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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Pain In Left Side Back Area

    In radiology, did you have to go 2 hours before your procedure? They want me to be there 2 hours before the procedure and drink 1 liter of contrast. I think I really need to talk with my PCP and find out what my options are.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Two Days And A Wake Up!

    Your doing great! Hang in there and these 2 days will go rather quickly.
  3. Ms skinniness

    Help! 2 Months Out

    Sleeve of Steel; I love your title, "Cheesey-humored, Lord of the Rings-loving goofball. It fits you really well! I also graze throughout the day eating just as Sleeve of Steel mentioned. I just found out yesturday at my consult with a general surgeon that I have lost 2 more pounds since my last visit with my bariatric surgeon last month.... This make me smile!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Dear Rear :/

    Are we talking fatty, rich foods? What kind of protein drinks have you tried? Have your tried premier? Are the protein drinks you drink dairy based? Are you able to tolerate cheeses etc? Sorry for all the questions, but this is some things to look at.
  5. It doesn't hurt to try a PPI, even at 10 months out. When I don't take my omeprazole, I do have times when I'm hungrier. So I have to remind myself to take the omeprazole. LOL
  6. Ms skinniness

    Pain In Left Side Back Area

    Actually the general surgeon is not a bariatric surgeon. I was referred out by Kaiser to a bariatric surgeon and my year post op is up. I will insist that I have someone who specializes in bariatrics though if i have to have surgery. It's just frustrating right now.
  7. "To achieve your goals, make the right thing to do the easy thing to do." — Dr. Oz

  8. Ms skinniness

    Loving Me

    Love it! Glad to hear your sleeve is so much better than your old lap band. I know there's really no comparison. I love that my sleeve is permanent. But I know that it's just a tool. Ultimately, it's our work to change our habits and recognize our triggers to eating the high calorie fatty foods. Keep it up!
  9. Ms skinniness

    No Regrets

    That's fabulous! Keep it up and Rock that Sleeve!
  10. Please don't give up at this point. The 2 week post op is the time when many people have a stall. Your stomach is not gurgling because your hungry, you have a lot of gas in there. Are you taking a PPI? If not, when you talk with your surgeon, ask about taking a PPI (nexium, prilosec, omeprazole, tums, maalox). Make sure your getting all your liquids in. You will lose this weight, eating small amounts like 700 calories, can only result in weight loss. It only takes time. Hang in there!
  11. Ms skinniness

    Pain In Left Side Back Area

    I am doing really well. The pain is not too bad. Just some times during the day. I know it's not constipation, I have a BM on a daily basis. That's back to normal. I get a pain in left side,lower back that is not really bad. I'm more worried about drinking a liter of fluid before the CT. Then if nothing shows up, he wants to do an endoscopy. I know it's not uncomfortable, but it's a pain in the behind. I doubt that it's a leak at this time. But if so, hey, maybe I will lose the 4 lbs when they fix it. I'm glad that I don't need to have surgery to remove my gallbladder. For some reason, I'm having issues with the general surgeon I had a consult with. He appeared to be very arrogant. I usually don't have any difficulties with doctors that I see. Anyways, thank you so much for asking. Hugs!
  12. Ms skinniness

    Head Hunger

    Can you drink another protein shake. Drink some more water and keep yourself busy. This will pass, the HA is most likely stress related and low intake of carbs. This is just my opinion, I am not a medical doctor.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Omg....approved...surgery...3 Weeks!

    It's feeling more real now...... The time will go fast and soon your be sitting on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH with all of us! Try to keep busy so you have much time to think about it.
  14. Ms skinniness

    You Guys Have Got To See This!

    I am so thankful that you shared this story! I have been looking for something from someone is over 5 years post surgery. I love hearing from others that are 2 years out. Gives me a lot of hope.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Best Birthday Gift!

    Doesn't it feel so good to be successful at losing weight! So quickly too I might add! Congrats!
  16. This has been the best decision for me (to have the sleeve). I had tried many, many diets just to put the weight back on. I decided early on that i really didn't need to eat all the food that I was eating. So I had the sleeve and I have done really well in my weight loss. There are times when I feel hunger, but mostly it's my head hunger. When I do give in, I can only eat so much and then I'm done. I can eat a small child like portion with no problems. I am also a picky eater and don't really care for veggies that much, but do eat them for the nutritional value, and plus, we can have a lot of veggies. Can't eat that much though. I typically get up in the morning and have a Premier chocolate protein shake and that's my treat. Then I might have an egg or something, for lunch I might go out and buy myself lunch which is Teriaki Chicken (child's portion) and eat half. Lunch usually cost me about $3.00. and for dinner, I will eat some protein like chicken or steak. I can basically eat what I want. If I crave pizza(because it's in my head), then I will eat a slice of pizza. Your hubby is so afraid that something is going to happen to you and that you are going to change and maybe leave him. But you have to do this surgery for you. You will have anxious thoughts, we all did, and almost everyone on this site absolutely loves their sleeve. I love my sleeve. Oh btw, my hubby is so in love with my body and tells me that I'm much happier now. He has also made changes in his diet too. Now you've done 6 months to prepare, if you decide to not have the sleeve, and then you change your mind, you will have to do the 6 month process over. I know several people who have done this and totally regretted not doing it. I know I didn't answer all of your questions.
  17. Ms skinniness

    My Goal?

    I had never had a goal in the beginning. My surgeon and I never discussed it until around 6 months post op. Then she told me that I shouldn't lose over 10 lbs more. Then I set my own goal weight at 130 lbs and had to increase it to 140 lbs since I'm big boned. Now my body is not wanting to get below 144 lbs. So my personal goal is 140 lbs and my body is saying it's happy where it's at. Either way, I love my sleeve. I like taking it one day at a time and trust that if I eat healthy (which is really hard at times) my body knows when to stop. Such a different way of thinking for me.
  18. Ms skinniness

    Before And So Far :)

    Wow! That is truly amazing! I love your smile!
  19. Ms skinniness

    2 Months Out

    I started doing core exercises at 2 months out. Today I went for a walk in the park and it was beautiful and was able to see the ducks and other people enjoying the cool morning in Southern California.
  20. Ms skinniness

    New Way The "girls" Look...

    Yep, my boobs look like deflated ballons too. Always have to readjust at bra time due to excess skin bulging in the middle. I can't blame it on muscles in my chest though. I love them anyways.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Yeah, For Me

    You are doing great! It's all a win-win situation now. Size 8 is where I'm at. I would like to get down to 140 though. That's only 4 more lbs. But my surgeon wants me to stay where I am. This is such a hard place to be. Lovin every minute of it though.
  22. I had surgery 1 year ago and now I have gallstones. I am scheduled to see the surgeon tomorrow afternoon to have consult and surgery scheduled. BLah, I had to cancel my trip to washington dc to see my grandkids. Oh well, at least I don't have the pain that normally accompanies it.
  23. Thankful you didn't get the lapband! That's a big boo boo on the surgeon's part.
  24. Ms skinniness

    October 15Th Checking In....

    Good job! Each day will get easier. Hope your recovery is fast and love to hear how your doing later.

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