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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    1 Year!

    So you have lost a 100 lbs! That's nothing to sneeze about! CONGRATS! Happy your doing so well. Keep it up.
  2. Ms skinniness

    No Energy

    With all the medical problems your struggling with, I wouldn't worry about your weight loss just yet. You are most likely retaining a lot of fluids from your IV and there's inflammation in your body if you had an infection. I hope you can give your self a break and know that when your medical issues clear up, you will drop your weight. It's impossible to have a sleeve, eat way small portions and not lose weight. the hard part is being patient and telling yourself it will happen. Hope your feeling better really soon.
  3. Ms skinniness

    I Almost Cried In Catherines

    I love this! Congrats!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Nsv! Sorta

    It is fun to be able to buy sexy bras that actually fit. However, I do have to stuff my breasts in them and rearrange some of the sking (sorry TMI). I do buy my bras from VS.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Ready For Change!

    I love that you are so motivated! you will succeed. CONGRATS!
  6. Ms skinniness


    This could be caused by acid in your stomach. Acid mimicks hunger in our stomachs. This is probably a good time to contact your surgeon and ask about taking a PPI (prilosec, omeprazole, tagamet, nexium). I was having this trouble in the beginning and I started reading all the posts about taking a PPI and so I started taking omeprazole. It did wonders for me. My hunger subsided too. Best of luck and hopes this helps.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Dancing At Home!

    CONGRATS! I need to stop thinking about doing this, and just do it.....
  8. Ms skinniness

    6 Week Pictures

    Totally amazing! Just think what your body is going to look like in 3 months...... Fabulous!
  9. IMO, exercise is important after weight loss bc it helps keep our muscles toned and also exercise increases muscle mass. So as your losing weight, instead of lossing muscle mass, your building muscle mass too. It helps with burning calories etc.
  10. Ms skinniness


    The worst case scenario is that you miss the appeal date. The docs can resubmit a new request with a letter from your neurologist. It might take a little more time and it will be frustrating, but when you get to the goal line of surgery, you will do awesome and it will be well worth it. that you have to deal with this, it doesn't seem fair. Keep working on it.
  11. This is so true for all of us. I had to constantly remind myself that my health is #1 and that this is how I'm choosing to treat my diabetes. That's it period...... I did it even though I was scared to death and wanting to run away. I was shaking so much.... You have your list of pro's and con's which can you live with and which not. I wish I could of done this year ago.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Should I Be Worried?

    Perhaps uping your protein intake and water will give you a boost. Just a little at a time. This could be your 3 week stall as well. It happens. you will lose weight and have that beautiful slim new body that's shouting out "SEXY."
  13. Ms skinniness

    Should I Be Worried?

    I am looking for your ticker and you don't have one yet and checked your profile and you don't have a date yet. So it's really hard to assist without other information like diet, etc. t's great that your exercising. Just reread your post and you had surgery 3 weeks ago. No problem, it may just be that your body is transitioning. You will start to drop inches and lbs really soon! It ill happen.
  14. Ms skinniness


    Time to get all that sh** out of the house. Hubby doesn't need it really. I cleaned everything out and told family members that there was to be no junk food in the house. I threw a lot of good food out. I still do, if they bring home junk, I throw it away when they aren't looking. It works for me. Otherwise, I'd eat it! Maybe talk with your mother in law about those cupcakes and ask her for her support. Your hubby can go eat that stuff at her house. LOL
  15. Ms skinniness

    I'm Getting Sleeved Oct.18Th!

    Congrats! Can't wait for you to join us on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH! Yep, we're all losers!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Nsv! So Excited!

    Hey you! I love your NSV! So awesome! Keep it up! May the last 20lbs disappear really really fast.
  17. Ms skinniness

    Infected Incisions?

    I agree with IsB, it's best to get a doc's opinion. Maybe talk with the doc and caring for your incisions. My incisions were glued shut and I didn't have to put anything on them. Hope it's nothing. let us know please.
  18. Ms skinniness


    Doxieland: I noticed you recently had gallbladder surgery. I'm scheduled for an appointment with a surgeon for my gallbadder on Thursday. What was your surgery like and how many incisions did they make? Sorry about all the questions, but I'm really not looking forward to this.
  19. Ms skinniness

    I Have Stopped Losing!

    It is so easy to get stuck in a vicious cycle of eating carbs. Our weight loss comes off very rapidly in the beginning and then slows down. Our old habits sneak back in and sabotage our weight loss. Now if your talking about LilMissDiva's The Basic Bootcamp Diet, then yes, it does work. It helps us kick the cravings for carbs and restructures our eating back to basics. I have first hand experience where this has helped me. In fact just recently I've lost some weight using it. I hope this helps.
  20. "Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness." Gerald Jampolsky

  21. Ms skinniness

    Bcbs Of Al Advice Needed!

    Bamagirl~ your sleep apnea score may have changed in the last year. Can you do another test? Just a thought!
  22. Ms skinniness

    Bcbs Of Al Advice Needed!

    Have your surgeon appeal this and meanwhile, write a letter yourself. It sounds like you should qualify. Sometimes insurance companies play these stupid games of denials to much needed procedures for people with these complications. Hang in there and be proactive in seeking approval.... Let us know how it's going.
  23. Take it 1 day at a time, 1 meal at a time, and work on not thinking about it. You can do this! Look how far you've come already. Maybe try a different protein drink. I'm very picky and I love the Premier chocolate protein shakes from Costco.
  24. Ms skinniness

    Is My Sleeve Stretched

    I am 1 year post op and I can definately eat a lot more than I use to. I try to limit it to 1/2 a burger with most of the bun taken off. But if i can see it, I might eat the whole thing. I don't really think your stomach is stretched, just try to eat mindfully of every bite and chew, chew, chew. How much have you lost and are you at goal? I'd be interested to know.
  25. Ms skinniness


    O.T.R sleever. I like your thinking. Not ready to jump on the boat of believers, I wasn't either but decided to take the supplements just in case. I have never had my hair grow as fast as with the biotin and silica that I take. I am a true believer now. I do agree that it can be a placebo effect for some. I like that I can tell the difference too.

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