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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness


    I have spasms in my calves at night time. I am getting 64oz of water in daily. I can actually see the muscles in my calf spasm. I don't know what's causing them or how I can prevent them from occurring again. Any ideas would be wellcome.
  2. Ms skinniness

    Prayers Please

    It would be highly advantageous to have an endoscopy to see whats going on in your stomach as well. I have pain on my left and recently went to a surgeon because it was suppose to be gallstones. Since my pain is on the left side, he ordered a CT on my abdominal area and if that's not it, he wants to do an endoscopy on it. Won't know until next week. I believe that I have an adhesion there or a hernia. Not quite sure and will find out. Insist that they do an endoscophy. Sometimes leaks are not always deteched by CT's or X-rays.
  3. Ms skinniness


    Congrats to you! Welcome to the BIG LOSER'S BENCH!
  4. Ms skinniness

    Prayers Please

    Go get a second opinion......He's given up and that's not right..... I'd go see a gastrointestinal specialist and make sure I had an endoscopy test, CT, etc.....I might even keep calling him to complain and tell him that there's got to be something he can do to help you. Go as far as making a report to the licensing board and that will get him moving in the right direction. Let us know how it's going.....Don't give up, the pain is a sign that there's something wrong......Now it's search time.
  5. Ms skinniness


    There have been some post here that reported that as a self pay, the surgeon's and the facility will give you an excellent rate. Also, you can follow up with your doctor here as pertaining to the blood work up. Not a problem with most PCP.....
  6. Ms skinniness

    College Sweatshirt

    Now this is an accomplishment! Yep, you are wearing your sweat shirt! Yayyyyyy!
  7. What a fabulous transformation! WaY to go girl!
  8. Ms skinniness

    Weight Gain ;(

    Perhaps maybe going back to basics and getting a jump start might help. I even recommend going to see your nut for some additional help. You can do this.....
  9. Ms skinniness

    Woohoo 150's

    Yep, now the hard work begins......maintenance! You will be at goal soon....... Good job btw!
  10. Yep, this is what I experienced when I got closer to goal..... It slows down really a lot.....But it does come off so please don't give up, keep doing what your doing and make this a life time habit. Eat healthy and exercise.
  11. Ms skinniness

    This Is Hard...

    Hey Fluffy: I'm surprised that fasting would cause a weight loss hault. Maybe you can up your protein intake and water and that might get you movin in the right direction. Keep it up and let us know what happens.
  12. Ms skinniness

    Need Help...gaining Weight! Ugh!

    Ok you've gained weight by reverting back to your old eating habits...... check out lilMissDiva's "The Basic Bootcamp Diet" it's pinned on the board here somewhere. This is a great start to help get rid of the carb cravings and start portioning your food out. For example: I have a dessert plate that I use to eat off of. You might measure your portions by ozs too. Try to stay away from carbs as much as possible and start exercising again. I think it's a great idea to see a NUT and perhaps you can see a therapist to assist in getting new coping skills to address your triggers for eating the wrong foods. It's basically just getting back on track and knowing that you can do this...... after all, you've done it before. Start weighing yourself on a regular basis, like 1 x per week. This is a lifetime lifestyle change and your already part way there.
  13. "Don't forget—no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell." — Charlles De Lint

  14. Here is how I look at things. I was fat, couldn't keep up with my family, was extremely unhappy, had diabetes, high cholesterol, and was terrified of not making it through the surgery too. I turned this around by realizing that there is such a low risk of dying during this procedure, and am pretty much healthy for my size a age,that I really didn't have too much to loose. I did a lot of research and learned about the complications and decided to be proactive to help prevent the complications that I could. I was deeply concerned about blood clots after so i made sure I followed my doctor's orders to the T. I walked every chance I could, learned what to look for in regards to blood clots. I had also made a list of pro's and con's of the surgery in regards to my health, relationship with children and grandchildren, and employment options. These are things we need to look at in making the final decision. Also know that it's really normal to have these fears........ Hope you feel better.....
  15. Ms skinniness


    My spasms are going away. I did some research on electrolytes and discovered that it recommends not drinking excesses amounts of water after exercising. That a protein bar would be better. So I made that change. my calf muscles are still tight at night when watching TV but not enough to keep me awake. I have also increased my calcium intake a bit too. I do get enough salt, and I'm working on increasing my veggie (green) and fruit intake. I was really considering G2 Gatorade again, but it gives me a lot of gas. I'm just happy it's getting easier. Thank you for asking.....
  16. I am finding myself needing someone to help keep me on track. I am finding myself eating when I'm not hungry. I am really not having meals anymore, basically I'm snacking all day long....I think this is bc I am trying to do mainence and I'm reverting to old habits. Time to get busy and start structuring my day better..... :(

  17. So happy you are joining us....Congrats on your decision to get your life back and become healthier as a side effect.....Love this side effect.....
  18. Ms skinniness

    Help, I Don't Know What To Do

    Most people are on a high protein diet where we need to get in as much protein as we can. It is common to only be able to eat a couple of bites for a while after surgery. You are doing good so please be patient and enjoy this wonderful journey.....It does get a lot better.....
  19. Ms skinniness

    This Is Hard...

    So when was your surgery? What stage of your diet are you on?
  20. Ms skinniness

    Gallbladder Removal After Vsg? Is This Common?

    Due to the high rate of weight loss, we are subject to gallstones. I have gallstones but they don't bother me, so I don't need surgery.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Omg! Its Been So Long!

    Congrats! Doesn't it feel amazing?
  22. Ms skinniness

    Everything Is Happening So Fast...

    This is great news! CONGRATS to you!
  23. Ms skinniness

    7 Month Update W/photos

    This is so awesome!
  24. Ms skinniness

    6 Months - 126 Lbs W/ Photos

    Congrats! U are looking good!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
