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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Where's My Miracle?

    This is so funny, it made me laugh......We all want everything now, now, and now. LOL You are doing great and if everything was gone right now, it would be a devastating to your body. This is a time to sit back, take a deep breath and look how amazing your body is transforming.........It's a miracle....... HUGS!
  2. So, it's about time you pampered yourself! LOL I love this and wish my man was more open minded like this........ Keep it up your doing great!
  3. Ms skinniness

    Protein To Go Shots

    We were educated by our NUT that collagenic protein is a no no. They highly recommend Whey protein bc our bodies absorb it better.
  4. Ms skinniness

    8 Weeks Post Op!

    WTG girl! Looking good!
  5. Ms skinniness

    A Kind Of Bubbly Feeling?

    It's stomach acid. It does get better further out.....
  6. Ms skinniness

    Help! Going Bald

    Losing hair is just plain sucks. But it does grow back. Biotin does not stop the hair from falling out, it helps it grow back faster though. Your hair will grow back about 7 or 9 months out typically. But wow, look at what your body is doing......Transforming, now I love this side effect.........I take both biotin and silica and my hair is rapidly growing and growing longer than it has in the past.
  7. Ms skinniness

    Eating Carbs Kills Me At 5 Months

    I don't eat that stuff anymore. It does feel like bricks and when I eat something with sugar it's beginning to feel really uncomfortable in my stomach. So back to proteins and veggies. I can eat a ton of cheeetos, so I can't have them around me at all....They are so evil........
  8. Ms skinniness

    Need A Friend

    You are having many changes in your life.......You and your nephew are grieving the loss of your sister and his mom, but how awesome is it that you took him in and giving him so much love and understanding. Be gentle with yourself and just get back to basics of all protein for a few days. cut the sugars and carbs out and start with there. You will do fine and your sister is very proud of you and her son. She's so thankful he has a wonderful home.........You are an Angel!
  9. Make sure you tell them you're in pain and they will give you something......
  10. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Today

    Congrats! You are on the way to your new journey.......To a whole new life change...... Yayyyyyyyy!
  11. the morphine pump was my best friend in the hospital.... I felt no pain, not even from the gas.....So take advantage of your morphine pump and use it as much as possible. I pushed the button all the time. LOL
  12. This is such a slippery slope. I had a BMI of 36 with diabetes and was referred from Kaisser to a bariatric facility that was contracted with Kaiser. I lost some weight in the weight loss classes and then went to see the bariatric surgeon. The surgeon's office told me I didn't qualify for surgery because my BMI was too low. It was so frustrating......Then I tried to gain weight and went back to eating the unhealthy sh** I had eaten before and still lost a couple of lbs. So I had to redirect then to the fact that I was diabetic and that then qualified me. So, if I was you, I wouldn't worry too much about losing the weight before the surgery just to be safe. I realized after the surgery was done that I could of worn an ankle weight at that time. So, don't lose and you will be fine.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Help Needed - Eating At Night

    I am finding myself struggling with my food addiction issues. I'm searching for food and I'm not really hungry. So frustrating. I'm working on asking myself if "I'm hungry," when the answer is truly no, then I am trying to do other things, like watch tv, hide in my bedroom etc. I have even went through my pantry, refrigerator, and freezer and ditched all the bad stuff in the trash right before the trash trucks came to pick up the trash....I do eat nuts for the crunchy texture and they're full of protein. But sometimes I just eat too many of them. So I have reminded myself that whatever goes into my body has to be highly nutritious or it's a no go. We can do this, so just make some adjustments.
  14. I just took myself. Didn't think of anything else.....I slept most of the time......hospital gave me toothbrush and tooth paste.....
  15. Ms skinniness

    8 Weeks Post Op With Success

    You will be as skinny as us in the really near future.......
  16. Ms skinniness

    Depo-Estraidol Injections

    This could be the famous 3 week stall period....... Eat healthy, drink a lot of water and exercise.........
  17. Don't worry about getting denied. If you were referred by your PCP, then you have a really good chance of getting the sleeve. You just have to do 12 classes......... I did and it was the best thing for me.....
  18. It is so hard after we have such a positive experience with getting thinner and healthier. She is afraid and doesn't know if the change is going to be good for her. I would tell her your concerns for her health and then let her make her decision. She doesn't have to do it right now. She is watching you and your success with WLS and will perhaps change her mind later on. You have done very well. Also, let her read the posts on this site on successes of people with wls. research sliming and show her that not everybody has the slimes. I never did. Take her with you when you have a check up with your surgeon. Make sure it's not a PA, it needs to be the surgeon and have some questions to ask that may influence her to change her mind. Be supportive and love her. I know that for me, I want my niece to have this surgery but she's so afraid of dying, that she won't. So I hope she will change her mine....... I love her and will continue.
  19. Ms skinniness


    There have been similar posts where people reported getting nauseous with taking flintstone's vitamins.
  20. Ms skinniness

    8 Weeks Post Op With Success

    Enjoy these moments, soon those pants will be falling off you! LOL Good job and I'm so proud of you.
  21. Ms skinniness

    Did You Know....?

    I can see you soaring through the skies! Yep, so attentive and enjoying life now......
  22. Ms skinniness


    Hey you guys, you are doing great. Are you guys taking a PPI (nexium, omeprazole, tagamet). If your not you could be having some acid in your stomaches that mimick hunger. Are you getting all your water in. Because if not it could be thrist, so I would try drinking some water when feeling hunger between meals. It is best to call your surgeon's office first and get their approval. IMO I am not a medical doctor.....
  23. Ms skinniness

    Waiting To Be Taken Back To Surgery!

    Have a good sleep and wake up on your new journey! CONGRATS! Can't wait for you to join us on the BIG LOSER'S BENCH! Let us know how you do......
  24. Ms skinniness


    Lookin good!
  25. Ms skinniness

    Today I'll Share.....

    This has been such a fabulous journey for us..... We are learning so much about ourselves and making so many wonderful changes! Cheers to a new journey!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
