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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    7Month Picture

    Beautiful transformation
  2. Ms skinniness

    Here's What -60 Pounds Looks Like!

    Good job! Lookin good!
  3. Ms skinniness

    How Do You Know?

    I typically start sneezing sometimes I burp.
  4. Ms skinniness

    What Was 'the Moment' For You?

    What we wouldn't do for our children...... Yep, next year your be the first to want to go in there! Glad you will be joining us....
  5. Ms skinniness

    Oh My!

    That's a total surprise. You are so fortunate to have someone like your house keeper to cook for you and your family. Maybe she could broil the chicken next time. LOL Great to not be tempted.
  6. Ms skinniness

    Sooo Nervous

    I didn't have much pain at all after the surgery. I did use the morphine on regular basis in the hospital and I didn't feel anything. Just a little when getting up and back in bed. This is a no sweat procedure. You will do fine......
  7. Ms skinniness


    Get yourself to the doctor's office or better yet, the hospital. This doesn't sound good at all. I think you'd rather be in the hospital than really,really sick.... Am I right. Please don't take chances, just go, get treatment, and start to feel getter. Gabby we need you be healthy so we can get your support as well. Are you going to the hospital? Let us know, we all worry about you
  8. Ms skinniness

    Are Whole Eggs Worth It?

    I eat a lot of whole eggs. The most nutritious part of the egg is the yolk. I can't stand egg whites, too bland for me. I have spoke to a few nutritionists and they agree with eating the yolks also. We do need some cholesterol for our brain to function normally.
  9. Is the class a 12 week class? I had to complete the 12 classes before I would be referred for wls. It was informative and sometimes redunant as well. However I did find myself more prepared than my other sleevers from the same surgeon's office that wasn't Kaiser member's. I also believe a little more successful too. They had NUT come and give the class and social workers also. Let me know how you like it....:_
  10. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Healing energy coming your way! Can you view your blood test results on the website for your insurance. I have Kaiser and I can access my blood tests as they are done..... I love that function. Today I had a CT done on my abdominal area. I have pain in my left side and I think it is an adhesion. My left side is painful when I'm full and I have a pain in my back on the left side. will find out either tomorrow by my primary or next week from a surgeon whom I can't stand that is so arrogant..... I hope i don't need an endoscopy. The x-tech told me her sister had weight loss surgery, went out and bougth a brand new car and 2 weeks after the surgery, she threw a blood clot and died. This made me so thankful to be here.
  11. Your DH is right. You've been waiting this long for the surgery so now you have an opportunity to have it earlier. I'd just do it and begin your new journey ASAP. That way you won't gain anymore of your weight back. Take the next week to refocus yourself. You can do this.....Besides it gives you less time to be anxious about it. Before you know it, you will be sitting here on the big loser's bench with us..... YAAYYYYYYYYYY!
  12. My surgeon told us that there is a 8 week period where we couldn't lift anything over 10 lbs then I was cleared and could do anything with in reason. Good luck and please don't risk causing injury to yourself.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    that you are going through all this. I like feedyoureye's OTC cream. This is so frustrating that the medical profession can't find anything wrong.
  14. What's wrong with this picture! It makes me so frustrated with the medical billing practices of these hospitals. How ridiculous is it to expect you to pay for an assistant surgeon that is most likely an intern that has o experience...... These are fighting words....My surgery was $49,000 for the hospital fees and I believe $8,000 for the surgeon. Thankful that I only paid about $20.00 my co pay. I an socked.....
  15. Ms skinniness

    Down In The Dumps!

    Patience is golden. U are not done losing. Ur body is just taking a break and redistributing ur weight loss. U are loading inches right now. Keep up the good work! Please be patient.
  16. Ms skinniness

    I'm Sleeved! But...

    I will get better as soon as u get home. CONGRATS!
  17. Ms skinniness

    Wedding Rings Too Big Already!?!?

    I just took mine off and still need to go get it sized. I keep thinking that i'm going to lose more weight.....
  18. Ms skinniness


    I take colace and right after surgery I used Miralax.
  19. Ms skinniness

    Trader Joe's Favorites

    I love their nuts..... I get eggs and cheese, and sometimes their meats..... I don't really get into the premade foods anymore. I can't eat that much, so I save a lot of money. I do like it when I find organic produce there.
  20. Ms skinniness

    Trucking Along!

    Time to get rid of the panties.... Hope you get some really sexy ones....... You deserve it!
  21. Ms skinniness

    Major Scale Victories!

    This is fantastic! CONGRATS! Before you know it, you will be so skinny and your smile will be beaming! Can't wait to see more.
  22. OMG! what a beautiful baby you have there! You look absolutely beautiful too! Keep it up!
  23. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Hey beautiful woman! I'm looking forward to seeing your test results. We need some answers here too. we need to get on the right track to good health and dropping some weight......
  24. I haven't fallen off the wagon LOL, but I have had times where I eat things I know I don't need too. What I do is start LilMissDiva's The Basic Bootcamp to get rid of my carb cravings and it gets the weight started. You can search for it on this site. You can do this, just take 1 day at a time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
