down between bites as directed by my surgeon's office. It's hard. I in now way want to eat a lot of food, but I do want to basically maintain.
  3. Ms skinniness


    I take the 500mg of silica.... Manufacturer is Puritan's Pride....
  4. Ms skinniness

    How Much Are You Eating!?

    What kind of texture is it? Is it soft foods like yogurt? Pureed? Dense proteins like chicken?
  5. This is very anxiety provoking..... You never know. However, you do have a comorbidity of having sleep apnea which gives you more of a likihood of being approved. CONGRATS and hope things go through without having to have an appeal. I believe the new wait period for insurance approval is 3 months now, and perhaps you have been documented by your PCP as trying to lose weight over the last year would help too. GOOD LUCK!
  6. Ms skinniness

    Food Diary/log

    Myfitnesspal is awesome. You can add me if you decide. My username is dorrierobles2003@yahoo.com
  7. Ms skinniness

    On The Way To The Hospital

    This is such a great day to be sleeved. Soon you will be in the BIG LOSER'S CLUB! Yep, sitting right next to us dropping those pesky lbs. This is the beginning of your new journey that will be like a roller coaster...... Have a sleep..... Keep us informed as to how your doing.
  8. Ms skinniness


    i have taken biotin 10,000mcg since 1 week out from surgery. I also take silica and my hair and nails are growing very rapidly.
  9. Ms skinniness

    Hi From The Uk

    what's a milk diet?
  10. Ms skinniness

    What Am I Thinking?!

    Do the pre-opt and learn every thing you can about this surgery. Keep yourself informed and weight the pro's and con's of having the surgery. Remember that a very few percentage of weight loss surgeries have complications. If you have a complication, then you deal with it when it happens. We have all been in your shoes prior to surgery and we all chose to walk this path. I love my sleeve and would do it over in a heart beat.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Going Broke Buying New Clothes!

    I love to hear you brag! Yep, we need to proud of our accomplishments here, I know I am. Keep rocking that sleeve....
  12. Now I can relate to this pic! Thank you for posting the real you....... Congrats and please keep sharing your journey....
  13. You've got this covered. Now it's time to refocus ur attention to going back to basics. There's The Basic Bootcamp diet where u eat all liquids for the first 2 days. Then proteins for the next 3 days. This Bootcamp is pinned here I can do this. This diet takes away the cravings for sugars and carbs. It is a great start.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Coops if I was you I would be totally scared too. When it comes to our hair, all of us get upset about it. I think it's a good ideal to call your doctor (gynecologist) and find out what's going on and get your thyroid tested too. Somethings off. Having hot flashes is not fun either. My thoughts are with you.... I really want to know what's going on with your body too. Let us know how your doing and I'm keeping you in my thoughts........
  15. VSsupermodel I'm just wondering where you had your surgery? It's interesting to see such a low BMI and that you only need to lose about 34 lbs. Can to post a pic of yourself so we can see it.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Bad Habits

    Time to get back to the basics and eat nothing but Protein and veggies for a few days to get rid of the sugar cravings you have and to get back in to the habit of eating healthy. There is a diet posted my LilMissDiva called "The Basic Bootcamp.: It's awesome to get back on track. Here is a posting of it: The BASICS BOOTCAMP: For 5 STRICT DAYS I will eat only... Proteins: Seafoods, Poultry and eggs, Dairies, nuts/seeds including Peanut Butter. Veggies: Green only. Fruits: None. Breads/Cereals/Other Carbs: None. Fluids: One gallon of Water (128 oz.) or Protein drinks. Avoid: Sugar and Sodium Once the 5 days are over, I am pretty much over the Sugar Carb Demon. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate carbs! I do need them to live a healthy life and since I workout a lot it is important I have them. However, I need GOOD carbs. Whole grains, fruits, veggies... But I don't need processed sugars. White carbs, in cereals, breads, rice... etc. You can do this!
  17. Ms skinniness

    Feeling Down

    It really sucks to be sick like this! It will ended..... Have you spoken to your surgeon about it? Why does your husband say that it's your emotions doing this? Sending some healing energy your way.
  18. Ms skinniness

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Lookin good! Can't wait to see a pick in a couple of months........
  19. Ms skinniness

    Slow Down, You Move Too Fast!

    I'm gonna lose it: My surgeon's office wants us to wait 10 minutes before each bite. I tried, but I couldn't do it. So I wait as long as I can between bites and I'm happy with that. It's not a problem anymore.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Sleeve Experiences - Negative?

    My BMI was 36 and I had diagnoses of diabetes. It was so worth it for me.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Sleeve Experiences - Negative?

    I am 1 year post op and haven't had any complications from my surgery post op. I have not been nauseous, thrown up, etc. I was a little sore, but not much. I went back to work after 1 week off. No problems at all. I love my sleeve and totally recommend it to friends and family that are struggling with weight and medical issues.
  22. Ms skinniness


    This is amazing! I don't even recognize you from the first pic! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I love these NSV's!
  23. Ms skinniness

    Non Food Rewards

    Yes, you do deserve this, and actually, you have always deserved it! I also have been looking at new jackets for the snow.....Yay, this is truly a treat.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Slow Down, You Move Too Fast!

    I have always been a fast eater. I am so goal orientated that I'm like on automatic pilot. It's still difficult but since I can only eat so much, I find myself drinking my protein shakes a lot slower now. I love it and am really working on slowing down my eating of food in all ways. I love it. It feels so much better and I don't feel so deprived.
  25. Ms skinniness


    You are doing great on this journey! CONGRATS! It will get easier each day. I know that for me in the hospital, I was totally utilizing my morphine pump. It helped me sleep on my back in a some what upright position. So glad that is over with. Now it's the journey in learning new eating habits and what works and doesn't work for us. I am 1 year out and loving my new body size and still learning how to eat and practicing my new eating habits on a daily basis. Love my sleeve!

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