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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    Feel Like I Can Eat A Buffet!

    It is really scarey when we discover that we can actually eat more......Your stomach is completely healed now and you will be able to eat more. Now it all depends on the choices that you make to eat. My body slowed way down around month 5. I did continue to lose weight at a slower pace. But now I can eat a child's portion size. I have to make better choices so I tend to chose proteins first, veggies, and then I'm pretty much done.....But I can eat a lot more food if I eat slider foods, so I'm really working on avoiding those foods. I do have then on a rare occasion. You are doing great so keep it up.....
  2. "Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future." John F. Kennedy

  3. Ms skinniness

    Is Feeling Ravenous Normal?

    It sounds like your PPI isn't working too good for you. Can you call you doc and see if they could prescribe a different one for you. That might help you a lot, or they could recommend taking one 2 x's a day if possible. Just a note that I am not a doctor so this has to be your doc's decisions.......
  4. I love your humor Gamer! It made me laugh.... Thank you for making my day.....
  5. The 3 week stall usually lasts about 3 weeks and this is a time that your body is adjusting in inches. Which is even better than lbs.... My weight loss has been up and down the whole time depending on how much water I retain. I'd rather retain water and not be dehydrated but found it very frustrating that my weight fluctuated constantly. Sit back and enjoy the ride......it will come off it just takes time......
  6. Ms skinniness

    Anyone Tried These?

    I do use mio drops in my water. But I do know that citrus does irritate our stomachs....Let us know how it tastes....
  7. Ms skinniness

    Is Feeling Ravenous Normal?

    Are you still or are taking a PPI (omeprazole, nexium, mylanta etc)? This could be acid in your stomach that is mimicking hunger... If not, check with your surgeon and inquire about taking a PPI.....Are getting your water in?
  8. Ms skinniness

    Skinny Women Are Evil

    I love the title! It's awesome, after all we all all going to be skinny. At least I am....... I know that this is just a rant and that's not a bad thing......
  9. Ms skinniness

    Skinny Women Are Evil

    Hey, I'm skinny and I'm not a b***h..... LOL She sure doesn't have much respect for your feelings. My friend told me that my butt use to be a shelf and it hurt pretty bad.....the up side, I don't see her nearly as often and now don't want too. I'd tell my co-worker to shut up. Wow, I really want to punch her out tooooooooo.
  10. Ms skinniness

    Am I Doing This Right?

    Wow, just do the best you can to get the most protein possible. Do not force yourself because you will feel miserable. I really didn't get much in the first couple of weeks. So those of you early out, sit back and enjoy the ride, listen to your body, don't force it.
  11. I love your learning process. This is an on going lesson for me.....Now I just remind myself that I really don't need that food anymore and choose proteins. If I get a biscuit, sausage and egg in the morning from Carl's Junior I throw out 85% of the biscuit and now eat 1/2 of the protein. Sometimes I can eat almost all of it, but my stomach doesn't like it too much. CONGRATS! This is a huge accomplishment......
  12. Ms skinniness

    Surgery Is Monday - Mourning Food

    So happy your off the prednisone, that pill is evil......Keep doing what your doing and it is normal to mourn food....But it's only temporary and later on you can still have a smaller portion, but most likely won't want it....Your body will look fabulous.....
  13. Ms skinniness

    Another Reason Not To Tell People.....

    Being 13 post op is really amazing. I forget that I have had wls and I am really normal. When someone compliment me, I am so ready and willing to take in the compliment without even remembering that I had wls. I am challenging my head hunger and reality checking more often and do not crave fast foods at all. My tool is to remind myself of food poison in those places.......It works for me. Queen of the Crops isn't this inspirational?
  14. Ms skinniness

    Msi Insurance

    Hi everyone Have any of you used MSI to fund your surgery? I have numerous clients that are in need of having a vertical sleeve due to extreme medical conditions.
  15. Has anyone used MSI with approval?

  16. Ms skinniness

    Going Back To The Gym After Car Wreck -Nervous

    Wowwwww, you are really brave, I know that if I was in your shoes, I would totally avoid that stuff a quite a long time. My bones would still be healing. Sending you luck.....But please, take it really slow......
  17. The ultimate lesson we all must learn is unconditional love, which includes not only with our friends, but to love ourselves as well.

  18. It sounds like you at too much as well........ Do not rush, eating meats is hard on your stomach right now.....
  19. Gosh, you have come this far so just do it. Everyone has this anxiety about the surgery. But there's a reason you've come this far and that's because you want a healthier life. This is the beginning of a new journey to a healthier happier life style. This is one of the safer surgeries around. you will only feel awful for the first few days and it does get easier every day........JUST DO IT!
  20. Ms skinniness

    No Energy! !

    You really need the protein from the shakes. I drink a protein shake every AM and I'm 1 year post op. It is pretty hard to get your protein in without the shakes. Yes take your B vitamins as well as vitamin B12...
  21. I am having such a hard time with avoiding sugar right now. I went shopping and in the discount section, there was a whole bunch of chocolate candy. OMG! I wanted some so bad, so instead of the candy bars, I allowed myself to buy the ultimate chocolate brownie. Wow. When I took a bite, my stomach did not like it one bite. But it tasted so delishious! Now I just want more sugar! Don't like that I gave in! So uncontrolled. Here again my thoughts lied to me. When will I learn? Does anyone elso struggle with this? How do you handle it?
  22. Ms skinniness

    Sugar Addiction

    Now I'm confused. Pam Peeke M.D. is this an advertisement? I hate when some one is advertising because it's exploitation. I was under the impression that this is a support group for individuals who have had wls. If you are just advertising, then go to the paid advertisement section that is not deceiving!
  23. Ms skinniness

    Sugar Addiction

    So now I am intrigued....can you share about these foods and the program. I would find it very helpful.....
  24. Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. [Elenor Roosevelt]

  25. Ms skinniness

    If You Dont Mind Me Asking...

    Wow, this is pretty cheap.....My insurance was billed $49,000 just for the hospital stay of 2 nights with no complications.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
